The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 09, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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"Went And (Moot ISIame Mini For IHtf
Verdi it li Condemna
tion Huh.
- SALEM, Or., Aug. 8. Believing
that Attorney Gt-'neriil Crawford U
to blame or the jury action in fix
ing the hlRh price for hind recently
acquired by the Kbnte through con
demnation proceedings from the Sav
age heirs for the use pf the peniten
tiary, members of the state hoard to
day are profile In their criticism
against htm and have practically de
cided to not purchase the property.
The tract comprises tlve acres and
a fraction, and the Jury fixed Its val
110 at $2,000. The board had of
fered $150 an acre for the land and
hoped to secure it cheaper by con
demnation, but if now acquired by
condemnation must pay twice that
Governor West and Secretary of
SUite Olcolt are particularly severe
In censuring the attorney general.
They declare that he proceeded to
try the case without notifying them
or any other heads of department!
so they could testify on behalf of
the state, that he called as witnesses
for the state only two real estate
men and that a majority of 'ho men
on the jury wore local real estate
mon. Because of Crawford's failure
to give an opportunity to the state
to bring in testimony as to the value
of the land and also his alleged fail
ure to guard Its rights In selecting a
jury, they now declare the atutd must
either do without the land or pay an
exorbitant price for It. They declare
that the land Is not worth over $50
an acre, but to avoid litigation they
offered $ 1 GO for ft.
Secretary of State Olcott also cen
Biireg the attorney general for run
ning up an automobile bill of $11.50
In taking the jury to view the land
when' ho could have reached It as
conveniently by streetcar at a coat
not to exceed $1.20 to the state.
The board bold a .mooting today on
tho subject and the sentiment of
"West and Olcott Is against taking
the land at tho price fixed by the
to the federal officers, unless it
should be demanded. j
Lewis Is serving an eight-year
term for highway robery and was
sentenced from Roseburg. Stanley
Is serving a seven-year term, for al
terlng chocks,, find was sentenced
from Benton county.
.McrclmmliKe Direct From Eat
Same Rutti As I Con I il mien Is
I'roin I'ortlund.
Oujr merchants and shippers in
general will he pleased to learn that
effective September 10, 1912, the
present restriction which prohibits
ttm application of local class freight
rates from Portland to Roseburg and
other points along the line of the
Southern Pacific In connection with
freight moving from the Kaaj, Will
be removed by consent of the-lntcr-
&Lnte commerce commission. 'Local
agent, L. B. Moore, was so notified
by the Southern Pacific Company this
The practice heretofore of shippers
instructing shipments from the East
to be consigned to Portland and re
forwarded from there will be un
necessary on shipments moving on
and after September 10, 1912. Tar
iffs will be so adjusted that direct
movement can be obtained subject
to the same rate as re-shlpment from
(Continued from page 1.)
Counterfeit. MwUi Prom Lcitd, IViibhll
and Tin l-'oil In Tho Penitentiary.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 8 Following
out clews Klven Ijy Chief of Po
lice Ira Hamilton, Prank Curtis,
superintendent of the state peniten
tiary yesterday afternoon cxhaotcd
from J. J. Stanley, a convict at the
1'onltonthiry, n confession that he
had boon making counterfeit mcne.
and that bo had been using lohn
Lewis, a trimly, to pass thn money
on merchants In this city. After re
curing tho confession tha nfliclnls
unearthed a large number of i1nsU'r
of parls molds In the pain I shop at
the Institution which had been used
In making money,
Sevoral days ago Chie' of Police
Hamilton was advised that Lewis had
Attempted to jkifm counterfeit immey '
on clerks at Cummtnga' grocery
store, and that he had succeeded In
parsing some of It on clerks In the
.lories' confectionery store. Proceed-j
Ing quietly to the penitentiary ho,
Jointly with the official, conducted
an Investigation.
Lewis at first denied having passed
the spurious coins, hut upon being
Identified, finally confessed. He do-j
cinred that persons outride the pris
on and working on tho convict g:iug
hnd given him the money to puss.,
Vpon following this cliv, however, ,
It became apparent that 1ewis was
lying. He was then threatened with
being turned over to the federal of
ficials uittoHH be told nit. and a con
fession Implicating Stanley follow
ed. Confronted with the confession
of Lewis, Stanley also confessed and
told the officers where the molds
were stored, Tho money whs made
from senilis of babbitt and lead pick
ed up around the machine shops, and
tin foil taken from tobacco packages.
While tho work was crude a counter
feit coin fairly resembling a genuine
one wns produced.
Officials at the penitentiary de
clare that they believe the making
of the money hud not been going
on more than two or three weeks,
and that but Httlu or It hud been
put into circulation. NYlthcr Stan
ley nor Lewis will bo turned over
who was supposed to be guilty of
the cutting had gone down the road
to finish some work that he had
been engngod to do. Sheriff Qnlne
ascertained that Bun ham, who was
reported killed, hnd left the commu
nity and gone up into the woods. The
sheriff located Boren, who stated
that he was ready to come to town
any time they wanted to place a
charge against him. Quine learned
that Boren was not the aggressor in
the fight and that he acted solely In
self defense and therefore left him
at his work. The only person who
seemed put out by the tragedy was
Sheriff Quine, who lost a night's
sleep, which be Is making up today.
Succumbs To Injuries Recently Sus
tained In Automobile .
L. E. Hoover died yesterday at j
Medford a tho result of an operation
on the hipl which was Injured In1
an accident near this city Monday, i
The accident occurred several j
miles west of Roseburg while the au-j
toniohile occupied by Mr. Hoover was
being towed Into town by Sain
Smith's "Winton 6." The crippled cm
in coming down a slight grade ran
over the tow rope, which, when It
tightened . overturned the machine,
Mr. Hoover brought iere and
taken to Mercy hospital, where It was
found that bis hip had been frac
tured. Yesterday ho was deomed
sufficiently recovered to he taken to
his home at Medford, and was placed
upon the train for tluit city. On
his departure he was -feeling much
better and suffered very little. Re
foro reaching Medford his condition
became much worse and upon his ar
rival he was Immediately taken to
the hospital when an operation was
deemed 'neessEiry, The operation
proved uusticcessf ul. Mr. Hoover dy
ing at about six o'clock last night.
Tlie deceased leaves, besides a sor
rowing wife, a daughter and two
sons, one of whom resides at Los
Angeles; nilso two sinters, Mrs. U. K.
Meter and Clara Hoover, of Seattle,
and two brothers. O. V. Hoover, of
Portland, and E. V Hoover, of this
The funeral services will be held
from the family residence near Med
ford Sunday afternoon Aupust 11.
under the auspices of the Wood mon
of the World. The address will be
delivered by Hon. It. F. Mulkey. of
that city.
.1. S. Samuel, of Myrtle Crook, I
tn town today attending tc business
The only tip-to-aara goods no
others carried from Alfred Peats
Co., at eastern prices at Fisher's
paint store. tf
Dont (nil to eumo out nml tee the
Th cream of tho I'mpqim Yallev. Tract 10 nores and up.
Trice 150.00 mi acre and up. Oeep, rich soil. Come out,
write or call up on phone,
M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore.
Kva and Hazel Han as left this af
ternoon for Sutherlln.
Crace Clayton and Mrs. E. H. Stiv
ers left this afternoon for Portland.
O. P. Coshow returned today from
a business trip to Portland.
You get auto contest votes with
eevry purchase at Church Brothers'
Oakery. tf
Mrs. F. 8. Green, who has been
visiting In this city, left today for
T. L. Lee, of Looking Glass, and
Grange organizer, was In the city
W, H. Lytle, state sheep Inspector,
fs in the city on business connected
with his official duties.
Church Brothers' Bakery gives
auto contest votes to Its customers.
Ask for them with each purchase, tf
Mrfv. J. H. jKergiison, who fiats
been visiting in this city left today
for her home at Medford.
Stoney Coffell and wife, who have
been visiting at Glengary returned
to their home here today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ouvlle and sons, who
have been visiting at the home of
M. Martin, lert this morning for Los
Frank Churchill and wife, of Coles
Valley, arrived in this city today for
visit at the home of Edward Von
Toil can rent the latest novels at
the Fiction Library,, Up-stnira In the
Pnrrott Building. Over fifteen hun-
tired volumes to select from. a 4 ;
Mrs. Robert Justice will move to:
10 ii gene In a few days where she will!
join Mr. Justice, who has preceded
her there. . j
Mrs. A. S. Whiting nnd daughter,!
who have been v Islt 1 n g with M rs. ,
Parker, of this city, left today for
their home In Virginia.
Capt. F. G. Stewart, Sergeant S.
W. Pearson, Corporal J. D. Wool
ford, and Privates Hugh Pearson and
Bert Taylor, of the local company
coast artillery, left todfcxy for the
shoot at Clackamas. :
Marcus Bros! died yesterday at his j
home at Brockway. Mr. Bros!' was'
afflicted with dropsy, which was the
cause of his death. The funeral was j
held at 2 o'clock today. Interment
taking place at the Civil Bend ceme-i
tery. -
Mrs. B. W. Bates and mother, Mj-b. !
G. W. Sloper, accompanied by the j
former's two children, VrJmn and
Hoss, returned here last evening af
ter a mouth spent at Newport. Ber-'
tram Hates, who accompanied them
to the seaside returned home a few '
days ago.
B. F. Hamp, candidate for the
United States senate on tho socialist :
ticket will speak in Koseburg next ,
Tuesday evening at the corner of j
Oak and Jackson streets. Mr. Kninp
Is quite well known In Koseburg, hej
having lived here many years, and
Is now nn extensive property owner j
here. 'Doubtless many friends of the i
gentlrman will be glad to hear what
he has to say In a political way next
Tnusday. j
J. L. Churchill, of Coles Valley, j
spent the day In Koseburg, The gen-1
telman sns that the people down his
way are anxious to see railway build-!
Ing In that section. He states that (
with the exception of transportation
facilities, Coles Valley Is the most
desirable spot In all America to live
in. In fact, Mr. Churchill said that ;
he Just about as soon stay In that (
beautiful section as to go to heav
en, and all they lacked was a rail
way so that the peoplo could go and
come nt will. '
A. B. Bradley, who went to Ban
don last Sunday for a few days at
the beach, returned here this after-
noon. In speaking of his trip. Mr.
Bradley, who" was accompanied by
W, A. Pettlt. of the News force, mid
that they left Koseburg at 4:30 a. m.,
and arrived In Bnndon at 2:30 p. m.,
making the drive In Just ten hours.
The roads are In good condttlon for
mountain highways, and hi little
Ford machine climbed the mountains
with perfect ease. Comparing Rose
burg with coast towns. Mr. Bradley ;
said this afternoon that this city Is
way ahead of any place he visited. !
He made the return trip alone, Pettlt 1
remaining for a few more j days'
pleasure at the seashore.
Let Stone tune your piano. Phone
288-R. tf
Room and board In private fam
ily at 427 E. Douglas. a9
L. L. Matthews, of Peel, Is in
town today attending- no business
Tho largest, most toeautlfui and
stylish wall paper stock ever seen In
Roseburg at D. P. Fisher's paint and
paper store. 121 West Oak street
Monday, August 12, 1912, there
will be an entertalnmont at Brock
way school house, at 8:00 p. In.
There will be a musical and literary
program and a farce, "The Reason
Why". Ad initial on free.
IVlitlmi For Divorce Filed By Mrs.
Sutlieiiin Say For Seven Years
Husband Has Been Druukurd.
Alleging that her husband has been j
an habitual drunkard for the past!
seven years and that he has made
life burdensome to her through cruel
and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Amerl-'
can A. Sutherlln today filed suit for
an absolute divorce from her hus
band, John R. Sutherlln. The couple
were married on November 28th,
1888, and are well known in Rose
burg. The defendant was at one
time wealthy and enjoyed a host of
friends In this vicinity. Strong drink
got the better of his manhood and
he hurried through his property
and money In an effort to satiate i
his desire for liquor. Cardwell &
Watson filed the salt. i
WANTED Good wood cutter. Tele
phone 14F25 or Inquire at News
office. 317-tf
Can't you imagine some wantt ads being
really worth more to you than any telegram or
registered letter you have received in a year
or that you are apt to receive in the year to
Are you not able to imagine how some want
ad of four or five lines of type, may if investi
gated and followed up" influence the whole trend
of your life? Some opportunity for work, for
buying or selling, or for investment may have
such far-reaching results for you as to shape
and direct your comings and goings, your prof
its and losses for long years!
What a Child OUGHT to Know
and WANTS to know
Aswcrs Every Question a Child Can Ask
Vhy Is tho sea never still?
Where does the wind begin?
Why can't wo see In the dark? '
What aro eyebrows for?
Why are the rain drops round?
Why Is the snow so white?
What Is the Milky Way?
What Is the use of our hair?
Vhy do we grow old?
Why is yawning Infectious?
'Do we think in words?
Why does water freeze?
And thousands of others
Opens Every Door A Child Should Enter
The United States and
All other Countries
Natural History
Plant Life
Stories and Legions
Men and Women
Our own Life
Book of Wonder
Famous Books
The earth
Poetry and Rhymes
Golden Deeds
School Lessons
Familiar Things
Thlnes to Make and Do.
Fifteen Great Departments
The Book of Knowledge
The Children's Encyclopaedia
Superbly Illustrated with 9,000 Pictures 350 Magnificent Colored Plates
The Fifteen Great Departments supply the needs and exercise all the faculties of the growing mind.
Natural Science, which lights up nature; delightful history, mechanics and arts; beautiful places to be
seen or dreamed about, adventure, which arrives and brings back a treasure; real people more interesting
than giants and cleverer than faries; things to make and do which delightfully occupy busy hands all
satisfy and stimulate eager young minds. The reason for including every department will be easily
apparent after examining the work.
President John H. Finley, of the College of the City of New York, introduction says:
"Suppose a hoy of ten were to spend fifteen minutes a day reading these pages, ... he would at 13
know more about the earth and the life on it then the wisest men knew a few generations ago."
A well-rounded education cannot be obtained In
the school room alone. The boy or girl whose prog
ress Is the most rapid will almost always be the one
whose reading has been carefully selected at home.
The editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE have
rendered this great service to childhood. No wise
parent will neglect the opportunity offered by this
work to study the disposition and capabilities of his
child. In many onsen a chilli's life work may be
determined by tho possession of these books.
The Important facts in all the leading articles are
Indelibly impressed upon the mind In three differ
ent ways. First the summary at the head of each
nrllcle, then the wonderfully Interesting article It
self, then the picture Illustrating It, with the seev
eral lines of terse and vivid description.
"It is an exhaustive work and a notable example
of editorial skill In the choice of topics and their
treatment. Adults as well as children will be fasci
nated alike by the luminous text and the Illustra
tions. As has already been pointed out in these
columns, one of the uses of such a work would be
to assist parents, their sons and daughters In find
ing out whether a child's natural bent be toward
science, mechanics, trade or literature."
They will be delighted wlrh the beautiful lllus
tiated booklet mailed tree giving the contents of
each of the Departments of Knowledge. The valua
ble pamphlet, "The Mind of a Crlld," also presented.
The lost art of simplicity the art of presenting
profouud truths In the simple language which a
child tan understand has been discovered by the
editors of the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. The simple
ciear and convincing style which appeals esually to
the adult mind is the secret of the great drawing
j,ower of this remarkable work. It quickens and
stimulates thought and In a marked degree wakens
interest In the world of Ideas. Not only facts but
ideals are absorbed, and learning male a real delight
These Two Booklets
Mailed FREE
The Grolier Society,
183 Tenth St., Portland. Ore.
Please mall me descriptive booklet of the
BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, and pamphlet "The
Mind of a Child."