LOCAL NEWS. Get auto conteat voiei at Church Brothers'. tf A good new piano tor rent. Pbone 288-H. H. Jay Stone. tt H. W. Oliver will tune your piano or repair your organ. Phone 398. tf Mary and Hazel Brown left to day for a visit with their parents at Isadora. Bud Hamlin and family loft Inst night fora visit with friends and rela tives at Medford. ?v! G. F. Morris, chlef-of-pollee of Eu gene, who has been visiting here, left today for his home. T. B. Skeen and wife, of Washing ton, arrived last night for a visit at the borne of Frank Goodman. Mrs. Meed, of Wilbur, arrived In this city this morning to visit with friends and relatives. Arve Stearns, of Oakland Is In town today attending to business matters. The "Loyal Girls" will give an en tertainment at the Christian church Thursday, August 15th, at 8 p. m Admission 10 cents. al5 County Judge and Mrs. Wonacott left for San Francisco and other Cali fornia points on the morning train Tbey expect to be gone about two weeks, and will visit friends In the Golden state. In bis business life, hats qf good style, good taste, are a big asset to the young man. In his social life, such bats are a necessity. Most of our bats are made by Stetson after Ideas of our own. New Stetson hats Just arrived. We are giving double votes on all bats until August 11th. a7 HARTH'S TOGGERY READY FOIl WOltK Aii.MS. GRANGE ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Dexter Rice and family, who for the past! several weeks have been camping on their ranch near Hoaglin returned here yesterday. Mr. Rice says that he Is ready to get down to work once more after the outing and that he feels much improved In health. KQL'AL SUFFRAGE MEETI.VG. The regular meeting of the Equal Suffrage Club of this city will be held Monday afternoon, as usual, at 2:30 o'clock on the court house lawn. J. J. Baker, the Winston orchard- lst, this morning brought In a bas ketful of Spokane Beauts apples. All of them measured twolve Inches or more In clrcumfrance and on,e of them sixteen Inches. R. L. Colllne, a Southern Pacific brakoman, came near drowning in the swimming nolo at Alexander's Park yestorday. Collins was en deavoring to cross the river and tvhllo In deep water was seized by a cramp and after calling for help, sank. Some of the other swimmers Haw his plight nnd. procuring a boat, caught him as he was sinking the third time. When brought to the bank Collins was unconscious, but soon recovered. ALL COMPETITION' KVOCKED OUT l.V FIRST IIOL'M). IN A MOTOR BOAT By SARAH PRICE VAUGHAN Wilbur Grange will give an Ice! cream social at the school bouse on I the afternoon and evening of Sat-! urday, AugUBt 17. The public Is j cordially Invited to attend and enjoy the affair with the Grange. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR KIIIEWALK ' CONSTRUCTION. I . j Her father called her Pussy, and ber Sealed proposals will be received i mother called ner Tottle and several by the undersigned at the City Re-I"e,r "T ,, She Was J"? ?? , , , . ' child, and we all know what that corders office In the City of Rose-1 mt.ana. ner father mother red burg, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock p. m. for her alone. Without her their uni on August 19th, 1912. for the con-1 verse would have collapsed, structlon of a sidewalk on Stephens) When she was sixteen Bhe was what street In said City along the west S'rls of that age usuully are half wo side of the property owned by Frank j man' balf chlld' she fe""2"! the wo- E. Alley, situated on the east sldei' ,ul 01 "B eunu part sue of said Stephens street between .....,. ..... i aeu limits uiu euuuu 10 nuve a lover Mosher and Blakeley street, said side- j sna- wng ot long in getting one. John- walk to be constructed to conform to ! ny Walker was the youug man she tie- tbe present established grade of said elded upon for that position. The greatest line of Aluminum Waro ever shown In Roseburg. The Ware that Wears. Not the cheap fltmBy kind, but the good heavy re liable sort. Call and examine qual ity the prices are right. RICE & RICE. tf FOR RENT Newly furnished room, gentleman roomer preferred. Close In. 312 E. Cass. 324tf street and In accordance with the provisions of ordinances of said city relating to the construction of sidewalks. The right to reject any and all bids Ib hereby reserved. Dated August 9th, 1912. B. FENTON, Marshal of .the City of Roseburg. Oregon.' d-al7 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. She made Johnny's acquaintance In this way: Ills father owned a summer cottage on the Atlantic coast, and one leason Mr. Cumniings, Pussy's father, rented a cottage near by. There Is no coast in the world so adapted to boat ing in a medium way as this that is. it Isn't ocean boating or row boating, though there may be both. It is espe cially fitted for motor boating. All day one bears the rapid explosions of gasc- line engines coming over the water far and near. It was a motorboat that did the busi ness for Pussy and Johnny. Johnny w-as eighteen years old and had grown up, so to speak. In a motorboat. lie Notice Is hereby given to any and all persons that the undersigned will not be responsible for any material lla(1 a varT nlce one' Pussy thought. i ; There Are Ten Jobs i Hunting You! j There are, now awaiting a ! worker of YOUR abilities, at I least ten good Jobs In this J ' city. The men who are look- Jj ! Ing for PEOPLE LIKE YOU 1 ', to fill those jobs are want advertisers themselves, and 2 1 readers of want ads. They will see YOUR WANT AD If 3 It Is published In this paper with "reasonable persist- J ence"; and, seeing It, will . realize your fitness for the 3 work they want done. JJ Watch the ads in J THE EVENING NEWS n TO THE PUBLIC: On and after September 1st we will not issue any Premium Coupons. All coupons that are issued prior to that date will be good until January 1st, 1913 at which time they must be redeemed. Be ginning with the lirst of the year we will offer to our customers an entire new Free Deal. Yours tor business, R. STUBBS, The Grocer furnished, or labor performed on or abutting any property owned by him, and will not permit any liens to be placed on such property, unless such material Is furnished, or labor per formed in accordance with a written order signed by the undersigned. Notice Ib further given that any person entering upon such premises of the undersigned for any purpose whatever, unless unser the direction of the undersigned, will be consider ed a trespasser and held accountable for any damage done or alteration made in the appearance of said prem ises. Dated at Roseburg. Oregon, this 10th day of August, A. D. 1912. al7 FRANK E. ALLEY. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Ib hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of George W. Both, deceased. has filed in the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon his final account as such administrator of said estate, and that Wednesday, the 14th day of August, 1912, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of objectlngs to said account and the settlement thereof. B. L. EDDY, Administrator of the Estate ol George W. Both, Deceased. a!2 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Lucas, deceased. has filed in the County Court ol j Douglas County, State of Oregon, his final account as BUch administrator of said estate, and that Saturday, the , 31st day of August, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. GEORGE LUCAS. 19 Administrator Roseburg Phone' 201 Sutherlin Phone 2S Up-to-the-Times 'with attention and mechanics First Class Materials Work Guaranteed NOTICE TO nillDEKS. Bids will be received until Sat urday, August 10th, 1912, for paint ing school house and outbuildings In school district No. 60, according t sped flcat Ions filed with clerk of said district. School board reserves right to re ject any or all bids. Doted this 22nd, any or July, 1912 F. O. GOOD, Clerk. Clevelnnd, Oregon n 3322222322 22, Now is the Time For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our goods and prices will please you. We make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning and pressing. W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor 111 Cass St. only sbe would have preferred tbat It should have been painted blue, her fa vorite color. Instead of white. When she first saw Johnny go out in it she stood on the shore looking at nlm so wistfully that he asked bis mother to call on their neighbors so that he could take "that pretty girl" out in his boat Elia mother called, and Johnny and Pussy did the rest. Tbat was the first summer. When the two families went borne "after Labor day" the American people all 50 home from the country at one time after Labor day, much-to their discom fortJohnny and Pussy were en gaged. Pussy managed It all. though Johnny was quite willing. Pussy be Core starting in for another year at school told her mother of ber engage ment. ' The pood lady was as much stir prised as If her daughter bad an oounced the engagement of her doll, that had been laid aside but two years before. Nevertheless since Johnny was a nice boy and of a good family and all that she told her daughter thai if she nnd Johnny were of the same mind in four years she would have no objection to their being married. "Four years!" exclaimed Pussy. "Yes; when you are twenty.' "Why. mother, I'll be as old ns Me thusaleh In four years. It's an nge." The next summer Pussy was seven teen years old. Like most very young people, she bad very little respect for the opinion of her elders. She thought it was time for her and Johnny to he married. Johnny hadn't thought much about it, but since Pussy thought so In thought so too. But he didn't make any move In that direction. The two families occupied during this second summer the cottages they had occupied during the first. One day when Johnny and Pussy were out in his motorboat Pussy said: "Johnny, how long do you propose t keep me waiting?" '"Waiting for what?" "Are you going to marry me or not?" Johnny caught bis breath. "Why, ol course I am." "When'" "When we're older." Pussy turned her back on him. John ny colored and added: "All right. Now Is a good time. We'll go to It, and b married." He had "seen" Pussy's bluff and gone her one better. Hut she was tired of waiting for ull those years to pass be fore being married, so she said Rhe be lieved she would consent to go to It ' and be married, ! Johnny put on all the power in the . engine and pointed the boat toward j B., five miles away. Pussy Bat very quiet She neither moved nor spoke, j Johnny occasionally looked at her out j of the corner of bis starboard eye, but he didn't say anything either. In half an hour they reached the floating dock lit B. Johnny got out and made fast the boat, then put out his band to Pussy. She didn't move. J "Come." wild Johnny. "Where are yoo going to take me to : after we're married 7" "We'll go on a wedding trip. I have t a nice little sum saved tip In bank." "I wonder what papa will say? "I don't know." J "And mamma T" ; "I don't know that either. "It would be nice to have her with ' me whon I am married." ! Johnny cast off the line, threw It : i into the boot, got In himself and start If You Have Property to Sell, Rent or Exchange You Want to See J. W- CAMPBELH The Live Wire Real Estate Agent List What You Have With Him and Get Results j Do You Ever Hear x One of our customers complain ing about getting inferior articles from,' our store? jkT Because we concen Mgf' centrate our efforts on keeping our stock Pure, Fresh and Wholesome. We insist on the highest quality We Guarantee Satisfaction or Refund Your Money. Roseburg Rochdale Co. BUY A FARA1 800,000 Acres to Select . From. In Central Oregon LOW PRICES EASY TERMS Your last chance to buy Good FarmlLand at Such Low Prices Come In And Let lis tell you about these farms If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm We will figure with you McCLINTOCK AND GEDDES lflc' '" 'rti r'n Annex. Next To (irnml IIot,-l D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notice RQSEEUPG GEE Phnna OiC Ail work first-riai Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papcrs Prepafed Insurance, Etc. Bonds ol all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property Perkins Building - -d fnr home. i The ride wns not a chatty one. run I y remarked that the boat was not ! -'olnc as fast ns nsnal. nnd Jolinny re j rilled that he thought It wns dotnj: mite ns well. This was the only re j 'tiark made dnrin their return, thnntrh i 'he (INtJinrv wns Hunt miles nnd they h'err nn hiur dotne it. When the interminable four years ot fruiting were ended Fussy had been 'tipaccd three times and flt twenty would hare scorned to marry any of :he men to whom she had been en saprd. but she still thought she was not extraordinarily particular as to the man she would marry. At twenty-five die Admits that she was very partlcn lar. She has a fair prospect of being in eld aiald. RIVERSDALE TRACTS Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for frui , garden and farm products, located five miles from Rose burg, on the North Umpqua River. Sold on terns The N CURRY RSTATP n.;. Mnnn,V RiM;rt vywiICIS .... ,6 Roseburg, Oregon THE ECONOMY MARKET I. George Kolilhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Riful r i i,7" , 1 lle nest the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM. Phone 53 Rosebuig, Orejjon fitr finrrlir r