s mnm Are made from pure cane sugar and filtered water and they are delicious as they are pure. For the child who is at school studying hard there is nothing so beneficial as our Hires Root Beer. . Roseburg Soda Works Phone 186 Lit High Ora'le Ml!) Worlc Kin lull liiimbtir Drmm, Wiiidrurii, Frame Korcuu Mie to Orriur HARGREAVES DOOR.AND LUMBER CO. . 8iiCBBffnni to North KMu Plafilnu; MI',1 Co Cabinetwork, Off mo Fixtures UrackolB and moiilriltifci a Spatially Phone M tU7 N. Jackson Ht. CRESCENT HEICHTS ADDITION Lota in this Addition Sold on KisyTurma; Sin ill Caah Payments BUILDING RKSTKlCTIONiJ Extra Tjarj;o in Size. All with fino view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots HIMES land i Can't Bat Dallas Count Grown Trees Italian Prime Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old $140.00 per 1000 Apph Tcjj5 4 to 6 ft. 1 vr. $12 per 100 I $100.00 per 1000 Pear Trejs, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $25 per 100 3 $225.00 per 1000 Cherry fsame. price as Pear; Peach same as Apple X IjUIh of other Mock, till Riinruntt'ed truo to I'.anio nml llrst class. WltlTIC t'S ANY T1MH, OX AXYTHlN'.l IX Ol'U I.1XK. ' SouthernOreon HELLO!!!! Beginning next Monday, August 12, and continuing until August 25, we will issue for every dollars worth of work delivered $4.00 worth of Automobile Contest Coupons. Yes, we wash for the whole family. There are 3 methods of doing family washings do it yourself, hire a wash woman or send it out. The last way is the only correct way if you send it to the right place. We do family washings, rough dry, starch ing all pieces to be starched, ami ironing' the bed and table linen, towels and handkerchiefs. We al so guarantee satisfaction. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 North Jackson ht. ROSEBURG SUPERIOR SODAS riAM :a French Plate, 1'risin and Ornamifiitiil tJlaws Fruit and Kerry Huxuh Crates, Ktc. Roseburg, Oregon Keeping a "Stiff Front" Inun itimhI In a mini's c)inrncUr ni In liln nliirt. If bit laundry mnn will only kti I but nliirt front whit mid t iff he'll tui mttUlfiMl. Well, w nmke u npcrltilty of ilc Inir work iu it nlmuid IxMlone nml for l but rcntiiiii we alwn.vn uiiui iiltn tu kiM'p our ciintouicr. AVo iruiirmitco enre, uli-iuillnctn uiul uxuHlrnt fininli to overy nrticle entrusted to ua. Lone Star Laundry lMimm :tN() 'or. JMiid nml Woodnrd Sta. OLIVER Nursery, 5E$ Yoncalla ion Telephone 79 points for Mothers Comfort For Stay at Home Mothers. "We ure maying homo ttiU summer," said the young mother, "at we do not think the bit by old enough to be taken out of Ha usual environment, and we would not go without uiiu." There ere uo doubt thousands of young moth ers mid fathers doing the same thing. They realize thut there are u certain number of years of their lives that they mu8t give to the children and thut they must put aside their own comfort In order to do It- Mothers don't break down when they are doing this sort of work as a general thing and should try to live as calmly and comfortably as possible under the cir cumstances. It Is always wllh relief that one hears the young mother say "we" are staying at home, for the father owes it to bis child as much us the mother to be near It during tile critical months of babyhood. Together they can most certainly do better for the child than either otic could alone, ami along wllh the cares of mother hood should go band In hand the re ponsiblllties of fatherhood. The child who Is only mothered loses much in Its life, for tile father's Influence Is often sane where motherhood is only sweet. The well brought up child must have the father's help as well as the mother's through every step of his life, and ho generally gets It In Ameri ca, whatever may bo said of the better training for parenthood in other coun tries. The father has a double duty to perform, for while he looks out for his child he must also see that the mother keeps herself in condition. An Irritable mother will very likely have the same kind of child. She may not lie at all at fault, having been render- j ed physically incapable of caring prop- i erly for her child by worries of one kind or another. So the young hus band must see that she Is amused If necessary, that she has nourishing food and that she Is not unduly worried by all the business troubles of the family. That precious, baby does not realize all the sacritic-es that are made for him, and he never will be aware of them until tie, too, stands with a child of his own in his arms and' (ho pride of latlierhood In his eyes. Educating the Children. The bishop of London once said: "1 am convinced that the uplifting of the morality of our people lies ubovo all mill' everything elmi in (Mlurutlng our children I'titliiuully and morally. 1 be--ii'vo Unit more evil has been done by ;he siueamishuess of parents who are afraid to instruct their children in the ilal facts of life than by all the other ieucles of vied put together." Of this same phase of education Dr. ilusiilie Slaughter Mortuti of New Yurk ;ays: "The classes in social settlements are tiling u tremendous work in giving d a It boys and girls many Impersonal, :, holcsome Interests, and fu each of (Iicse settlements there should be class es for fathers and mothers, where the sex nuestiim Is taken up frankly." Week End Gifts. The house party guest who cannot tliink of a suitable gift for a family of cLiiltlren should look over an assort ment of lioxcs litted with all sorts of indoor and outdoor games for hoys nut! girls and selling at the smallest jii-lces. A box, for example, contain ing two little tennis rackets with balls and a jumping rope Is cents, and lor u larger child a box with two rackets and balls is .".0 cents or 91. A Imix of battledore anil shuttlecock Is :a) cents or in larger size SI. special outtlt for littlo girls Includes a but lie dure set, a cnlchahal! and a Jumping rope, all witli while and gold bandies. It is 75 cents. A ratchnball wit It tl trumpet end that issues u startling blast is l.'i cents. "Seeing Things at Night." If mothers notice that the brains of their little ones conjure up uncanny sights and thoughts from the shadows of a room more or less dark let the light burn brightly. To force a child ni become accustomed to the darkness :s a grave error if its nervous system ,s so ormiul.ed that this forcing is rutin. 'tlve or a fright. The nervous system of a child is n very susceptible organization, and the .l.'lctcrltius Impressions made upon it will often make their Influence felt ilmumhont Its whole after lite. If the chllil asks for K light under such clr uuistances do not refuse It. A Birthday Ring From Germany. A newly Imported novelty from lier ticiny Is a wtHtlen birthday cake ring brightly painted In a manner to appeal to children and pierced with holes. In which tho birthday candles ar to be set. As the holes are many, it is possi ble to havo ns many candles as nre necessary, even when the children of a family aro grown up. The ring of wood Is only alout nil Inch thick, and it Is Intended that the enko be set In side this rim. Caetor Oil To the mothers who find It hard to give the little ones caster oil make (tlnger cookies and add a little more sugar than the recipe calls for, and to a common alied batch add tiro tablo spoonfula of caetor oil and keep the secret to yourself. Frost the top anil let the onee who are ailing eat of them and ace how well this remedy works. Portentous Threat. The Wis One Hello, sonny. The Small One Don't you dare to 'Honny" me. sir, or 111 punch you on the none! Watch Dog. YOU CAN' DO WHAT A, GOOD MANY OTHUltS AUK DOIXG, Getting Jtid of Gray, Unsightly, Fiuled Hair. Because It's unbecoming, unnatur al, makes you loqk old. Thousands of men and women all over tho United States aro using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH to restore gray hair to Its natural color and keep It so to free tho scalp from Dandruff and keep it clean ana healthy giving their hair a chance to grow having hair health. - Do as tho thousands of satisfied ones aro doing and get a &0c or $1 bottle at Hamilton Drug Co., or Mursters' Drug Co., today. They give you your .money back If you're not satisfied. NOTICE OI' MOUTGAGIv FOICK tTX)SlltE SALE. Notice is hereby given', that In obedience to tho command of the circuit court, of tho state of Oregon for Douglas .county embodied in a writ of execution dated the 20th day of July, 1912, issued out of said court and under tho seal thereof in that certain suit had in said court wherein S. J. Kamlnsky is plaintiff. and Louise Glese, executrix of the last will and testament of Adolph Glese, deceased, Louise Glose, Ruth Glese, Elsie Giese, Jane Doe Giese. .Mary Doe Glese, John Doe Glese. Richard Itoo Glese, and Giese, are defendants, which execu tion was to me directed and com manded me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy tho demands of tho plaintiff against tho said defendants, to-wit, the sum of 376.88 with Interest thereon at tho rate of ten per cent per annum from the 5th day of June, 1912, and the further sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) as attorney's fees with In terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 5th day of Juno, 1912, and the further sum of twenty-four and 75-100 dollars ($24.75) as plaintiff's costs and dis bursements tnxed in said suit, and the costs of and upon said writ of execution; NOW, THEREFORE, I will on the 31st day of August, 1912, nt the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, ex pose for sale and will sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the main entrance to the court house of said Douglas county. In Roseburg, Oregon, the following described real property, to-wit; East half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 14. township 30 south, range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Douglns County, Oregon to satisfy the de mands of the plaintiff herein togeth er with the costs of and on said writ of execution. July 29th, 1912. GEORGE K. QUINE, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon a26 not I OiT Vt us i 'v 1 1 i .ic.Vnt )Ni Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 10. 1912. NOTICE is hereby given that Vlr Inda Vinson,, whose postofflce ad dress Is Cleveland, Oregon, did, on tho 6th day of Novomber, 1909, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 05628, to purchase the N. H N. W. 14. S. E. VI N. W. Vi and N. W. 4 N. E. 14, Section 26. Township 26 S., range S West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the art of June S. 1878, and acts amen datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law, as such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon hare been appraised 1864.00, the timber esti mated 2,000,000 board feet at 40 to 70 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his application and Bworn statement on the 27 day of September, 1912, be fore Register and Receiver United States Land Offlce, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate n contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, s2G Register. DO XOT OVKltliOOK YOL'lt HAM). We are Southern Oregon agents for school desks, black boards and supplies necessary) for the school. Don't wait, got your order In early and avoid the rush. Write us for prices or better have our man call on you. e do not allow ?nyone to undersell us. RICE & RICE. tf WANTED TIMIJER. I desire to purchase largo tracts at present marketable price in acre age aggregating one huncred thous and acres or more. tf J. M. EST! I.E. Business iB good why? Because when we clean and press your clothes they are done right; not mopped over. Ladles', gents' and children's work, kid gloves and shoes. Sloper & Son. We call and deliver. Phone us 47. First 250 ladies calling Rt our store will receive free one package if Deazzo, a cleansing and beneficial wash for the hair. Tho best remedy for dandruff and1 stops itching of tho scalp at once. Don't miss your great opportunity. MARSTER'S DURG CO. tf If you are contemplating build ing a house, barn or other buildings, I will be glad to furnish you with estimates. I have only skilled me chanics In my employ and they are all Insured by me under the Work man's Compensation act. Therefore, when I do building for you you take no chance of being sued for damages or any injury that may befall sny employee while working on your building. B. S. Nichols, contractor and builder, 181 N. Jackson street, Roseburg, Oro. Phone 327-Y. tf AUTOMOBILE FOR, SALE Snap. Model 1910 40-horse pGwer Inter State, with top, wind shield, speed ometer, end two new tires, must be sold at once to satisfy mort gage. Original price $2,600; now $750. Might accept good rcnl estate or part terms. For demonstration, address "H", care News, or call at this office. 323tf WE MULL AYKLTiS. We are practical deep well drillers. Leave your orders at S. K. Sykes" store, or address us by mall. 4 REYNOLDS & SMILLEY, alfi Roseburg, Ore. LIBERTY'S LIGHT 11 zv iv.T M am Is really the freedom that conies from ind-pendcnro, and independ ence ran only belong to the tlu-ifty nnd saving. Young and old ought to have a bank account and here Is tho place to have It. We welcome Individual accounts and are most ac rommodntJiuc to our depositors. Wo offer liberal Intrrrst combined with tbnt security tliat belongs to solid Institutions like ours. Interest on TimeDeposits First Trust and Savings Bank The tadies of the South Metnoaist church will hold a window sale of home cooking at the Benson grocery Saturday, August 3. a2 x-a &. Kites mmmmm WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Tho Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pit h and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 430,000 Words. 2700 Pages. C0OO Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Lot us toll you about this most remarkable single volume. "'y5uv J-A Write for sample W': wygSKHasajk pages, fall t"- , ?: it'v TA tA ticiuars, etc .&C.MenrtamCo. Spriui-fleld, Mum..;:1- OREGON MICIIII Tills great InflUuttoti njious Its donri for the lull s''jntMT on Hcp't'intT 20ih. Course . iiistnii'liuii lncluilr : (i cue ml Agriculture. Ayrfnnmiy, Animal Hub luinilry, Hairy Ilnlttiiiry Ittirterlology, liiiiiuiy and Plant I'ntlioliry, Poultry If ushri'mlry, Hirtirnltur Kn'tomolnny Veteritiarn Science, civil Kncincorlnif, Kk'ctrleal Ennnit'crinir, Mi-cliKiitcttl Kc KinecrhiR. .Miriint; Knclncring, Ulgr. way KiiKiiH'.Tiuv, Uorm'Htle Science, l"iiic!-tic Art, Commerce, Forestry, I'liHTinney, Zimlnjry. Chemistry, Ptyic MHlhriiiniie. Kntflish I.RHiiKtie nml LiiiTrtlure, !M til if SjicttkinK, Modern I,HnUrtVf, History. Art, An-hiteclure, niii 'trial Pc'Iiikokv, PIivsIchI Educa iloti, Mili.ary Science Hini Tactics, ami MuMc. ('Rtnlomie and llliiMmteil litorninre irtHllnl free mi Hpplicniion. A'lilrc-s: Kfjflttrar, Ortvoti Agricultural College, Corvaliis, Oregon. School Year Opens Septem ber 20 h, 1912 :yptok INVISIBLE RT-FrWAT -Jli,.. .nil UlUMILl lenses give him the two visions he requires in a one-piece lens. They are truly wonderful bifocals with no lines of separa tion and no cemented pieces. Come in and see them. A. 5. HUEY OI'TO.MKTIilST, 18 W. CASS ST. iT "."V v V'vAA f x v"-X paper end J ,11 II II lb