Mr. at?d Mrs. J. M. Rob left yes terday for Newport where they expect to spend a week enjoying their an nual outing. Shirley Walter of Southern Pa cific employe, left yesterday for Canby to spend a tew- days y lelt lng with friends. cash, at the main entrance to the quarter and the northeast quarter of court bouse of said Douglas county, j the northwest quartor of section 14. In Roseburg. Oregon, the following township 30 south, range 2 west of described real property, to-wit: j the Willamette Meridian, la Douglas East half of northeast 'quarter and County, Oregon to satisfy the do northwest quarter of the northeast - nands of the plaintiff herein togeth er with the 'costs of and on said writ of execution. . July 29th, 1912. ' . GEORGE K. QUJNE, Sheriff nf Douglas County, Oregon a26 Congress Adjourned Sine Die at 4:30 this Afternoon SESSION ENDED Oregon STATE FAIR SEPT. 2 TO 7, '12 Fair Grounds Salem, Ore. THE 3 Makes Special Low Round Trip Fare FROM Roseburg Direct to Fair Grounds $5.95 Livestock, agricultural, hor ticultural, poultry and textile exhibitM. Special exhibit school children. $28,000 in purBos for big race events. Big spocial features daily. Tickets on Sale August 29th to September 7, inclusive, with Final Return limit Septem ber llth, 1912. For further information rela tive to fares, train schodules, etc., call on nenrost Southern Pacific Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon INVESTIGATE CAMPAIGN FUND Scum) Adopt Kuril ItcMolutlon lie frc A'ljiturnment Toduy Wide And Thorough rmfjiiig of Kx- penses Culled For. WASh'INOTON Aug. 2t. Rofuro adoptiijR the. adjournment rftnlu tlon, the smalo adopted I he confer ence report m the general di-Hclency bill, following the withdrawal or ob jections by Senators Smlt'n, of Mary- hind and Culberfeon of Texas. ! 3 o'clock t!:ls afternoon Pre hi dent Tflft left tliR White House for the capital to hIrii the bill. Both the Henate and house adopted a resoL: tin to, and did, adjourn sine die at 4:30 this afternoon. Want Thorough Irlx. WASHINGTON. Aug. 2fi. Tlie Pen roHe-Reed-Poi n dexter resol u t Ion , ealllrm for a wide and thorough lu VG3lfgatfon of all eampalKn contri butions Bince 1901. wae adopted by the penato this afternoon. Senator Penrose predicted that coi.Rres.-i would adjourn qulokly, atuKirting that an agreement on the deflrieney bill had been reached. At 2:25 thl? iftornoon the house took a-resets for fin hour, the loaders horing; mean while to fix u duflnlte hour for adjournment. LOCAL NEWS. Cbrfstlna Dowe went to Oakland yesterday to spend a few days with friends. , Wiley Pllklngton and wire spent yesterday at Winchester enjoying n day's outing, MIhs Vera and Kdna Jones and Mrs. Royee Jones spent yesterday at Oak land visiting with friendB. S. J. .lotion, a local capitalist, spent Snturday afternoon at Oakland vis iting with relatives. Kred Chapman, wife and baby wore among those who spent Sun day at Wilbur. Miss Peart umgenuerg left ynster- ! day for San Krnnclsco where she con templates locating permanently. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Young returned I nero nisi evening ai iir it iw mij sont at Eugene and other northern cltleB. Mrs. J. R. Sutherland and daugh ter, Miss lllldretb, left for Oakland yosterday where they will spend n few days visiting with friends. PS2H0W i Melrose Fair and Famier Institute September 11-12 Liberal premiums given for Live Stock, Agri cultural Produce, Domestic Science, Poultry and Horticulture Come and Make this Fair a Success J. R. Poe and wife, accompanied by Mrs. A. Hall left for Dallas yes-! terday where they will visit with rela- i tives and friends'." Miss Lota Crowder left for her home at Portland Sunday after a few days spent In Koseburg visiting with relatives, ' j Mrs. II .R Allison and Mrs. D. Y. ! Allison left for Cottago Grove yes terday to apend a few days visltiug at the home of their parents. Dr. A. C. Seely, wife and child spent Sunday at Myrtle Creek visit- : ing with Mrs. Seely's parents, Mr.: and Mrs. John Hall. ! Mrs Kdward Jennlngu has return-; ed from Portland where she spent ' a couple of weeks visiting - with j friends, j Miss Alice Brown, of Rice Hill, ar-: rived here last evening to spend a few days visiting at the home of her j aunt, Mrs. Edward Billings. j Miss Minnie Bell, who conducts a : local millinery establishment, went to Portlund Saturday evening to at tend the fall millinery openings. Mrs. A. N. Orcutt and children, who have been spenldng the past few weeks at Newport and other coatit resorts are expected home this , evening or tomorrow. Mrs. D. C. Humphrey, wife of a local linotype operator, left for Al-1 hany yesterday to Bpend a week or ten days visiting at the home of her parents. Mrs. J. W. Hatfield left for Perry- dale, Washington, Sunday after a few days spent In Rosoburg vlnitlng at the home of her father, W. M. Brumback. RaBt & Negley, the plumbers, re cently completed the task of plumb ing the residence recently erected by John Chase' and situated in Millers' Addition. V. L. Beard, a Yoncalla grocer and correspondent for the Kvenlng News, spent Saturday evening In Roseburg. Mr. Benrd has many friends in Rose burg and vicinity. Mrs. John Presehern, formerly of Roseburg, but of late of Springfield arrived here last evening to spend a few days visiting with relatives. Mr. Presehern recently purchased a brick yard at Springfield. Loyal Km cry, son of William Em ery, of Coles Valley, who has been confined at Mercy Hospital suffering from the effectB of a dislocated arm for several weeks was yesterday re moved to his home. The arm has been relocated and no further difficulty! is anticipated by the attending phy-i slclans. The young man was taken to his home by Dr. Hoover. i I ItOlt.N. GRKEN To Mr. and Mrs. Kred Green, of Wilbur, on Saturday. Aug. 24, a girl. NOTIC 3 I TREES Can't Beat Douglas County Grown Trees 1 Italian Prune Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old $140.00 per 1000 Apple Trees 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $12 per 100 J $100.00 per 1000 R-ar Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr.;$25 per 100 $225.00 per 1000 Cherry same price as Pear; Peach same as Annie Jj 1I of oilier Mock, nil guarantied trim lo rmno unit first cluss. f WU1TK 18 AN V TIME, ON ANYTHING IV OIK LINK. Yoncalla on $ Southern Oregon Nursery, Sn OK MOKTGARI'. FOItH- CLOSCRE SALE. Notlco Is hereby given, TTint In obedience to tho command of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county embodied In n writ of execution dated tho 26th day of July, 1912, Issued out of said court and under tlto seal thereof in that certain suit had In said court whoroln 8. J. Kamlnsky Is plaintiff, and Louise Glose, executrix of the last will nnd testamont of Adolph 1 1 Gleso. decensed. Louise Glesu. Huth Gleso, Elsie Gleso, Jane Doo Glese. Mnry Doo Giese. John Doo Glese. Richard Uoo Glese, and Gleso, are defendants, which execu tion was to me directed and com manded mo to soil the hereinafter described real propert7 to sntlsfy tho demands of the plaintiff against Iho said defendants, to-wlt. the sum of 376. SS with Intorest thereon al tho rate of ten per cent per annum from the 5th ny of June, 1912. nnd tho further sum of fifty dollars USO.OOI as attorney's fees with In terest thereon At the rate of six per cent rer annum from the 6th day of Juno. 3 012, nnd the further sum of twenty-four and 75-100 dollar? (124.75) as plaintiff's costs and dis bursements taxed lusald suit, and the costs of end upon said writ of execution; NOW. THEREFORE, I will on the 31st day of August, 1912. at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, ex pose for sale and will sell at public J auction to the highest bidder tor i Coming! The Automobile Water Wagon. - -- ' These Men Are Able, Practical and gressive A 4 V- 1 ? lh f- -".ia ...Mttx, 1.. 1,1.1', 1'AU1.1. IVoliitiUiou Candldato l''or Vnited 3mtcs Senate O. A. .Vill J.M i. l'rolijbition Candidnte tor Congress In First District. They ill tour Douglas Co. by Auto Speaking in the following towns: Tuesday, August 27. C'oinstock 8 u. in. Drain 0::!0 u. in. Y'onealla 11 n. m. Oakland 1:30 p. ni. Sullicrlln 3:00 p. in. Wilbur 4:30 i. in. Winchester 0:00 p. m. Koseburg 8:00 p. in. Wednesday, August 128, milord 8:00 n. ni. Myrtle Creek 0:43 a. m. Jiiddle 11:00 u. in. West Fork 4:00 p. ni. (ileiidule 8:00 p. m. Come and see and hear these men, then help elect them l-nlil Alv. ' and 1ANTS to know Aswcrs Every Question a Child Can Ask Why la the sea never still? Whore does tho wind begin? ' Why can't wo see In tho dark? What are eyebrows for? Why aro the rain drops round? Why is the snow so white? What is the Milky Way? What Is the use of our hair? Why do we grow old? Why Is yawning Infectious? Do we think In words? Why does water freeze? And thousands of others Opens Every Door A Child Should Enter The United States and All other .Countries Natural History Plant Life Stories and Legions Men and Women Our own Life Book of Wonder Famous Books ' The earth Poetry and Rhymes Golden Deeds School Lessons Familiar Things Thlncs to Make and Do. ' Fifteen Great Departments The Book' of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Superbly Illustrated with 9,000 Pictures 350 Magnificent Colored Plates FIFTEEN GEEAT DEPARTMENTS OF KNOWLEDGE The Fifteen Great Departments supply the needs and exercise all the faculties of tho growing mind. Natural Science, which lights up nature; delightful history, mechanics and arts; beautiful places to be seen or dreamed about, adventure, which arrives and brings back a treasure; real people more interesting than giants and cleverer than furies; things to make and do which delightfully occupy busy hands all satisfy and stimulate eager young minds. The reason for including every department will be easily apparent after examining the work. , President John II. Finley, of the College of the City of Aeiv York, introduction says: "Suppose a boy of ten were to spend fifteen minutes a day reading these pages, . . . he would at 13 know more about the earth and the life on it then the wisest men knew a few generations ago." . THE WISDOM A WELL-ltOl-XDED EDUCATION A well-rounded education cannot be obtained In the school room alone. The boy or girl whose prog ress Is the most rapid will almost always be the one whoso reading has been carefully selected at home. The editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE have rendered this great service to childhood. No wise parent will neglect, the opportunity offered by this work to study the disposition and capabilities of his child. In many ruses a child's life work may be determined by the possession of these books. TUB TIlltKEFOWl INFORMATION The important facts In all the leading articles are indelibly Impressed upon the mind In three differ ent ways. First the summary at the head of each article, then the wonderfully Interesting article It self, then the pictures illustrating It, with the seev cral lines of terse and vlvld description. THE I.ITKHAUV DIGEST SAYS OF THE BOOK OH KNOWLEDGE: "It Is an exhaustive work nnd A notable example of editorial skill In the choice of topics and their treatment. Adults as well as children will be fasci nated alike by the luminous text nnd the Illustra tions. As has already been pointed out In these columns, one of the uses of such a work would be to assist parents, their sons and daughters In find ing out whether a child's natural bent be toward science, mechanics, trade or literature." LET THE C11IT.DHEN DECIDE Ther will be delighted wlrh the beautiful lllus tinted booklet mailed free giving the contents of ench of the Departments of Knowledge. The valua ble pamphlet, "The Mind of a Crlld." also presented. The Giroler Society, L0NIS ? OF THE WOULD LANGUAGH IN SIMPLE The lost art of simplicity the art of presenting profound truths In the simple language which a child can understand has been discovered by the editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. The simple clear and convincing style which appeals esually to the adult mind Is the secret of the great drawing power of this remarkable work. It quickens and stimulates thought and la a marked degree wakens Interest in the world of ideas. Not only facts but ideals are absorbed, and learning male a real delight These Two Booklets J Mailed FREE SEND THIS COUPON TIIU OllOLIEH SOCIETY, , 133 Tenth St., Portlnnd. Ore. Please mail me descriptive booklet of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, and pamphlet "The Mind of a Child." NAME .1. ADDRESS..