r I? fx ai.. i& aiways Best to Consult a Doctor but when you can't get him take HEDAKURA ONE MINUTE CAPSULES for neuralgia and headache. They stop the pain and give you a chance to do i H better work. 25 Cents a Box a KROHN'S ON CASS STREET Maccabee Temple Boy Scouts Cleaning Up The New York Tenements' OURS IS WITH OUT QUESTION The Best Bread on The Market. It has that goodness about it which is characteristic with bread made by the Oregon Bakery It's "like mother nsed to make." It is sweet as a nut and pure aa spring water. We know you will stop baking during hot weather after trying one loaf. THE :-: OREGON :-: BAKERY Phone 241 HKCK,S!S2SfWAY 328 N. Jackson St. J Rich Wholesome Ice Cream A couple of spoonfuls of our cream will convince you of it's exceptional excellence. Made from pure cream and the very finest of fresh fruits. The; quality never lo wered. Insist on home product DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY, Roseburg - - - - Phone 340. r WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH ' THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say fiUAUAXTEK we moan just what the word implleB. It you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make this assertion unless w were posltire of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the wo ret part for you the "leaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable , ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. Ofllce N. Jackson Hi. Ptne 79. J. H. SYKES GUN STORE Jackson street in building lormerly occupied by First National B?nk. Sporting Goods, Guns. Ammunitior and Fishing Tackle. Gun Repairing a Specialty THE SEASON IS ON AT Delightful Newport On Yaquina Bay and the Pacific Join the crowds whether you want rest and quiet or clean, wholesome, lively fun. you will find either at Newport. Wealth of natural scenery Splendid fishing, boatii'g and bathing. Delightful drives. Pretty trails through the woods or along the beach. Abundance of sea food clams, oysters, crabs; rock cod, groupers, etj. Plenty of fresh palatable vege tables and table supplies. Inviting nooks for campers, treasonable ixtoj in rooming houses, cottages and hotels. All modern conveniences. Special Low Round Trip Season Fares From Roseburg $8.75 Call on nur agent for information relative to train schedules, etc. Ask for illustrated litera ture and our special folder "Vacation Days in Oregon." JOHN M. SCOTT, Cen'l Passenger Agt Portland, Ore. IV)l sunset Mcif Prv iStzsH 'tsViKMi tejh vim ' v. ,;;'i;t -5psc. ;f N Photo by Ajnarlcan Presa Association. .OIXOWING the example set by boy scouts In other parts of the coun try, those of New York city recently engaged In the work of "cleanup week" in the most thickly populated regions of the metrop olis. Hnndhills were distributed Hiring householders such advice as "Better to raise babies than flies" nnd "Dirt fattens flies and kills babies." But the scouts did not confine their activities to peddling advice; they delved tnto rubbish heaps, explored dirty back yards and cleared refuse from flre encnpos, as the Illustration pictures them doing. The movemeut was begun by the Brooklyn bureau of charities, which hnd the co-operation, not only of the boy scouts, but of the New York Charily Organisation society, the Babies' Welfare association, the University settlement and other organizations. LOCAL NEWS. . James Laird, of Lairds, arrived In Hosehurg yesterdny to spend a couple of days. William Emery, of Coles Valley, was a business visitor In Koseburg for a few hours today. Mrs. Richard Morris, of Portland, arrived here last evening to spend a few days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. II. C. Slocum. Miss Hlldreth Sutherland returned here last eveuing after a couple of days spent at points In the northern part of the county. County Asscsor F. L. Calkins spent yepterday afternoon at Siithertin looking after matters connected with his official duties. Mrs. George Webber and four chil dren left for Albany this morning where they expect to remain for some time. Mr. Webbor preceded ! them to the northern city yester day. A marriage license was Issued late yesterday to Thomas J. McCarvoI, of Koler, and Mary 15. Jenings, of Douglas county. Opher Beyers, of Days Creek, re turned homo last evening after a day spent In Roseburg looking after business matters. KXKCL'TiUX'SW HKTTLKMENT, In the County Court State of Ore gon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Kntle Bunnell, Deceased. Notice is horeby given that the un dersigned executrix of the above nam ed estate has filed In the above nam ed Court her account in final settle ment thereof and the Court by order duly made and entered of record has fixed Thursday August 20th, 1912, nl 10 o'clock a. m,, for hearing of ob jections If any to said final account aud settlement of said estate. Thi notice is published In The Umpqun Valley News by order of Judge of obove entitled Court, dated July 24th, 1912. CLARA FULLER TON, a22 Executrix. lAnHiK 11 RECTO ItT. A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins BIdg. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 6330. meet, every second aud fourth Tuesday of every month in the Eagles' nan. Traveling neighbors are cor dially luvlted to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; R. Stubbs. clerk.' WOODS1KV OK THE WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Iloseourg, ever; first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wel come. M. B. Germond, C. C.j J. A. Buchanan, clerk. C. (). T. M. Rosetiurg Hive, No. i holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of othei cordially Invited to attend our r hives visiting In the city are views. Olive Green, Iady.com.; Jessie Rami. R. K. O. K. S Roseburg Chapter, No. 8 Hums ineir regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free Johnson, socretnry. WOMEN .of wonnntAFT Ulat Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Aimulay evenings of eacfc month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members in ood standing are invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G.. N.; Clara Cawlflcld, clerk. I. O. O. F. Phllotanan Lodge, No 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple earner of Jackson and Cass street, on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good standing are Invited to attend. J. R. Bailey, N. O.; M. M. Miller, R. 8.; L E. Mllledge. F. S. I. O. o. F Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Vlsltins brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G. ; W. S. Powell, R. S.: M. Fickle. F. 3. BROTHERHOOD OP AMERICAN YKOME.V ML. Nebo Lodge No 1H28, meets every second and fourth Wednesday of eawh montl at the Eagles' hall. Visiting broth era aud sisters welcome. E. B Perrlne. F. M.J S. E. Krohn, Cor U. V. O. E Roseburg Lodge, No 326, holds regular communlca tions at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. All members requestor to attend reguiarly and all visiting brothnrs are cordially Invited tr attend. Dinger Hermann,' E. R. A. R A. si Laurel Lodge, No. 13, hold, regular meetings on th second and fourth Wed neBdiiyB of each inontu Sojourners invited to attend. N Rice, W. M.j II. H. C. Woods, Sec. '. O. IC KoHorjurg Aene, No, J 4U7, moots second "and fourth Monday In thflr hull on Jackson street ai 8 P. M. Bon North W. P.J B. F. Goodman, sec. IMl'liOVKI) ORDER OK JtKD.MKN Unipqua Tribe No. 44, meets every first and third Monday I of onch month at tho Eagles' 'hall. VlBlt Itlng chiefs welcome. J. W. Drown, Sachem; K. M. Moars, C. of R. M O I) K It X UltOTUEUIIOOl) OI' AMERICA Meets in Maccabee Temple evory 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMullcn Secrotnry. tjWWW-v-'ffe'fJl DR. t.EO. 1C. HOIJCK, riiysiclnn anil Surgeon. Ofllce, Review Bldg., Phone 81. Roseburg Oregon. !M!i:ii)?iMW'rfi Dlt. I). K. SXEI.L, Osteopathic I'liyskinn. 9 10-11 MarBlors DHi. 'Phone 119 4 Roseburg, Oregon. if .t w w It ' u v Sunlight For Sale MR. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? The Hydro-Carbon Lighting System li the hvnH.HL ami bust io Inalall aud burn. 8t It In uKTRtinn iu Koseburg, rdiI write 'or y?tcoa utl ftlmtes, Sy tmi InstRlleU rum $30.00 Up Nat. Bishops Roseburg Box 655 Ore. 8040 Ageut tor Douglat County i Herford Bulls Some choice yearlings and two year olds, from registered herd. Apply Mont Alto Ranch, Glide, Oregon 5 Is a Clean Cutter Its ctmenMtui sen tni cutter Imt n kligfung device arc ucccmIuI viutmplet of the wonderful invenbva geniu o( Mr. Jom?4v Dftin. 1he pn k nwuntrd in trUlmo la each other Irwt Per(cl balance and tram mrah an Mnrwnantly tnourrd and th rnuvk ahah b trbmd o( afi end thrust, pyennng loat motion, inducing draft and mufcnlyiac cutting nower. I hat n why the IJua mower run bghtly and cut when othen tmi. i h m ihn only mower vou on realijm, Jnuf Jtttf, nahl in the field with your wrench. Thit Mactical adjuatmenl foe maintaining the cutter W. in line wUh the pitman, mcana added eflitknoy and yean of eatm envies. ( , ) A Real Vertical lift Nottoe die fM"l handlo e (he terer. Easy to grasp, nq twwung. One movement of one lever tawea the bar, knife throw in and out of gear eion6cJiv a bar niaed and krwerad. The, targe-coi Anible aphng Ooatt'lhe cutter bar, doea practicaUy all the work in khing wen the foot at comer and help in taieing the bar I Ofwuk-the nmnet John Deere dealer; Warn' nil about this greatewt of all Moweia, and about the enhie line of Dain Hay Took Loadeia. Side Delivery lUke. Stackers. Sweep Rakes, IWs every one the beat of its kind, ga Dftin tnake the beat hay took They have been srcialuiDg wdKtaioforor a. quarter of century. - ROSEBURG FEED and FUEL CO. RAILROAD SPUR N. ROSEBURG Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Plione 9F12 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, I'unerul DcHlgns, Wcddlnpj Ito quets, etc. All kind of rinnts inr V'ernndn nud Win dow' Ilix(n nnd Bedding out. On Siilo at The J Rose Confectionery I ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICII OUTFITTERS ' FOUNTAIN FENS SCHOOL HOOKS TVFEWKITEUS NEWS DEALERS IIOLIDA Y OOUIJS FOST CARDS FENS A NTS ROSEBURG. OREGON wra Roseburg' Nursery Co. A. L. KITCHEN GUY BLACK JuafoM friends under a new name; 'prepared to serve you better than ever before in the matter of Nursery stock. Not transciente; but permanent residents of Koseburg. Mr. Kitchen, who haa been in the nursery business for many years, regards a host of satislied cus tomers in Southern Oregon ns his host advertisement. Mr. IJIack, who hag been in the real nstato business in Koseburg for the past two years, wiil now devote his entire time and energies toward making the new lirm a permanent succefs. We ask your patronage and will guarantee perfect satisfaction. Roseburg Nursery Company OFFICE CORNER CASS JACKSON STS. PHONE IsJ"