BEFORE AUGUST -TAKE- "BEEF, IRON AND WINE" This is the last month to take that Tonic you know you need. A. D. S. Beef Iron and Wine 75c Represents the best combination in the way of. a food, a tonic, and a stimulant medicine. Our word on it. A better tonic - could" not be made. & j& Phone 390. KROHN'S DRUG STORE MACCABEE TEMPLE CASS STREET swwmmmmnmmtmimrc OURS IS WITHOUT QUESTION The Best Bread on The Market. It has that goodness about it which is characteristic with bread made by the Oregon Bakery It's "like mother nsed to make." It is sweet as a nut and pure as spring water. We know you will stop baking during hot weather after trying one loaf. THE :-: OREGON :-: BAKERY Phone 241 HECK & IIKOCKWAY Proprietors 328 N. Jackson St. Rich Wholesome Ice Cream A couple of spoonfuls of our cream will convince you of it's exceptional excellence. Madi from pure cream and the very , finest of fresh fruits. The quality never lowered. Insist on home product DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY, Roseburg - - - - Phone 340. W GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we Bay GUARANTEE we mean just what the word Implies, it you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were posltire of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let , us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. Office N. Jackson 8t Phone 79. J. H. SYKES GUN STORE Jackson street-vin building formerly occupied by First National Bank. Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. Gun Repairing a Specialty t. (9 i I A Merchant Who Docs Not Adver- tise Believes it More Profitable to t Sell to People Who Know Little About AVhat Things Should Cost! He is content to do without the patronage of the people who read'ads and who thus KNOW PRICES AND VALUES if he can get a "lucky share," through location or other reasons, of the patronage of people who are not educated, by adver tisements to "know." He realizes that as soon as any of his patrons become ad. readers,' he loses their trade but he hopes that there may alway be a great percentage of shoppers who do not read ads. And he knows that with such shoppers he stands on an equal foot ing with the enterpising merchant. A Merchant's Best Reason For Not Advertis ing is Your Best Reason For Not Patronizing His Store. GET WISE TO THE Evening News' Advertisers LOCAL NEWS. ONE JOLLY WEEK Commencing' Thurs.,-Aug. 1 THE CLAMANS PRESENT The National Stock I Company i IN THEIR AIRDOME! $ CORNER CASS AND STEPHENS STS. A Capable Company of Players in Plays that Please I Different Play Each Night at Bargain Prices I A Dollar Show for 10c, 20c and 30c I I SPECIAL SCENERY 1 ' Mrs. Maddux went to Greens this morning to look after business in terests. Church Brothers' Bnkery will issue vote in the automobile contest being conducted by a number of local mer chants in this city. tf C. K. Lane and family arrived here yesterday from the East to assume possession of their newly acquired ranch near Greens. Mrs. Harry Brock returned here this morning after a few days spent at Portland attending to business In terests. Mrs. E. A. Selber left for Ash land this morning, where she will re main for a couple of weeks visiting with relatives. Dr. A. F. Sether left for Gardiner and other northern points last even ing where he will spend a week or ten days visiting with friends. Among the late arrivals at the Mc Clallen hotel are the following: R. O. Johnson. Portland; B. Lester. Ashland; C. E. OBborns, Detroit; H. W. Scheer, Portland; C E. Hiett, Portland; J. R. Thompson, Portland; C T. Jones, Portland; E. E. Mc Clure, Portland; H. VanAndrew, Portland; J. Dlllar, Portland; Geo. H.n Fitzglbon, Portland; C. L. Stockln, D. A. Donelaon,, Portland; A. C. Withers, Portland; N. H. Bak er and wife, Portland; H. Cornett. Portland; W. K. Grlffls. Portland; J. W. Fowler, Portland; D. B. Grant, city; G. L. Salshury, Ashland; J. A. Conley and Bon. Myrtle Creek; Miss Laura E. Hunt, Oakland; H. C. House and wire, Houston; Miss M. B. Robertson, Houston; I. E. Haney, Elkton; J. L. Lord, Myrtle Point; H. I. Clark, San Francisco; H. M. Gogne. Portland; A. L. Knesel, Spokane; Eva Hurst, R. L. Parrlsh, Roseburg. A good new piano for rent Phone 288-R. H. Jay Stone. tf The Bee Hive Is the only grocery giving votes on the Howard automo bile. a3 Mrs. W. C. Tipton and son, Cleo, returned home this morning after several weeks spent in Seattle visit ing with friends and relatives. In his business life, hats of good style, good taste, are a big asset to the young man. In his social life, such hats are a necessity. Most of our hats are made by Stetson after Ideas of our own. , New Stetson hats just arrived. We are giving double votes on all hats until AugUBt 10th. a7 HARTH'S TOGGERY. H. W. Oliver . will tune your piano or repair your organ. Phone 396. tf GRANGE ICE CKKAM SOCIAL. liUDGB DIRECTORY. Wilbur Grange will give an Ice cream social at the school house on the afternoon and evening of Sat urday, August 17. The public Is cordially Invited to attend and enjoy the affair with the Grange. This Is the store where you will find only the moBt distinctive mer chandise. We serve every customer with as much care as If the whole success of the business depended on that particular, sale. In hats w'e feature the Statson. Double trading votes on all hats until August 10th. a7 HARTH'S TOGGERY. MI18. CHARLES S. HKIXMNK Pianoforte Instructor Studio will re-open Sept. 23rd. See A Good Show And Keep Cool The only first class place to eit in Roseburg. We do ca tering. Let us serve your next banquet, either in your home, or hall, or in our din ing room, -f -f -f C. & J. ELLIOTT, Proprietors Telephone 36 Opposite Perkins Bldg. dODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 6030, meets every second and fourth Tuesday of every month In the Eagles' ball. Traveling neighbors are cor dially Invited to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; K. Stuhbs. clerk. WUOtOIKN OV TI1K WORM! Oas Camp, No. 126, meets at the Oda Fellows' Hall In Roseourg, ever; first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wel come. M. II, Miller C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. L. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. i holds regular reviews on Brst and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other cordially Invited to attend our re hives vlBltlng In the city are views. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Raup. R. K. THE GRAND GRILL O. E. 8 Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds tbelr regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free Johnson, secretary. WOMKN .Oh' WOODCRAFT Lilac Circlet No. 49, meets on first and third Monday e.enlnga of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are Invited to attend. Greet Pilklngton, O. N.j Clara Cawlfleld clerk. . O. O. F. Phlletarian Lodge, No 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple earner of Jackson and Cass street un Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good standing are Invited to attend. W H. Eaton N. Q.; M, M. Miller, R 8.; L E. Milledge. P. S. . I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren ahvaj'R welcome. C. H Terclnskl, N. G.; W. S. Powell R. 8.; M. Fickle. F. 0. tlltOTHKIlHOOil OP AMERICAS YHOMEN Mt. Nebo Lodge No 1828, meets every second anc fourth Wednesday or eah montl at the Eagles' hall. Visiting broth era and sisters welcome, E. B Perrlne, F, M.; 8. E. Krobn, Cor "oo"o; h; Roselurg Lodge, No 38, holds regular comtnunlca tlons at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. All members requested to attend regularly and all vlsltlnt brothers are cordially Invited t attend. 8. 8. Josephson. H. R A. I'. A. si Laurel 'Lodge, No. 13, holdi regular meetings on thi sX secoua ana . rourtn wed ivj ne8dnys of each montu Sojourners invited to attend, N Rice, W. M.; R. H. Woods, See. A, O. IS. Ifoscrmrg Aone, No. 1497, meets second and fourth Monday In their hall on Jackson Btreet al 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.J B. F Goodman, sec. IMPROVED ORDER OF RKDMKN Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets every first and third Monday of each month at the Eagles' 'hall. Vlslt itlng chlofs welcome. J. W. Brown, Sachem; K. M. MearB, C. of R. MODERN IIROTIIKIMIOOD Ol AMERICA Moats in Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMullen Secretary. DR. GEO. K. HOUCK, Physician and Surgeon. Office, Review Bldg., Phone SI. Roseburg. Oregon. IWHMI'tWtrtirttt!-il DR. D. E. HNKLL, Osteopathic Physician. 10-11 Marstors Bldg. 'Phone lit ii Roseburg, Oregon. For Sale Sunlight MR. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? The Hydro-Carbon Lighting tiyitem U th ch fa 111 and oeat to Hiid burn. Bee Uln otierttloiila Kuauburg, knd write (or p:ti'tut utl uxtltuaiea. By tins Insulted rom $30.00 Up Nat. Bishops Roseburg Box 655 Ore. Bo Agent lor Dougl! County Herford Bulls Some choice yearlings and two year olds, from registered herd. Apply Mont Alto Ranch, Glide, Oregon 1 hill h cctnpeftsahng gear and cutter bar re aligning time era eucceaaful example of the wonderful inrentiva geniue oi Mr Joetph. Dun Ihe geara are ao mounted m reUoon fen aJi nlruv trial nwfwl halanf and true Himanonuy mured and the crank ahaft it relieved of ail end throat, pttfenting lost mooon. reducing arm ana mumwrvig cutting power. That ia why the Deia Mower 'run Iqrntly and cuta whwe other fal i It i the only mower you can realign. yjwr ifteli. right in the field with your wrench. Thia practical adjuatrnent (or main mining the cutter bar in tme with the pitman, meant aodod c&acafy and yean of catm ajrfka ) A Raal Vertical Lift . Nork the apade handle on the lever. Eaty to graap, nc twining. On movement of one kmc nuts the bar. knife throws in and out of grr Kutomabcallf a bar ii raiacd and lowered. Th Urge-cod. ftnible apring rWlhe arttar bar, dooa practkalrf all tha work ia lifting with the foot at corner and help in raiaing die bar WOticaDy. ,1 CteulrtUne4fBel John Dean dealer; Wm' all about thia greatest of all Mower, and about the entire line of Dein Hay Took Loader. Side DehveryrUVSiaciera. Sweep RAa.P.oawa; Mtcry one the beat of it kind. Dan makea tha beat bay took They km been T-S-'rrg; ojlbo lgf ovrquaikT of century. ROSEBURG FEED and FUEL CO. RAILROAOISPUn: N. R0S5BURG i 1 ern island ureenhoase Mrs. F. D. Oweo, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone FI2 Cut Floweni, rotted PUnta, Funoral Denlgnii, Wodding Ilo quclR, etc. All Jtlnda ot rinntH for Veranda and Win dow Iloxoa and Deddlng opt. On Bnlo at The Rose Confectionery We Owe Our Growth to You The constant growth In the volume of buslnesi done by this bank and the continued Increaue In the number o Its pat rons has boen largely due to the friendly roforenco to It by Its depositors. We ask their further Interest and plodge our best efforts to deserve this favor. THE UMPQUA VALLEY BANK Officers and directors O. l: COMIIOW, I'r.l.t,.nt ,1. M. TlrltONF., ( a.hter II. W. Ml lt().V7. Vlcflrv.liliit .1. C. AlKHN. Vlr-1'r.'.l.l.nt II. .1. Klil'.AK A. .1. HKI.I.OWH II. It. HIIAMIIIIOOK Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICE OUT FITTERS FOUNTAIN I'ENS SCHOOL HOOKS TYl'FAVKITURS NEWS DEALEKS ' HOLIDAY GOODS POST CARDS PENNANTS ROSEBURG. OREGON