B13 ROSEBURG 'SUPERIOR SODAS Are made trom pure cane sugar and filtered water and they are delicious as they are pure. For the child who is at school studying hard there is nothing so beneficial as our Hires Root Beer. Roseburg Soda Works Phone 186 lllh Oracle Mill Work Pluixh 1 .11 m bo r J)Mrs, Window, Kratn'M Bcrooiu Made to Of dor French IMate, Prism and ;ornamnuI (Jiang Kruitani Kerry Itoxca C rataa, Etc. HARGREAVES DOOR AND LUMBER CO. Hiictteiion to North 8i1e Pliinitur Mill Co Cabinet Work, Office Klxti.ru Urackota and mouMfiigs adIKjoialt J'hoiie 8M H07 N, J ark jo a St. Roseburg, Oregon MIDSUMMER FROCK. Th Dolly' Vardtn Gardon Party Cost urn. 6 Keeping a "Stiff Front" In n v(km1 In a mnii'a character an in Ilia shirt. If IiIm laundry man will only keep Hint tthlrt front white and atirr he'll hit Natlafdil. Well, wp make a MM'cliiliy of lo Inir wurk iui It ahniild 1mm In no mid fur Hint reason wn alwaya uian nuu (o kci'p our ciintonur. Wo iriinranton cure, clfiiiillucaa and cxrrlli'iit finish to uvery art) civ I'ntruMcd to us. Lone Star Laundry l'linni' MHO Cur. 11 no and Vmilard Ht. Hi if FOULARD DRESS IN VTNK AND WHITE, Charming are the midsummer frocks in Dolly Vanlen style. This one of figured foiilnrd in pink and white pat tern open Over a chiffon petticoat, on which aro pink sntln buttons. The skirt flounce and trimming touches are also of pink satin. CRESCENT HEICHTS ADDITION IiOtH in this Addition S,1J on Eisy Tornis; Km ill dish PnvnmntH v. 5 , .ItUlLDINO RKSTKICTIONS ? SSVSJi -..tjHxtra Largo in Size. All with line view of Citjrand Valleys Muke an Appointment With Us To -See Theao Lots : HIMES fand OLIVER : i 1 ! Can't Beat nivrflat fnuntir Gmwn Trpp it Italian Prime Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 vr old j. ' $140.00 per 1000 - Appb Trojs 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $12 psr 100 I $100.00 per 1000 I Pear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $25 per 100 $ $225.00 per 1000 Cherry 'same price as Pear; Peach same as Apple IjotN of other Mock, nil guaranteed (run to ramo nml llrst cIiimh. n tun. in rt.lt Jl.ill'., w.l J .v Ill 11 J.l.I'.. Yoncalla on x Southern Oregon Nursery, Itiii For tha Tailor Mada Hat. The lint of tailor made persuasion which is so useful un adjunct of the Jailor nir.de suit may he altered in va rious ways by being provided with several changes of trimming. A novel uotion that has occurred to a girl with ijood ideas can be turned to account. When a new crown band, ribbon or how is added to the hat a necktie to match it in color should be chosen. In (his way a dark suit may be riven a touch of brilliance which will add (,1'eatly to Ita appearance. Supposing a baud of cord nml beads l-o added to the hat, then the soft white collar may be tlxed together in front by an ornament, marie on a safety pin, of beads and cord to match the band. Another day n band of colored velvet ribbon with donkey ear bows at the titles will diversify the appearance of the hat. and then (lie collar will be finished with n laie bow to match, fastened upon the blouse with fancy pins. One of the prettiest trimmings for Hie tailor made hat on a fine day is a closely plaited frill of cream colored lace, with n frill to match worn upon the blouse. Strictly speaking, such a hat Is not, of course, entitled to the name of tailor matte It is the "be twixt and between" hat that Is partic ularly useful at this pen son of the year. Neither too severe nor too dressy, made of honey colnreri straw with posy rings at the sides, from which spring taffeta "wings," such a hat is extremely becoming. HELL QTTTT Beginning next Monday, August! 12, a.id continuing until August 25, we will issue for every dollars worth of work delivered $1.00 worth of Automobile Contest Coupons. Yes, we wash for the whole family. There are 3 methods of doing family washings do it yourself, hire a wash woman or send it out. The last way is the onlv correct way if you send it to the right ydace. We do family washings, rough dry, starch ing all pieces to be starched, and ironing the bed and table linen, towels and handkerchiefs. We al so guarantee satisfaction. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 North Jackson St. Telephone 79 Women as Inventors, The Scieutillc American troves that most of the articles Invented by wo men have to do with farming and fanning apparatus. The llrsi patent granted to n woman was for a process of straw and silk weaving, invented by Mary Kles. The second was to Mary I rush for a corset and the third to Sophie Usher for n toilet lotion made of cream of tartar and violet water. Then came Phoebe Collier with an Invention for Hawing wheel fellies, ami .Miss iluckley Invented a new way to make a sheet iron shovel. Kecently n combined toaster and wanning pan was Invented by Agues Phelps of Chicago, with Ploreme King as her attorney and two women wit nesses. Alinireiher only a little more than S.ooO piients have been granted to women, while men have nearly 1.O00, otto to i heir credit. Dad Has a Word to Say. The dauyhicrs of an east end house hold, ardent suffragists, were talking politics. ! "Taft will sweep the country," de- dared Mabel. ' "Wilson will sweep the country," as- sorted Maud. j "lioosevelt will sweep the country," I averred Mehltable. At this point dad took n hand. j "Never mind about who's going to sweep the country," said he. "Who's going to sweep this here kitchen? j That's the qnestiou now." Pittsburgh Post. Takas Couraga. ' Buttonhotaa of Wool. A rood, deal of time and labor can be saved by doing all tha buttonholes on mau'a flannel shirts and on chil dren's woolen frocks that have to be washed with wool thread tho color of the m Metis. I. Huttonholea worked In cotton often stretch and fray out In the waahina, but woolen ones keep their shap ind ren If they shrink can easily be stretched enongh to lit the button. "What's a girl's Idea of a hero?" "A man who wears the latest thing? In men's furnishings." "Well, there's something In 1L" , me only up-to-date goods no others carried from Alfred Peats Co. at Eastern prices at Fisher's paint store. tf LOST Pair rimless eyeglasses, torlc lens. Return to V. O. Johnston at Douglas Abstract & Trust Co., and receive reward. 332-al7 VOL' CAA DO Ui.i A UUOD MANY OTHKJtS A ICE DOING. Getting Iid of Gray, Unsightly, Faded Hair. Because it's unbecoming, unnatur al, makes you look old. Thousands of men and women all over the United States are using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH to restore gray hair to its natural color and keep It so to free the scalp from Dandruff and keep it ctean and healthy giving their hair a chance to grow having hair health. Do as the thousands of satisfied ones are doing and get a 50c or $1 bottle at Hamilton Drug Co., or Mnrsters' Drug Co., today. Thoy ive you yonr money back if you're not satisfied. NOTICI-; OF MOHTCiAfih FOltK- C LOSritE SALE. be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised 1864.00, the timber esti mated 2,000,000 board feet at 40 to 70 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will of fer final proof 3n support of his application and sworn statement on the 27 day of September, 1912, be fore Register and Receiver United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or ini tiate a contest at any time before paten Issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat, the entry. BENJAMIN P. JONES, s2G Register. DO .NOT OVERLOOK TOUK HAXD. We are Southern Oregon agents for school desks, black boards and supplies necessary for the school. Don't wait, get your order in early and avoid the rush. Write us for prices or better have our man call on you. We do not allow anyone to undersell us. RICE & RICE. tf WANTED TIMBER. I desire to purchase large tracts at present marketable price in acre age aggregating one hiincred thous and acres or more, tf J. M. E.W.I.K. Business is good why? Because when we clean and press your clothes they are done right; not mopped over. Ladies', gents' and children's work, kid gloves and shoes. Sloper & Son. We call and deliver. Phone ua 47. The ladies of the Soej church will hold a win home cooking at the Be Saturday, August 3. lust ( ot WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Tha Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. nnvf-a fluorv flnlrl of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a i single book. -The Only Dictionary with the New Divided iatfe. 430,000 Words. 270O Pagos. G0OO Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Lot us tell you about this mod remarkable single volume. Write for saiEpIo y 3Qtea url"FfA full per. i ticulors. etc H SVSrtm wo wili Notlco is hereby given, that in obedience to the command of the circuit court, of the state of Oregon for Douglas county embodied in a writ of execution dated the 2Cth day of July, 1912, Issued out of said court and under the seal thereof in that certain suit had in Baid court wherein S. J. Kaminsky Ib plaintiff. and Louise Gieae, executrix of the last will and testament of Adolph Gieso, deceased, Louise Giese, Ruth Giose, Elsie Giese, Jane Doe Giese. Mary Doe Giese, John Doe Giese, Richard Uoe Giese, and First 250 ladies calling Bt our store will receive free one package if Deazzo, a cleansing and beneficial wash for the hair. The best remedy for dandruff and: Btops Itching of the scalp at once. Don't miss your great opportunity. MARSTER'S DURO CO. tf It you are contemplating build ing a house, barn or other buildings, t will be glad to furnish you with j estimates. I have only skilled me chanics in my employ and they are all Insured by me under the Work man's Compensation act. Therefore, when I do building for you you take no chance of being sued for damages or any Injury that may befall any employee while working on your building. I). S. Nichols, contractor and builder, 181 N. Jnckson street, Roseburg, Ore. Phone 327-Y. tf Giese, are defendants, which execu tion was to me directed and com manded me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy the demands of the plaintiff against Hie said defendants, to-vit, the sum of 376.88 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from tho 6th day of June, 1912, and tho further sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) as attorney's fees with in terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 5th day of June, 1912, and tho further sum of twenty-four and 75-100 dollars (24.75) as plaintiff's costs and dis- ursements taxed In said suit, and the costs of and upon said writ of execution: NOW, THEREFORE, I will on the 31st day of August, 1912, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, ex- poso for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the main entrance to the court house of said Douglas county, n Itoseburg, Oregon, the following described real property, to-wit: East half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter and tho northeast quarter of he northwest quarter of section 14. ownship 30 south, range 2 west of he Willamette Meridian. In Douglas County, Oregon to satisfy the (fe mands of tho plaintiff herein togeth er with the costs of and on said writ ot execution.1 July 29th. 1912. GEORGE K. QUINE, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon - a26 MVi'lCirixVlR-lllLlOAtlOX: Department of the Interior, U. S Ijind Office At Roseburg, Oregon. July 10. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that Vlr Inda Vinson,, whose postofflce ad dress is Cleveland. Oregon, did, on the 6th day of November, 1909, file i In this office Sworn Statement and Application. No. 0562S. to purchase the N. H N. W, 14. S. E. Vi N. W. VI and N. W. 4 N. E. 14, Section 26. . Township 26 S., range S West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1873, and acts amen datory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law, as such value aa might AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Snap. Model 1910 40-horse power Inter State, with top, wind shield, speed ometer, and two new tires, must be sold at once to satisfy mort gage. Original price (2,600; now ?750. Might accept good real estate or part terms. For demonstration, address "H", care News, or call at this office. 323tf WK DIM Mi WEUA We are practical deep well drillers. Leave your orders at S. K. Sykes store, or address us by mall. REYNOLDS & SMILLEY, al5 Roseburg, Ore. This (treat Institution npcnB its doors tor the lull seintisnir on Si-piem! er 20th. Courgixo: instruction include : (it'iiora! AKrtouIture. AKrooomv, .Vniliittl Hus Imii'lry, JMIry Himbiimiry llHcterioloKy, IlotAny an! I'lant i'atholoiry, Poultry lhishiih'lry. Horticulture, Kutomolotty Voterliiarn Si'lehee, civil KnuiueuriiiK, Elt'clrioal EiiKhicertnii, .Mccliniiieal En. Klnceriufr. Mining EiiKinerinit, High way Knulneeriiij,'. roiuestli; Science, homesltc Art, roimnercc, Forestry, 1'hariniicy, Zoology. Chemistry, i'hy.ics Mnllieuuilic, English l.aintuace and I.i lerature, Hnolic speaking. Modern Languages, History. Ari, . rchltecture, Industrial I'cdniroitv, Physical Educa tion. Milltarv Sclcucc and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mallei tree on application. Address: It, Klstrar, Oretron Agricultural College, Corvallts, Oregon. School Year Opens Septem ber 20h, 1912 SiYPTOK 4! INVISIBLE fe BI-FOCAL illkluJill lenses give him the two visions he requires in a one-piece lens. They are truly wonderful bifocals with no lines of separa tion and no cemented pieces. Come in and see them. - A. S. HUEY OI'TOMKTHIST, 118 W. CASS ST. LIBERTY'S LIGHT I is really the freedom that conic, from iiitlcpcndcnco, and independ ence can only belong to the tlirlfty nntl saving. Young and oltl ought to linro a bank account and here Is the place to have It. We welcome Individual nccounts and are most ac comnindnting to our depositor. We offer liberal Interest combined with tlmt security tlwt belongs to solid liiftlltutinns like onrs. 4 Interest on Time)Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank 4