The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Get auto contest votes at Church
Brothers'. tl
Dr. Callaway spent the day at
Yoncalla looking after business Inter
ests. M. A. Potter left for Portland last
evening after a couple of days spent
In Roseburg.
William Anderson, of the local
Southern Pacific shops, went to Port
land last evening on business.
Harry Kenney and wife, of Leonn,
are spending a couple of dayB In
Hoseburg visiting with friends.
Mrs. Olivia Watson, who has been
visiting with friends on Deer Creek
left here last evening for her home
In Washington.
Iouls Adams and wife have
returned from Newport where they
spent the past wo weeks enjoying
their annual outing.
Mayor Martin, of Myrtle Creek,
returned home yesterday after a few
daya spent In Koseburg attending to
business Interests.
Henry Richardson and wlfo have
returned from points on the Mc-
Kenzle river whero they spent the
past month with frlendB.
D. B. Grant, formerly engaged In
the real estate busluess In Roseburg,
arrived here last evening from Marsh-
field to spend a few days looking af
ter business intorests.
Loyal Stephens and Will Hockley
left here last evening for points In
tho Gardiner vicinity where thoy will
apend a week or ton days hunting.
D. F. Jones, of the local United
Statos land office, lert here last even
ing for Newport whero he will Join
his family.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford
and wlfo arrived here last evening
from Salem and loft this morning for
points In the vicinity of Gardiner
whore they will spend tholr annual
While endeavoring to climb on n
moving wngon, tho three-year-old
son of Ingrain Hnroldson, of West
Roseburg, foil under the vehicle, the
rear wheel pnsRlng over his body. The
lad was slightly bruised and scratch
ed, hut otherwise uninjured.
Mr. and Mrs. Hepperly left for
Portland last evening where they will
spend a month or six weeks with
The ladles of the South Methodist
church will hold a window sale of
home cooking at the Benson grocery
Saturday, August 3. a2
Edward Pengra and wife left for
Salem this morning where they will
spend a day or two visiting with
Mrs. Pengra's sister.
Mr.s T. B. Evans, of Dllldrd, lelt
for Deer Park, Wash., last evening
where she will spend some time vot
ing with her daughter.
You can rent the latest novels at
the Fiction Library,. TJp-stnlrs In the
Parrott Building. Over fifteen hun
dred volumes to select from. a4
J. L. May, recently of Portland,
arrived here yesterday to accept the
position of Assistant Superintendent
of the Southern Pacific lines with
headquarters In Roseburg.
David Ross, a Southern Pacific en
glneor, accompanied by his wife and
two children left for Tillamook this
morning where they will spend
month or six weeks.
Smith Bailey and wife and Mrs.
Gullllan and daughter loft this morn
ing for Yaquina Bny whero they will
spend a month or six weeks With
L. L. Baldwin left for Portland
last evening where he has secured
employment. Mrs. Baldwin will fol
low In a few days. Mr. Baldwin Is
Southern Pacific brakeman and Is
well known in Roseburg.
An aged man by the name of Ep-
pler, who claims to reside In Cali
fornia, Informed Chief of Police
Fenton this morning that his apart
ments In the Nevada rooming house
were entered last evening and that
something over $200 was taken from
his vest pocket. According to the
story told by Mr. Eppler this morn-
ng he left his door ajar upon re
tiring shortly after 10 o'clock last
njght. Tired from traveling he slept
soumlly and upon awukpnlng thl
morning discovered his vest lying In
the hall. Brief investigation reveal
ed tho fact that the money was mlss-
ng. Although the officers are work
ng on the case nothing has been
found which will tend to establish
tho Identity of tho guilty party.
Among the late arrivals at the WHAT AILS THE APPLE. TREES?
Roseburg hotel are the following: In several of the northern states lior
James Fletcher and wife, city; Mrs. dculturists have beeu looking Into the
GlbBon, Edenbower; Daniel Phalen, causes of the death or greatly weak
Mich.; Elton Tallman, city; S. B. I eucd condition of many apple trees.
Moon, Peoria, III.; Wm. H. Hall,
Talent; Mrs. J. R. Medley, Oakland;
Jim Hodson, E. Galloway, J. B. Ben
nett, Marshfleld; E. L. Wright, Portland.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of George W. Both, deceased,
has .filed In the County Court of
Douglas County, State of Oregon his
final account as such administrator
of said estate, and that Wednesday,
the 14th day of August, 1912, at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been
fixed by said Court as the time for
hearing of objectlngs to said account
and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of
George W. Both, Deceased. al2
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for, Douglas County.
In matter of Estate of Rebecca J.
Perkins, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of above
named estate has filed In above nam
ed court his account In final settle
ment of said estate and said court by
order duly made and entered on the
Journal thereof has fixed Saturday
the 31st day of August, 1912, at 10
o'clock a. m., for hearing of objec
tions If nny to said Hnal account and
the settlement of snld estate and said
court further ordered that the fore
going notico of final settlement be
published In the Semi-Weekly Unin
qua Valleys News for the period re
quired by law for publication of no
tice of final settlement.
a26 Adminfntrntnr
This loss has seemed to be especially
severe lu the case of the Ben Davis j
and Black Guuo, the latter n first eous- I
in of the Ben. A report made public- j
within the ast three weeks by Pro- i
feasor Beach of the Iowa station gives !
consideration to the causes und comll- I
tlous which he believes are resKuslble j
for the condition referred o. A part i
of the trouble seems to be due to au j
appearance of the Illinois canker, a '
bacterial disease that attacks and
spreads in the cambium layer nud Just
beneath. This trouble has beeu aggru.
voted by early fall and late spring i
freezes of the past two or three years;
also by two unusually dry summers
and lastly by the fact that most or
chards in the northern states bore to
the breaking point last summer, when
the trees were in a depleted couditlon
and soil moisture short. An Interest
ing stntement in Professor Bench's re
port Is that which states that the loss
sustained has been fur less In orchards
that have been given careful cultlvn
tion during the dry summers of the
past three years, and it Is noted thai
sick trees in such orchards are making
much more rapid recovery thua those
in orchards where the soil was not cul
tivated. To lessen likelihood of dam
age from the combined causes men
tloned the orchards In which trees lire
suffering should be cultivated, fruit
should be thinned if tho trees are In
bearing, and canker infections should
be cut out nud sterilized with u solu
tlou of mercurial chloride nt the rate of
1 to 1.000 and the wound painted over
with white lead.
fe' rAir HI ARJIl Mih III EJ rO
Dry Goods
Below Cost
On and after September 1st we will not issue any
Premium Coupons. All coupons that are issued
prior to that date, will be good until January 1st,
1913 at which time they must be redeemed. Be
ginning with the first of the year we will offer to
our customers an entire new Free Deal.
Yours for business,
R. STUBBS, The Grocer
nonce is nereby given that the
3tate Land Board of the State of Ore-
gon'wlll receiva sealed bids imn
10:00 o'clock A. M., August 13.
for the following described
college land, to-wlt:
The N. E. M of S. E. U of Sec
tion 6 and N. W. Yt of S. W. of
Section 8 T. 32 S. R. 12 W. of W. M.
All bids must bo accompanied by
a regularly executed application to
purchase and at least one-fifth of the
amount offered.
iNO Did for less than J7.50
acre will be considered.
The right to reject any and all
bids Is reserved.
Applications and bids should be
addressed to G. O. Brown, Clerk
State Land Board, Salem, Oregon.
and marked "Application and bid to
purchase State Lands."
Clerk State Land Board.
Dnted July 8, 1912.
Not In several years has the yield r
hay been lighter than will be the case
In practically till sections of the coun
try where timothy and clover have
been the standby. In fact, so short
has the yield on such meadows been In
some localities that the owner or rent
cr has not deemed It worth while to go
through the formality of cutting It
This means, if it menus anything, that
roughage will be Bcnrce and high pric
ed during the coming fall and winter
This means In turn that the need will
bo correspondingly great of utilizing to
the full the vnlue of the corn crop.
Some successful dairymen still hold to
the practice of harvesting the corn
with the binder and shredding it after
It has cured In the shock, supplylug
siicculence In the winter rntlou In the
form of roots rather than by menu- ut
silage. But innny more will look to the
silo to furnish the cheapest and most
palatable ration. Where one has ti
bunch of steers to feed or is uillklr.g a i
dozen or more cows the silo Is by fur j
the most safe and effective method of !
securing a' maximum amount of fod
der from a given nrea of land. Many
excellent types of silos nre on the niiir
ket and nlso In actual operation, and II
is not a bad Idea to visit several farms
on which different types nre In use be
fore buying one. The cost of the silo
plant will vary from S.100 to $.100. the
higher price being for those made of
cement block or vitiitled brick.
Don't wearstiff shirts. Lots
of men are even discarding
stiff collars. They are get
ting into those soft shirts of
ours with soft French cuffs
and soft detachable collars
to match. Until August 1st
we will give double votes
on the Automobile Contest
on all shirts sold. : : : :
Harth's Toggery, Inc.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worll, Tinning
and Heating'
Roseburg Phone 20 1
Sutherlin Phone 28
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed
Notice Is nereby given that the
undersigned Nettlo M. Scranton has
been, by the County Court of Doug
Ins County, Slate of Oregon, appoint
ed executrix of the last will and tes
tament of Romeo E. Scranton, de
ceased. All porsons having claims
against said estate of Romeo E.
Scranton, deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same, duly cer
tified, to tho undersigned executrix
at Camas Valley, Oregon, within six
months from the dato of this notice.
Dated this 22nd day of July. A. D.,
Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Romeo E. Scranton, de
ceased. Buchanan & Porter, Attorneys for
said Kxoctitrlx. ai9
Professor J. C. Whitten of tho Mis
Rourl horticultural station has lutelj
moilo nn Interesting report of some
experiments ho lias conducted cover
lug n period of ten years in the matter
of whitewashing the trunks of peach
trees for protective purposes, lie re
ports that this treatment enabled tin
trunks of the trees to retlect the rays
of the sun. and as n result they re j
ntaliied dormant much longer than
trees that were not whltewasheil. In j
a period of ten years he reports elghi i
crops of fruit from whitewashed trees ;
and all but two of them full crops,
while from trees of the same variety ;
that were not whitewashed Ave crops
were secured, and only three of these '
were what could be called full crops
lie summarizes the results of the
whitewash treatment by saying that 1
In the period of ten years the treated
trees produced Just twice as tmicb I
fruit as ttiose not treated. The ex
pcrlenre the writer has had with sour j
sap the result of a too early and un
even starting of the sap lu the late
wlntor or early spring loads him to
believe that this treatment Professor
Whitten recommends for peach trees
would give very good results In the
cose of both pear and apple trees In
sections where they are liable to dam
age from sour sap.
North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
Worh" Done on Short Notice ROSEBUEG, 0SE
All work first-cl
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perkins Iiutldlng
Now is
For that two-piece
goods and prices
the Time
hot weather suit. Our
will please you. We
make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning
and pressing.
W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor
111 Cass St.
For any who hare found the usual i
methods of canning corn and beans
somewhat risky the pickling method :
offers a good substitute. Hrlefly, this '
Is putting the vegetables down in salt. '.
somewhat ns one would fresh cucum- -
hers. With sweet corn select ears that :
are at the stage desired, boil them In
a large kettle or boiler for about flffeen
minutes, or until the .allk Is set, and
then cut and sera hi from tho cob and :
mix with salt nt the rnte of four j
quarts or corn to one or salt. The
Juloo In the corn will give sufllcleni
liquid for brine. When mixed the
corn tuny be put nway In open top
Ftone Jars and covered with n cloth
and plate or stone to keep out the
dirt. Hefore using this corn it should
be freshened and seasoned to suit one's
taste. Corn kept In this way Is tender
and keeps its flavor remarkably well.
Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate
ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden
and farm products, located five miles from Rose
burpon the North Umpqua River. Sold on terms
Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon
George Kohlhagcn, Frop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. Alrkinds of Stock bought and soM.
Rosebuig, Oregon
Phone 5S