NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .. VI thic Phye Nf ' ' 30YPerklns Bull 'hyHiciun. ulldtng. Roseburg, Oregon. , DR .M. ASHTON Chiropractic Physician Splnologlst. Chronic Diseases a Specialty t 224 Cass St. Roseburg. t ''' MRS. H. JAY STONE & Teactier of Piano Classes In Harmony c Studio 717 Hamilton St. Pohne 28S-R. : DR. H. K. HKR.MArN, Kye Specialist. 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. GURDON A. FORY, Vocnl Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 118-Y Roseburg ... -Ore. DR, J. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician Chronic diseases a specialty. Graduate of the American School of Ostopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo., under founder of science, Dr. A. T. Still. Office Abraham Bldg., Phone 169 Roseburg, Ore. RFD1FER DINING ROOMS All our old patrons will now rind the popular Red ifer dining rooms at 130 S Parrott St., corner Lane, where the very best ser vice awaits both all old and new customers. HOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water In each room. MRS. CALLAND, Prop. Corner JackBon and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, 6 Per Week. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local offlco, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 5 a. m., August 8, 1912. j Precipitation In Inches and nun-; dredths: Highest temperature ycsterdal 89 J Lowest temperature last night 59 : Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 i Total precip. Bince first of i tnonUi ' j Normal precip. for this month .33 Total precip. from Sep. 1. 1911. to date 33 45 Average precip. since Septem- j ber 1, 1S77 4 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1911 13. Average precipitation for 34 wet seasons, (Sep. to May I inclusive) 32 36 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. MRS. CHARLES 8. HEI.VLIXE : t Sticks "lunoforto Intructor will re-open Sept. 23rd. SQUUtKEL POISON. . Every kernel of Bolduan's Poison Grain contains a deadly dose of powerful, quick-acting poison, "set" in the grain by a patented process. Rain, snow, dew or damp 4 ground does not wash out this poison. It is the only poison which is as good six months after as the first day it Is put ost In the fields. 4 The beat poison you've ever . used, or your money bacr MARSTERS DRUO CO 25 Cents Fora SQUARE MEAL And a Good . CUP OFCOFFEE AT THE Little Gem Restaurant Opooslte Now Depot Any quality Oak, Fur md Pine, Low st prices in the city. Piompt deliv ery to any part! of town. . -uisiaiE Phones A. S. Wallace 27F3 N. Brevier 266-L ALEX B. MOTT REALESTATE1DEALEP Oakland, Oregon Has a fine list of (own pro erty,and tarms stock ranches Timber Lands' n '.urge and Small Quantities The Collins 'Hotel ) Main Street, One Door Somh J. F. Barker's Hardware Store j Good Table Board With Home Cooking Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds Rv fi Flaw nf J7oolr t "7 "7 4 4 Mr, and Mrs. Bell Collins 4 "Hoot-Mon" Turning or.r. nu oayngnt is rongh on old (owl) fogies, but enterprising, get-ahead, people want lirht. As alders In light supplying light that really light softly, continuously lights we claim to be pre-eminent in that we furnish everything you may require for the electric lighting of your home, store or shop. Ask ns. G. L. Prior Jackson Street, between Wash ington and Dnnelas. : trips m a w VV U UUi WANTED. WANTED Second hand one-horse potato cultivator. Address A. T. Lawrence, Roseburg, or phone 1F2. tf WANTED Woman to cook and do general bouse work. Phone 1F2. A. T. Lawrence, Sunshine Ranch. 297-tf WANTED SMALL FARM I have equities in two beautiful Portland homes to exchange for small im proved form of 20 acres or less. I am Ured of city life unci want a country home. My places are In the best residence district in Portland Bind if you contemplate moving to the city tills is your opportunity. Will assume your mortgage If noc cessnry. It. It. Adams, 300 Couch lililg., Portland, Ore. FOR RENT. ROOMS Central rooming house, corner Rose and Oak streets, open ed under new management, rooms 25c, 35c and 60c. Low rates by the week. A nice quiet handy place to stop. Try thiB one. H. M. Buchanan, prop. al8 FOR SALE OR RENT Several mod em houses. Apply to S. W. Star mer, or call phone 177-L. FOR RENT Three room apart ments, furnished for light house keeping. Apply to Joseph Pape, . the Sheridan street confectioner, for particulars. tf FOR RENT (12.60 per montn. Make rent free while working In Roseburg. Live In Edenbower; rent this modern fine little Btore with 2 living room for your home. Put In a very Bmall stock of cigars, etc., refreshments for Sunday trav el that pasB; no competition These will sell while you are in Roseburg at work; when out of em ployment your store will help keep you. Inquire at this office. 310-B25 FOR RENT 40 acres farm one mile from Riddle, Ore., 30 acres In cul tivation, Including 12 acres of young orchard which can be put to crop. New 6 room bungalow with sloping porch and full base ment. Good barn, chicken house, 2 wells and abut Vz acre of ber ries. An ideal place to live and a fine place to raise chickens nnd turkeys as a side line. You can rent this place cheaper than you can a house In town. Renter must buy stock and Implements and care for orchards. If you are looking for a Rnap and mean business w.rlto for list and price. P. O. box 140, Riddle. Ore. 319-al5 FOR RUNT Small house, also un furnished rooms. Inquire at 404 W. Douglas street. 315-tf Ml.Sl'ELAXEOUS. PlilVATR BOARD For either ladles or gentlemen. For parti culars please phone 300-J. 89-tf AUTO LIVERY G. L. Prion will give all orders prompt attention. Phone 285 and arrange for ser vice of machine. tf FOR TRADE Nice live acre tract of land in good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements, Will trade for home in Roseburg. Here is a goi4 chance to make some money, in quire News office. 217-tf WIDOW, 37, with little girl F, yeare old, thoroughly respectaUe and competent, wishes position as housekeeper for bachelor or wld- ower, either city or country country preferred. AddreBS Mrs. C. Mattlson, box 6'j News office. FOR SALE. SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SALE Will supply Baud and gravel In any quantity. Address B. Bradford, city, or call at residence In WeBt Roseburg. tf AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS, PROP. Genera! Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave your orders at Jos. SykesGun Store GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of every descrlptlnn itiotmI to any parta of the cltj. lrle reason ahie. S. H. FRENCH FOR SALE Al horse, wagon and , harness; fine shape. 119 Oak street. Gras & Petry. 316-aC TORSALE If Touwanta dandj llttlo place of two acres, good im provements, in the suburbs of Roseburg at a bargalu price for cash, Inquire this office. 318-aC FOR SALE One Bet double surry harness, nearly new; one set double farm harness; one single hack harness; one buggy harness; one good buggy. Inquire of H. M. Bullwlnkle, 444 Pltzer Street, Phone 105-J. 311-tf FOR SALE Second band cornet, (trumpet model), in first-class condition; was played for months In one of Portland's leading theatres and Is a No. 1 Instrument for either band or orchestra. Can be had cheap. Inquire at The News office. tf FOR SALE Six-room house, ( 1,000. Enquire 217 Chadwick street, or phono 246-J. 322-al3 FOR SALE In Roseburg, 4-room house on Flint street, No. 242, all furnished is bringing in (144; lights, water, patent toilet, sewer connection, paved street, etc. Price (l.iaO; part down balance S10 per month. Address R. P. Simpson, Leland, Or. 304-tfsw FOR SALE A general mdse. store in a thriving little city In Douglas county on main line of railroad. Fine location and an excellent trade. Ownpr wishes to Tetire from business. Particulars oh ap plication. Address XX care The News. 301-tf FOR SALE Good wood range, sol id oak side-board and china closet, solid oak book case, extension diulng table, high backed arm chair, 2 Cycle Incubators, good as new; good tent, about 8 by 12 feet. Phone 247-J, or call at 301 Perkins building, Rosevurg, Ore gon. FOR SALE 27 acres, seven mllos south of Roseburg on mall route . and telephone, good gravel road, ten minutes" walk! from Carne's stution on S. P., good bottom land, now in cum and potatoes, good house with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling hens, 25J young chickens; also good Jerrjt'.' cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small patch of blackber ries and strawberries. Price $3,0'" for all, one-half down. Addrew R. F. D. No. 1, box 99. 302-tf HERE IT IS About the finest home in the valley, all la cultivation, city privileges, modern house of six roomB, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. If it Is a country homo Just out ot town t'j&t you want, do no: miss seeing this. Will sell all or part of property. Prlvnte; tele phone to :lty. It will pay prospec tive home Boekers to Investigate this pl'jce. Inquire at News office for particulars, or call at premises C. D. Maynard, Just west of Sol Home. 23- FOil SALE A modern home. WH sell cheap for cash. Inqulro ' 308 Pine street Roseburg, Ore gon. 2G9-tf FOR RENT Three front rooms, with porch, furnished for llgl)l housekeeping, with water, lights and phone, (12 per month. 420 N. Jackson. 122-Y. 305-tl FOR SALE CHEAP One good two horse wagon and two sets of heavy single harness. Call 611 South Main street. 283-tf FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylln-der automobile, In excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office for information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Choice pair of Morgan Shire mares, all purpose team, six and seven years old, weigh about 1200 each; also hack, buggy and harness. Call 211 Brockway street, Roseburg. 238-tf FINE BUNGALOW Will Bell 01 trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or fnrm near city. This bungalow is new, modern, 3 largo lots go with It, delightful view of rivet and town, ami rents for (17.60 per month. This Is something ex tra fine. Addrexs, Owner, News. Iloiseburg, box 112. ' ONE ACHE HOME Nice little place lust outside city limits, good slx- room home, barn, chicken hoiiro, yards, etc.. sll fenced and In Ami class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some in bear Inc, big shade trees by house, sll for only (1,800. Inquire News of fice. 21-tf GOOD GARDENSI'Otr Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near store and postofflce, River side Addition, owned by non-resident, who will sacrifice It at (275. This place Is a bargain, being best of garden soil. Address N. R., box 55, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf FOR SALE Terms Two nice lota and small new bouse, sewer con nections in, everything in best of condition. Good garden soil, and is far better than paying rent. (860 takes this place, and termB will be given. Inquire Nows for owner's address. 28tf TRADE OR FOR SALB- Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best of roadB, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for city property. Making fine Buburban home. Inquire News office for particulars. 41-tf FRUITTREEST?X)RSATE I can sell tor fall delivery several thous and yearling trees on three year whole roots at the following prices: Apples 12c; prunes 16o; cherries and pears 22c. Peaches, plums, walnuts, etc., very cheap. All Al guaranteed stock. Address Alfred Jeselson, Roseburg, Ore gon. af (40 AN ACRE Farm of 136 acres, practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg. Cheap as dirt at the price. Inquire L, News office. 141-tf FOR SALE All kinds of dry wood. Prices reasonable. Phone 14F14. Clyde Wallace. 258-tf LA11NU iiENS FOR OALK Young stock; also a few pure bred roost ers. AddresB Clyda Wallace, city, route 1, or phone 14F14. 294-tf FOR SALE Cauary birds, yellow warblers and also full-blooded lln netts. Call at 725 W. Lane street. 289-aI FOR SALE Five alredale pups, pure bred from registered stock. Also registered female airedalo. Ad dros'i S. Hooper, Looking Glass. Oro. SO FOR SALE Four-foot Dr corawooa. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson, Leona, Ore. Ordot now for fall delivery. Carload lots (3.25 a cord. 140-dtf FOR SALE By the owner, 120 acres In Sec. 20, Twp. 23 S., Range 0 west, contains 3 million teot of timber. Write C. O. Anderson, 150(1, W. 64th St., Ballard Sta Senttle, Wash. , si THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city V4 block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property thai will please the critical buyor, only (1.350. Terms. Inquire Newt offlco. 278-tI FARM AT BARGAIN 120 acres CV4 miles from city; small house, barns, spring and well, noar Btore and postofflce; CO acres undor cul tivation; good bearing orchard of about 375 trees. Must ho sold al once. Terms. Address News of fice for particulars, 300-nlO l.V.Sl l.N A UOOD IIO.MB SITE Desirable lots In Roseburg are constantly enhancing in value, and aro going still higher; (200 the lot Is cheap for desirable places. For ton days only we will offel traxt 160x145, more than 6 lots, all In young orchard just fruiting this year, for (1000 less than (170 the lot. Only (276 cash re quired. Ask Mr. Wood, Nows of fice. FARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acros. close In, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to bouse, 12 acros young orchard, automobile raods all year, and In LARGE ESTATE: Near Roseburg, Ore., must be sold. Consent of all heirs has just been secured and the property js now ad vertised for the first time. It is one of the finest ranches in Oregon. 700 acres in all. 200 acres under cultiva tion. 500 in range and timber. Heau ti ful stream of running water. Ideal for stoclc or dairy ranch or can be sub-divided to advantage. Now re member, this place is to be sold at once, regardless the sacrifice. Write for particulars.' Kosep.crg, Oku. every way a desirable place. provementa worth (4,000. Owner will sell for (6,200, terms. Ad dress New? office tor particular, box 65. TEN ACRE BARGAIN A fine UUI place on best road in the county, . fair house, barn, spring and well, ' nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly in heavy bearing. Less thai 3 miles from senter of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire 4 News office, or address Owner, care News, 19-tf FOR SALB One FalrbanKS-Morse 4 horse power, vertical gasoline en gine, mounted on truck with tilt ing table, saw frame, (24 in. saw, 1 new Holland No. 1 feed mill; 1 Oblo No. 9 fodder cutter; 1 thre Inch Cooper wagon. All as good as) new. Will sell at a bargain. Phone 247-J, or call at 301 Perkins building. 23-tt FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly ln proved 10-acre tract 1 mile from good town, new 7-room bungalow,, good barn and poultry houses, B acres In orchard and berries, spleib did location, first class every war One of the fluest places In South' eru Oregon. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all in and wttl trade for Roseburg property or farm near city. Address Owner, News office, box 111. WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keep the money yourself. Will Bell a beau tiful location for home al great bargain. Only small amount down, balance long time, hardly any in terest. Tract contains 30 bearing trees of choice fruit, city water, and Is only 10 minutes' walk from postotflce. If this appeals to yon. Inquire News office for particu lars. 81Stf RANCH ON WHEAT PAYMENTS Here Is an opportunity ot a Ufa time. A 480-acre Eastern Wash ington ranch, all tillable, 2 house, wells, windmill, barns, etc., aD ready to go to work on, and only six mllea from good railroad town, good roads. A few hun dred dollars down, and balance la wheat payments at low rate ot ln- torest, will give oomo enterprising, farmer possession of this splendid property. Porperly farmed, thlsi place, half of It summer fallowed each season, will produce annual ly about (6,000 worth of wheat at present prices, 80 cent. If yo mean business, see Mr. Wood al The News office. " STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE First and second hand, principally first hand. (3,000 cash, balance on easy terms. Stock will prob ably Invoice at (6,000. Locatod fa the A. D. Bradley brick building, 111 Jackson stroot, Roseburg, Ore gon. Inquire at tho store or 210 Pine Btroet, of L. II. Rhoatfea".. alS r-w.-vtivixv .v.. : v, ;vr 'jsrjfrs There Are Ten People $ in This City Capable I of Filling That Job! f Perhaps not that many really efficient workers wilt rend your ad on Its first pub lication. But those who are, nt the moinonl, "eligible" for new employment, will road It nd will be pretty sure to answer It. And to find a really efficient worker Is to find "good fortune". find a really efficient worker A jSj Is to find "good fortune". h (M Your Help Through 3 fJt Your Help Through THE EVENING NEWS "BOX 451"