y IOCAIi NEWS. erry purchase at Church Brothers' Baker?, tf Mrs. Berlbu Simmons left today for tIhIi with friends at Medford. .. 8. H. Myora nnd wire left today tor visit with friends and relatives t Dlllard. Tou can rent the latest novels at the Fiction Library,, TJp-stalrs In the Parrott Building. Over fifteen hun- ded volumes to select from. ai Mrs. Arthur Strader and son loft yenterday for Portland where she will spend several weeks visiting friends And relatives. Mrs. Chas. Mead left Sunday for her homo at Wilbur. Mrs. O. H. Hunt left Sunday for a i visit with friends at Dlllard. Jessie Dlsbrow and brother left Sunday for a visit at Santa Crus. Mrs. E. Roberts, who has been vis iting In this city loft Sunday for her home at Dlllard. Pearl Wllklns, who has been visit lug with friends In this city left yes terday for her home at Oukland. The National Stork Comiany, who hnve been playing in the Alrdome i In that city Miss Evangeline Clemen and Clarence Maolon will be married upon the stage. Mrs. Geo. Thompson left Sunday for a visit with frieuds at Sutberlln. E. F. Sellars, who has been visit ing in this eity left Sunday for his home at Myrtle Creek. Bon Palm arrived Sunday from a visit with friends and relatives In Eastern Oregon. " Mrs. F. W. Miller, who, has been visiting with friends here left Sun day for her home at Detroit. t Pearl Ambrose, who has been vis iting In this city left Sunday for her here, left today for Eugene. While home at Oakland. Posts the Farmer on Market Conditins NO useless trips to town for the progressive farmer. His Bell Telephone saves him all that. The latest market quotations are his, and he waits till market conditions are right before shipping his produce. The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the up-tb-the-minute farmer as are modern agricultural implements. He must have both. Consult our local management and join the ever increasing host of farmers . who are Bell Telephone subscribers. none mm mum m Mrs. C. R. Pengle and Edith Reed left today for a visit at Philomath. Mrs. George Kohlhagen, son and daughter, left today for Newport. C. F. Mason and wife left Sunday for a visit with friends at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Butcher left today for a visit with friends at Sa lem. T. M. Parry, who has been visiting in this city left yesterday for his home at Harrlsburg. C. B. Hensley and wife, who have been spending several weeks at New port, arrived home Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Davles and daughter, Myrtle, left yesterday for Portland where they wlll attend the millinery opening. Mrs. R. H. Leadbettpr left Sun day for Portland where she ill visit with her mother, Mrs. M. M. Van Horn. derslgued executrix of the above nam i ed estate has filed in the above nam led Court her account In final settle ment thereof and the Court by order I duly made and entered of record has fixed Thursday August 29th, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing tof ob jections If any to said final account and settlement of said estate. This notice Is published In The Umpqua Valley News by orief above entitled Court, 24th. 1912. Uf a22 CLARA FULLERT Executrix. FOR SALE Dahlias. Best produced by art or nature, at Soldiers home. Come and see them. A Cole. ' 329-nlO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FIXAL ACCOUNT. ' In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In matter of Estate of Rebecca J. Perkins, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of above named estate has filed in above nam ed court his account In final settle i ment of said estate and said court by order duly made and entered on the journal thereof has fixed Saturday the 31st day of August, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing of objec tions if any to said final account and the settlement of said estate and said court further ordered tliat the fore going notice of final settlement be published in the Semi-Weekly Ump qua Valleys News for the period re quired bylaw for publication of no tice of final settlement. L. M. PERKINS, a20 ' Administrator. HXKCITKLV NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. FINAL In the County Court State of Ore gon for Douglas County. In tho matter of tlje ostate of Katie Bunnell, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thnt the un- WOULD YOU THROW ASIDE A TELECRAM, OR REGISTERED LETTER, AS "PROBABLY NOT WORTH OPENING." Can't you imagine some want ads being really worth more to you than any telegram or registered letter you have received in a year -or that you are apt to receive in. the year to come? Are you not able to imagine how some want ad of four or five lines of type, may if investi gated and followed up influence the whole trend of your life? Some opportunity for work, for buying or selling, or for investment may have such far-reaching .results for you as to shape and direct your comings and goings, your prof its and losses.f or long years ! Is it not DEEPLY WORTH WHILE' TO WATCH FOR SUCH AN AD? ' THE EVENING NEWS ADVERSERS GET RESULTS Oh! Mister Jupiter As sung1 in the new musical comedy "A SKYLARK" Presented by HENRY B. HARRIS, at the New York Theatre trust you will Bur-miso; that its flue, and the time is ex - trcmo ly lato to rise; ' Lyrics by WtlXIAM HARRIS, Jr. ' Matlerato. Music by FRANK O. DOSSERT Qrazioso. ( gggrjfe- .-8.: ; . , i : ; n , REFRAIN. 1 mp e- -: -r.- g I I S. I . I ... ' 1 .. A.sS 'S m . -n-ES 4 fj '-4-g - ?-- g 1 mf -5- In the J " 9 So hark - en to our sor - o - natle, We sound tho rev - oil - N I 1 . 1 . -c 1 I r - . w - ' w r j mom, at tlto ilawn, wo uro Wiiif-nitr "ri fir you, Mia - ior ,Tn - y - tor, Mia - ter . . - -i y r ri - r r - W 1 :- - L-' -if - pJS-"- 1 So hark - on to our ser - e - nade, and please got up to - -A -h ' . " CNS' y- . ultiMi vmi'm il.mr nil tlnnn iirnl tv niAtiln in viiw. Mi - tnr 1' . . w " 3 li trr; M ou't you o.umi, uImmi you'ro donot alt those prol - tv nmiiln to view. Mis - tor '5 " "r - -r , ; M .-''.-.If- K : S l- - .- g - i J" - I' " ',r' - 1' r Ju pi t r; For it stum will bo noon, and we An - oth-er ibty will eoonbave flea,.... If yon (Wt lins - Ua out of rf:.- r" - -w c . VJ roptrricM, Ml'MX. l.r I K1' I I 1ST, i u WtU j-th St.. New York InlrtiuuuDsl CupjrtiKhl nj IViCimiit); Khu Sccnnl u,l Ke.tcyca Muiical Dictionary and Teacher's AuitUnt lor i cent lump and the nimt of jout dealer Vied bf permuiion, MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York. Xo. 331. Oh! oli! ob! Mis-ter Ju - pi ter, Eiud-ly pt np and shine. Ob! Mm-r Ja-it r.