The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 15, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Chicago Quotations Highest
on Record
Furmcti. AijaIouk I'or AhnIMjumo
MJkiitfc'tt Funenil W Cruiser
THj Furtliiud Cur
Fare Aro ItcduTc!.
(Special to The Evening News.)
CHICAGO, Aug- 15. Bfcf on the
hoof broke all price records here
whsn It sold for $10.50 a hundred
weight. This was 10 cents above the
former Jiigli mark.
Hmvt IfandK Swim.
W1NNKP10, Man., Aug. U. Al
though the governments of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta have been
working In conjunction with the rail
roads for Homo time to procure labor
ers for tho wheat harvest these pro
vinces are suffering greatly from lack
!of labor. Saskatchewan uses about
! 26,000 men, Manitoba even more,
I while Alberta employs about 20,000.
This does not Include the vast army
i of men needed by the railroad con
struction canijtft and other activllle:
Jii the West and all over Canada,
The I'cMpIe ly For It.
SKAT'IXE, Wash., Aug. 15. Pro
paring to take Secretary Knox and
his party to Japan to attend the fun
eral of the late Emperor MuUuglto.
the armored cruiser Maryland por
ceedud to tho Puget Sound navy yard
to undergo repairs.
Strap Hnnei-H Half Fare.
PORTLAND, Or.. Aug. 15.' The
city ft) unci I paused ti meaeuro In
favor of the strap-hanger when It
voted favorably on an ordinance pro
viding that strap-hangors should be
charged only half fare. The ordinuncp
renniree the railroad company to sell
books of 100 tickets for $2.50
to be good for standing room. ,
Curious To Hear Dnirmv.
LOS ANtGP:LES, Aug. 15. Two
thousand persons attempted to storm
tho court room on the afternoon that
Clarence Darrow made his eloquent
appeal on his own behalf before the
last Jury probably that he will ever
face. Men and women fought to see
biin"and he was rescued from the
preas of people only after a force of
deputy sheriffs had been ordered to
the scene.
Alaska Sends Proftrf'HKlve.
SEATTLE, Aug. 16. James Wick
ruham, progretialve has been elected
a delegate to congress In Alaska ac
cording to returns received, bore.
Wlckersham took part In the recent
progressive convention at Chicago
and Is a supporter of Roosevelt. The
total vote of Fairbanks, the largest
city In Alaska was: Wickersha'ni,
progressive, 318; Krauczunas, social
ist, 127; Gllmore, republican, 100;
Jennings, democrat, 80.
Cotton Workers Strike.
NEW BEDFORD, Mass., Aug. 15.
Plan are under way to bring
about another strike In all the cotton
cloth mills In this city. Frank Mor
ris, a national organizer of the In
dustrial Workers of the World, Is
here from Chicago, to confer with
the labor leaders. Twelve mills al
ready are closed and 13,000 men are
on strike.
Xutive Police Iteafc American.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 Through
representations made to the tit ate
department an Inquiry will be start-
The Store That Saves You Money. The Store That Saves You Money. The Store That Saves You Money.
Service alone would not attract nor hold you as our customers
You don't have to search far to find the reason for our success. Pure Foods
Prompt Service and above all, the Lowest Prices ever given you by any firm
in Roseburg. "K. STUBBS Pays the Freight." You receive the dividend
when you buy at these prices,
18 lbs Pure Granulated Sugar for $1.00 with every
$5.00 Cash Grocery Order
These Prices are Strictly Cash
.15 lbs Pure Granulated Sugar $1.00
7 lbs for 50
100 lbs for 6.40
Powdered Sugar XXXX 10
Ouljc Sugar, ,'5 pounds for .... .25
fi niec Canteloupes for $ .25
Tears, per dm . . , .12
Peaches, per doz ,.12y2
Apples, 12 pounds for 25
Lemons, per dm .35
Oranges per doz- 30
Tomatoes, 3 pounds for 25
Our Own Special lilend Cof
fee, :? for $ 1.00
Our Mease All Yaeuum Pack
ed. 3 pounds for 1.05
Our (lilt Kdge Peaberry Cof
fee, per pound 30
Special Imperial Ulend Tea,
this month onl per pound .40
All Host Grade Teas, per 11) .50
Large pk. Gold Dust or Citrus .20
Large l.V bottle Lining or
Ammonia 07
Farmers Read This and Beat It If
You Can.
100 lb Stock Salt, coarse ....$ .80
HO lbs Stock Salt, coarse 40
50 lbs Pure Creamerv Putter
Salt . 90
50 lbs Pure Table Salt 65
2 bottles (Lueen Olives 25
Pottle Picnic Preserves 15c to 25c
Picnic Mustard, 3 for 25
Hardwood Toothpicks 7 pks.. .25
Toilet Paper, 1.000 reams -I for -25
.lello, 3 for 25
Kasv.lell.2 for 25
1 Quart bottle Pure Cider
Vinegar 10
3 pks. Pine P.ur i'.ird Seed.. .25
1 lb Pure lilack Pepper 30
lib Pure .Mustard 30
1 lb Ghuardelli's Coco or
Chocolate 30
Peanut Putter 10
(i can Deviled Ham 25
Domestic. Sardines, per can . . .10
1 Quart Ripe Olives .40
1 Quart Green Olives .40
Scrub, Brushes, Wash Boilers,
Wash Boards and all Laundry Sup
plies cut for Cash-
Always Fresh.
.'! pks Corn Flakes -25
Post Tosties .10
ed Into tbe report that four American
officers of the Pacific Mull Company's i
liner Newport were set upon by na
tive police dn Panania find badly
1 lb Pure Cloves
Shredded Wheat
2 pks. Puffed Wheat ....
2 pks Minute Tapioca ....
10 lb sack Pure Cream Oats
10 lb sack Pure Farina ....
10 lb Whole Wheat Flour
9 lb sack Corn Meal 35
21j lb Tomatoes, 2 for .25
2 cans ( Srn for 25
2 cans Peas for ' .25
2 Large Cans Kraut 25
2 large cans Pumpkin 25
1 gal. Pumpkin 40
Pure Salad Oil. per gal 90
Vakama Pest, per sack $1.75
i) pound sack for 35
50 pounds Soft Wheat 1.45
50 pounds Pert Ribbon, per sk 1.65
1,000 Matches for 05
1 doz. Magic P rand Milk $1-85
( 'arnation Milk, per can, small .05
Carnation Milk, per can, large .10
Jersev Queen, large, 3 for 25
Vellow Hand Milk, 3 for 25
3 gal. of Standard Pickles $1.00
Armour's Pure .Lard, 10 lbs. . 1.65
Armour's Pure Lard, 5 lbs.. .85
.Fancy Picnic ITams 15
Fanev Hams, per lb ' .19
Salt Pork, fanev 1&V2
Fancy Shield P. Paeon, per lb .20
And many others all cut for Cash. Bring in your produce and trade with
ns. The entire store is instantly at your service. Telephone your needs and
leave the rest to us. Try us and be convinced that we are selling closer than
any other firm in your city. Yours lor Business, R. STUBBS, The Grocer
TliH Hlnro Tluit S.twa Vim Money.
Hit' Smiv That Snve You Money. Tho Store That Saves Vou .Money.
Let Stone tune your piano. Pbone
288-K. .. tf
Mrs. N. A. Cftllamore. who haB
been ill' at Mercy hoBpitul, Is again
at her home on Lane street.
Otto D. Drain, of the Portland fire
department, Is spending a few days
in Roseburg visiting with friends and
Mrs. Clarence Thomas, of Belling
ham, Wash., arrived In Roseburg this
morning to spend about en days.
Mrs. Thomas has a nephew residing
in the vicinity of Glide and it is pos
iible that she will visit at that pi are
before returning home.
According to a telephone mesasge
received here tills morning the Rose
burg contingent of militiamen who
have been spending the past ten days
at Clackamas will return here to
night. ,
Fred S. , Hamilton, of Dunsmuir,
Cal., arrived in Uoseburg last night
and loft this morning enroute for
Cow Creek Canyon where he will
spend a few days hunting. Mr Ham
.Iton says he will be followed wltiUn
a few days by a number of other
California hunters who prefer the
Oregon forests to those of their own
Contractor Gmfton Vorthington
this morning received a postal card
from Attorney F. O. Miceill who is
headed across the continent prepara
tory to sailing for Europe. The card
states that Mr. and Mrs. Micelli are
enjoying the trip and will sail for the
old country'about the 18th. As usual,
Mr. Miceill implores Mr. Worthlng
ton to take good cure of "Danny"
pending his return.
- Feeling that he is in the right and
that he is being imposed upon by
certain members of the local official
family, John Hunter is working un
ccnuingly in hope of securing suffic
ient signatures to a petition to block
any action that may he undertaken
by the city council In the direction of
giving to the Southern Pacific Com
pany a franchise of Sheridan street
for sidetrack purposes. This aftor
nuon Mr. Hunter said he was meeting
with excellent success and that his
petitions wore fast gaining In popu
larity. Every man approached Is told
not to sign the petition unless he is
willing later to sign a petition re
calling tlie mayor and certain mem
bers of the council. It Is probable
that Mr. Hunter's petitions will be
presented to the council next Mon
day evening. In view of the present
controversy it Is difficult to deter
mine what will be done with either
the 'franchise or the opposing petitions.
FOR SALE Tho Franciscan Fathers
tender for purchase the property
abutting Washington, Kane and
Chadwlck streets, and comprising
half the block at present forming
the Catholic church property.
Terms on application to box D8:i
Roseburg. tf
FOR SALE 35 or 60 acres free soil
well drained; Ideal location for
berries, fruit or poultry ,falrly lev
el, under cultivation, good road,
8 "4 miles to Roseburg. 3 to store,
P. O. and church; one to school,
3 to saw mill; lumber $10. $80
per acres, before November 1. Ad
Joining land Is held nt $125.00.
Ilm 6 Dtxonvllle. Ore. 343sl
WANTED Sheep or goats. 1 wish
to ey.change a well bred pacrhg
mare, also i 4-year-old pacing
horse for sheep and goats.' Above
are first class. Box 66 Dtxonvllle.
84 miles east. Cox ranch. 3-Hsl
all ooMeirnnoN knocked
The greatest line or Aluminum
Ware ever shown in lioselmrg. The
Wnro that Wears. Not tho cheap
flimsy kind, but the good heavy re
liable Bort. , Call and examine qual
ity the prices are right.
Spend Your Outing at
Tiller, Or
In the heart tl' t lie mountain Amid trrnml opnory
Atmiirinmw tf trnnm i'unuli for fifthruit'ii--Jt'litflttul
cool mill atuwl.v cnuiplntr m oimiln ( old, pum wiitcr-Alin
t-rul sprint; Fruit, vctHiihlfn it ml irrowrit-a UeHenI it
your rain i Dni ly mitt I Ti1'IiIhim wrv leu Sj lend (
rouuMlnt iotin Hotel Tiller. fniiioim for her meals Ht-t.ii
feuuUuy d in m m- 'or further information mpl to
Can't, you imagine some wanty ads being
really worth more to you than any telegram or
registered letter you have reeeited in a yeai'
or that you are apt to receive in the year to
. Are you not able to imagine how some want
ad of four or five lines of type, may if investi
gated and followed up-influence the whole trend
of your life? Some opportunity for work, for
buying or selling, or for investment may have
such far-reaching results for youNas to shape
and direct your comings and goings, your prof
its and losses for long years! t
I Ten Buyers for
Your House!
There are at least ten people in
this city who want to buy a house
like yours nnd not one of these
ten Deonle could he U'ET.T.
I At least eight of these ten
people read this paper, At least
five of these eight readers will
read your ad in this paper per
haps not on its first insertion,
but as a result of your reason-
Iablu persistence.
It you aro cnnteniilniinn tuilU)-:
Ing It houeo, barn or othor ImiIUHiikh.
1 will be glil f furnish ymi with ,
mimtt'. I hiv on,y "billed ne-;
chnni In my employ and they are '.
til Insured by mo under the Work-
man's Compensation act. IHiertfore, !
when 1 do ImildlnK for you you tnko I
no chnnco of ued for damage !
nr any Injury that may befall ny
employee whIU working on your
bulldlnis. n. 8. Nichols, contractor
and builder, 181 N. Jackson street.
Roseburg, Oro. Thoue 327-Y. tf