KOTICB FOH IHI8 FOR SKWKIl CONSTKl'CTIO.V. Sealed proposals will be received bj the underalgned at bla office In the city hall In the City of Uoe- barff. Oregon, up to 5 o'clock P. M. on Monday, August 26th, 1912, for the construction of a aewer In what la known aa the Blakeley Street Sew er District In the City of Roseburg. In the manner provided by Ordin ance No. 495 of the City of Roso burg. All bldH must be submitted on blank forms, which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and must be acrompanlcd by a certi fied check payable to the City Treas rer for five per cent of the amount bid, to bo forfeited to the City of RoeeburK In case the successful bid der shall fall to enter Into a contract end bond with said City. The con tractor will be required to furnish n bond for thirty per cent of the amount of the contract, to Insuro the faithful performance and com pletion of the work. The Council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. - By order of the Council. Dated August 20th, 1912. CARL R. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City of Koseburg, Oregon. r- -fV Z3 Uncle George What! Elate all your leasona? Come, now, you don't mean to say you bate history? Niece Yes, 1 do. To tell yon the truth, uncle. I don't care a bit what anybody ever did. Punch. Prograsa, Callor And how does your dnughter Hot along with her lessons in French? Fond Mother Oh, very well. Indeed. Bhe ahruga bur ahuuldera beautifully. Satire. WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Roseburg Phone 201 Up-to-the-Times with First Class Materials BDAUTH' UL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Mavnard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural PurK, River Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. Every lot fenced. ' For choice of lots, terms and all information Phono 212-L or apply on premises, ILirvarJ Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Buy now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increaseyourself. Intendingpur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will taKe you over to oroperty. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. REGISTRATION OP LAND TITLE. No. 916. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas. Iu the matter of the application of Henry Andrle to register the title to the land In said application described, Lot numbered Eleven (11) In Fruit vale according to the official plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon; and containing ten (10) acres more or less In Douglas County, Oregon. Against Clara Howard, and All Whom It May Concern. Defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice, that on the 10th' day of August, A. D. 1912, an applica tion waa filed by said Henry Andrle In the Circuit Court of Douglas Coun ty for Initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 20th day of September, A. D. 1912, and show cause why such applica tion shall not be granted the same will be taken aa confessed and a de cree will be entered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disput ing the same. Witness my hand and affixed the seal of said Circuit Court tbla 10th day of AuguBt, 1912. E. H. LENOX, Clerk GEORGE NEUNER, Jr., Applicant's Attorney, s9 Klder Tabor will hold a special service at the Seventh Day Adven tlst church In West Roseburg this evening at 7:45. The public is cor dially invited to attend. M. S. Maxwell, who has spent the past three months at Heppner re turned here this morning. Mr. Max well says the crops were not as largo as usual In Eastern Oregon as a re sult of several severe storms experi enced in that section of the State late In the summer. Nevertheless, he nays the farmers are well satisfied and money Is quite plentiful. Thli grfHt lnMltutlon ojxtis Iti dnon (or the Jail rviiu'nIit on 8iMieinl,er 2ti. Codix ! InRtriirilon inclinlr : (it-m-ral A Krt cm It iirt, Axrutiomv, Animal Hun itKii'iry, Dnlry II iiHtifUHiry llttcUTloloxy, Ho tit i) y iini Plant I'HtholoKy, CmKry l)iftbaii1ry, lliirtlcultiire, KiitomnWiftjr Wli-rliinm Hricm-e, Civil Knif lnt'eri dr. KUt-lrU-al KiiKliirurliiK. Mp Imiiiuil He KlnuerliiK. MiiiIhk KinrlmTinir, Htfcb way KiiiOnri-riUK- imtllc Kotenre, li'imerttk' Art, Comim-ret', Fretry, Pharmacy, ZiKljrv ("hcinlslry, Ih)l'B Mntlif nmtli , KnitlM. I.miKiini;e and '1,1 tern! lire, t'lihlji1 SiKHk llK Mrxlirt. Ijt UK HlMnry. Arl, A rchltpcture, Intliiclriril InlK'Vy. I'hyMrnl Kitiira ttf.n, Military ftMouce and Tactics, ami Miwic, CauliHruf and Jlliuttrat."!. literature in nihil free on application. AildnH: UcKlMriir, Ori'if.ui Agricultural ('uIU'ku, i'otvallla, n 'on.aUjLa... - School Year Opens Septem ber 20th, 1912 Sutherlin Phone 28 tV attention and mechanics M Work Guaranteed J LOCAL NEWS. ! Mrs. Maddux spent the morning at Greens where she owns considerable! property, ( , I . Rem Fate, of Myrtle' Creek, spent the day In Roseburg looking after! business matters. Floyd Frear has returned from Eu gene where he spent the past three or four days visiting with friends. Iazel And Margaret McNamara, j who has been visiting at the home; of their sister, Mrs. N. A. Collaniore! leave for Portland tomorrow. 1 . I - i j Zophcr Agee, who has been spend-j Ing the past couple of days in Rose-j burg went to Wilbur thifl morning ; where -he will upend a week visiting with relatives. Mrs. William Caratens and child ren returned here today after four weeks spent at Salem and other northern cities. Mrs. E. H. Pickens and Mrs. V. It. Buckingham are spending a few days on Deer Creek visiting with Mrs. William Pickens. Miss Hazel Brown went to Isadora this morning where she will spend a week or ten days visiting with friends and relatives. Helen Sludlcy left for her home at Eugene this morning after a few- days spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of Attorney and Mrs. Dexter nice. Mrs. Will Brown, of Napa, Cal who has been spending the past two weeks In Roseburg visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. M. Kelly, left for CorrvjUls this morning where (she will visit with relatives. According to Information made public here today, Attorney Dexter Rice has been retained aa chief coun sel for the directors and agents of the Roseburg brewery, who are accused of violating the local option laws. Attorney Rice will be assisted by Clt Attorney Hermann. Mrs. Frazer left for her noino at Seattle, Wash., this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg visiting with her friend, Mrs. Mary Welch. The ladies had not seen each other for over 40 years, and suffice to say that their visit was much enjoyed. ARjorWay t o make a. Switch From your own hair thai is falling out. Don't keep on doing this and let your hair get thinner and thinner Don't neglect it wait until it's too late. Con stant care it the price of fascinating, hcautiful hair. Get a bottle of of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH and begin uiing it at once. It will stop the falling out and it art a new growth then you can have lustrous hair Chat's full of life and radiance that you'll be proud of and that will be ad mired by others. Remember the name HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. $1.00 and 50c at Dnii Stor.a or dirtcl upon receipt ot price and (leakr'a n.mc. Send 10c. lor rial b-mJ. I'hilo Hay !pec. Jo..,Ncwark, N. J. M.irstera lrug Co., ana rinmllton Drug Co. sell It for SOc and $1.00, r from Pnllo Hay Spec. Co., New iric. N. J. 5 i J There Are Ten Ten ants Looking for a House Like Yours! & Any one of the ten would ronsider your rental price reasonable, and your house, or apartment, IDEAL- ex actly what he has been look ing fort Your "reasonably persis tent" use of the "to rent" columns of this paper will result in helping SOME of thene ten possible tenants to find jour honse or apart ment. The details will be easy to arrange! Itotit Yottr Moiiw Tlmmir.i THE EVENING NEWS Saved From Cannibals By ALBERT T. KENYON In 11)04 I waa sent by a corporation to the Kongo Free State. Since fir?:t Livingstone and then Stan ley went all over Africa, each proceed ing alone, it UU not occur to me that I would be in danger traveling with a party. I discovered that ihe danger dfpeuded uiwn the kind of people 1 should full in with. One day, us we were moving farther into the Interior than white inw twuaBy care to po. while passing through a negro village we were told that if we went fur enough in the direction, we were goltit: we would enter a district occupied by cannibals. But my survey would be Incomplete without penetrating the district we were approaching, and I de termined to push on. Suddenly on emerging from a forest we came upon a large African village. As soon as the natives saw us they set up a howl of delight and began to close around us. By their looks and ges tures I knew that their joy meant that us. Their demonstrations Demg uos tile, we formed a circle, so that some of us would face any quarter, and were i inclosed in a much Inrger circle. e cocked onr guns, waiting an onset, believing that at the first fire we would sratter these ignorant people, who bad no knowledge of weapons except thore of a primitive kind. But they seemed to understand our suieriority, for they were slow to ad vance. Raising my gun. I took aim, at a man standing before me a hundred feet away, but did not fire till I bad attracted the attention of many blacks. The natives heard a crack and saw the man 1 was pointing nt drop. This struck terror Into them for awhile, but finally they began to shoot arrows among us, and thus a running fight was kept up between us till our am munition was exhausted. Seeing that it waa all up with us and that I should be obliged to rely on my wits to save myself and my party I directed one of my negroes to say to our enemies that I wished to be taken before their chief.. Wo were marched to the hut of the ruler of these people and found him n worthy representative of them. In deed, he and they were about as low n grade as I met with In Africa. I had lived a peculiar life during my younger days, picking up a living as best 1 could. For a time I had traveled with a circus as a conjuror. I had no im plements with me by which to do tricks, but I resolved to do the best 1 could to impress this superstitious old king with my mnrvelous gifts. I told hini nt once I was a god and threat ened that If he did not give me a safe conduct out of his territory 1 would kill every one of them by magic, tie pretended to dlslelieve me, though I saw that he was frightened. I was obliged to rely on sleight of hand to Impress him with my divine power. 1 ask el him for one of the ornaments he wore on his person, the size of a Bllver dollar, and, placing It on the ground before him. covered It with n huudker chief. Then, lifting the handkerchief. I showed htm that it had disappeared. lie looked very much puzzled and somewhat frightened. I asked one of his attendants if ho felt anything' in his ear. He said he did not. I told ihe chief that the man was lying; 1 had sent the lost nrticle Into his head and would pull It out through bis ear. Approaching him, I put my hand up to his ear and took out the ornament. Of course I either held the thing in the palm of my hand or in my sleeve. While I was moving about I managed to pick up some leaves unnoticed, and my next evidence of my being a god was picking these leaves out of the air. I would run here and there, graspiug for what the savages could not see and every now and tbrn would appear to t'atch one out of nothingness and hold it up before the chief. I acted on the. cupidity of the old ra al as well as his superstition. We had brought some beads and other nrtb les with us with which to buy favors from the natives, and I displayed the bends before the chief. Then I contrived, through a confederate, to drop them under the old man's sent. After this 1 listened with my hand up to my ear as if a spirit were talking to me and told the chief that his mother, who had died many years ago, had ask oil me to ?tve the beads to him. He would find them under bis seat. This made a more favorable Impres dnn than any of my other divine per formances, and I continued to listen o the requests of his dead ancestors ill nil our money and other article hat we could give away had been be itowed on the chief and his wives and hildren. Finally, when I found that ve were cleaned out. I wild: 'T hav done only good magic to you o show you that I am a god, but If .cm allow one of your people to Injure no or mine I will call down fire from ifHiven to destroy you and all your KHiple The hungry blacks who could not get lear enough to witness my proofs of supernatural power were meanwhile lowling for us to eat. The chief, how vor. feared to gratify them. He or kred that we be conducted back from vhenoe we had come. So I gave him ny blessing, bid him good by and, sur--ounded by a guard be sent to protect we marched away. As soon as we rot beyond his people and had dismiss d our guards we drew long breaths of -Hlt-f. AI! admitted that I had saved he party from having furnished food 'or the savages. If You Have Property to Sell, Kent or Exchange You Want to See J. W- CAMPBELL The Live Wire Real Estate Agent 1 List What You Have With Him and Get Results The New Garage! Automobiles stored and cared for so that they are- read' to go out whenever owners want them. Complete Repair and Machine Shop In Connection AH Kinds of Automobile Supplies Let us demonstrate to you our care and attention to autos. JUST NORTH OF GRAND HOTEL - PHONE 408 BUY A FARM8oo,ooo Acres to Select From. In Central Oregon LOW PRICES EASY TERMS Your last chance to bny Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices Come In And Let us tell you about these farms If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm We will figure with you McCLINTOCK AND QEDDES Office In Mnrstor Anmx. Xext To (5 rand I Intel D. H. MARSTERS' Plumbing', Sheet and North JacKson Street, WorKs. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE PhonB 2- All work flr.t.cl.. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title ' Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bone's ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property rvrklns IluUdlng ARE YOU LOOKING fOR LAND? Dont fail to come out and see the MELROSE ORCHARD TRACTS The cream of the I mpqua Valley. Tracts 10 acres and up. Price uU.OO an acre and up. Deep, rich soil. Come out, write or call up on phone, C M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore. THE ECONOMY MARKET CeorgeJolilhagen, Prep. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stuck bought and so'd. moneys . - Read TheTST pay. .njmj..mmu mrm PLUMBING SHOP. Wetal WorK, Tinning Heating adjoining' Peoples Marble Telephone 251. HOSFBlTRa. OREGON . Rcsebu.g, Oregon Li