THE EVENING NEWS CARL D. SHOEMAKER, Editor and Bole Proprietor. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Rates Dally. Per year, by mall 3.00 Jer month, delivered 60 Semi-Weekly. Per year $2.00 Blx month - 1.00 RntArArl no. nflivtnrftnRi mntlpr November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., ander act or March 8. 1879. VIUDAY, Al'Ol'ST l, lUia. FISH Vtm THIS U.MI'QUA. : The lzak Walton's of this part of the country )a,re )lnHltlng that . the game warden should plant fish both In the North and South Umpqua rivers. A number of local wellders ul tan rou anu lacKie wmn uihck hubs planted while still others want trout. The game warden says that the black bass are destructive of other fish and that sooner or later they will eat or kill all the others in the streams. An easy wny to satisfy both clnsses of anglers would be to plant the bass In the South Umpqua and the trout In the north branch or the stream. Black Ivass will not frequent the North Umpqua for any distance for the roabon that the waters of tha stream are too cold. The bass must bave warmer water in which to pro rogate and thrive.' The South Ump qua Is noticeably warmer than the nonu umpqua unu hub ueiuK bu mu bass will thrive here and the trout In the other Btream. Of course at the Junction of the two branches the bass in time will drive out what trout frequent those waters, but the North branch being colder the bass will not travel far lip that chunnel and the trout will not he disturbed. The bass is by far the gamier of the two flsh, as It takes both the halt and fly hooks and puts up a struggle that equals the fight made by a sal mon. No more interesting sport Is ofrered to the lover of the rod than bass fishing. It is a splendid flsh to ontch and is most palallble to eat. , Wo hope that when the flsh are plant ed at least some bass will be placed In the South Umpqua, and what flsh are planted In the North I" m pq u should be trout. ENFORCING THE I.AW. Editor News: . Mayor Gaynor. of New York, was to be Tammany's can didate for the governorship of the fttate. The exposure of the partner ship existing between the gambling fraternlay, tho macquerpan, and oth ers engaged in commercializing vice and crlmo, on the one Bldo and the Now York police on tho other, has caused the mayor's camiMiign for the governorship to fall flat The In dictment of Police Lioutenaut Ileckor for complicity In tho murder of Ros enthal, who was about to make Im portant revelations to the district at torney, caused a great sensation. Clt Izons Issued a call for a mass moot ing to take up the matter of law en forcement. Tho situation in New York Ib of grave Import, becauso It Is rocogulzori Vis being typical of what exists In Icks conspicuous form olBcwhure. It was long ngo' predicted that our republic would not endure because lack of rospect for the law would Increase nnd overwhelm our Institu tions. It was worth fighting for the foundation of this nation, It was worth fighting to maintain Its exis tence in the sixties, and imtrlotlc people believo It Is still worth while to light ngaiiiRt the rising tide of lawlessness which would destroy It. Whothor in the chief city of the na tlon or In the llttlo Oregon railroad town of Huntington, wherever viola tion of the law Is connived at or encouraged for lucre, there must cor rective public sentiment bo aroused. Greed is active everywhere and the . baste to be rich Is undermining the whole social fabric. For love of gold men who wl8h to stand high in puh llo estimation, who step forth at There Are Ten Ten ants LooRing for a House Like Yours! Any ono of the ten would ' consider your rental priro reasonable, and our housf, or apartment, IDEA!-exactly what ho has been look ing for! Your "reasonably porsls tont" use of tho "to rent" columns of this paper will ' result in helping SOME of these ten possible tenants to find your houso or apart ment. Tho details will bo easy to arrangol Unit Your ltoute Throitah THF FVFNlMfi NEWS every opportunity as the representa tives of the citizenship of their com munities do not hesitate to main tain secret alliances with those who scheme and conspire to evade and overturn the law and to corrupt our ctttzenshlp. These men traffic In the baser appetites and passions for gold, trusting In an outward veneer of respectability to Bave them from condemnation and scorn. Men who, like Police Lieutenant Becker, and Italian offlcluls Implicated In the crimes of the gigantic and bloody Oamorra of Italy, have their counter parts everywhere. In Oregon, where the opportunities for the accumula tion of wealth by legitimate means are still many, there would seem to be less occasion than elsewhere for men to band themselves together to vlolato the law and exploit vice and crime for profit. And yet the stain Is on Oregon, also Governor West has exposed the shame of some com munities, but he has only begun. Whether he will continue bis cru sade for decency remulns to be seen. But no self-respecting community ought to require or expect the Inter ference of the governor in draining its moral swamps, any more th,an it would require or expect such assist ance in disposing of Its sewage. It is time for men and women, every where, who love decency, home and country, to make their Influence felt against every secies of violation of the law, and against the violators whether clad In rags and filth and sunk in degradation and despair, or wearing purple and fine linen and faring sumptuously every day. Tho violators of the law who are undermining the nation and society are not the poor, hungry tramps and petty larcenlsts, but the well-to-do and appnrontly respectable class who are living on the dividends of dis honor, and who are willing to sow to the wind, if they may live easily to day, leaving to posterity the whirl wind of tomorrow. X. X. FI.INX IS CHAtiRINEII OVEIt COIOXKIAS FIAT. Fran Decision For Third Party Ticket Will Mean Penrose Victory. CHICAGO. Aug. 8 William Fllnn. of Pittsburg, the Roosevelt leader In Pennsylvania, has announced that he will supH)rt the regular republican state ticket In Pennsylvania this fall, but would support the Roosevelt electors on the "Washington" party ticket as opposed to the Taft elec tors, who will be named on the re publican ticket. He explained the state ticket was not lniortant. only a few minor offices being voted for. Fllnn, It is said, has been more or less chagrined by the decision of Col onel Roosevelt thnt there must be a straight-out third party electoral ticket In Pennsylvania. The Pitts burg loader and his associates had just succeeded this spring in wresting control! of the stato from the so eajled Penrose mnehiue and had gained supremacy of the republican imrty. In the convention yesterday. In seconding tho nominations of Col onel Roosevelt and Governor John son, Fllnn remurked with some feel Ing that It was "a very ludicrous pro position," that the progressives Hhould again have to give the repnb licun party back to "Penrose and his crowd". FIRST SHOWING FALL 1912 NOVELTIES Mackinaw Coats Norfolks Coats Blazer Coats New Fall Waists The Bellows Store Co. ROSEBURG'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE LOCAL NEWS. Prices talk so does quality. You can get both at Fisher's paint store under the old Btars and stripes. tf j Misses Isabel and Katherlne Dear- ling, of Oakland, are In town today visiting with friends. W. F. Heskett and wife, who hav5 been visiting their son, Charles Hes kett, left today for their home at Eugene. Help yourself or your frieuu win the Howard automobile by trading at the Bee Hive Grocery. Save -your coupons. a J. 8. Wiley, the county commis sioner, who has been attending coun ty court here, left last night for his home at Myrtle Creek. FINAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of William R. Buzzell, deceased, has filed her final account with the Clerk for Douglas County, Oregon, and the Honorable G. W. Wonacott, Judge of said Court, has fixed Tuesday, the 13th day of August, --12, at the hour of ten o"clock in the forenoon as the time and the County Courtroom in the Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, it any, to said final account and for EMMA C. BUZZELL, al2 Executrix EXECUTRIX1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court State of Ore gon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Katie Bunnell, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the above nam ed estate has filed in the above nam ed Court her account in final settle ment thereof and the Court by order duly made and entered of record has fixed Thursday August 29th, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m for hearing of ob jections if any to said finnl account and settlement of said estate. This notice is published in The Umpqua Valley News by order of Judge of above entitled Court, dated July 24th, 1912. CLARA FULLERTON, a22 Executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of thd State of Oregon for Douglas County. In matter of Estate pf Rebecca J. Perkins, deceased. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator of above named estate, has filed in above nam ed court his account in final settle ment of said estate and said court by order duly made and entered on the Journal thereof has fixed Saturday the 31st day of August, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing of objec tions if nny to said final account and tho settlement of said estate and said court further ordered that the fore going notice of final settlement be published In tho Semi-Weekly Ump qua Valleys News for tho period re quired by law for publication of no tice of final settlement. L. M. PERKINS, a26 Administrator. ..NOW.. Is tue time to lay in your winter's supply of WOOD, Wo can furnish you 10-in. slab wood by the car load for only $3.75 a cord, f. o. "b., Roseburg, Oregon. Page Investment Company 709 N. Jackson Street Phone 242 Dandruff Causes .Scalp Iichind Clogi the porei of the icolp, prevent! the j hair from obtaining proper nouriihment j cauiet it to lade and eventually to (all j out. And bcsidci, it's irritating and annoying to have your icalp itching nd burning all the time. j If you want to get rid of the Dandruff j germ to atop the annoying itching and burning to have a really clean and healthy acalp, get bottle ol HAY'S j HAIR HEALTH to-day prove to your- ell what latitlaction it il to have hair health. Your money back II not tatlilactory. $1.00 iJ SO. .1 Drag Store, or dlrMJ r rmirl ol pric. od d.l.r lor botll.- rbUo liar Spot. Co.. Nairata. N. I. Marstera Drug Co., ana lir-mllton Drug Co. sell It for 60c nnd 1.00. or from Phllo Hay -Spec. Co., New rU. N. J. DnnKAlow stains, pure creosote, no better made at 75c. Don't be 'ooled In paying 90c to l.2S. but patronize the man who knows. Fish er, the painter. ' tf jr- . vtwav . t . a .wit Vs. w FISHING TACKLE Ambition's totin' of her load "Come on!" I hear her holler, An' Fame's a-trudg'in' down the road A-begging me to foller. But somehow I can't seem to hear Above the willer's swishin', An' Fancy shoutin' in my ear, "Come on an' go a fishin'l" Say, we have the finest line of Trout Flies you have ever seen in Roseburg. Come in and ask for some of those TURNED EYE FLIES YOU never have bought as good a 50c Fly in your life for that money, Mr. Isaac Walton. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. P. S. We can outfit you with all your camp needs. A special price on tents. Spend Your Outing at Tiller, Ore. SHE'S ON THE MAP In itltf lionrt of tlu tnmintnlns-Aniiil grand nrrnirr AbuiKlnnre of k-nim-lnrmtiH for filn-riiien -IVUtrlitf'ul, cool anil anaily cnmnititr urotiml-('ol(l, punt wnti-r-Mln-tritl, vcut'talilt M and irroct'Hc delivered at .voiircanip-lraily mail-Telephone ftervlpt Splendid ac comodation Hotel Tiller. ituimiiM fop tier meal -Special Sunday luiner- Kr lurtlif-r information Apply lo t. I) F. IIAIITKL'M. TILLKII. OltKGON Bargain in Flour During next week you can buy Mt. Hood Snowfall Flour At $1.25 per sacK This is a Hatd Wheat Blend Flour and a good buy at the regular price. Buy a Dollar's worth of Sugar and see how many pounds you get. WE PAY DIVIDENDS EVERY DAY Phone 195 Deat paint on earth lead and oil t H.00 per gallon. Let's bust the nixed paint trust. Fisher's paint store. tf 1 Perkins Bld& I - - . e Hermann Marsiera, tue plumbur, Is prepared to install gas imiugs an well as pipe houses. He guarantees j satisfaction. tt