THE EVENING NEWS CAM. I. SIIOEMAKEIt, Editor and Hole Proprietor. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription IUitea Dally. Per year, by mall (3.00 Per month, delivered 60 ricinl-Weekly. Per year 2-00 Six monthB - 1.00 Entered as leceond-claaB matter November 5, 1910, at Kosoburg, Ore., nnder act of .March 3. 1879. MONDAY, AUGUST SO, LOl'AL XEW.4. , C. W. Neath, of Wilbur, wus In the city looking after his business lu tciosts here today. Councilman John Million, who has teen quite 111 for sometime past Is reported much better today. Misses Wllletta and Ardata Green left here this morning for Greens tu sfend a day or two with friends. 1 I. Wollenbcrg left for San Fran cisco this morning to spend a few doys looking after business matters. Both Dnrgar, of the New ' York Store, returned hero this morning af tor n few dayB spent at Portland, So little and other northern cities. W. H. Adams and wife, of Port land, are spending a few dayB visit ing at the home of the bitter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spelckor, in Edonbower. Miss Nellie Mcintosh, milliner at the Now York Store, returned here ' thlB morning after an extendod visit at- Portland, Seattle and San Fran cisco. She will resume her dutieB at the New York Store tomorrow. Charles Wharton, wlfo and child Mid Frank Brown returned hero late yesterday nftor three weeks spent at llandon and other coast cltlea. Thoy mado the trip In Mr. Brown's auto mobile and report a delightful out ing. - . The niomhers of the National Stock Company passed through Rosohurg Sunday enrouto from Kugene to Olendale and olhor Sonthorn Oregon points. They wore greeted at the train in Rosohurg by a number of acquaintances, Including Dr. and , Mrs. C. Ij. Callaway. Franklin YengVT hue Just om )lcfcd vo water color paintings, one of" W. W. CnrdwoH's beautiful residence In North lloseburg, and Wllllnm Union's fine bungalow. The latter painting is on exhibition In Crnvc's art storo, on crass Btreet. Mrs. Slownrt who conducts a board Ing house at the corner of Oak and Stephens HtrcetH, returned hero yeR Hoid.iy from iiolnts jin California, where sho sinuit sometime receiving treatment fur rhouinnllsui. Bho Is much Improved In health, and says Bho feola thirty years younger than Svhon sho left ItoBeburg. Arrested on charged with lug a deer carcass, W. WrlKlitman lute Saturdayrinod $1.0 by Justice of the Peaco Keiihcn Murstors. A similar chnrge ngnlnst O. W. Bowers was dismissed. The gcntleinen were liiinllng In Cow Creek Canyon nt the time of their nn-eat and pleaded Ig norance of tho law. It is said that Wrlghtnian and Bowers are residents of Portland. Among tho late arrivals nt the tlrund Hotel lire the following; n. C. Sleep, (Inrdcn Vallcy;ltay Mc-1 lionlcls. Portland; Van Nubsl and ! wire. Portland; Miss Brooks, Port-' lunn; U. Pcnnlnns, ohillu; elms. o. ; Cook, Portland; A. K. Toild and wife i Victoria, S. p. Moody. Victoria, B. Balincriillili, Victoria. Mrs. p. p. Moody, Victoria, Miss Jennings, Vic-: torla; S. J. Muyhooil, Washington;! II. A. Btrond, yacramento; A. S. Mackintosh, Poriland; 11. ('. Morris, Portland; 11. 11. Prior. Oakland: II.' J. Moore; ;1.. It. lli-ndrlck. Portlaiul; R J. Ndell Sail I'ram Isco; Mrs. K.I lntosh. Audubon. Among tho late oi rivals at the Mc Cluilcn Hotel are the following Mrs. AV. C. Clark. Han Francisco; Miss Algae, San Francisco; c. K. Muillsiui. Kellogg; F. 11. Madison. Kellogg; F. S. Stanley, Vortalnd: tl. P. Stanley; O. B. Heston, Poriland; ,1. I,. Van Itutfel. Portland; B. V. Blanchni', Hood River; 0. W. S.arks; Whlt comb; Fields. Hoscburg; K, K. Fr eest, Mich.; 11'. F. Wedlcr, l.os An geles; Mrs. Mory Wedler. l.os An geles; A. B. Wedler. l.os Angeles; II. (1. llunghton. Kugene: Sam Ilniis lon. Portland: A. White, Portland; F. N. l ittle, Chicago; Mellde, Port land; K. N. Center. Cblcagu; J. N. Wrath. Sscrenicnto; P. Langen Oakland; O. E. Lux. .Medferd; H. II. j Murry, Portland; E. Sheldon, Port land; I. H. Lee, Portland; O. D. Saw yer, Hugman; E. LaForest, Portland; P. A. Worthlngton. Edna Langenberg Is spending a few days at Myrtle Creek visiting with friends. Mrs. George Singleton and children went to Ashland this morning to visit with relatives. Mrs. A. Palmer left for Riddle this morning to Bpend a few dayB visiting with relatives. Mrs. L. C. Williams, of West Rose burg, left for San Francisco, Cal.. tills morning where she will spend several weeks with relatives. Dick Ambrose, of Yoncalla, lias ac cepted the position of driver of the local mall wagon. He entered upon his new duties yesterday. Frank Dixon and Miss Iiallie Weaver, both of Myrtle Creek, were this afternoon married by Rev. K. M. Mears at the M. K. South parson age. Tho happy married couple are prominent In Myrtle Creek society. Mr. O. A. Blacker, mayor of Hood River, accompanied by a partyt of ; friends, with whom he has been mak-j Ing an automobile tour of California, j called on Mr, SchloHHor, secretary of tho Commercial Club, yesterday. The party wore enroute home, and made only a brief visit. Richard Morris, traveling assis tant superintendent of the Southern Pacific linen in Oregon, spent yes terday fn HoHeburg. Mrs. Morris la spondhm'-fi few days visiting nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Slocum. The members of tho Yeoman lodge spend yesterdny at Norman Agee's ranch, South of town, where they en joyed their annual picnic. Tho lodge was well represented and all appeared to enjoy the occasion. A basket dinner served at noon proved ono of the features of the day. Attornoy Dexter Rice, wife and child and Mrs. George Bolter spent yestnrdayj at Kugene visiting with friends. They mado the trip In Mr. Rice's automobile and without a mis hap. Two runawny teams caused con siderable excitement on South Main street shortly after five o'clock Satur day evening. One of tho teams be longed to Mr. Graham, of North Roseburg . Tho owner of tho other team could not be determined by The News. In each runaway tho damage was nominal. Thomas Kmwson. mf Druln; Li. A. niackwell,. of Gardiner, W. E. Chaphan, of Kiist, , were among tho Jurymen today to Bervo during tho special term of tho cir cuit court which convenes In Rose burg on September 3. SlienTf Goorno Qulne, wife and child re'urnod here liils afternoon nfter n couple of d.iys ent hi llnl dl and other Southern Douglar f'ounty towiu. O. If. Ilcyers, of Canyonvllle, was a buH.n;s c.ttor In Roseimrg for n ft'v hours today. Ready for FALL SHOWING SUITS COATS DRESSES Nevoi Jhave we shown ii more handsome line of Ladies and Misses wear Beautiful coloring. Natty Styles. -THE- BELLOWS STORE COMPANY Rosebud's Leading, Suit House lAiiiinniinrriro 1111 junnaunumcd Political Enemies to Encom pass Recall DEBS IS OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED I Imminent Socialist Will Tour West In! Interest of His Camliducy 8 peaks At l!r(Iand Sept. I LO;5 ANGIXKS, Aug. 2C Gov cvi.or Johnson, the progressive ca: didftt for vice president, arrived tod iy un a campaigning tour. Johnson voiced his defiance of the pintles who ure c I i'C u I i t f n -f a peti tion for nis recall, and declared that Tat Calhoun and John I). Sprccklcs ire behind movement. t Debs Is Notified. TEKRE I1AUTJ5, Aug. 2ti. liu-j fcne elM. so,?ia'iat n'-nHnee for the! presidency, wns today officially noii-i f.ed of iiis nomination by the In j dlanaioli'j coi:vention. His speech acceptance was devoted to a brb'f eulogy of tho ocialist party. Debs A'Ml leave to:lny for theTacific Coat vn a campaign tour, and will speak fn Portland, Oregon, on Sept. 2. llitrrnw Will lie Tiled Again, LOS ANGKLES, Aug. 2fi. Presid ing Judge Willis, of Lob Angeled county, today denied the motion of the Dnrrow defence to dismiss the Indictment sreeifically charging th-s defendant with bribing Robert V nnln, one of the McNamara Jurors The case was then continued until to morrow morning, when tho date of trial will be set. The final decision as to whether Clarence Darrow win be tried on the Pair, charge rests solely with District Attorney Fredericks,' who ia now 111. Speculation is rife as to his probable course. FOUND Rain coat Saturday" oven" ing. Owner may have same by describing coat and paying for thl? ad. Call at The News office. 353- ItKdlSTItATIOX Ol LAX!) TITLK. No. 010. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas. In the matter of tho application of Henry Andrle to register the title to the land In said application described, Lot nunibored Eleven (11) In Frult valo according to tho official plat thereof of record and on file In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon; nnd containing ten (10) acrcB more or less In Douglas County, Oregon. Agnlnst Clara Howard, and All Whom Ii May Concern, Defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice, that on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1912, an applica tion was filed by said Henry Andrle In the Circuit Court of DouiOas Coun ty for Initial registration of tho title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or beforo-thc 20th day of September, A. D. 1012, and show cnuso why Bitch applica tion shall not be granted the same will be taken as confessed nnd a de cree will ho entered according to the prayer of the application and you will bo forever barred from dlsput- Inspection 5., ay; -Vy jg ii 1 1 . , i It ? CON ilil Watch our ing the same. Witness my hand and affixed the seal of said Circuit Court this 10th day of August, 1912. E. H. LENOX, Clerk. GEORGE NEUXEH, Jr., Applicant's Attornoy, s9 THE M0ST?MI i ICCaSflTE .22 CiUSBERRepeatingSX Rifle in tteWSSLB. STj Jlndo In two models i one i-'.' for SL-2 Short H. 1'. rnr- I triilTts tho other for ,23 Long y S1 EVE MS 'VISIBLE LOAD3Gw KilFLE KO. 70. Handles 15 SI Short nnd H Ionir rillo rartridrc?. Send for Imiulsonu'Iy lustrated Kitle Cata- nnd How to Shoot Well". s Order Stevens Rifles Pis tols and Shotguns from your Dealer. STEVEN? ARMS &TOOLCOMPANY, P. O. Box S004, CBICOPEE FALLS. HAS3. ..NOW.. Is ttie time to lay in your winter's supply of WOOD ' We can furnish you 16-in. slab wood by the car load for only $;i.75 a cord, f. o. b., Koseburs, Oregon. Page Investment Company 709 N. Jackson Street Phone 242 '1 XLJa AUTOMOBILE TES mi i 11 o ana mis for Announcements KB5SEI15Q! Churchill Hardware Co. ALIi COMPETITION KNOCKKI) OUT IX ITKST KOUXI). The greatest lino or Aluminum Ware ever shown In Roseburg. The Ware that Wears. Not the cheap flimsy kind, but the good heavy re liable Bort. Call and examine qual ity tho prices are right. KICE & RICE. tf H. W. Oliver will tune your Dlono or repair your organ. Phone S96. tr WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH UPPER CRUST? IT'S ALL RIGHT! Best Flour On The Pacific Coast at $1,60 per sack7 We Keep a QUALITY SHOP and Guarantee everthing we sell. We are about to declare another dividend. Are you getting yours? If not we are both looser. Phone 195 Perkins Bltf. Roseburg, Oregon : "The Best Town in the West." If you are contemplating build lug a house, barn or other. buildings, will be glad to furnish you with estimates. I have only skilled me chanics In my employ and they are all Insured byTne under the Work man's Compensation act. Therefore, when I do building for you you take no chance of being sued for damages or any Injury that may befall ony employee wh'le working on your building. B. S. N'lchols, contractor and builder, 181 N. Jackson street, Roseburg. Ore. Phone 327-Y. tf y. r X ..(.