WINTER PLAYS Theatre Season in Prospect 'rTr" , , Ijenty of Fresh Work heatrjgs I season will be seen In a new Barrle j comedy called "The Legion of Leo Inora". Ethel Barrymore wiirbe seen in a new play by . Henry Bernstein and possibly in a new play by C. Haddon GRAY VETERANS HOLD REUNION Auto luices At Galvcrtun Tex; MuHonl- Temple Krected at Marion, Intl. Hums la Again In King. (Special to The Evejing News.) NEW YORK, Aug. 7 The open ing of the theatrical season of 1912-13 is now only a few weeks off, and the. most of the leading man agers have announced the lists of the productions they have in pros pect. The following is a list of the prominent actors and actresses and the plays in which they will begin the season: John Drew will open at the Empire -theatre early next month in Alfred Surto's four act comedy, "The Per plexed Husband". Mine. MaAmova will follow Mr. Drew at the Empire, appearing in "Bella Donna." Maude Adams will tour the coun try in 'Peter Pan" and later in the Blllie Burke will head a large com pany, in Pinero's "Mind the Paint Girl". , , Otis Skinner will continue in "Kis met" during the entire season. John Mason will be presented In Henry Bernstein's drama, "The At tack". Donald Brian will be seen In a new musical comedy called "The Mar riage Market". Julia Sanderson will have the title role In "The Sunshine Girl". Alexandria Carlisle will have the principal role in the Comedie Fran caise success, "Primrose". Charles Cherry will continue un fer Charles Frohman's management In "The Passers-By". Margaret Dale and George Arliss will again appear in "Disraeli". Hattie Williams and Richard Carle will be seen In "The Girl from Mont mo rtre". William Courtney Is to have the principal role in James Montgom ery's comedy, "Ready Money". 'Edwin Arden is to have a prom inent part in "An Aztec Romance". Flske O'Hara will star In a new Irish drnma called "The Rose, of TCIIdure". Kolb and Dill, the Western come 'laiiB, are to have a new musical oomedy called "The Grocer and the PLAY DATE AT ROSEBURG AFTERNOON, NIGHT Saturday , Aug. 10 KIT CARSON'S V FALO RANCH WILD WEST TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. 1 k til' W. . iWM MM TENTH TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW ON EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OF DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIGGEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie cf Trained Wild Animals From all parts of the Globe. Dating and death defying acts almost beyond the realms of lucid imagination. A COSMOPOLITAN COLLECTION OP COWBOYS AND GIRLS, VANQUEROS. KENORITAS, GUARDIS RURALE3, CHAMPIONS OF THE LARIAT, ROUGH RIDERS, PONY EXPRESS VETERANS, DARING ATHLETES, COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLING INDIAN FIGHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE B0TL0INFS TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS. The most daring Horsemen in the World. BANDS of SIOUX, CHEYENNE and COMANCHE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their first acquaintance with pale face civilization. The Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Superb Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical Fantasy, The Battle of Wounded Knee' Introducing a vast and motle horde of Indians. Scouts, Trappers and Soldi en that actually took active part in the last Drave stana ana nopeiess struggle the noble redskin made for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, RAIN OR SHiNE y Afternoon at . Evening at 8. Doora open One Hour earlier. WATER proof bANVASt Lrarxui Grand, Gold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO MILES LONQ at u a. m. daily on the main thoroughfares. BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds immediately alter the Parade BRING IN YOUR BAD JWRSES AND MULES Our Cowboy will ride themFREB OP CHARGE. e 25.00 wtH bm to "V pmnen brittwln. m m antfa fftr emntnti Shoemaker". William Morris is to have a lead ing role In "Little Miss Brown", a comedy by Philip Bartholomae. Eddie Foy will continue in "Over the River". Clara Lipman will be seen in "It Depends on the Woman", and Louis Mann in "Elevating a Husband". j Christie MacDonald will make a short tour in "The SpHng Maid," and will then appear In, a new musical play. - N ; Mrs. Leslie Carter will appear in, a comedy from the German.- i Lawrence D'Orsay is to continue in the "Whirl of Society". j Nat Goodwin, Marie Doro and Wil-i ton Laskaye will tour the country in 'Oliver Twist". j Grace George will begin the seas on in a Chinese play by Votmoeller. 1 Lewis Waller will begin the seas-1 on in a modern drama, to be follow ed by "Henry V". Miss Annie Russell plans to re vive several old English comedies. Frances Starr will continue In "The Case of Becky". . Blanche Bates will open in "No body's Widow" and later will be seen in a new comedy. Elsie Ferguson will appear as a musical comedy star In the title role of "Eva". - Arnold Daly has In prospect "Lo renzo the Magnificent, ' and several other plays. Weber and Fields .will continue their partnership with their own company as formerly. Helen Wars Is to appear In "The Trial Marriage," by Elmer Harris. E ,H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe will continue in a repertoire of Shakespeare's plays." David Warfield contemplates a re vival -of his old successes and also a lerfornmnce of Skylock. William Faversham will head a large company In "Julius Caesar". James K. Haskett will continue at the head of his stock company In San Francisco. Douglas Fairbanks Is to go on tour in "Officer CGG". Tom Lewis is to be featured in George M. Cohan's "Yankee Prince". May Robson will continue with The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary", j Trlxie Friganza will have the lead-: ing role in a new review, "The Pass ing Show of 1912". Florence Rockwell is to appoar in a new play called "The Wild Flow ers . Jane Cowl Is to have the leading role in a new play called "With the Law". Robert Edeson will continue In some of his old successes early in the season and" later probably will ap pear in a new play called "Mister Bill, a Man". William Hodge will continue in The Man from Home" and "Poum- der Walk". Frank Melntyre will be In the new musical comedy. "Her Ieft Shoulder". Dustln and William Farnhain will continue In "The Littlest Rebel ifolbronk Blinn will have the chief roe in Paul Armstron's new play. "The' Escape. Henry Miller will continue in "The Rainbow". Ralph Herz Is to star In "The Mys terious No. 47". Charlotte Walker will be seen again In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine". Julian Eltrhige will continue In "The Fascinating Widow". George M. Cohan will start his reg ular season in "Broadway Jones". Reunion of Confederate Wtrrniis, WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. Aug. 7. Remnants of the gray-clad host of (he Confederate army answered roll call here today at the opening of the annual reunion of the North Car olina division of the United Confed erate Veterans. The reunion will last two days, during which time there will be numerous features of enter tainment for the veterans and their friends. I'll titer of House of Lord. LONDON, Aug. 7. Earl Nelson, grand nephew of the fnmous hero of Trafalgar, entered upon his ninetieth year today and was the recipient of many ' messages of congratulation. Lord Nelson Is the oldest member of the House of Uirds, and Is still a fnlrly regular attendant at St. Stephen's. He succeeded to the earl dom at the age of twelve, but did not take his seat until 1845. (.'nlvewton lleneh Auto Rare. GALVESTON. Texas. Aug. ".On the eve of the richest and most spectacular automobile race meeting ever held In the Southwest. Galves ton s throbbing with enthusiasm and expectancy. The races, which are to be held In connection with the an nual Cotton Carnival, will begin to morrow and continue through the re mainder of the week. The contests will be conducted on the beach course, which experts pronounce to ; be one of the finest in the country, j The course is two and one-half miles long. A grand stand to tccommo- date 10,000 spectators has been erect-j er at the finish point. There are five; events on theprogram for each of' the first two days of the meet and a i 200-mlle free for all contest will ! be run on Saturday, the final day. j New Mnsonoic Temple. MARION, lnd.. Aug. 7. The lay ing of the cornerstone today for Mar ion's new Masonic temple was ac companied by Impressive ceremonies conducted under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Indiana. The address, of the day was delivered by G. W. Prather, of Indianapolis, secretary of the Grand Lodge. Tommy Burns Returns To Ring. SASKATOON, Sask., Aug. 7. j Tommy Burns, who has not done any I fighting since his defeat by Jack! Johnson In Australia nearly four years ago, Is to re-appear In the ring here tomorrow night in i lifteen round bout with Bill Richard, who hails from Vancouver. The contest will be In the nature of a try-out for Burns, who declares that if he cau regain his old form he will claim the championship title upon the re tirement of Jack Johnson. WiseoiiNin Police Chiefs. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 7. The annual' convention of the Chiefs of Police Association of Wisconsin be gan In this city today, wit'j head quarters at the St. Charles hnrel. The meeting will last two daya. Har ry C. Baker, chief of "police of Ua clne, Is presiding over the sessions. BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN 1 7 ... Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural ParK, Piver Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. Every lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all . information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Buy now as prices will advance. " Get yours at once and earn the increase yourself. Intendingpur. chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will tabe you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. E.VKCUTKIX'S NOT1CK TO CREDITORS. You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See PAT In the County ourt ot the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter ot the estate of Wil liam H, Thompson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned has been ap pointed Executrix of the estate of the ubove named decedent. All persons having claims ugalnst said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at the office of Full erton & Orcutt, Douglas National Bank building, within six months from date hereof, and all persons in debted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned at the above address. Dated the 1st day ot July, 1912, at Roseburg, Oregon. ANNIE THOMPSON, Executrix. .NOTICE Ub' SALli OK ST.VTK LAND Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Ore gon will receive sealed bids unit1 10:00 o'clock A. M., August 13, 1912, or the following described college lund, to-wlt: The N. E. li.of S. E. 14 of Sec tion 6 and N. W. of S. W. V4 ol Section 8 T. 32 S. K. 12 W. of W. 11 All bids must be accompanied hi a regularly executed application to purchase and at least one-fifth of thi- amount offered. No bid for less than (7.50 pel acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Applications and bids should be addressed to O. O. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchase State Lands." O. Q. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board, Dated July 8, 1912. For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement work of any bind. . , I have fire or alx houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock. Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic root paint for leaky roofs. We build, more or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER IISMIMBMMBPB 0 r The Connectino; Links In The Chain of Health Folder's Golden Gate Coffee Tea Spices 1 Extracts BaMra Powder Mm i ill 5c!d on Merit It'll Kill I AT THE BENSON GROCERY PHONE 184 KOTICK OK FINAL S10TTLKMKXT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Lucas, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of snid estate, and that Saturday, the 31st day of August, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clnrk as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. CEOROE LUCAS, al9 Administrator. ARE YOU LOOKING Kill LAND? Dont fail to come out and see the MELROSE ORCHARD TRACTS The cream of the I mpfiua Vallev. Tracts iO acres and up. Trice $50,00 an acre and up. Deep, rich soil. Come out, write or call up on phone, C. M. ANDERSON, Melrose, Ore. First Fall Display Suits Dresses Skirts andgMillinery We Defy All Competition in Style, Quality or Price. THE LEADER Read The News