LOCAL XEU'H. Get auto content votes at Church Brothers', tl Let Stone tune your piano. Phone 288-R. ,tf ' A good new piano for rent. Phone 288-B. H. Jay Stone. tf ttrnery Muntters, of Kiddle, upent the day in Koseburg visiting with relatives, H. W.i Oliver will tune your piano or repair your organ. Phone 96. tf Ming Anna Peterson, of Seattle, Wash,, in spending a few days In Roesburg vlBltlng at the Edgerton home. Itev. J. N. McConnell and wife wont to Wilbur this morning to upend the day with friends. I I Ooorge Stearns, of Oakland, wag a busIneHg visitor in Iioncburg for a lew hours today, Kmory Davldnon, who has been vlBltlng with relatives at Wlnstons, left for his home at Portland on thlb afternoon' train. Ieslfe Hatfield, of North Deer Creek, has gone to points in Cali fornia where he will vIU with his brother. ' Clyde Faulkner, wife and baby re turned here this morning after a couple of weeks spent at Seaview and other resorts. William Knopp has returned r 1 his home In Canada after a few days spent In Roseburg looking after bus! ness Interests. Mrs, May Davis left for her home at Ashland this morning after a few days spent in Hoseburg visiting with lier sister, Mrs. Verne Patterson. Mrs. C. Packard, who han been spending the past six months at the F. K. Patterson home In this city left for Porinlnd his morning whore she will Join her husband. I. Wollonborg and- family will leave for Portland this week whore thny Intend to retdde permanently. Their IloHt'burg residence will bo or bupled by Curl I). Shoemaker, eJU:r of The Kvening News. Mrs. Hilda Mnllory loft here this morning for her homo nt Olendale. Mr. Mallory stopped off bore en route home from Newport to spend a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. W. M. McCurdy. Miss Nnllie Kirk, stenographer nt the local Southern Pacific freight of fices, left for Los Angeles and other Southern California cities this morn WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Roseburg Phone 201 Sutherlin Phone 2S Up-to-the-Tiines with attention and mechanics First Class Materials Work Guaranteed llll IiMHiiIH BEAUTIMIL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soli, Natural Park, River Drive. Close in. AH City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire Citv Lots are large Prices are low. livery lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Buy now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increaseyourself. Intendingpur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will take you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. ing where she will spend two weeks enjoying bur annual vacation. Mrs, Harold Aldrfch and baby left for their home at Portland this morning after a vinlt with the form er's mother fn this city. Mrs. Robert Gile and child return ed here last evening after sjiendlng several weeks on the McKeuzle river, In Lane county. Contractor F. F. Patterson spent yesterday afternoon at Sutherlin where he purchased a carload of brick to be used in the construction of a new store building at Yoncalla, Dr. Callaway and wife left for Eugene this morning where they will attend the wedding of members of the National Stock Company, which will take place at Kugene this even lug. Mrs. Susie Maner this afternoon filed a Bult for divorce In the circuit court against her husband, Samuel Maner. The plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman treatment, coupled with desertion. The couple were married In Virginia on December 13, 1910. J. K. Blackburn, of the local blacksmith firm of Blackburn Broth ers, left Sunday for Belllngham, Wash., In response to a telegram an nouncing the sudden death of his mother. Other than leaving two sons In Roseburg, the deceased is survived by a son In Michigan and another In Wisconsin. According to a telegram received here this morning from Marshfield, Mrs, Fred Raymond, formerly Miss Kate Cordon, yesterday underwent a successful operation for appendicitis. Tho telegram states that Mrs. Ray mond is resltng easy this morning with excellent chances of a complete recovery, Southhall Brothers, of Berlin, K. D., this morning filed a suit In the circuit court against S. E. Hall, In which the plaintiff seeks to recover the sum of $22.20, alleged to he due on a promissory note. Attachment was made on an unpaid Insurance policy. UIXKOKi; POULTRY YARDS SALK. 38 Barred Rock hens, 7& cents each; 1 Barred Rock cock, $2:. 50; S S. C. Whlto Leghorn hens $1; IS. C. "Whlto Leghorn cock, $2.50; 5 C. W. Orpington hens and 1 cock, $25; 1 Buff Orpington-cock, $2; 3 Buff Orpington cock ruls (eggs from Nor throp's), $5 each. All above stock n,ro yearlings And especially good layers. For prices on cockrels and pullets from 3 to 6 months of age, call at yards G miles west of Rose burg or write us your wants. We .ire moving and must reduce stock. Sale dates, September 1 to 20. If you need any of this stock, place your order now and we will hold it for you. I TKACHKR WANTKO. : WANTED A teacher for 8 ; months school near Roseburg" 1 man preferred. Only those ! of good experience and first ! clues equipment need apply. j Good community, good sal- ! ary. Address The News of- ( flee. 330-A17 A IlMIMSTIUTOIl'S NOTICK. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the Estate of Samuel Sraead, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 7th day of August, 1912, duly appointed Admin istrator of the above entitled Estate by the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said Estate are re quired to present the same, duly ver ified, to George Neuner, Jr., Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 12th day of August, 1912. MONROE W. SMEAD, Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Smead, Deceased. s9 NOTICE FOlt I'L'IIMCATIO.N. Department of the Interior, IT. 8 Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 10, 1912. NOTICE 1b hereby given that Vlr Inda Vinson,, whose postofflce ad dress is Cleveland, Oregon, did, on the 6th day Qf November, 1909, Hie fn this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 05C28, to purchase the N. N. V. . S. E. N. W. and N. W. M N. E. , Section 26, Township 26 S., range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amen datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law, as such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $864.00, the timber esti mated 2,00u,uu0 board feet at 40 to 70 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will of fer final proof In support of hi application and sworn statement on the 27 day of September, 1912, be fore Register and Receiver United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person fs at liberty to protest this purcharo before entry, or Ini tiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit In this office, alleging facts wnlch would defent tho entry BENJAMIN F. JONES, . 826 Register vauses Clogi the porel of the tcalp, prevent! the hair from obtaining proper nourishment cauica It to lade and eventually to loll out. And betides, it'l Irritating and annoying to have your icalp itching and burning all the time. II you want to get rid of the Dandruff germ to atop the annoying itching end burning to have a really clean and healthy icalp, get a bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH to-day prove loyour ell what a tatiilaction it ! to have hair health. Your money back If not latiifaclory. $1.00 ntt 50e at Dnj, Store! or direct npo. receipt of price end de.leri acme. Scad 10c tor Ui.l botllfc I'hilo tier spec. Co.. New.rk. N, J. Marsters Drue Co.. ana Hamilton Drug Co. loll It for 60c and $1.00. or from Phllo Hay Spec. Co., New ark, N. J, ? There Are Ten Ten ants Looking for a House Like Yours! Any one of tho ten would consider your rental price reasonable, nnd your houao, or apartment. IDEAL ex actly what ho has been look ing for! Your "reasonably persis tent" use of tho "to rent' columns of this paper will tvsult In helping BOMR of these ten possiblo tenants to find your house or apart ment. Tho details will be eav to arranKe! Unit Ynur llitUM Through THF FVFIMlNf. MFWS m 9 Evil to Him Who Evil Thinks By RYLAND BELL I A guest at a house party at the country home of my. friend Butler, i head of the tirm of Peter Butler & Co.. publishers. met people who were In a business way connected with litera I ture. There were several proprietors of large book mnnufacturing concerns, a number of literary critics and half a dozen authors. These persons com posed about a third of the Invited guests aud on account of their connec tion with literature were objects of in terest to the rest of us. The Butlers had recently published a novel called "The Code Reversed." which was having a phenomenal suc cess. It bad been Issued under a nom de plume, and opinion was divided as to whether the author was man or woman. One spicy review of It said It was the most immoral novel that had been Issued In many years. Moat of the notices took pretty much the same view of the book, but there were a few that made no mention whatever of anything naughty In it. One critic said that some persons might give it an Immoral Interpretation, adding, "Evil to him who evil thinks." Naturally we spent a good deal of time discussing the merits, deinerltn and Interpretation to be put open this story. Some of us endeavored to In duce Butler to tel) us about the au thor. But he resolutely declined. He would not even say whether the book bad Ieen written by a man or a wo mnn. The party came together early in Octolwr and remained till November, though there were many chnnpes In the meantime. I remained as long as Butler kept the house open, having met a young lady who affected me dif ferently from any other woman. She was but nineteen and more of a Illy than a rosebud. I kept my tongue al ways under control when with her lest I might shock her not that she was prudish, for there was nothing of prudlshness In her. Her purity was self evident She did not belong to the author esses, several of whom were among us. I attempted to talk to her about literature, but found that her reading was very meager. Indeed. In a party where there was a sprinkling of in tellectual people I did not see that she hurt any place. I hinted as much to Butler, who said, "Oh. she's a nice lit tle girl; rather unsophisticated, but you know we're not all geniuses here." Toward the close of our stay Butler nnnnunced one morning that In n few days the author of "The Code Revers ed" would be with us. Several who had announced their Intention of leaving Immediately declared that they wrtuld remain. Some one asked Butler If he or she was coming incog. Butler re plied thnt (he person would be incog. But he promised before the party broke up to remove the mask that we might all see him or her In propria persona. During the next few days several persons arrived, nnd each comer was at once pounced upon a the author. One wris a young mnn who wore his hair pompadour and looked otherwise like a genius. Another was a middle aged masculine looking woman with a coarse voice nnd unrefined manners. 'crimps I would have taken more Interest In this matter had I not been especially engaged with the young lady I have mentioned whose nnme was Mary Brown. One evening while chat ting with her alone, drawing nearer and nearer to speaking my heart. 1 finally let my arm fall upon her waist and. turning my face to hers, kissed her. t I had scarcely done so when It seem ed to me thnt the act was a prof anation. I was not repulsed, but there was so much modesty dlsplnyed on the part of the young lady that I blamed myself for taking what I had not the right to take. 1 hastened to repair the damage by an offer of my heart and hand. Two days Inter, ns 1 was about to leave, Butler announced that If we would nil gnther In the drawing room he would present the nuthor of "The Code Reversed." I entered with the oth ers, nnd when all had assembled our hoHt approached lis and, taking Mary Brown by the hand, led her npnrt from the others and said: "Sly friends, I have the honor to present the nuthor of The Code Re versed. I will also explain that her book Is an example of how differently different persons may look upon the same thing. You nit have had an op portunity to know Miss Brown nnd are, 1 am sure, united as to her purity." "But you said she was to arrive, remarked a guest "Pardon me; I said that she would bo with us. I did not say that she wan not then with us. Miss Brown Is now my wife, but 1 rake care thnt she doesn't scribble nt least not for publication. Fortunately she was not spoiled by her remarkable success. Had she been Mated over It she would have been doomed to nn en, ii.nl disappointment. Her story wn without literary merit meaning had been placed upon It hy persons whose minds naturally per etve the sensnnl. To the nuthor no ivh meaning wns Intended. Indeed. he was Incapable of conceiving of u.h meaning. Butler understood both 'he public nnd the author nnd, not W nit aveme to making money out of n 1rst seller, had Issued the story anony mously, giving It a nnme that would iiErrct what hi wished It to suggest If You Have Property to Sell, Rent or Exchange You Want to See J. W- CAMPBELL The Live Wire Real Estate Agent List What You Have V PEACHES!!! THE EARLY CRAWFORD Peaches are coming in the full force of the Season this week. The crop is extremely short this year, but the quality is unus-' ually fine, the fruit nice, krge and luscious. The Season however will not last over ten days. Next week will see the supply of this favorite canning peach completely exhausted. Therefore place your orders early with us to bs sure of the home grown Peach. Roseburg BUY A FARM-8oo,ooo Acres to Select From. In Central Oregon LOW PRICES " EASY TERMS Your last chance to buy Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices Comk In And Let us tel! you about these farms If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm We will figure with you McCLINTOCK AND GEDDES Office In Mnrster'n Annex. Next To Cirnttil Hotel ft D. H. MARSTERS Plumbing, Sheet and North Jackson Street, Works. I Works. Telephone 251. ijj WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE ------ . j Phona 24B- All work fit.cl.,. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property Perkln. Building ROSKBURO. OHEOOM ARE YOU LOOKING llltl LAMP? Dont fail to come out and see the MELROSE ORCHARD TRACTS The croam of the I'mpqua Valley. Tracts 10 acres and up. Price 150.00 an acre and up. Deep, rich soil. Come out, write or call up on phone, C. M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore. H THE ECONOMY MARKET H George! Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best '-the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM. Phone 53 ith Him and Get Resul Pa 1 . Rochdale Co. PLUMBING SHOP. Metal Work, Tinning Heating adjoining' Peoples Marble Telephone 251. Rosebuig, Oregon