The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 19, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    .the home oi H. X. Cobb. Mr. Sher-
1 mtff is an expert fruit packer, and of
M late, na been eicpiored In tbe Slc:.i-
! ner orchard near Winston.
Get auto contest Tote at Cnureh I Wililam McMUIUb. the tace of
Brotben'. tl ' Hrcaglia, arirTed In Rojebarg yeater-
I dar to apend a couple of days lock
ing after businea Interejita.
Elmer Wmb-rly apent ytaJer-Jsv
at Winchester.
Ror Age lsBt jfilerdar ;t 'lir-
Aria Valley rutting with relatirea.
A good new piano for rmt. Phone
JI8-R. H. Jay Stone. If
H. W. Ollrer will tune yonr
piano or repair your organ. Phone
a. tr
Wfnnle Gaddis, a local plumber.
left for Portalnd Saturday evenlnz
to look after business matters.
Herman Maratera, the plumber, re
turned here Satarday evening after a
few days spent at Portland and other
northern cities.
Shannon Taylor went to Wlnche
ter yesterday to spend a couple of
daya visiting at the home of his son.
Gran Taylor.
Ruth Collawell, of Cottage Grove,
arrived In Koseburg this morning to
visit at the home of her aunt, M.
Rudolph Harness.
Mrs. A. C. Kldd and daughters.
Flossie and Mrs. W. W. Purdy, aod
Mr. Robert Kldd left yesterday 'or
Newport where they contemplate
pending the next two weeks.
Jaraea Moon, local agent for the
New York Life Insurance Company,
loft for Albany yesterday where he
goes to look after business matters
connected with his duties.
Mrs. Robert Taylor and little son
and Mrs. E. H. Smith arrived home
today after spending the past three
weeka at. Montreal and other Canad
ian points.
MIks Hazel McNamara, of Port
land, arrived In Hoseburg alst even
ing to spend a week or ten days vlalt
fng at the home of her sister, Mrs.
N. A. Collamore.
Mrs. 8. M. Woodard. accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Shermcr. of Ynn
ralla, arrived in Ttoseburg last even
ing to spend a few days visiting at
Mrs. John Ithmeal, of Cottar
Grove, arrived In Rseburg last evan-
the home ot her lister, Mr. Steven
son. t
Mrs. K- L. Milter and two daugh
ters and Mis Ca pi to la Willis return
ed here Saturday evening after
spending two weeks at Newport and
other coast resorts.
C. I, Had ley, the barber, returned
here Saturday evening after ten daya
spent at Newport and Portland. 3fr.
Hadley had Intended to spend a ft
more days at Portland and would
have done so had it not have fen
for the heavy rain experienced In
that locality during the past week.
To otitrun a Southern Pacific iaa
ser.ger train from Roseburg to Rid
dle is the latest record established
by a local motorcyclist, Kenneth
Quint, son of Sheriff Qufne, left
Hoseburg yesterday morning on his
motorcycle at the same minute that
southbound passenger train No. 15
pulled out of the local station. Just
to test the speed of his machine, Mr
Quine "went some" and succeeded
in reaching Riddle several minutes
prior to the arrival of the train.
Next Sunday Mr. Quine Intends to
run down to Grants Pass where he
will spend the day with friends.
Let Stone tune your piano. Phone s
2&3-R. tf i
Mr. H. Anderson has takeu the
agency for aatomobiles bandied by;
thm Oregon Auto Exchange, of Port-1
land. Ore., arid will have headquar-j
tera at Pearce's banes store. It
will pay all prospects to get prices be- j
ifore buying. Decionjtraving car 40 1
I horse power five passenger "Inter J
'state" 1750.00. t!
A Mountaineer's
CoprrtfcU IT: br Associated LU
rsry Pre".
36 Barred Rock hens, cent
each; 1 Barred Rock cock, $2:. 50; S
S. C. White Leghorn hens $1; 1 S.
C. White Leghorn cock, 12.50; 5 C.
W. Orpington hens and 1 cock, $25;
1 Buff Orpington cock, 92; 3 Buff
Orpington cockrels (eggs from Nor
throp's), $5 each. All above stock
are yearlings and especially good
layers. For prices on cockrels and
pullets from 3 to 6 months of age,
call at yards 6 miles west of Rose
burg or write us your wants. We
are moving and must reduce stock.
Sale dates, September 1 to 20. If
you need any of this stock, place
your order now and we will hold it
for you.
On and after September 1st we will not issue any
Premium Coupons. All coupons that are issued
prior to that date will be good until January 1st,
1913 at which time they must be redeemed. Be
ginning with the first of the year we will offer to
our customers an entire new Free Deal.
Yours lor business,
R. STUBBS, The Grocer
Roseburg Phone 201
Sutherlin Phone
2S 1
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed
Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition
Level, Rich River Bottom
Soli, Natural ParK, River
Drive. Close in. All City
Privileges. City Water
Lights and Graded Streets
Nothing toequ.d these properties
in 1 1 10 entire City Lots are large
Prices are low. Every lot fenced.
For choice of lots, terms and all
information Phono 21 J-L or applv
on premises, Harvard Ave., West
Rosebury, and save commission.
Buy now as prices will advance.
Get yours at once and earn the
increaseyourself. Intendingpur
chasers I'hone 212-L and Auto
will taKe you over to property.
C. D. MAYNARD, Prop.
NOilCfc Oi; i'LJiLlCiTJO..
Department of the interior, U. S.
La&d Office at Koseburg, Oregon,
July 10, 1512.
NOTICE is hereby given that Vlr
Inda VInsoft,, whose postoffice ad
dress is Cleveland. Oregon, did, on
the 6th day of November, 1309, file
In this office Sworn Statement and
Application, No. 05C28, to purchase
the N. V N. V. h. E. 54 N. W.
and N. W. hi N. E. 4, Sectloo
26, Township 26 S., range 3 West.
Willamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of the
act of June 3, 187$, and acts amen
J a tor y, known as the "limber and
Stone Law, as such value as might
be fixed by appraisement, and that
pursuant to such application, tht
land and timber thereon hare beet
appraised $64.00, the timber esti
mated 2,00o,uu0 board feet at 40
to 70 cents per M, and the land
nothing; that said applicant will of
fer final proof in support of blf
application and sworn statement on
the 27 day of September, 1912, be
fore Register -and Receiver United
States Land Office, at Roseburg,
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Ini
tiate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit In this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry
s26 Register.
Notice Is Hereby given that the
undersigned Nettie M. Scra'nton has
been, by the County Court of Doug
las County, State of Oregon, appoint
ed executrix of the last will and tes
tament of Romeo E. Scranton, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against said estate of Romeo E
Scranton, deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same, duly cer
tified, to the undersigned executrix
at Camas Valley, Oregon, within sfi
months from the date of this notice
Dated this 22nd day of July, A. D..
Executrix of tho last will and testa
ment of Romeo E. S'-ranton, de
ceased. Buchanan & Porter, Attorneys foi
said Executrix. alt-
m it
Clogi the porel of the icalp, prevent! the
hair Irom obtaining proper nourishment
cauici it to lode and eventually to fall
out. And betidel, it'a irritating and
annoying to have your icalp Itching and
burning all the time.
H you want to get rid of the Dandruff
germ to atop the annoying itching and
burning to have a really clean and
healthy acolp, gel a bottle of HAY'S
HAIR HEALTH to-day prove to your
elf what a latitfactioo it ! to have hair
Your money back If not latUfaclory.
SI 00 and SOc at Drag Store, or dirrct .Don
rrccipt of prit. nd de.Urt o.ra. Send 10c for
mil butll..-1'bilo ll.y Soe. Co.. Nmil. N. J.
Maroters Inug Co., ana naruilton
Drug Co. soli It for 60c and M 00,
or from Phllo Hay Spec. Co., New-
arU. N. J.
C3)iTK3t 4J- 1
There Are Ten Ten
ants Looking for a
House Like Yours!
Any one nf thp ten would
consider your rent til price
reasonable, and your house,
or apartment, IDEAL-ex-nrtly
what he has been look
In sr for!
Your "reasonably persis
tent" use of the "to rent"
columns of this paper will
result In helitnK SOME of
li.eso ten possible tenants to
fl ti tl your boue or apart
nient. The details will be
easy to arrange!
Unit Your limine Through
"One day as 1 was sittlo' on my doan
step," began tbe old posaum hunter,
wtteo asked for a story, "a stranger
came along the road teadin' a mewt It
wa a No'th Caroieeny mewl, and be
looked like a likely beast. 1 was a-won-defin
why toe man was ieudin' tbe
mewl instead of riUia film when be
stopped and said:
'l eu on my way to the Tennessee
river to jump in and perish, and I'll
svll you tnH mewl powerful cheap if
you want bim.
" 'Wbat do you want to perUh for? 1
"'Bekase I'm alone in the world and
too good for tL I can't stand the wick
edness around me. and I would go
hence and hare a harp and golden
wings. This toewl is the last thing I've
got to get rid of, and if you fancy him
he's yours for JO.
I was In want of a mewl jest then."
said Zeb. "and after loo kin' him over
1 put down tbe money.
"It didn't take me long to dlskirer
that that mewl was ornery. All mewls
are plzeo mean, but this one was a
champion. If 1 tried to put a saddle
oo him he'd lay down in his tracks,
and If I hiU'hed him to a cart notblo
on alrtb couM make bim pull a pound.
Oe'd bite nnd he'd kick, and be went
around look in" for a fuss. In a week I
found be was no alrtbly good. I club
bed bim till ! was tired, but I couldn't
pound no sense Into him. One day 1
got so mad that 1 was gwlne to shoot
bim, but the old womao mixed In and
! was Jest a thinkin'. Zeb.' Do yon
rememler that cautankerous bar that
was around yere last fell?"
" Of co'se"
"'Ue'll likely come back ag'In this
fall. Better leare bim to tbe mewl it
be comes.'
"1 give up tryln to do anything
with the mewl, but be growed meaner
and meaner all the time, and he wasn't
nappy unless be was klckin bis heels
agin tbe cabin doabs,
"It got so tbe pld woman dasn't step
out, and I bad to carry a club to keep
him off. I'd bad bim six weeks uud
bad wnnted to shoot bim every day.,
when one night that b'ar showed up
He come down off the mountain feel I u'
mo' cantankerous than ever, and that
ornery uiewi was wuitin' for soinetbln
to come along and begin a row. They
got at it in no time.
"Me and tbe old woman got up and
looked out, aud the two critters wa?
thoroughly enjoyin themselves. They
was kickln. bitin", clawin", growlln
and Bquealin. and It was better than
a circus to wqtcb 'era.
"It was the same thing over the next
night nnd every nlclit for a week ot
mo'. A b'ar ought to lick a mew) eas
nuff, specially when he's a can tan
kcroun b'ar. but lu this case he'd gut
hold of a mewl bo menu and obstinate
that lie wouldn't hev turned tail for all
the bars in Tennessee. He was as
spry as a cat, and the way he bit and
kicked warmed up my heart, lie got
a good many scratches in the id con
tllcts, but he wouldn't run away or
give In. One night, after we had seen
him roll thnt b'ar over a dozen times
without burtin' bim, tbe old woman
snld to me:
" 'Zeb. it uln't exactly a fair fout
The mewl hain't got no shoes on. and
his kicks don't hurt. Itetter gin bim n
decent show,
"It struck me that way. and the next
day 1 takes tbe critter up to the black
smith shop at tbe Cove and hns sharp
shoes put on bis feet. He seemed to
k now w hn t i hey were for, and he
didn't like It 'tall. He was ugly all the
way home, nnd when night come he
Ktood in the yard with his bead dowu
and 'penred to be thinkiu'.
"The b'ar come down about 8 o'clock
Mcbbe he was madder than usual, fur
be pitched right in nt once. Me and
the old woman both noticed that he
didn't use his heels 'tail, but Jest bit
and pawed, and we wondered ut It
However, ufter fighiln' about half on
hour the b'nr cornered him, nnd he had
to tutu and let tly. nnd he kilted that
varmint as dead as a doab nail with
cue kick. The sharp culks of one of
the shoes pierced the b'ar's skull, and
over he went nnd never got up ng'Iu.
"I was mighty tickled over it and
went out to praise the mewl. He was
stumlln' clus to the b'ar. nnd he never
moved o foot for live minutes. Jest
stood nnd looked nt me through tbe
darkness In n sort of accusln' way and
(hen fetched a gasp and fell down
" 'He's bin wounded In bis vitals,
said tlie old woman as she come out.
with n lantern.
"Itut he hadn't. He had some
scratches nnd n bite or two, hut nothtti'
to worry nbour. No. sab. What nileil
thnt mule wns madness nnd contrnr!
"He'd ot out to lick I tint b'ar with
out nny hind ttbo on and reckon
in' to (lp lit fulr and hev sumthin' to
hrng about, nnd he wns mad and con
trary 'bout my mlxin' In. When hn
found he'd kMUd the b'nr he wel!cd
up till IiU hri-rt busted, and he fell ovn
lead. ni:d I Jest believe be was glad tf
co Thar was nothin mo' left on nirtt
Tor him to fight, and why should In
tarry longer? As to the b'ar, I reckon
H was the same with him. Leastwise
ae lay thar, with a smile on his fare.
it like a man who has tried his best
;n n fout and got whopped. As for the
feller who sold me the mewl, 1 never
lid see bim again, and I s'pose he went
to heaven accordjn' to bis program,
If Ycu Have Property to Sell. Rent or ExJinge
You Want to See
The Live Wire Real Estate Agent
List What You Have With Him and Get Results
THE EARLY CRAWFORD Peaches are coming in the full ,
force of the Season this week.
The crop is extremely short this year, but the quality is unus
ually fine, the fruit nice, Urge ard luscious. The Season
however will not last over ten days. Next week will
see the supply of this favorite canning peach
completely exhausted.
Therefore place your orders early with us to be sure of the
home grown Peach.
Roseburg Rochdale Co.
BUY A FARM8oo,6oo Acres to Select
From. In Central Oregon
Your last chance to buy Good Farm Land.'at Such Low Prices
Come In And
Let us tell you about these farms
If you desire to trade your Fmall acreage on a.larger farm
We will figure with you
1 Office In Mintrr'a Anm-i. X.K To fii nml llnl. I
Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorH, Tinning
and Heating
North JacEscn Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
Works. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Noticp ROSEBURG, ORE
Phone 245.
AU work (irat-cliua
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perkins liuUding
Dont fail to come out and fee the
The cream of the I mrqua Valley. Trarts 10 acres and up
Price ToO.OO an acre nnd up. Deep, rich eoil. Come out'
write or call up on phone '
C. M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore.
George Kohlhagcn, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM.
Phone 5S
Roscbuig, Oregon