SANt wr qui clt! Ho TH i r I '). f. n 1 s IXK'.Wi NEWS. i Get auto contest votes at Church Brothers'. tf Judgei Wonacott and wife sjient yesterday at Winchester. A good new )Tano for rent. Phone 288-It. H. Jay Stone. tf George Ncnner, Jr., left for Glen dale this morning to he gone for the day. Fred Goff and wife have been en gaged to teach tho schools at Elkton for the coining year. H. S, French took a Jolly party In his nig auto to the North Umpqua, above Winchester, yesterday to spend ' the day. Church Brothers' Bakery will lssu vote in tne automobile contest being conducted by a number of local mer chants In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Agee, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and B. W, Bates spent Sunday at Winchester plcnlclng on tho North Umpqua. Mrs. H. M. Farren and Mrs. A. E Foster left Saturday night for Crater Lake to make a few weeks' visit at the home of the hitter. Rev. Charlos WIlBon Baker and Mrs. Baker have moved to the Morris Webber ranch in the Edenbower dis trict, which they purchased recently -Mrs. Ralph L. Hussoll, wife of The News, Jlnotypo operator, and son, Lester, returned home Saturday evening after a visit of three weeks with her purentB at Oregon City. There is an old madrono tree on the ridge about Ave miles east of town that Is about 30 feet in circum frence, and in the branches of this giant of the forest a platform 40 foot square might be built. Lee Love was In the city bright and early this morning to get sup plies for his ranch down the river. He began shenrlnR slice) today, which Is the second clip for the seas on. His early lambs are already carrying a heavy fleece. . Mr. and Mrs. Nathan FuIIerton. Mr! and Mrs. B. Fontnn and Mrs. J. C. Bigger lort hero Saturday for a camping trip In the mountains nenr Glide. Mr. Kenton will return here tomorrow while tho others In the party will remain until September. Forest Supervisor 8. C. Bartrum left last evening for Portland. H. W. Oliver will tune your piano or repair your organ. Phone 398. tf Kolly Duncan and wife left this morning for Salem after spending a visit at their former home at Mvrtle Creek. In his business life, hats of good style, good taste, are a big asset to the young man. In his social life. such hats are a necessity. Most of our hats are made by Stetson after Ideas of our own. New Stetson hats just arrived. We are giving double votes on all hats until August 10th. a7 HARTH'S TOGGERY. j ment of Romeo E. Scranton, de- ceased. Buchanan & Porter, Attorneys for said Executrix. al9 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE . FORE CLOSURE HALE. BIDS WAXTKIt. Bids will be received until Aug ust 15, 1912, for the building of an addition to the school house in dis trict No. 75 (three miles east of Roseburg on Deer Creek). The building to bo completed and ready for use within 30 days from August 15,, 1912, bids to be In accordance with pleasant specifications fifed with the clerk of said district. The board will require a bond from the successful bidder to guar antee tho fulfillment of the contract. The school board also reserves the right to reject any nud all bids. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1912. CLYDE E. R. WALLACE, Half Mile East of School House al Notice is hereby given, that In obedience to the command of the circuit court of the Btate of Oregon for Douglas county embodied In a writ of execution dated the 26th day of July, 1912, Issued out of said court and under the seal thereof in that certain suit had in said court wherein S. J. Kamlnsky Is plaintiff, and Louise Glese, executrix of th,e last will and testament of Adolph Glese, deceased, Louise Gleso, Ruth Glese, Elsie Glese, Jane Doe Glese, Mary Doe Glese, John Doe Glese, Richard Roe Glese, and Glese, are defendants, which execu tion was to me directed and com- LOVE'S HORRORS By LOUISE B. CUMMINCS ORANGE ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Wilbur Grange will give an Ice cream social at the school house or, the afternoon and evening of Sat urday, August 17. The public Is cordially Invited to nttend and enjoy the affair with the Grange. EXECUTRIX'S TTOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Nettle M. Scranton has been, by the County Court of Doug las County, State of Oregon, appoint ed executrix of tho Inst will and tes tament of Romeo E. Scranton, de ceased. All persons having claims gainst said estate of Romeo E. Scranton, deceased, are hereby re quired to present the same, duly cer tified, to the undersigned executrix at Camas Valley, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 22nd day of July, A. D., 912. NETTIE M. SCRANTON, Executrix of the last will and testa- manded me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy tho demands of the plaintiff against the Bald defendants, to-wit, the sum of 370.88 with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 6th day of June, 1912, and the further sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) as attorney's fees with In terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 6th day of June, 1912, and the further sum of twenty-four and 76-100 dollars ($24.75) as plaintiff's costs and dls bursftments taxed In said suit, and the costs of and upon said writ of execution; NOW, THEREFORE, I will on the 31st day of August, 1912, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, ex pose for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the main entrance to the court house of said Douglas county, In Roseburg, Oregon, the following described real property, to-wlt: East half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 14. township 30 south, range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, In Douglas County, Oregon to satisfy the de mands of the plaintiff herein togeth er with the costs of and on said writ of execution. July 29th, 1912. GEORGE K. QUINE. Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon a2C The loveliest, the most barbarous. the simplest, the strangest acts com mitted by human beings find their mo tive in love. And there is no country In which love !a Its greatest intensity has flourished as In Italy. It is the soul of Italian poetry. It Is the motive of Italiun crime. One of the oldest families of Italy Is. or, rather, was, the Contis. Me dlevul Italy was ruled by great fami lies, and their power lasted with vu- jled degree for centuries. Beatrice C'ontI, a beautiful girl who lived In Rome a hundred years ugo. when the Com! family was still, at least in name, prominent, loved Caesar Brandiul. and her love was returned. Beutrice was a superior girl, and Braudinl wus a prominent young man. He was very accomplished, especially In those ninny arts nertiiluincr to war. beln? the best fencer as well as the best shot among the patrician pet of Rome. But he was nothing of a bully or a braggart nud had only once hnd occasion to punish any man. That was for abusing a de formed child. Sclplone Brescinl. a man about Cae sar's age. was one day seen by the latter to cuff a crippled beggar who got in his way while crossing a street. Caesar was so Indignant that he cuff ed Brescinl. Sclplone did not return the blow, and the matter seemingly ended then and there. Sclplone was a rejected lover of Beatrice. To have been struck by his successful rival turned his soul into a fiery furnace. Had ho not fenred the superior skill of Cnesnr ho would hnve challenged him. As It was. he found himself In n contemptible po sition, with IK, wny out of It. Strange to say. he not only coveted revenge on Brandiul. but on Beatrice. He brooded and brooded till he conceived ( tho Idea of striking the girl through her lover. One night TO THE PUBLIC: On and after September 1st we will not issue any Premium Coupons. All coupons that are issued prior to that date will be good until January, 1st, 1913 at which time they must be redeemed. Be ginning with the first of the year we will offer to our customers an entire new Free Deal. Yours tor business, R. STUBBS, The Grocer NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Caesar wns nasslnir through one of those medieval Itomnn streets, too narrow for even a side walk, an arm was thrust out of a win dow, and a knife entered bis bnck. piercing the henrt lie fell and died in a few minutes. Beatrice, knowing that ber lover had only one enemy in the world uud that was Sclplone, felt assured that he was the murderer, but when a stiletto wns left nt her house on a dark night when the person leaving It could not be rec ognized she knew that it wns the weapon with which Caesar had been stubbed and that Sclplone was his mur derer. No more fiendish revenge Is to be conceived. Beatrice was- at once I changed by it from the gentlest of women to a deadly fury. The new Beatrice differed from the former Bea trice in proportion to the strength of It did not even occur to her Department of the interior, U. S Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 10, 1912. NOTICE is hereby given that Vlr lnda Vinson,, whose poatofflce ad dress Is Cleveland, Oregon, did. on her love. the 6th day of November. 1909 fli to punish Sclplone through the courts In this nfll H,v- c..,. . She had no proof that he was the gulltv In this office Sworn Statement and . norsuu. lr he ,,,, guo W0U(J m)t Application, No. 0562S, to purchase j have produced It. The blood of the the N. M N. W. , S E. & N W ! Con,,s rnn l"lre ln llr veins, and the i .i w m , v. - ., ' Contis of the past had not been in the ana .V w. N. L. y4. Section j habit of troubling the courts with their 26, Township 26 S., range 3 West, j disputes. The men relied on their Willamette Meridian, and the "niber j ""j',',"1,- ,l,e wu'"-e of them was thereon, under the provisions of the j m'i".i'i''i ,, r,.ii. I,- . , , WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Roseburg. Pbone'20l Sutherlin Phone 28 Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics First Class Materials Work Guaranteed hum j riS:.'.'. ! lr I 1 ( i i act of June 3, 187S, and acts unum- datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law, as such value as might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $8C4.00, the timber esti mated 2.000.000 hoard feet at 4 0 to 70 cents por M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will of fer final proof Jn support or his application and sworn statement up the 27 day of September, 1912. be- ror some time after the murder and when she did surprised hlni by appear ing not to suspect Hint ho bud any thing to ilti with it. She even asked him If be could not think of some oin whose enuiltv Caesar had amused Moreover, she did not appear to take her lover's death to heart so much ns he had expected. Sclplone gained con lldence. All might yet bo well between I him and her. True, for n time he had ! hated her. but her presence rekindled love. The two met often. Sclplone did not need to go to see her ut her house, for w. .v.-s.aLor necciver I nltod ! at that time every one In Home met States Ijind Office, at Roseburg, j socially nt all sorts of open nlr fes Oregon. tivals. Beatrice always greeted Sel- Any person Is at liberty to protest 1 llollc wll'i n smile a smile that never this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would dofeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. a26 3) Now is the Time For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our goods and prices will please you. We make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning and pressing. W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor ill Cass St. hud and never could fall to win blin And this Is an effect of love. Like liquor. It steals a man's brains. And so Sclplone drifted to his ruin. Ho renewed the offer of his hand to Beatrice and was accepted. Before their marrlnge Beatrice In I slsted on making a trip to India. She j hnd heard of something In that coun try she wanted. Sclplone was lonth to part with ber and could not under stand ber going. She told him she wished n flower that grew there and was nowhere else to be found with which to decorate her trldn! veil. What a singular woman's whim to go nil tho way to India for a flower! Beatrice wns gone a long while on her Journey. When she returned she fixed it date for her wedding, but pre ferri.,1 that It should 1m? In private. After the ceremony she sat ln her welding dross, decked In the fresh plucked flowers of a plant she had brought from India. Iler husband sat Itcslde her. , ' Tor my sake. Inhale the perfume of the (lowers I wns nt so much pains to H't for our bridal." she snld. She hold one of them to his nostril, and be drew In its perfume. When he wns nbout -to turn awny she put her arm about his neck and pressed the (lower to his nose. Presently be made another effort to turn away. He could hot he wns paralyzed. Then where ho had seen his loving wife lie saw a demon. As his sense faded the face before him grew more terrible till death enme to his relief. He hnd Inhaled the odor of the pol on flower of ludlit. (Si m COME IN AWU UUK $ 7 1 Co CM 'id s COME IN AND SEE OUR -BARGAINS::: IN- Dry Goods MANY ARTICLES Below Cost ROSEBURG ROCHDALE COMPANY SHIRTS!! Don' t wear stiff shirts. Lots of men are even discarding stiff collars. They are get ting into those soft shirts of ours with soft French cuffs and soft detachable ''collars to match. Until August 1st we will give double votes on the Automobile Contest on all shirts sold. : : : : Harth's Toggery, Inc. D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorH, Tinning v and Heating North Jadlson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSERUUr. onir 1 si 1 Phone 245. All work fu-st-rlii. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property ROSKBUKO. OREGON Perkins Ilulldlng RIVERSDALE TRACTS Sub-division of the well known N . Curry Estate ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden and farm products, located five miles from Rose burg, on the North Umpqua River. Sold on terms The N CURRY ESTATE, Owners Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon THE ECONOMY MARKET 4 George Kohlhagcn, Prop, j Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM. Phone 58 Rosebuig, Oregon