NEWS WANT AD VS GET RESULTS i :j-C9SI0NAL CARDS. DR. D. J5. 8VELL, Osteopathic Physician, 301 Perkins Building. Roseburg, Oregon. ' a . DR .M. ASH TON ft ft Chiropractic Physician Spinologlst. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg. 3 I MRS. H. JAY STOXE Teacher of Piano Classes In Harmony Studio 717 Hamilton St. te Pohne 28S-R. i teSlele!e'!! t I)U. H. E. HERMANN, $ Eye Specialist. 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. 4k 3& GURDON A. FORY, 4 Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. O Phone 118-Y Roseburg - - - -Ore. DR. J. L. CALLAWAY . 4 Osteopathic Physician Chronic diseases a specialty. Graduate of the "American School of Ostopathy, Klrksville, Mo., under founder of science, Dr. A. T. Still. Office Abraham Bldg., Phone 169 Roseburg, Ore. . . ' RFD1FER DINING ROOMS All our old patrons will now find the popular Red ifer dining rooms at 130 S Parrott St., corner Lane, where the very best ser vice awaits both all old and new customers. BOARD AND ROOMS. . Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water 4 in each room. MRS. CALLAND, Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, $6 Per Week. MRS. CHARLES S..HEIXLINE ! , Pianoforte Instructor Studio will re-open Sept. 23rd. This great Institution opens Its floor for the fall semester on September 20th. Course of Instruction Include: General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Hairy Husbandry Haelerlology, Botany and Plant 1'atboloRT. Poultry Hualendrv, Horticulture, Entomology Vetertnarn Science, Civil Engineering, Klectrtcal Engineering. Mechanical Eg gfneerlng. Mining Kngloerlng, High way Engineering. Domestic Science, Domestic Art. Commerce. Forestry. Pharmacy. Zoology, chemistry. Phyics Mathematics, English language and IJtersture, Public speaking. Modern languages, History. Art. Architecture, Industrial Pcdsgngy, PhrMral Educa tion. Military Science and Tactics, and Music. CataJ:leue and Illustrated literature malLJJree cn application. Address: blr 20ih, 1912 SQUIRREL POISON. Every kernel of Bolduan's Poison Grain contains a deadly dose of powerful, quick-acting poison, "set" In the grain by a patented process. Rain, snow, dew or . damp ground does not wash out this poison. It is the only poison which is as good six months after as the first day It is put out In the fields. The best poison you've ever 4 used, or your money back MARSTERS DRUG CO DO NOT OVERIXXW YOUR HAND. We are Southern Oregon agents for school desks, black boards and supplies necessary) for the school. Don't wait, get your order In' early and avoid the rush. Write us for prices or better have our man call on you. We do not allow anyone to undersell us. RICE & RICE. tf NOTICE OF DISOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the partnership ' heretifore existing between J. E. Pelton and G. M. Hanan has by mu tual consent this day been dissolved. All bills owing by, and all accounts payable to said firm, will b settled by, and are payable to, G. M. Hanan. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon this 23 day of August, 1912. (Signed), ; J. E. PELTON, s:t G. M. HANAN. Business is good whyf Because when we clean and press your clothes they are done right; not mopped over. Ladles', gents' and children's work, kid gloves and shoes. Sloper & Son. We call and deliver. Phone us 47. ALEX B. MOTT REALESTATE DEALER Oakland, Oregon Das n fine list of town pro ertj.and farms' stock ranches Timber Lands'n 're and Small Quantities The Collins Hotel I Main Street, One Door Souih J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store '1 Good Table Board With Home Cooking Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds 4 By the Day or Week Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins "Hoot--Mon Turning oarg. tnt aaynght is rough on old (owl) ogles, but enterprising, get-abead, people want licht. As alders In light supplying light that really lights softiy continuously lights we claim to be pre-eminent In that we furnish everything you may require for the electric lighting of your home, store or shop. Ask as. G. L. Prior Jickaon 8treet, between Wash ington and Dong-las. I WANTED. WANTED Good wood cutter. Tele phone 14F25 or Inquire at Nowb of flee. 317-tf WANTED Woman to cook and do general house work. - Phone 1F2. A. T. Lawrence, Sunshine Ranch. 297-tf WANTED Position by first class dry goods and ladles clothing salesman. Inqure News office. . 350s7 WANTED By the Perkins hotel, Drain, Oregon, a reliable young man for hotel clerK and general work. Address Perkins Hotel, Drain, Ore. tf PRUNE PICKERS WANTED--Can use eight or ten pickers good camping grounds. Apply to C. E. Hatfield, Deer Creek, or phone 33F13. s20 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Wid ower desires widow to keep house for him. No objection to one child. Address N. Walker, Rose , burg, Oregon. sl5 WANTED Furnished modern house of about five rooms, close in. Leave description of property at News office. 466tf WANTED Ranch hand by month, for particulars phone 14F13. 467tf WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Inquire Mrs. J. G. Bacher, 202 Washington St., cor Rose. tf WANTED To rent piano; muBt be reasonable. Address P. O. Box 183. - s5 363 WANTED Occupant for nice fur nished front room. Bath, hot and cold water. Price .very reasonable. . Apply 211 Washington St. 405tf WANTED To do slashing with wood cutting. Must have cabin to batch in. Address A Care of The News. 3Gls7 WANTED SMALL FARM I have equities in two beautiful Portland homes to exchange for small Im proved farm of 20 acres or less. I nm tired of city life nnd want a country home. My plnces are in the best residence district In Portland tintl if you contemplate moving to the city this is your opportunity. Will assume your mortgage If ncc ccssnry. R. R. Adams, .'(00 Couch Illtlg., Portland, Ore. FOR RKXT. FOR RENT Newly furnished room, gentleman roomer preferred. Close In. 312 E. Cass. - 324tf FOR RENT Small house, also un furnished rooms. Inquire at 404 W. Douglas street. 315-tf FOR RENT Modern furnished house, G roomsi one block from Elks temple on Main street. Best of location. Completely furnished. For particulars call Cobb Real Estate Co., office, 233 Jackson street. FARM FOR RENT 100 acres good dairy proposition on shares close to town; tools, machinery and stock go with place, but renter re quired to purchase half interest In same, and will need about $700 cash. Inquire at News office for particular. 356tf FOR RENT Four room houBe near Soldiers Home in West Roseburg, Rent $7 per month. Telephone 206-Y, or address Andrew J. Hay don, Roseburg Oregon. 380-sl FOR SALE. FOR SALE All kinds of dry wood. Prices reasonable. Phone 14F14. Clyde Wallace. 258-tf FOR SALE OR RENT Several mod ern houses. Apply to S. W. Star mer, or call phone' 177-L. FOR SALE Butcher shop doing good business. A bargain If sold at once. Address P. O. Box, 161, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. 352s24 FOR SALE Dahlias. Best produced by art or nature, at Soldiers home. Come and see them. A Cole. 829-nlO LAYING siENS FOR tjALE Young stock; also a few pure bred roost, era. Address Clyde Wallace, city, route 1, or phone 14F14. 294-tf WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 tor each set of old False Teeth tent ns. High est prices paid for old Gold, Sliver. o!d Watches, Hr-ken Jewelry and Precious Stones. Haaay laat Br letvra Hall. PHIL. SMELTING & REFIWHC COMPANY Katabllahed 211 Venn 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. TO UESTIHTS We will buy yonr Oold Filings. Gold Scrap and plaunnm. Highest prices paid. FOR SALE Nice, gentle black mare, weight over 1000, 11 years old. Fine for lady or family drlvor. Price $ 100. Inquire News office. 349tf SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SALE Will supply sand and gravel In any quantity. Address B. Bradford, city, or call at residence In West Roseburg. tf FORj SALE One-horse Studebaker buggy. Call on or address L. D. Carle, 128 Flint St. Roseburg, Or. 159-tf FOR SALE Two dozen Barred Ply mouth Rock pullets, also 2 doz. Rhode Island Red pullets. Choice stock. Price right. Phone 32F3. 357tf FOR SALE One set double surry harness, nearly new; one set double farm harness; one single hack harness; one buggy harness; one good buggy. Inquire of H. M. Bullwlnkle, 444 Pltzer Street, Phone 105-J. 311-tf FOR TRADE Nice five acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements, Will trade for home In Roseburg, Here Is a good chance to make Borne money. In quire News office. 217-tf FOR SALE Second hand cornet. (trumpet model), in first-class condition; was played for months In one of Portland's leading theatres and Is a No. 1 Instrument for either band or orchestra. Can be had cheap. Inquire at The News office. tf FOR SALE In Roseburg, v 4-roora house on Flint street, No. 242, all furnished Is bringing in $144; lights, water, patent toilet, sewer connection, paved street, etc. Price $l,i60; part down balance $10 per month. Address R. P. Simpson, Leland, Or. 804-tfsw OWNED BY NON-RESIDENT 166 acres grain,, alfalfa, fruit land on the Columbia; 4-room house, large barn, good chicken house; land fenced; spring water; ahoundance to Irrigate 80 acres; this is level black soil; 45 acres now In wheat corn, potatoes; small peach and ap ple orchard. Price for qulcksale $50 an acre; terms, or would ac cept some Oregon land at right price 4 8 Bnrge Co., 502 Realty Bldg., Spokane, Wash. swa28 FOR SALE 27 acres, seven miles south of Rosoburg on mall route and telephone, good gravel road, ten minutes' walla from dime's station on S. P., good bottom land, now In corn and potatoes, good house, with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling hens, 250 young chickens; also good Jers-";-- cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small natch of blackber ries and strawberries. Price $3,0".1 for all, one-halt down, Addrew R. F. D. No. 1, box 99. 302-tf HERE IT 13 About the iinest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modern bouse of sl rooms, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. If It Is a country home Just out ot town that you want, do not miss seeing this. Will sell all or . part of property. Private; tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place. Inquire at News office for particulars, or call at premises, C. D. Maynard, Just west of Sol diers Home. 28-tf MISCELLANEOUS. AUTO LIVERY G. L. Prlo will give all orders prompt attention. Phone 286 and arrange for ser vice of machine. tf FOR SALE Horse, 3Yi wagon, double harness, plow and 40 chick ens, 26 pulets. No reasonable of fer refused. Inquire ot The News. 8 4 2-tf FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylln-der automobile. In excellent con dition. Will tell cheap. Apply at this office for Information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Five alredale pups, pure bred from registered stock. Also registered female afredale. Ad dress 8. Hooper, Looking Glass, Ore. 86 FOR SALE Four-foot Br eorawood. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson, Leona, Ore. Order now for fall delivery. Carload lota $3.25 a cord. 146-dtf THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city hi block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only $1,360. Terms. Inquire News office. . 278-tf FOR SALE Terms Two nice lots ana small new 'house, sewer con nections In, everything In best of condition. Good garden soil, and is far better than paying rent. $860 takes this place, and terms will be given. Inquire News for owner'B .address. 28tf FINE BUNGALOW Will Bell or trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow Is new, modern, 3 large lots go with It, delightful view of river and town, and rents for $17.50 per month. This is something ex tra fine. Address, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place lust outside city 'limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced and in first class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News of fice. 21-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near sto,re and postoffice, River Bide Addition, owned by non-reBl-dent, who will sacrifice It at $276. This place Is a bargain, being best of garden soli. Address N. R., box 66, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR SALS Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best of rosdB, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for city property. Making fine suburban home. Inquire News office for particulars. 41-tf $40 AN ACRE Farm ot 136 acres, practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg. Cheap as dirt at the price. Inquire . L, News office. 141-tf FARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acres, close in, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to house, 12 acres young orchard, automobile raods all year, and in every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownoi will sell tor $6,200, terms. Ad dress News office for particulars, box 65, TEN ACRE BARGAIN A fine little place on best road in the county fair house, born, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly in heavy bearing. Less that 8 miles from sentor of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire nl News office, or address Owner, care News, 199-tf GOATS WANTED I wish to pur chase 1,000 well bred Angorla goats; must be healthy and In first class condition; wnnt nothing old. See me at Grand Hotel, Roseburg, Oregon, or write and tell me what you have In goats for sulo. J. M. Englo. FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved 10-acre tract 1 mile front good town, new 7-room bungalow, good barn and poultry houses, 6 acres In orchard and berries, splen did location, first class every way. One of the finest places In South ern Oregoa. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all In and will trade for Roseburg property or farm near city. Address Owner, News office, box 111. WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keep the money yourself. Will soil a beau tiful location for home at great bargain. Only small amount down. ' balance long time, hardly, any In terest Tract contains 30 bearing trees of choice fruit, city water, and Is only 10 minutes' walk from postoffice. If this appeals to you Inquire News office for particu lars. 813tl FOR SALE The Franciscan Fathers tender for purchase the property abutting Washington; Kane and Chadwlck streets, and comprising bait the block at present forming the Catholic church property. Terms on application to box 583 Roseburg. tf SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. I Grace E. Bishop, Plaintiff, Tt. Nathaniel C. Bishop, Defendant. To Nathaniel C. Bishop, the above named defendant; IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREOON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you by Plain tiff In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 1st day of October, 1912, (being the date fix- ed by the Court in the order for you to appear and answer said Cora plaint) and if you fall to so appear and answer said Complaint wittily said time, Plaintiff will apply to Hto Court tor the relief therein demand ed, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving forever the bonds of matrimony now existing between the Plaintiff and Defendant, for the care, custody and control of Ruby Bishop nnd Charles Bishop, minor children o". said Plaintiff and Defendant, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem meet and proper. This Summons is published In the Umpqua; Valley News by order of the Hon. J. W. Ilnmilton, JurVo of the nbovo entitled Court made- la Chambers on the 19th day of August 1912. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is August 19, 1912, and the date ot the last publication is! September 30, 1912, making a period of six full weeks. B1NQER HERMANN. s30-d . Attorney for Plaintiff. ALL COMPETITION KNOCKED OUT IX FIRST ROUND. The greatest line or Aluminum Waro evor Bhown In Rosoburg. The Ware that Wears. Not the cheap flimsy kind, but the good heavy re liable sort. Call and examine qual ity 'the prices are right. RICE & RICE. tf HAY'S HAIR HEALTH ' THE FAVORITE. Refined Women Give Tills Invigorat ing Hair Tonic the Preference. When a woman buys a Hair Re storer, she is particular to get some thing Just right. She wants a prepar ation that Is reliable and satisfactory and she doesn't want a hair dye. HAY'S HAIH HEALTH cleans and Invigorates She scalp and en courages new hairs to grow. Brings back the NATURAL COL OR to youi hair, makes It Boft and lustrous. Leaves no stum on skin; Is not a dye, and nobody can toll you are using It. Mrs. Fred Gompart, of 223 W. 148th St., Now York City, writes us: "About six months ago I had a bald spot on the very top of my head as hlg as tho pnlm of my hand. In about seven weeks' time, using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH continuously, new hairs started to grow. They are gottlng Just as long nnd aro the same color as the rest of my hair. I shall novcr glvo up using It." Terrace Park Addition to Roseburg BEAUTIFUL HOME SITUS. Block 8, Containing threo Acres $1100. Block 7, Ono Acre nnd one quartor $."500. Lois 1, 2, 3, Block 5 and 1, 2, 3, block 6. Lots 55 by 150 Fcot, Each IOO. Lot 1, In block 10, contnlnlng one acre and one quarter $175 Title Perfect. Warranteo Deed, Cash. And other bargains in Furm and City Proporty. GEORGE RITER HEAL KSTATU AM) INSURANCE. .Ill, Perkins Building. KOHEUUKU, OREGON. Hermann Marsters, trie plumber, la prepared to Install gas fittings a well as pipe bouses. Ho guarantee satisfaction. tt 5 5 There Are Ten People in This City Capable I of Filling That Job! A ! Perhaps not that many really efficient workers will read your ad on Its first pub lication. But those who are, at the rootnen), "eligible" for new employment, will read it and will be pretty sure to answer It. And to find a really efficient worker It to find "good fortune". fled Your Help Through THE EVENING NEWS 3 3