The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Kdltor ana nolo Proprietor.
Subscription Hates Dully.
Fr year, by mail . $3.00
Per month, delivered .60
Per year $2.00
Six months 1.00
Entered as second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Itosoburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879.
SA'IX'HDAV, AIGLST 10, 11)13.
Items of Interest to Hie Worker
kwl I p Hero And Tlicro In
This Iliwy World.
I'opullsi Cmvenllon will lie Held In
St. l-onU On Monday.
WASHINGTON, D. C, AliR. 10.--In
11Q Interval between the ronres-
There Are Ten Ten-1
ants Looking for a
House Like Yours! a:
Any one of th ton would
consider your rental price
reasonable, nnd your house,
or apartment, 1HEAI ex
actly what ho has been look
lug for!
Your "reasonably persls
tout" use of iho "lo rent"
columns of this paper will
result In holpInK SOMH ot
thoso ton poaslblo tenants to
find your honso or apart
ment. The details will be
easy to arrange!
Hen VmirllmiM Ttmntfch
The noxt convention of the West
ern Federation of Miners will be held
"at Hancock, Mich.
The shops act, passed by Parlia
ment In London, secures to the clerks
li weekly half-holiday.
A law has been passed in Denmark
under which the government makes
loans to farm laborers who desire to
become small farmers.
Tho International Miners' Con
Bress. Just closed in Amsterdam,
adopted a resolution In favor of the
principle, that five days' work Is
mfllclcnt for a week's work of min
Philadelphia has 85 cigar factories,
employing 0,411 persons. Fifteen
"hundred and eighty-three of these, or
practically twenty-live per sent, are
children under 10 years.
Tho Master Builders' Association
of New York decLarea that while
women will be admitted to its trade
school, soon to be opened, tiiey will
attend only to learn the business side
of building work.
There is to be opened In Cincinnati
a co-operative club for working girls.
They) are to bo given rooms nt the
cost of $1 a week, while their meals
will cost 35 cents a day. It is to
ho a "real home" and no profits.
A new profession has been taken
up by women In the South Amerlcnn
cities. On tho trolley cars, even In
the busier streets, the female con
ductor has long been an Important
factor In tho rapid transit situation
of these cities.
There nro ono million children uii
dor tho age of sixteen yearB employ
ed in Industries In the United States,
In addition to unother million In ag
riculture, only a part of whom are
working on the farm to help their
Tho telephone girls of Springfield,
Muss., have organized a union with
2B0 members. They will artlllate
with the American Federation or La
bor. Officials of the telephone com
pany say they are not opposed to the
move, but will treat union and non
union operntors alike.
American women employed in fac
tories are far more generously paid
Tor their work than their sisters em
ployed in similar vocations in Eu
ropean factories, according tp reports
inado to the department of commerce'
and labor by United Slates consuls'
stationed In various European cities.,
Germany. Great Britain, Austria, I
Italy und France have tor some time'
recognized the Importance of making
a thorough study of industrial il!i
oases. The result has been thai by a
nyslem of the most careful Inspec
tion and by the elimination of defec
tive methods and dangerous machin
ery general efficiency has been in
torlnlly Increased and the percentage
of Industrial diseases reduced. in'
mis country California, Connecticut
imnois, iew York, Michigan and
Wisconsin hnvo already passed laws
requiring physicians to make reports
on certain specified occupational dls-oasos.
slve convention and the WIIbod rati-l
ncatlon of last week and the notifica
tion of the two leading vlce-presl-
aentiai candidates fixed for a week
hence, the national campaign prom
ises to experience a mid-summer lull
during the ensuing seven days.
Tne most Important of fixed events
on the political calendar of the week
Willi be the populist national con
vention, which has been called to
meet in St. Louis next Monday to
name a presidential ticket and adont
Col. Cecil A. Lyon, chairman of the
republican state committee of Texas
and an active ltoosovelt supporter,
has Issued a call for a state conven
tion of the party to meet in Dallas
Monday to put a full ticket In th
A monument In honor of the mem
ory of Sir Isaac llrock. who com
manded the British forces in Canada
In the early part of the war of 1812
and who was killed at the battle of
liuecnstown Heights, Is to be unveil
ed Thursday at Drockvllle, Out. Col.
Samuel Hughes, the dominion minis
ter of mllltla and defense, is to of
ficiate at tho unveiling ceremony.
Among the conventions of the
week will be the annual meetings of
the International Typographical Un
ion, In Cleveland; the National So
ciety of the Army of the Philippines,
In Lincoln, Neb., and the Canadian
Medical Association, In Eduiunton,
10,000 KILLED
Earthquake and Fire in Turkey !
Works Fearful Devastation
ItooHcvelt Admits Tlmt Many of the!
Progressive Platform Planks
Are of Democratic Origin
Make Htjitcinent.
FOR RENT Four furnished rooms.
Enquire rear door 813 s. Mill
"feet. 333-A17
Juyt-JL-l XJ2 ' LJW deli nit
i Webster's"
Because " NE,w crea-
TION, covering every
Held of tho world's thought,
uvuuu, unu cuuuro. 1 lie only
flew unabridged dictionary in
many years.
Because u definoa over 400,000
. Wnr its; rooro than over
before, appeared between two
covers, ayoa 1'agca. 6000 J1
Jutilralioiuf. Because 11 ' 010 dictionary
. with tho now divided
pago. A "BLroko of Gonius."
Beeaure " nn encyclopedia in
a siuftio volume
Because 14 '" commended by tho
. Courts, tiie Schools, and
tho Press as tho ouo supreme
Because U9 who knows mm
.Sireoes. Let us toll
you ubout this new work.
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
LONDON, Eng., Aug. 10. Renorta
from. lf'onKtjlitlll,,ntla , I
......,u),,v imo uiurujng
are to the effect that more than 10,-
uuu lives were lost In Turkey last
night and early today as the result i
of a terrible earthquake and the fire i
that followed In its wake. ConUm-l
tlnnplo Itself is not in the earthquake)
zone and consequently no lives were'
lost there. The Turkish towns of'
Tchanak, Kallesnl, Galipoll and the i
villages along the sea of Marmora j
were destroyed and many lives lost. '
Tchorlu In the Adrlanoplo district'
with a population of '1,000 was to-1
tally destroyed by fire that followed j
the quake and It is belloved that only
a mere handful of the Inhabitants
escaped with their lives. Galllpoll
at tho northwest entrance of the
Durdlnelles with a population of
three thousand met a similar fate as
did also Tchalek Kalessi which has
population of ten thousand. De-
of the tragedy ore meagre and
Information Is slow in com
KfiMVn. T..1.. . T.'
tll .....T-i. vie, llljuim rwur.
fcijjH I-AIAJMA, wash,, August 10. J.
3C. Mitchell, a laborer, was Instantly
Kiiioci ano rour passengers were ser
iously Injured here today In a col
lision when a street car bumped Into
the rear end of a work train at the
edge of a deep gulch in the bettor
residence district of this cltv. Res-
ponslblllty for the 'accldent has not
! ivi oeen piaceo.
Itooscvctl Steals llanks.
OYSTER BAY, Aug. 10. Theo
dore Roosevelt today admitted that
many of the planks contained In the
progressive platform were or demo
cratic origin. Mr. Roosevelt made
this statement and admission when
his attention was called to the charge
made by William Jennings Bryan
that the progressives had stolen many
or the democratic planks for their
Ambition's totin' of her load
"Come on!" I hear her holler,
An' Fame's a-trudgin' down the road
A-begging me to toiler.
But somehow I can't seem to hear
Above the willer's swishin',
An' Fancy shoutin' in my ear,
"Come on an' go a fishin'!"
Say, we have the finest line of Trout Flies
you have ever seen in Roseburg. Come in
and ask for some of those
YOU never have bought as good a 50c
Fly in your life for that money, Mr. Isaac
P. S.-We
camp needs.
can outfit you with all your
A special price on tents.
WB1TE for ipMlDMa. of Uw Daw dlrlM ptt.
C. C. MERRIAM CO.. Pu-MUlun. SnH-.n-u M.
MMUomiil.s.pOT.iwartT. FREE km! of pock.t m.p.
Business Is good why? Because
when we clean and press your clothes
they are dono right; not mopped
over. Ladles', gents' and children's
work, kid gloves nnd shoes. Sloper
I & Son. We call and deliver. Phone
us 47.
L.NOW. 1
Dont fnil to come out and see the
P.8 cri"n (,f t,!B l-'niiiquii Valley. Tracts 10 acres ami tin.
Price TijO.OO an acre anil up. Deep, rich soil. Come out,
write or call up on phone,
C M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore.
FALL 1912
Mackinaw Coats
Norfolks Coats
Blazer Coats
New Fall Waists
Is tne time to lay
in vaur winter's'
We can furnish you lG-in.
slab wood by the car load
for only 13.75 a cord, f. o.
b., liosuburj;, Oregon.
Page Investment
N. Jackson Street
Phone 242
Spend Your Outing at Tiller. Ore.
ml ,,rs K,.,, ,,.J r.,h,,' "id. !'"! water-Mj,,.
leclalien I lt,l,.l 'I in..,. ....... .. r? '"e Nilen,lii
SilIHlay (Itmi
C. 111.
Ilolel t ill,.
i !' l-ui-1 lift It,-
Hull l.ili ..... . ..
lAHTHfM. rn.i.i:i, oi',t:iiON
If- riiii'ciiil
X Causes
The Bellows Store Co.
l Clbgi the pores of the scalp, prevents the
1 hair from obtaining proper nourishment
causes it to fade and eventually to fall
out. And besides, it's irritating and
annoying to have your scalp itching and
burning all the time.
If you want to get rid of the Dandruff
germ to stop the annoying itching and
burning to have a really clean and
healthy scalp, get a bottle of HAY'S
HAIR HEALTH to-day prove to your
self what a satisfactions it is to have hair
Your money back if not satisfactory
$..00 and We at I)ri Storci
receipt of pHe and dctltr oarac.
uiai ootu. rauo nay spec.
Marsters brug Co.,
Uru Co. soil It for fpOc and Jl.Oi)
or from Phllo Hay Sicc. Co.. Xew
rU. N. J. , !
BuusRlow etaltiv. pure creosote,
no better mndt Rt 75e, Don't he
fooled fn paying 90c to ?1.2S, bntj
patronize the man who knows. KIsh-1
;arain in Flour
During next weelc you can buy
Mt. Hood Snowfall Flour
At $1.25 per sack
This is a Hmd Wheat Blend Flour
and a good buy at the regular price.
Buy a Dollar's worth of Sugar and
see hovv many pound's you get.
Phone 195 Perkins Bld'g.
not satisfactory. m M jr m m ?v i
lMluidm $ Pi
Best paint on eartb teail and oil
at 12.00 per gallon. Let's bust the
mlied ralnt trust, FIsher'a
Marstem. rra ninnk..
Is prepared In in.i.u . '
r-.m aa plpe nouses,
He guarantees
ike piilntcr.
tf I
tf j satisfaclion.