'i appears as if by maic. Everyone loves it. There's no half bottles left because no one wants it. If you want a soda or any other soft drink or carbon ated beverages that has no waste, order Roseburg's ROSEBURQ SODA WORKS Autorized Bottlers of the genuine "Hires" Root Beer PHONE IS6 High tirailo Mill Work KJulxli r,iiinbr Doort, Window, Kramu Kcreeni Made to Order HARGREAVES DOOR AND LUMBER CO. tiuceeasors to North Bl'lo Planing Ml'.l Co Cmilnot Work, Office Fixtures Brackou anil mouldings it Hpocialty Phone JIM 807 H, Jackson 8U CRESCENT HEICHTS ADDITION Lota in this Addition Sold on E-wy Terms; Small Cash Payments HU1UHNG UKSTUICTIONS Kxtra Tarj;o in Si.o. All with lino view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lota : : HIMES and Can't B:at Daalas Count? Grown Trees V V M . IS U & I X Italian I'm tie Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old ' $140.00 per IOQO - Apple Trees 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $12 per 100 $100.00 per 1000 I'ear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr.;$25 per 100 Z $223.00 per 1000 ... -Cherry'sarae price as Pear; Peach same as Apple V, liOts of other Mora, nil guaranteed true to panic ami llrst tiass. J Wltl'IH IS ANY TI.MK, O.Y AXYTMIX'j 1 OIK I.1XH. Southern Oregon Nursery, Si?;? HELLO!!!! Beginning next Monday, August 12, and continuing until August 25, we will issue for every dollars worth of work delivered $1.00 worth of Automohile Contest Coupons. Yes, we wash for the whole family. There are 3 methods of doinvj family washiims do it yourself. hire a wash woman or send it out. The last way is the only correct way it you send it to the right place. We do family washings, rough dry, starch ing all pieces to be starched, and ironing the bed and table linen, towels and handkerchiefs. We al so guarantee satisfaction. Roseburg Steam Laundry 433 North Jukson St. Telephone 79 GOING SOME! Once the cork is drawn from a bottle of ROSEBURG'S SODA the drink dis French Plate, Prism and Ornamental UIhm Fruit mid lierry Boxes Crate, Etc. Roseburg, Oregon Keeping a "Stiff Front" Inns irmxl In n man's elm meter n In liUnlilrt. If IiIn lnumlryuian will only keep tluit nhlrt front whitunml atlff lit!) ho ant laf.wl. "Well, wo innko a apecliilty of ilu in if work as it should bedorw and fort lint rcnuon w nlwnyn mnn aiiii to kfi our ciiNtonier. We ffiifirantiw rant, ctcanliiict and (.let'llcnt finialito tvry article int mated to uh. Lone Star Laundry Phone HHO for. I'lne nntl Woodurd 8t, i OLIVER : SIMPLE HOUSE GOWN. An Odd Whimsy In Button Trimming. KlV"- IH TOH OOTTOH ItATINE- Tills simple borne sown was design ed for a young French actress. The materlnl Is white ratine, and the plaits down tho front give height and dignity. The arrangement of the buttons, half under the buttonhole. Is an odd wblro ey. DRESSMAKING BIDS. Contracts For Sewing Awarded In Businesslike Fashion. Letting out the making of a summer wardrobe to the lowest bidder is a new wrinkle to one dressmaker who was recently Invited to participate In such a contest. "I have a number of gowns, separate blouses and shirt waists, which I wish made up by June 1." wrote the woman who had the contract to let. "Will you kindly call at my house for particulars and make an estimate of charges?" Tho dressmaker went and named a figure. When she enme back she said she never felt so lmportnnt In her life. "It was 1 1 lit) bidding for a govern ment Job. she said, "and when 1 agreed to make up so many yards of ttilTeta, dimity and linen for a certain mi in, I felt as if I were iHgnlng a con tract to drape the columns of the H brary or postofllce or some otherjnih- llc building. That Illusion was height ened by the sire of the customer, who Is stately miough for stntuury. and solid enough for masonry. There Is only a small chance of my getting the work, for she Invited scores of otr.er dressmakers to compete, some of wh.im are likely to underbid me, hut If I do got It It will be the tirst order I trver obtained on those businesslike terms." I Reversible Satin Coat. ! The turned bark fronts ol' this French coat show the color of the under side t 1 hit a i '-. us l.A K SATIS POAT WITH OOLT L1NINO in iMTivtlvi rnn trust with the blat-i. ;ittu of tin outer side. Tlir coat If made of reversible satli. ttb dull golil on the reverse Hide. Woman n Panama. The government of t'nmitun hns in ippoliued MUs Acnes Kwine Hrown iin American woman, dlrecler of tl tiiirtiial schools for girls at Panama. SING A SONG OF FASHION. Feminine Fancy In Dreae. Ah. lad tea, ye whom Kimhlonn utrlngtnc What of the style of skirt calird -clm lnr So thin that you and lie tit show throuf It. As thousand are awnre who vlrw It, With little underneath hut nature To conn tltute the nlllnit feature, $o itnrtllna: as to cnuae a totint Man to wonder If the oddest S.ntlpture evor osrveil or molded Wei-o not In public now unfuldint. I.ndlea. lad lea, your apparel Miikea one wtah you wore a barrel! And If br chance you are not k no wins; That you are making such a showing. Oh, wad some power the glftte fie you To see yoursel'a aa Ithers see you I W. J. Ljunptoa Aw il ' ' Lik Cura Him. "The doctor stopped my cold. IIow did be do it?" "Made my cough up." NOTICE l'OI6 1'lBUC.VriON. Department of the interior, U. S Land Office at Koseburg, Oregon, July 10, 1912. NOTICE is hereby given that Vlr fnda Vinson,, whose postoffice ad dress Is Cleveland, Oregon, did, on the 6th day of November, '1909, file In this office Sworn Statement and 'Application, No. 05C28, to purchase the N. M N. V. S. E. N. W. A and N. W. 4 N. E. , Section 26, Township 26 S.,' range 3 West Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of tb act of June 3, 1S78, and acts amen datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law, as such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $SG4.00, the timber esti mated 2,00u,000 board feet at 40 to 70 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will of; fer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 27 day of September, 1912, be fore Register and Receiver United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JOKES, s26 Register. .NOTICE OF MOIiTGARKi FOKK- CLOSURK SALE. . Notice Is bereby given, TTiat In obedience to tho command of the circuit court of the stato of Oregon for Douglas county embodied In a writ of execution dated the 26th day of July, 1912, Issued out of said court and under the seal thereof in that certain suit had in said court wherein S. J. Kaminsky Is plaintiff, and Louise Glese. executrix of the last will and testament of Adolph Olese, deceased, Louise Cleso, Ruth Gleso, Elsio Close, Jane Doe Glese. .Mary Doo Glese, John Doe Glese. Richard Roe Giose, and GIoho, are defendants, which execu tion was to me directed and com manded me to sell tho hereinafter described real property to satisfy the demands of tho plaintiff against tho said defendants, to-wlt, the sun: jf 376. SS with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 5th day of June. 1912, and the further sum of fifty dnllrm ($50.00) as attorney's fees wlt.hjn terest thereon at the rato of six poi cent per annum from the 5th day o; June, 1912, und the further sum of twenty-four and 75-100 dollar? ($24.75) as plaintiff's costs and dis bursements taxed In said suit, and tho costs of and upon said writ of execution; NOW, THEREFORE. I will on the 21st day of August, 1912. at the honi of two o'clock In the afternoon, ex pose for sale and will sell at public miction to the highest bidder foi cash, at tho main entrance to the court house of said Douglas county. In Roseburg. Oregon, the following described real property, to-wit: East half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and tho northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 14. township "0 south, range 2 west ot the Willamette Meridian, in Doughu County, Oregon to satisfy the de mands of tho plaintiff herein togeth er with the costs of and on said writ of execution. July 29th, 1912. GEORGE K. QU1NE. Sheriff or Douglas County, Oregon aC AD.MIMSTKATOlfS 'xOTIlh OF F1XAI, ACCXllXT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In matter ot Estate of Rebecca J. j Terklns, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the I undersigned administrator of above named estate has filed In above nam- j ed court his account In final settle ment of said estate and said court by ; order duly made and entered on the ' Journal thereof has fixed Saturday the 31t day of August, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing of objec tions If any to said Anal account and the settlement of said estate and said court further ordered that the fore going notice of final settlement be published in the Sml-Weekly Ump qua Valleys News for the period re quired by law for publication of no tice of dual settlement. I.. M. PERK1XS, a26 Administrator. SIMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the Stato of Orvjiou for rksushis County. Grace E. I'.Uhop. riaintlff, vs. Nt:haaivt l Bishop, rvfomlanr. To NAtlijiaicl C. Ftishop. the above nau:c4 def'iu!uu: IX Ti'K x.vvk of the state OKKOOX: You atv horvby re- qtiirv-i w ayvr ami answer tli oo5t;;''ji!tsG tWd a-jLuit you by Plain tiff ta t!x &X'Ytf entitled Court and oa or befon? th. 1st d.iy of OctoSvr. tbin the date fix ed by tfe-e Court ia the order for you to ar-r'r aad answer said Com plaint and if you fa:! to so upbear and answer said Complaint within said time. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein aenwnd ed, to-wit: For a decree dissolving forever the bonds of matrlatony now existing between the Plaintiff and Defendant, for the care, custody pnd control of Ruby Bishop and Charles Bishop, minor children of said Plaintiff and Defendant, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem meet and proper. This Summons is published in the Umpqua' Valley News by order of the Hon. J. V. Hamilton. Jure of the nbove entitled Court marfe in Chambers on the 19th day of August 1912. Tho date of the first publication of this Summons Is August 19, 1912. and the date of the last publication Isl September 30, 1912, making a period of six full weeks. BINGE K HERMANN', s30-d Attorney for Plaintiff Special snap Single top bugy and hnrness used 2 years, price $50. Address FRED A. GOFF, Rose burg, Ore. tf There Are Ten Jobs 3 Hunting You! 1 i There are, now awaiting a 1 worker of YOUR abilities, at i ieast ten good Jobs In this J city. The men who are look- 1 Ing for PEOPLE LIKE YOU 3 to fill these Jobs ara want advertisers themselves, and jj readers of want ads. They w ill see YOUR WANT AD If It Is published In this paper J with "reasonable persist- ' ence"; and, seeing it, will n realize your fitness for tho work they want done. J n Watch tht ads in 1 THE EVENING NEWS I t LIBERTY'S ILIGHT r mTank"" ,,! O.- is really tho freedom that comes from independence, and independ euro can only lielong to tho thrifty and saving. Young nml old ought to have a bank account nnd hero is . the phiee to have It. We welcome individual account and nro most nr. rommoilatinK to our depositor. 0 offer lilionil Intorent combined with" Hint security tluit belongs to solid institutions llko our. AS Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank" Bungalow etalne, pure creosote, do better made at 75c. Don't An fooled In paying 90c to $1.25, jfljjt patronize tho man who knows. Flah er, the painter. - tf Douglas County Creamery butter Ib the best on the market. Insist on your grocer aupplylnp you with, this home product, wlucn Is always strictly fresli aim guaranteed. Two pound roll, 75 centp tf WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY ( THE MERRIAM WEBSTC' The Only New unabridged die- j tionary in many years. n Contains the pith and essence l of an authoritative library. ',' Conors every field of knoTi-1!' edge. An Encyclopedia ia a) single book. Tio Only Dictionary with tho New Divided Page. drO.OOO Words. 2700 Pages. 00OO Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Zot us toll you about this mo;'. remarkable single volume. "1sJ v- .------Write for sample pages, full par ticulars, etc. XTamo thb paper on:, we will send free a set ci Pocket Maps ftCMerriam Co. Springfield, MaKii.jp Thl grout Iti'tltiitlon opens (Ib doors for (he lull fl' meat or on Soinemlter 20th. Conntov of in.itrn'tloii inultKlr : Geiu-ral Acrlculture, Affrottomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy HnsbHtnlry llRctcrlology, HotHity anil Planl rath'olouy, poultry Husbandry, Horiifiultiiri', KtitomoloKy Vt'terlnarn 8leite, Ulvll EiiRineerlns, Klcclrii-al Ent.'irnjfritK. Mei'lmnical Ka Kluueriiifr. MiniiiK KnglnoriiiK, High way KiiKineuriiiK. Momostlcj Science, hitmPHtlc Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoolojiy, Chemistry, Physics Matlietuattot, Kinjli.h I.itiiKuau'e and Li temt urv, Public Spoilt I ti(?. Modern LaneiiHRea, History. Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedfiaoitv, Pliyflrnl Educa tion, Military Scteuce and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and Illustrated literature mailed free on njijiliraiion. Ad drew: Keiilsitrar, Oreeon Agrlcilltural College, Corvnhi OrtKn. School Year Opens Septem ber 20 h, 1912 The Wedding Ring Even the plain gold circlet of the Wedding Ring varies in style. You may have a plump, narrow ring or one quite wide and thin ner in proportion. Select tho style you fancy, and wa can give you any size and any weight you wish. In 1 Ik, 1,k, 2Jk Ookl all sold by weight. A. S. Huey Co. At the Street Cluck On Cass Street S'f I V