Mrs. E. H. Crane and three child ren, of Melrose, left here this morn ing for Medford where they will spend a few daya visiting with the former's sister. I Miss HatUe Belflis left for ber home at Estacada this morning af ter several months spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright. FOR RENT Four room house Jiear Soldiers Home in West Roseburg. Rent 7per month. Telephone 266-Y. or address Andrew J. Hay don, Roseburg Oregon. 360-sl Melrose Fair and Farmers' Institute September. 11-12 LADIES LOCAL ' NKU'8. Dr. J. R. Chapman and wife leave tomorrow for Salem where they will attend the State Fair. Hev. W. H. Eaton and wife re turned here yesterday after a few I:iys spent at Soda Springs, In Linn county. W. II. Vinson, of Coins, Valley, apent the day In Roseburg attend Inn tfie monthly meeting of Pomona Grange. Wendell Wright, local Southern Pndfle agent, left here this after noon for Sfilem where he will at U ml the Scale Fair. . Charles Harnnrd. proprietor or the j ItotjoburK-.Marshflcld stage line, re Liberal premiums given for Live Stock, Agri cultural Produce, Domestic Science, Poultrv and Horticulture . Come and Make this Fair a Success ill I 'I ill 1 1 III! I "f'f L"'1- iJ.w.WimM Jin'.mi.fiwwMUM....' um. TREES Can't Beat Douglas Count; Grown Trees Italian Prune Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old t $140.00 per 1000 Apple Trees 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $12 per 100 $1UO.OO per 1000 Pear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr.;$25 per 100 $225.00 per 1000 Cherry same price as Pear; Peach same as Apple WHITE US ANY TIMIi, ON ANYTHING IN OL'It LINE. o f ' ' turned here lat evening after a few days spent at Portland looking after business interests. Dr. J. G. Bacher and wife have returned from points on the Mc- Kenzie River, in Lane county, where ihey spent the past three months en Joying their annual outing. t Cf i4litiri AnnAn f.lti5rnir Yoncalla JUUUIClll UltgUM llUI3t.J, Oregon Oregon STATE FAIR SEPT. 2 TO 7, '12 Fair Grounds Salem, Ore. THE lUGOr-NSbMASTAI ROUTES Makes Special Low Round Trip Fare FROM iRoseburg Direct to Fair Grounds $5.95 Livestock, agricultural, hor ticultural, poultry and textile exhibits. Spei'iul exhibit school children. $;!S,000 in puraoR for bin rwe events, llig spociiil features daily. Tickets on Sale August 29th to September 7, Inclusive, with Final Return limit Septem ber llth, 1912. For furthnr information rela tive to fares, train achedulos, etc., cull on nearest Southern Pacific Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 'UMAX 'IV.XKI Attorney Lee Cunnon, of Deer Crook, was a visitor in Roseburg to day, M. V. Case, of Cleveland, spent tho day In Kosoburg attending to business mutters. W. V. Ptirdy hits returned after a few duys spent at pointa in the Northern part of the ntnte. Grant Taylor roturned to his homo at Winchester this morning after a day spent fa Hoseburg. A. M. Gallagher, tho Deer Creek farmer, wa among the business vis itors In ttosoburg today. Mr. nnd Mm. J. It. Chapmnn leave for Snlem tomorrow where they will attend tho State Fair. William Jackson, the Looking Glass runner, was a visitor In Hosu burg for a few hours today. C. A. Mclteynolds, wife and child went over to Drain this afternoon to spend Sunday visiting with friends. H. I'Vntnn has returned here after a few days spent In the Southern part of the county looking after buni ness interests. T. L. Lee, the Looking Gluss farm er. spent the day In Hoseburg attend ing the regular monthly meeting of Pomona grange. Miss l-'lossle Shainbrook left here InHt evening for Salem and I'ort Innd where she will spend a few days visiting with Mends. I ftirs. ii. i.cHnoami uauguter, r reda, went to Myrtle Creek this morning to spend Blind ay visiting at the home of the former's brother. Glenn Goodman, of the Churchill Hardware Company, returned here1 last evening after neveral days spent at California points. Mr. Manning and wife arrived here Umt evening from Portland to make their future home. Mr. Manning is a tinsmith and will be employed by Hermann Marstora, the plumber. William Jackson, the Looking Ghifis farmer, was among those who attended the monthly meeting of Pomona Grange here today. W. W. Scales, night ticket agent at the Southern Pacific depot,, who has been nursing a bruised finger will refill m his clutipa tnniirhr Ii Edwin Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, Is spending a few days In Roseburg and vicinity looking after business mat ters and visiting with friends. Winnie Gaddls, the plumber, left for Portland this afternoon where he will employ several plumbers. He hopes .to return here Monday. The remains of.the late John Soper, who was found dead near his home at Wilbur late Thursday evening, wore shipped to Clinton, Wisconsin, for burial, last night. F. E. Alley, who returned here last evening after a week spent at Port laud loft for Eugene this aftornoou where he will attend the funeral of his wife's mother who died at that city yesterday. Master Wish Warden R. E. Clan ton, of Portland, returned home today after appearing as a' witness in the! case of Edward Laslna vs. Oswald j Ititcher which wns tried in tho local i court yesterday. Miss Hnzel Stone left here this niornins for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he will attend school during the coming two years. She will make her home with Mr, Stone's sister, who lives In Milwaukee. Miss Myrle Hall, of Portland, who has been spending the past few days) at Myrtle Creek visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hull, arrived here this afternoon tot visit at the home of Or. nnd Mrs. j A. C. Seely. i Walter E. Pierce, the railroad' builder, who has been spending the! past week In Roseburg looking over; tho prospects for a railroad to the: coast, left for his home at liolne, Ida ho, this afternoon. Enroute home; ho will spend a few days at Portland and other Oregon cities. WANTED Young girl to work for. her board and go to school. Call on Mrs. I. L. Lee. 113 N. Flint St. 3 (12 a Hi Have A r undo) tune It. Phone 7fi. WANTED To do slashing with wood cutting. Must have cabin to bntch in. Address A Care of Tim News. 361b" We wish to call your attention to our elegant display of Fall Millin ery which will be placed on exhi bition for your approval Friday and Saturday, August 30th and 31st. MS. X. II DAVIES 218 CASS STREET JUST WEST OF GRAND HOTEL What ja Child OUGHT to Know arid WANTS to know Aswers Every Question a Child Con Ask V.'hy ia the sea never still? Where doea the wind begin? Why can't wo seo in the dark? What are eyebrows for? Why are tho rain drops round? Why is the snow so white? What is the Milky Way? What Is the use of our hair? Why do we grow old? Why is yawning Infectious? Do we think In words? Why does water freeze? And thousands of others Opens Every Door A Child Should Enter The United States and All other Countries Natural History Plant Life ; Stories and Legions Men and Women Our own Life Book of Wonder Famous Books The earth Poetry and Rhymes Golden Deeds School Lessons Familiar Things Things to Make and Do. Fifteen Great Departments The ook'of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Superbly Illustrated with 9,000 Pictures 350 Magnificent Colored Plates FIFTEEN GEEAT DEPARTMENTS OF KNOWLEDGE ' The Fifteen Great Departments supply the needs and exercise all the faculties of the growing mind. Natural Science, which lights up nature; delightful history, mechanics and arts; beautiful places to be seen or dreamed abuut, adventure, which arrives and brings hack a treasure; real people more interesting than giants and cleverer than faries; things to make and do which delightfully occupy busy hands all satisfy and stimulate eager young minds. The reason for including every department will be easily apparent after examining the work. President John II. Finley, of the College of the City of Kcw York, introduction says: "Suppose a hoy often were to spend fifteen minutes a day reading these pages, . . .he would at 13 know more about the earth and tha life on it then the wisest men knew a few generations ago." A VELL-ItOUNDED EDUCATION A well-rounded education cannot be obtnined in the school room alone. The boy or girl whose prog ress Is the most rapid will almost always be the one whoso reading has been carefully selected at home. Tho editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE have rendored this great service to childhood. No wise parent will neglect the opportunity offered by thlB work to study the disposition and capabilities of his child. Dl ninny rases a child's life work may be determined ly the possession of these books. THH THKEEFOLIt INFORMATION The important facts in all the leading articles are indelibly impressed upon the mind in three differ ent ways. First the siinitunry at the bead of each article;, then the wonderfully Interesting article it self, then the pictures Illustrating It, with the seev cral lines of terse and vivid description. THE MTKItAltV DIGEST SAYS OF THE ROOK OF KNOWLEDGE: "It Is an exhaustive work and 'a notable example of editorial skill In the choice of topics nnd their treatment. Adults as well as children will be fasci nated alike by the luminous text and the Illustra tions. As has already been pointed out In these columns, one of the uses of such a work would be to assist parents, their sons and daughters In find ing out whether a child's natural bent be toward science, mechanics, trade or literature." LET THE CHILDREN DECIDE They will he delighted with the beautiful illus trated booklet mailed free giving the contents of esth of the Departments of Knowledge. The valua ble pamphlet, "The Mind of a Crild," also presented. The Giroler Society, V THE WISDOM OF THE WORLD IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE The lost art of simplicity the art of presenting profound truths in the simple language which a child can understand has been discovered by the editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. Tho simple clear and convincing style which appeals esually to the adult mind Is the secret of the great drawing power of this remarkable work. It quickens and stimulates though't and in a marked degree wakens interest In the world of ideas. Not only facts but iclcnls are absorbed, and learning male a real delight These Two Booklets Mailed FREE SEND THIS COUPON THE GltOLIER SOCIETY, 139 Tenth St., Portland. Ore. Please mail me descriptive booklet of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, and pamphlet "The Mind of a Child." NAME- ADDRESS.. -- . : nil "Oregon Made" Heaters at Strongs Better Made Than the Eastern Less Freight Cost For You to Pay LOW IN PRICE AND UNUSUAL QUALITY