4 S XOTICK OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE HLAKELEY STKEKT. isajce Is hereby given that at a ) ot- the Common Council of tf-'.telty of Roseburg, Oregon, held ou" the 15th day of July, 1912, the following resolution was adopted: "REoOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Roseburg deems it expedient and proposes to improve Blakeley street from the west line of South Jackson street to the east line of South Stephens street in the city of Roseburg, in the following manner: First: By grading the street to the proper subgrade. Second: By pavlug the roadway of said street full width with concrete pavement. Third: By constructing concrete curb. Fourth: By constructing sub 'dralns If necessary. Fifth: . By constructing street monuments. Sixth: By laying vitrified sewer pipe. Seventh: By constructing catch ' basins and inlets. Said Improvements to be made In accordance with the Charter und or dinances of the City of Roseburg, and the grade, plans, speculations and estimates of the City Engineer, filed In the office of the City Recorder on the 8th day of July, 1912, which said grade, plans, specifications and esti mates are hereby approved and adopted. The entire cost of said Improve ment shall be assessed upon the prop erty especially benefitted thereby, as provided by the charter of the City of Roseburg, and no part thereof shall be paid by the City of Roseburg. The estimate of the City Engineer of the probable detailed cost ot said p improvement is $2,526.10. Resolved, that the City Recorder of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, be and he is hereby directed to give no tice of said proposed Improvement as provided by the Charter of the City of Roseburg." Remonstrances against said pro posed improvement may be filed In wilting with the undersigned within twenty (20) days from the first pub lication ot this notice, which Is the 18th day of July, 1912. CARL 10. WIMBERLY. Recorder ot tho City of Roseburg. Oregon. J29 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE WATSON STREET. LOCAL NEWS. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Common Council of tho City of Roseburg, Oregon, held on the 15th day of July, 1912, the following resolution was adopted: "RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Roseburg deems it expedient and proposes to , Improve Watson street in -the City of Roseburg, Oregon, from tho south line of Lane street to the south line of Hamilton Avenue (also known as. High Street), In the following mnnr ner: First: By grading the street to the proper subgrade. Second: By paving the street full width with concrete pavement. . Third: . By constructing concrete curb. Fourth: By constructing sub drains If necessary. Fifth: By constructing street monuments. Sixth: By laying vitrified sewer pipe. Seventh: By constructing catch basliiB and Inlets. Said Improvements to be made In acocrdance with the Charter and or dinances of the City of Roseburg, and the grade, plans, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer filed in the office of the City Recorder ou the 15th day of July, 1912, which said grade, plans, specifications nnd estimates are. -hereby approved and adopted. The entire cost of said Improve ment shall be assessed upon the prop erty especially benefitted thereby, as provided by the Chnrter of tho City of Roseburg, and no part thereof shall be paid by the City of Rose bnri?. Tho estimate of the City Engineer of the probable detailed cost of said improvement Is the sum of $1,509.09. .. Resolved, that the "City Recorder of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, be and hereby Is diri-eted to give notice of said proposed improvement as pro vided by the Charter of said City." Remonstrances against said pro posed improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned with in twenty (20) dnys from the first publication of this nof.ee, which. Is the 18th day of July, 1912. CARL . WIMBERLY, Recorder o the City of Roseburg, Oregon. J29 Dr. Lowe's glasses are death to headaches. Ask your neighbors. Mrs. K. L. KlUer jand children leave for Newport next week where they will spend about two months. G. M. Holsman, of Portland, arriv ed in Roseburg this morning to spend a few days looking after business interests. Mrs. A. R. Hooper, of Portland, ar- I rivea in itoseourg mis morning ana will probably locate here permanent ly. Mrs. Hooper Is an experienced milliner and will probably open an establishment in this city. James Laird has returned to his home at Lairds after a couple of days spent in Roseburg attending to busi ness Interests. J. H. Campbell yesterday retired as manager of the Roseburg hotel. The business has been taken over by ! Mrs. Mary Jones who will continue to conduct the hostlery In the future. Miss Stella Coombs, of Portland, arrived In Roseburg this morning to spend a week or ten days visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Beatrice Haynes, of Marsh field, arrived In Roseburg this morn ing to spend a few days with rela tives residing In the vicinity of DIx onville. The fronts of the stores occupied by D. J. Jarvis and Joseph Pape and situated on Sheridan street hnve been treated to a fresh coat of paint. Jack McGinnls, of the firm of Hlll ard & .McGinnls, left for his home at Portland today after a brief visit in this city. Hlllard & McGinnls were recently awarded the contract for laying several blocks of cement pav ing In Roseburg and have already commenced preliminary ojieratlons. FOR SALE Cow, Iresh about Aug ust 5. A. A. Guiwlts, Edenbower. Phone 9F15. 307-tf PERRIES VOll SALE. BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN j v, Maynards Harvard Avenue Addition Black, lo&an and mam black- berries, $1.75. Red logan- I berries, Lucretla and Gardina dewberries $1.50 per 24-box 1 crate, F. O. B. cars at Dlllard. L. S. Conn, Dlllard, Ore. tf ECBZZ3HW . Our Stock of Summer Dress Ma terials is Now Most Complete and we would advise that you come and make your selections early, as it will not be long until these lines are pretty well broken Level, Rich River Bottom Soil. Natural Park, River Drive, Close In. AH City Privileges City Water, Lights, Graded Streets. Nothing to equal these properties in the entire city--Lots are Large, Prices are Low. Every Lot Fenced. For Choice of Lots, Terms and all information, Phone 212-L or apply to owner on premises, Harvard Avenue, West Rose burg, and save commission. : : : : Buy now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the in crease yourself. Intending purchas ers Please Phone 212-L and Auto will take you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. Best paint on earth lead and oil at $2.00 per gallon. Let's bust the mixed paint trust. Fisher's paint store. tf WANTED TIMBER. MEN AND BOYS We Have an Exceptionally Fine Line of Clothing and Furnisnirigs and at Prices that are Absolutely Right We are special agents for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets and the Famous Gordon Hats. I. ABRAHAM "The House of Quality" Roseburg, ----- Oregon I desire to purchase largo trucls at present marketable price in acre age aggregating one huncred thous airl acres or more, tf J. M. BN.il. H. DAILY WEATHER, REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local offlci', Hoseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 0 a. in., July j8, I 111 2. Precipitation In Inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 91 lowest temperature laBt night 70 Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total preclp. since first of month 10 Normal preclp. for this month .32 .Total preclp. from Sep. 1, 1911, to date 35.44 Average preclp. from Septem ber 1, 1877 34.01 Total excesB from Bep. 1, 1911 1.40 Average precipitation for 34 wet seasons, (Sep. to May Inclusive) 32.30 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. IXK.'AIi NEWS. The largest, most beautiful and stylish wall paper stock ever seon In Roseburg at D, P. Fisher's paint und paper store. 121 West Oak street. The cat camo back but tho Bpots never do In tho clothes cleaned by Slopcr & Son. Ladles' and gents' work. Cloves, felt nnd pannma hats. Work called fur and delivered. Phone 47. tf A BARGAIN. Two nice level lots, each 40xl0t In Wnlte's addition, only 3 blocks from high Bclinol, 1 now house 24x32, 9 ft. posts, shingled roof; another house 12x20, 1 wood shed 7x16, city water nnd soworage, flno well to IrrS , gate garden. Price $950, $500 down, balance on monthly payments ot $1K per month, first year, then $10 until paid, interest at 6 per cent. Page In vestment Company 709 N. Jackson, or Phone 242. tf You Dont Have to Go to Sea to See PAT Z I I For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocks. Cement sidewalks and Cement work of any kind. 1 have five or alx houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money in other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over foity years experience In building. '. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER I ME. MAN Hi itS I I Rr.MAni.c If RANIiri Would you work in the broiling hot sun if you had a chance to work in the shade? That's the difference between a wood and A GAS RANGE Do as much for your wife as you do for 'yourself DO IT TODAY $21 and up, ready for use. THE GAS COMPANY J