The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    . .
' liOCAIi NEWS. '
Let Stone tune your piano. Phone
888-R. tf
ISthel Graves and Mrs. A. D. Habn
left this morning for Oakland.
Dr. Calloway returned last night
: from a business trip to Yoncalla.
P. Nelson left this morning on a
business trip to St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Manse, who
have been visiting In this city loft
this morning for Portland.
Mrs. E. J. Darrow arrived In this
city this morning for a short visit
with her brother.
C. K. Root and family left this
morning for Newport where they will
enjoy their summer vacation.
' D. Perrln and wife, who have been
visiting in this city left this morn
ing for their home nt Junction City.
Robert Booth and wife, who have
been visiting with their son, Henry
Booth, of tblB city, left this morning
for Salem.
Mrs. W. P. Humphrey, who has
been visiting with relatives at Dix
onvllle, loft this morning for her
liorae at Portlund.
Miss Pearl Hlherger, of Yakima,
"Wash., arrived In the city last night
to visit wltln Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Crooke, of this city. '
L. A. Uelnnd loft this morning for
North Dakota where ho will Bpend
about a month Attending to business
matters and Incidentally visiting
frionds und relatives.
Mrs. M. Weaver, of Medford, who
lias been visiting In this city loft
tbls morning for, Snlem where she
will visit for several days with
friends and relatives.
W. P. Davis and wlfo, of Camas
Valley, who have been visiting In
this city left Inst night for GroenB
Station whore they will visit for a
few days with their daughter.
In bis business life, hats of good
stylo, good tasto, nre a big asset to
tho young man. In his social life,
euch hats are a necessity. MoHt or
our hats are made' by Stetson after'
Ideas of our own. New StotBon hats
juBt arrived. Wo are giving double
votes on all hats until August 10ih.
Get auto contest votes at Church
Brothers'. tf
A good new piano for rent Phone
288-R. H. Joy Stone. tt
H. W. Oliver will , tune your
piano or repair your organ. Phone
390. tf
. a
Mrs. h. A. Lashwal, who has been
visiting In this city left today for
Grants Pass.
Mrs. H. W. Waterous, of III., a sis
ter of W. C. Harding, loft today to
complete her tour of the Northwest.
For the past few months she bus been
tournlng the northwestern states.
The groatest line of Aluminum
Ware ever shown In Roseburg. Tne
Ware that Wears. Not tho cheap
filniBy kind, but the good heavy re
liable tjort. Call and examine qual
ity the prices are right.
Wilbur Orange will gve an Ice
cream social at the school house or.
the afternoon and evening of Sat-1
urday, August 17. The public Is
cordially Invited to attend and enjoj
the affair with the Grange. j
Notice Is hereby given, that In
obedience to the command - of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon
for Douglas county embodied In a
writ of execution dated the 26th day
of July, 1912, Issued out of said
court and under the seal thereof In
that certain suit had in said court
wherein S. J. Kamlnsky is plaintiff,
and Louise Giese, executrix of the
last will and testament of Adolph
Giese, deceased, Louise Gfeso, Ruth
Giese, Elsie Giese, Jane Doe Giese,
Mary Doe Giese, John Doe Giese,
Richard Roe Giese, and
FOR RENT Newly furnished room,
gentleman roomer preferred. Close
In. 312 E. Cans. 324tf
2 There Are Ten Jobs !
Hunting You! a
There are, now awaiting a
worker of YOUR abilities, at 2
JjJ least ten good Jobs in this
city. The nion who are look- jjj
to fill these Jobs nre want m
Jjj , advertisers themselves, and ' J
readers of want ads. They
m will seo YOUR WANT AO if 5
It Is published In this paper
JJJ with "reasonable persist- JJJ
n enco , and, seeing it, will m
n m . T
work they want done. JJ
Watch the ids in JJJ
i s
I On
1 Pre
On and after September 1st we will not issue any
Premium Loupons. All coupons that are issued
prior to that date, will be good until January 1st,
1913 at which time they must be redeemed. Be
yinuinR with the first of the year we will offer to
our customers an entire new Free Deal.
Yours tor business,
. , R. STUBBS, The Grocer
Giese, are defendants, which execu
tion was to me directed and com
manded me to Bell the hereinafter
described real property to satisfy
the demands of the plaintiff against
the said defendants, to-wlt, the sum
of 376.88 with Interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent per annum
from the 5th day of June, 1912, and
the furtfler Bum of fifty dollars
(f60.00) as attorney's fees with In
terest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from the Bth day of
June, 1912, and the further sum of
twenty-four and 75-100 dollars
((24.75) as plalntirt's costs and dis
bursements taxed in said suit, and
the costB of and upon said writ of
NOW, THEREFORE, t will on the
31st day of August, 1912, at the hour
of two o'clock In tho afternoon, ex
pose for sale and will sell at public
auction to the highest ' bidder for
caBh, at the main entrance to the
miirt house of said Douglas county,
In Roseburg, Oregon, tho following
described real property, to-wlt:
East half of northeast quarter and
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of section 14,
township 30 south, range 2 west of
the Willamette Meridian, In Douglas
County, Oregon to satisfy the de
mands of the plaintiff herein togeth
er with the costs of and on Bald writ
of execution.
July 29th, 1912.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon
Roseburg Phone 201
Sutherlin Phone 28
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
July 10, 1912.
NOTICE is hereby given that Vlr
inda Vinson,, whose postofflce ad
dress Is Cleveland, Oregon, did, on
tho Gth day of November, 1909, file
In this office Sworn Statement and
Application, No. 05628, to purchase
the N. Y, N. W. , S. E. N. W.
Yt and N. W. Yi N. E. Yi , Section
26, Township 20 S., rango 3 West,
Willamette Meridian, nud tho timber
thereon, under the provisions of the
act of Juno 3, 1S7S, and acts amen
datory, known as the "Timber ami
Stone Law, as such value as might
bo llxed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the
land and timber thereon have been
appraised JS64.00, the timber esti
mated 2,000,000 board feet nt 40
to 70 cents per M, and tho land
nothing; that said applicant will of
fer final proof In support of his
application and sworn statement on
tho 2.7 day of September, 1912, be
fore Register nnd Receiver United
StatOB Land Office, at Roseburg,
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchnso before entry, or Inl
tlato a contest at any tlmo before
patent Issues, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit In this orflec, alleging
fncts which would defeat tho entry.
26 Register.
Now is the Time
For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our
goods and prices will please you. We
make Ladies Suits too. Also do .cleaning
and pressing.
W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor
111 Cass St.
"This is a case, gentlemen of the
Jury," said toe Judge after biting off
the end of a plug of tobacco, "whar
the prisoner took the law into his own
hands by shoot in' Tom Mnrphy tn a
friendly game o' draw. Bill Jones,
tell the Jury why yo' done it."
"We was bavin' a fa'r game," Bald
the prisoner, "as 1 supposed. Thar
was fou' dollars in the pot I showed
a pa'r o queens oh tens. Tom showed
a full o' queens on sevens. Now, I'll
leave it to the Jury whether any pack
o keerds they ever see had five queens
ba ft"
"Do yo rest yo' case thar?" asked
the Judge.
'I does," replied tho prisoner.
"Jim Brown," said the Judge, "I ap
pointed yo' the persecutln' attorney
in this case, and now I would like to
know what yo got to say agin that
hon'able and manly statement"
"There Is two sides to every ques
tion, yo honah the side of the pris
oner and the side ag'In the prisoner.
Now, the side agin the prisoner is
"Have I got to listen to the other
side?' asked the Judge.
"Certainly, yo' bonnh."
"I'd ruther not do that"
"Wbyr ,
"'Cause I got my mind made up that
the killln' o' Tom Murphy was justi
fiable bo mere I de. If I listen to the
other side I wont know whether I
stand on my head or my heels."
"It's the duty o' the cou't," replied
Mr. Brown. 'lo listen to evidence on
both sides. How yo goin' to decide on
questions o' law without knowin' what
yo' air talkln' about?"
"Yo kin go on," said the judge re
luctantly. "Bill Jones," began the prosecutor,
"says that thar was two queens In his
own hand and three in Tom Murphy's
hand. How do we know, yo honah,
but that Tom held three good queens
and the -prisoner one from another
pack ?"
"1 tole yo so, Mr. Brown," remarked
the Judge impatiently. "Yo gone and
mixed me alt up. What have yo' got
to say agiu that argyment, BUI Jones?"
"I have to give yo' bonah a fac' that
nnsti't been mentioned. As soon as
Tom see that I had two queens he let
one o hls'u drap."
."Thar, now. Mr. Brown, put in the
Judge, "1 got it all straightened out.
Don't yo' go mix me up agiu."
"Bill Jones," asked the prosecuting
attorney, "whar did the game and the
shootiu' take place?"
"In the Antlers saloon across the
"Tbls mornlnV
"At what table?"
"The one behind tho fur end o' the
"What queen was drapped?"
"The queen o' diamonds."
"Yo honah." turning to the judge,
"will yo' please send ovnli to see if
that queen is still lyln' on the Uoo'?"
"Jim Coyne, yo go ovah. and if yo'
kin II ml tin cyard bring It into court"
There was a limn of conversation
while the messenger was gone. Coyne
returned and banded a card to the
Judge, who looked at tt with perplex
ity. "Jim Brown," he said angrily, "L tole
yV)' yo' beltah leave t'other side o this
case oloue. Yo' got it mixed up wo'se
n ovah. This yere cyard Isn't the
queen o' diamonds. It's the queen o
"I kin make It all plain to yo honor
if you'll listen to me. 1 ain't a-goin' to
argy high toned so's the jury can't un
derstand, but plain. BUI Jones has
been a cyard sharp for twenty yea's or
mo. Is it likely that he couldn't tell
the queen o spades from the queen o'
din monds?
"You bet he could, from the judge.
Then Isn't it plain to yo honah and
the jury that Bill Jones has convicted
hlsscir o' perjury?"
"Reckon he has!" exclaimed the
Judge. "Whnt yo got to say agin that
argyment, Bill Jones?"
"I got this, yo' honah. Isn't It Jlst
as bad cheatin' to drap a queen o
spndes as a queen o' diamonds?"
"Beckon," said the Judge, blown In
the opposite direction, "yo' done right"
"Yo' bonnh," put tn the prosecuting
attorney. "1 hold In my hand the pack,
of cyards the two were playtn with
when the klllin come off. Now, If the
queen you have belongs to this pack,
Tom Murphy, who dropped that queen
was Innocent o cheatin', wasn't be?"
The cards were compared and were
of the name backs.
"Mr. Brown." said the Judge, "when
nfr yo coin' to git through this case?
The furdcr yo1 go the mo' yo' mix us
Yo honah," cried the prisoner. "I
cot J1;t one mo thing to say. Tom
Murphy d nipped a crard with $4 In
the pot. Iau't that enough to show
hea tin'."
"Then I want to know what yo keep
n up this trial foV The persecutln'
(ttornoy got yo so mted up yo' don
know whar yo' stand. I reckon yo'
I -tter dismiss the cne."
"The opinion o the con't Is that the
MUliV was justifiable, because either
no or t'other of 'em was monkeylri'
with the cyards. In these cases In thl
vent country the man that gits first
drap has the law with him. Slch beln
hit opinion. I don't want to bear noth
n mo about It, seela' 1 mo light hang
If You Have Property to Sell, Rent or Exchange
You Want to See
The Live Wire Real Estate Agent
List What You Have With Him and Get Results
Do You Ever Hear
One of our customers complain
ing about getting inferior '
articles from our store?
XT I Because we concen
ftj(V centrate our efforts
on keeping our stock
Pure, Fresh and Wholesome.
We insist on the highest quality
We Guarantee Satisfaction or
Refund Your Money.
Roseburg Rochdale Co.
BUY A FARM 800,000 Acres to Select
From. In Central Oregon
Your last chance to buy Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices
Come In A.nd
Let us tell you about these farms
If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm
We will figure with you
Office In Mnrster' Anmx. Next To firntnl Hotel
Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble
Worhs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Noticp ROSEBURG, ORE
.rmme . AU work first-cla.,.
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perklna Building
Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate
ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden
and farm products, located five miles from Rose
burg, on the North Umpqua River. Sold on terms
Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon
George Kohlhagcn, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM.
Phone 5S
Rosebuig, Oregon