The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 01, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Hunting Benson Oienol Twlay
Mauy Yomullu People Knjoy
; VainlioiiB lu The County.
J. J. Lutz was at Roseburg on
bu&ieag the first of the week.
f)r. J. L. Callaway,-of Roseburg,
w here on professional business
E Helllwell made a business trip
to Cottage Grove the first of the
Sirs. Lee and son, Fred, have re
tuned from an outing at Newport.
rank Wooster, of Roseburg, is
hee for a few days outing.
Mrs. J. G. Samler and son, Dolph,
hve returned from an extended visit
at Portland.
essie Beckley and family of Klam
at Falls, are here on a visit with
ruatlves and friends.
iFrankie Daugherty, of Portland,
arived here Monday for an extended
f rlstt with relatives.
i Harry Stearns and family visited
with relatives at Oakland the first of
f the week. ;
F. A. Beard and wife, of Portland,
I arrived here the first of the week for '.
la visit with relatives. Mr. Beard de-
pnrtpd Monday for West Fork where
tho will spend several days hunting
before returning to his home at
Portland. Mrs. Beard Is here the
kuest of relatives.
Mrs. Floyd Booth departed for Eu-
lene Wednesday for a few days' visit
lith relatives.
Mrs. Harlow, of Eugene, Is vlsltirin
the home of her brother, C. F.
tplegate near this city.
W. L. Starr and family have re-
rned from a visit at Monroe.
Or. R. P. Mortensen. C. P. Hunt-
kton, Jas. Miller, Jno. Applegate.
, .Tones, Oliver Jones, C. P. and
Baker attended the big Moose
king at Roseburg a few nights
some as candidates and others
'he city' rockcrus'ier has recently
ergone a thorough over-hauling
Is now crushing rock for the Inc
rement of our streets,
rs. H. L. Mooney, of Myrtle
ik is visiting with relatives near
A. J. Fawcett, of Ashland, was
i a few days this week the guest
and Mrs. Knott.
F. Patterson, contractor and
kler, of Roseburg, was here on
neap Wednesday.
heriff George Quine and Roilroad
Ictlve Kelley were here Wednes-I ,
day trying to get evidence In the
Rice Hill holdup wherein one of the
section men claimed he was held up
by three masked men and relieved of
$36,000 on Tuesday evening as he
was returning home from this city.
. Barton Helllwell has began work
on his new bungalow, which will
present a neat appearance when fin
ished. J. R. Bell Is erecting a new barn
on his home property.
F. F. Patterson will commence op
erations on Stearns' new brick with
in a short time.
Mr. Clinton Wilder and Miss Helen
Prior were married at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
F. Prior, at Rice Hill. Sunday, July
281912. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder are
among our most highly respected
young people and have a host of
friends, who wish them all kinds of
good luck and much happiness on
their life's journey.
With the opening of the hunting
season numerous hunting parties de
camped for the haunts of game. Many
of the parties departed for the woods
on the day preceding the ojwning of
the season so as to be ready for
business at the first break of day. It
Is safe to predict that no less than
fifty hunters from this place and Im
mediate vicinity will be In the woods
before the week shall have passed.
That many deer will be killed Is al
most self-evident, ns many of the
hunters are crack shots and know
every inch of territory oyer which the
hunting wll he done. If the season
!asses without some unfortunate
hunter being mistaken for game and
shot It will be a great relief to the
public an evidence that nimrods are
becoming more careful and are res
pecting the laws more closely.
Watches And Money Valued at $3,500
Set'uretl lty Hobberij,
WILLIAMS, Cal.. July 31. The
Williams and Bartle'.S Springs auto
mobile stage was lit Id up at the
Prim, grade, about 35 miles from
Williams, the robbers obtaining (2,
500 In cash, besides much jewelry
The stage left Williams loaded with
passengors. Few particulars have
been received, as the robbers cut the
telephone wires near the scene.
The first news of the robbery came
when Sheriff Stanton says he was
notified by way of Lower Lake. No
particulars of the robbery were given
except that the passengers were made
to deliver their money and valuables
in the old-time way.
Everett, Wiwlk, TmveHiiff Jlun In
Accused of Murder.
BELLING HAM, Wash.. July 21.
J. M. Shanahan, a traveling salesman,
of Everett, Wash., was held respon
sible for the death of Clifford Garl,
of Mount Vernon, yesterday, by the
verdict of a coroner's jury returned
last night. Shanahan lost control of
the machine In which he had taken
Garl and several others for a ride to
Stanwood. It went Into the ditch and
turned over, crushing Garl to death.
Construe Oon Work Will He Com
menced At An Early Date.
WANTED Good wood cutter.' Tele
phone 14F25 or Inquire at News
Vofflce. 317-tf
. First and Becond hand, principally
first hand. $3,000 cash, balance
on easy terms. Stock will prob
ably invoice at $0,000. Located in
the A. D. Bradley brick building,
111 Jackson street, Roseburg, Ore
gon. Inquire at the store or 219
- Pine Btreet, of L. H. Rhoades.
EUGENE, Or., July 31. Construc-
tlon work on the rebuilding of Eu
! gene's sewer system will begin early
in August. The city council, at a
meeting Monday night accepted plans
and specifications prepared by City
Engineer Fornerl. The people last
winter voted $20,000 In bonds for
the work, but It Is thought the work
will cost more.
WANTED To buy. A team of
ponies. Weight around 900
Mus be reasonable. Address
, box 595, Roseburg, Oregon." 4
Penitentiary Inmates Called Upon To
Muli'uactiiro Mattresses.
progressing rapidly and by the time'
the furniture will be needed atjthej
institution they will be ready.j By
the employment of convict labor In
the manufacture of the mattresses, It j
Is estimated that a mattress which j
will cost $10 or $20 in the market. !
can be made at a cost of $10; and
that the bedsteads which cost $S In
the market can be manufactured at a
cost of $5. -
. - :
Anule Russell Is resting at her 1
summer home lu Maine. j
The lrUh Players have made a !
great success In London. j
Al H. Wilson will open his season
in Baltimore September 2.
Catherlno Countiss Is starring In
stock In Portland this season.
Wish Wynne, the English come
dienne, is making a hit in Chicago.
Bessie Abbott Is to sing the role
of Maid Marlpn In "Robin Hood."
Ralph Herz Is to star the coining
season in "The Mysterious No. 44".
Harry Bulger Is making a tour of
Canada in "The Flirting Princess"
Adele Blood Is leading woman of
a stock company at Columbus, Ohio.
In a new play, entitled "Tho
West", Mme. SImone Is to appear as
an Arab girl.
Minnie Dupree is to appear in a
tabloid version of "The Indiscreet
Mrs. Eyene".
Lewis Waller will have a modem
play when he makes his next Ameri
can starring tour.
Charlotte Walker will star again
the coming season In "The Trail of
the Lonesome Pine".
Theodore Babcock is to be seen In
a new playlet called "Faro Jim,"
by Edith Sessions Tupper.
An English company is now being
formed to make a tour of the Eng
lish provinces with "Ben Hur".
W'adsworth Harris has been engag
ed to play Nobody In "Everywoman"
during the coming season.
Christine Neileon has Just been
engaged as the prima donna of Lew
Fields' production of "Hanky Panky".
Mrs. Leslie Carter expects to bo
gin her season in October In her new
play, "Whom Does Helen Belong
SALEM, Or., July 31. The work
of mnufacturlng matresses and Iron
beadsteads by the convicts for the
Eastern Oregon branch asylum is
Our Stock of Summer Dress Ma
terials is Now Most Complete
and we would advise that you come and
make your selections early, as it will not be
long until these lines are pretty well broken
We Have an Exceptionally Fine
Line of Clothing and Furnisnings
and at Prices that are Absolutely Right
We are special agents for Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns, Warner's Rust-Proof
Corsets and the 'Famous Gordon Hats.
V' "
:.V.-- .v'v . 4
"The House of Quality"
Roseburg, - - - - - Oregon
Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition
Level, Rich River Bottom
Soil, Natural FarK, Fiver
Drive. Close in. All City
Privileges. City Water
Lights and Graded Streets
Nothing to equal these properties
in the entire City Lots are large
Prices are low. Every lot fenced.
For choice of lots, terms and all
information Phone 212-L or apply
on premises, Harvard Ave., West
Roseburg, and save commission.
Buy now as prices will advance.
Get yours at once and earn the
increase yourself. Intendingpur
chasers Phone 212-L and Auto
will t&Ke you over to property.
C. D. MAYNARD, Prop.
You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See
If you aro contemplating build
ing a house, barn or other buildings,
will be glad to furnish you with
estimates. I have only skilled me
chanics In my employ and they nre
all. insured by me undor the Work
man's Compensation act. THierefore,
when I do building for you you take
o chance of being sued for damnRCf
or any Injury that may befall an
employee while working on your
building. B. S. Nichols, contractor
and builder, 181 N. Jaokson street.
Roseburg, Ore. Phone 327-Y. tf
Prlcos talk Bo floes quality. You
can get both at Fisher's paint store
under the old stars and stripes. tf
t . . . . .
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalk's and Cement
worK of any Kind.
I have five or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the
money in other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its
O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roots. We build, move
or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty
years experience In building.
Thtp (troHt In-Mttiitlon oin It door
for tho lull scnurMur on H!tl(tinter 2OU1,
foil rut itiMrurllon Include: (it-iicral
AitrtoiiHiire. Adronomy, Animal II us
tiHixIry, irkirv llunbn'-ffry HnclLTlolnKy,
BotMiv nml Plant Patholou?, Poultry
HuNbHtulry, Hnrtlcullure, Kntomolony,
VfiUTltiaru Help nee, Civil KiiKlittjertuK,
Kl'tfUrlcal KliKlncrltlrf. Mpchniilcnl Kn
ginvprliiK. Mining KiiKtiierhiK, IHk"
way KiiKim-eriiiK, lnnm-Kllc Helenee,
IxmiPNlle Art, (onmiPHi Forestry,
Pharmacy, Znolnjcy (J hem i try, Phylca
Mntlicmntkn, KiikuMi lAHKiiatre nod
l.ttcraltirt', Public KupakltiK, Modern
I-atiKUiiKef, lllitory. Art, AreMtecture,
Iinliixlrlal I'Mniffifty, I'hyntrnl Educa
tion. Military Sclunce and Tactlci, aurl
Catalogue and It! nitrated lltrratnre
mailed free on application. Addre:
Kt-RlKtrar, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallls, Ort-Kuu.
School Year Opens Septem
ber 20lh, 1912
Peaches! Peaches!
$1.00 Per Box
Will Only Last a Few Days
NON- M ix
A Ilnmmcrloss Gun with Solid
EaHiest operating and smootTi
cut action.
SepecLcS Sad?:
rr. y I.i-kt.ko
EV.3. AT $23.05,
'j sir
A is iniav:A li Shoot
'j t c 'ctvuhere is
f ' ;r Trip or
if i'f S fhotirun CaUl:ir.
A Have rnur Dn.iirr show
IX i J"" Steni Repealer.
' 1 1 WM&
If) rolly tlio frcfHlorn (Imt comc
frJii iini-iMiMlciicof and inriepem
euro cun only Itcloiig to the thrifty
mid MivinK, Voting anil old ought
to lutvo n hiink nrcoiint mid hero Is
tlut pldro to lutvo It, Wo woh'otno
liidlvldintl neooiintN and nro mont ac
rommoflafJnu to our if(MtwlUrrt, Wo
offer IJlMTnl foniblnwl with
that fuv-urlty that Im-Iotikm to solid
iiiMtltiillnnft llko our,
AX Interest on Time' Deposits
First Trust and
Savings Bank
The largeat, moat beautiful and
tyliah wall paper stock ever aeen In
Roaeburg at D. P. Fisher' paint and
paper atore. 121 Went Oak itreet.
Help youmdf or your friend win
the Howard automobile by trading at
the Uee IMvo Grocery. Bave your
coupons. a3 -