The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 11, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Youcullu J'oopUi CM To Port
land To A t t4iid The Klkn
Convention This Week.
B. Heellweil Is looking after bul
neaa matters In different points In
the Willamette valley this week
Hon, H. A. Booth and wife, of
Eugene, vlslte with relatives her 3 a
few days the first of the week.
Mrs. A. J. Lee and Mrs. Emma
Carr were busine'sn visitors at Drain
la hi Tuesday.
C. F. Applegate and family made
a business visit to Koseburg the first
of I ue week.
Jb3. Hanna and G. C. Ambrose
were at Cottage Grove on business
one day this week.
Lee Armstrong, of Oakland w
here on business Tuesday.
F. F. Patterson, contractor and
builder, of Roseburg, was here on
business one day this week.
A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, waa a
business visitor to this city the first
of the week.
Thos. Roberts, of Ashland, Is here
for a couple of weeks' visit with rel
atives and friends.
Among those to attend the Elks'
carnival at Portland from this place
are F. L. Heard, Ruth Thiel, A. II
Kelso, J. F. Daugherty and wife, C.
P. Huntington and wife, Mrs, J. T.
Cook and Edith Smith.
J. W. Cowan, A. Helliwell Jas. and
Chun. Pumphreyi loft Wednesday
morning for a few days' fishing on
the North Umpqua river. There will
be but little chance of any fish being
landed after this lawless bunch con
cludes operations. ....
At the regular mooting of the W.
O. W. last Tuesday evening the fol
lowing officers were Installed: J. H.
Kruse, C. C; C. A. Stock, Adv.
Lieut.; E. Burt, Escort; M. P. Drew,
manager; Chas. Stevens, Watchman
Hoy Kruse, Sentry. One trembling
victim in the person of Robt. Francis,
was duly prepared and Introduced
Into tho various mysteries of "Chop-
porhood" after which a big feed of
ice cream was staged, to which all
did amplo justice.
Stearns & Chenowoth are serious
ly contemplating building, a two
story brick building on their prop
erty at tho cast end of 2nd street.
In all probability the structure will
be fitted for a general Btore below
while the upper appartment will be
utilized as a lodgo hall. From what
can bo learned the Odd Fellows arc
contemplating dropping their propos
ed building and leasing the upper
part of the building' proposed by
Stearns & Chenowoth. Tho city is In
duo need of lot! go accommodations
and It Ih to bo hoped that one of the
proposed building will materialize.
Mrs. Mary Huffman has returned
from lUmgltii, Or., where she spend
a few weeks visiting with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Stinnett.
F. C. Alton, of Rosehurg, was hero
on business the flrat of tho week.
Mr. Alton has jimt returned from
tho oast whoro he disposed of a part
of his Scott a Valley holdings.
At the regular meeting of Colden
Link Kobokuh Lodge, Friday even
ing July 5th., the following officers
elect wore Installed: ualsy Harsh
bar ger, N. G.; Blanch McCtarnan, V.
G.; Anna Hangeborg, secretary;
Myrtle Beard, treasurer; Mtnnlo
LuU, it. S. N. (1.: Ella Marks. 1,. S.
N. (1.; Jnnco Cook, R. S. V. G.; Itm
bollo Schlmdler, L. S. V. G.; Minnie
Straw, wnrden, Joule Wise, conduc
tor; Eva Sanborn, Chaplain; Frnnkle
Nance, Inside guardian; Mamie Wise,
musician. Hlstrict Deputy President,
Minnie I.uU officiated as Installing
- .. .
Modern Apartments with bath,
bot and cold water
In each room.
Comer Jackson and Brockway
Streets; near High School.
Rate, 6 Per Week.
Only Eight Per Cent Of Applicant
Fail In Examinations.
The state board of examiners have
completed grading the teachers'
manuscripts for the examination held
June 19, 1912. Of the 48 applicants
only eight failed. Most of the ap
plicants were writing for one-year
papers, a few were writing for ex
emptions, - while four were writing
for lite papers. These certificates
must be registered In the school sup
erintendent's office before the applt
cant can teach, but before they can
be registered, teacher's must satUfy
the county superintendent that they
have read the reading circle books.
Following are the names of the
successful applicants: Frances Wlx-
on, Desda Wlxon, John Kernan,
Emma Agee, Hattie Rose, A. C.
Crews, Rhoda Watson, Mabel Smith
Victor Boyd, Grace Boyle, R. E
Morris, Fonta Kldwell, Mrs. Pearl
Price, Abble Bond, Mrs. Starr, Dol-
lle Colwell, Clara Sprague, Allle
Snm.i, Maple Moore, Ruth Boyle,
Clifford Boyle, W. L. Starr, M. V.
Thomas. Mrs. J. R. Pickett. Ethel
Senter, Eva Pruner, Floyd Senter,
floyd Watson, M. A. Wilder, Wil
liam C. Naylor, W. E. Horcher, Mary
Wilson, Mary Larklns, Ida Fletcher,
W. L. Smith, Paul Knopf, Mrs. Ger
trude Snrident, Ruth Altkens, Alta
Spalding, uuth Swlnney.
Thrown From Automobile While
Knrou to To Port hind
EUGENm, ur., July 10. Harry L.
Bown, for four years sheriff of Lane
county, was probably fatally Injury
ed when ho was thrown from R. C
Keeney's automobile, four miles
north of Corvallis, today.
Deputy Sheriff Parker, who took
Mrs. Bown and sons to Corvallis as
Hoon as iiowb was received, returned
hero witu the word that the Bherlff'B
oudltlon Is critical. Ho sustained
a fracture at the base of tho skull
nd may havo Internal Injuries.
Tho car at the time waa running
low, to pans some new road, whou
a pin In tho Bteerlng mechanism
roke, allowing one wheo lto turn.
ueak oif and then turn the enr
gainst tho embankment. The sud-
len stop throw Mr, Bown out Into
ho roadway onto Ida hack. Joo I)o-
aney and a boy named MorriHon.
Iho In tho tonncau, were thrown out,
nit not Injured. The sheriff waB tak-
u to the Corvallis hospital at once,
nd lato In the afternoon there ap
peared to be slight Improvement.-
Sheriff ilowu, n democrat, has
been twice elected In a strongly re?
ublican county, and Is exceedingly
popular. Ho Is a man of Btrong vl-
atity, which gives him his only
chanro. Deputy Parker declares there
ran bo no blame attached to anyone
for the accident.
Mr. Bown waa ono of a party go
ing from Eugene to tho Elks' con
vention. Dr. E. J. uonnor, 01 Modlord, the
eye specialist, Is In town for a short
time. See him for export advice.
Pohno 281. tf
Now is the Time
For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our
goods and prices will please you. We
make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning
and pressing.
W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor
111 Cass St.
JX)CAL news.
1 A good new piano for rent. Phone
288-R: H. Jay Stone. tf
Prices talk bo floes quality. You
can get both at Fisher's paint store
under the old stars and stripes. tf
The Standard Bearers of the M. E.
church will hold a window sale of
home cooking at the Bee rilvo Groc
ery Saturday, July 13. J12
H. T. McClallen has returned from
Portland where he has been employ
ed In the land department of the
Southern Pacific Company. He ex
pects to return to Portland In a few
Miss Ina Irvine left for her home
at; Newport this morning after a
few days spent in Roseburg visiting
wkh her friend, Ana Allen. Miss
Alien accompanied her to Newport
where she will remain for a week
oi ten days.
Among those leaving for Portland
last evening were Frank Brand and
wife, John Wlnntford, Carl D. Shoe
maker, Elbert Hermann, I. R. Smith,
J. F. Barker, Richard Williams and
wife, Dr. A. C. Seely and wife, W.
W. Purdy, Hermann Marks, F. E.
Charles Bowker, Ben Caro, Nellie
Kirk and Gertrude Rast.
Hear her, the second Mrs. Armour,
only more attractive, at the court
house lawn Sunday evening at seven
o'clock, July 14. Mrs. ,Atkins Is
one of toe chnutauqtia speakers this
year, thus we are able to secure
her for this date. She is earnest,
forceful, strong and eloquent speak-
If you are contemplating build- j
Ing a house, barn or other buildings.
I will be glad to furnish you with
estimates. I have only skilled me
chanics in my employ and they are
al! insured by me under the Work
man's Compensation act. Therefore,
when I do building for you you take
qo chance of being sued for damages
or any Injury that may befall any
employee while working on your
building. B. S. Nichols, contractor
and builder, 181 N. Jackson street.
Roseburg, Ore. Phone 327-Y. tf
Yonng Looking. Up-to-dnlo Men Arc
Gray-haired men look too old.
They aro pushed aside often dis
charged. Hundreds write us every
year that by ub
IIB A I, T H they
have restored
their hair to Its
natural color
kept themselves
young looking,
nnd kept their
positions for this roason.
Don't he ono of the old looking
ones begin using HAY'S HAIR
HEALTH today It will keep you
aninng the young ones.
You can get It at Marsters' Drug
Co., or Hamilton Drug Co.. for
50c or 11.00 pe rbottlo, or from tho
Phllo Hay Sc. Co., Newark. N. J.
I desire to purchase In large
trx-ts. sugir pine and California
white pine Port Orford cedar,
redwood nnd other first class
tracts of Pacific coast '.!ml -r
What havo you to offer. See
ine at Grand hotel, Rosejurg,
Oregon. 4
If J. M. ENGLfO.
A Dealer In
Foreign Fruits
In lower New York there I a tgii
"P. Martelll, Dealer In Foreign Fruit
and Oil.' One day a vouug oiuu enter
ed the Bhop and, seeing the proprietor
working on hia books, said to Iilin lu
the Italian lauguuge:
"Slguor, I have Just come from Na
plea to America to better my condition.
I wluh a position."
"I cannot afford a clerk. J wish 1
could. I am poor at accounts. They
bother me."
"1 kept books for one of the largest
exporters of oil In Naples, i know ail
about bookkeeping." -
"That may be, but 1 have told you
my business does not admit of an as
sistant" "Let me work for you without pay.
I have brought over with me a little
money on which I can live white 1 ain
getting a knowledge of America. 1 will
serve you for, say, a year. By that
time my money will be all gone, but I
can then find a position with a salary."
Martclll was much captivated with
the proposition. He told the man, who
gave his name as Giovanni MIcele. to
take bold of his books and straighten
them out If be showed that be knew
how to do so be would teach him his
business, lie told Micete that bis face
was familiar to him. but be could uot
tell where be had seen blm, to wblcb
MIcele- replied that nothing was more
likely, filnce they hud both lived hi the
same city.
MIcele did not know anything about
bookkeeping, but be talked very learn
edly about Mai teJirs accounts and suc
ceeded in confusing the merchant and
showing him that bis affairs were lu
much better condition than he hud
supposed. MIcele became a great fa
vorite with his employer, and. with
the former's assistance, the buwluess
seemed to Improve. It did uot appear
that the snles were larger, but some
how or other when MIcele took off a
statement from the books he always
showed an IncreaRcd profit Indeed,
so plensed was Martclll that he told
bis clerk he might draw $5 a week for
salary. But MIcele said that he pre
ferred to stick to his contract and
would not nccept any pay for his work.
Martclll lived In a room In one of the
narrow Rtroets of lower New York.
When he left his shop after business
hours he Invnrlnhly went to this sleep
lug apartment alone. Rut one day.
after drinking a bottle or two of wine
with his clerk, he Invited MIcele tn go
home with hi in nnd have a game or
cards. MIcele accepted the Invitation
Martclll bought some more wine on
the way. and during the evening the
two finished It. The wine came from
California and is much stronger than
the wines one gets In Italy. Mnrtelll
showed Its effects. When he got up
from his seat to get some tolmcco MI
cele slipped a little pellet Into his
glass. When Martelll returned he was
too drunk to notice It lying in the bot
tom of his glass, nnd It was soon dis
solved. Soon after he had finished his
ghiss his eyes began to look heavy, his
head Rank down on the table, and be
was unconscious.
MIcele arose and began to search the
room. Producing skeleton keys, be an- I
locked everything that was locked and j
searched under the bod and In every ;
nook and crnnny. Unlocking the closet. ,
he found an old pair of shoes. Thrust-
Ing his hand down into the toe of one. j
he withdrew a chamois bag. from
which he poured a number of valuable
diamonds Into the palm of his hand
From tho toe of the other shoe he se
cured Roveral papers, which he hastily
glanced over and put them In bis pock
et Then he turned nnd contemplated
for a few moments the senseless fig
ure of his victim.
Taking up the gtnss from which Mnr
telll had drunk, he rinsed and wiped It.
then partly tilled It with wine. Ills
next act waa to carry Martelll to the
bed. take off his outer garments and
put the bedclothes over him. Then,
putting out the lights, he left blm.
In the morning Mnrtelll awoke and
looked about blm. Empty bottles and
his own half filled glass stood on the
table. Ho got off the bed. staggered to
the table, took up bis glass, b me lied of
It, sipped it and, discovering no taste.
seemed relrWJ Oing to the closet
be felt In tho toe of one of his shoes.
He started. Thrusting his baud into
the other shoe, he gave a cry of an
guish. Rushing to the door, he tried
to open it, but found it locked. He
was looking for so we other avenue of
exit wheu htt hAv footsteps without
the door was v,tvl. ind Micele.
backed by two pollceinaa, ?tood in the
"Good morning, Slgnor Katonl," he
snid. "I shall have to trouble yxk to
make a sea voyage wilh me to ow be
loved Naples. Signers Martelll mlsw.-d
some valuable diamonds, and at the
same time her butler disappeared. He
was traced to Not? Yjrk. and I was
deputed to come over wl bring blm
back. The government, img interest
ed in a murder case of vnVh he l
suspected, chose me. a mcml. if the
national polUo. to do the work."
"I have been a fooi. I knew t had
seen you before. Now I remember you j
as you appeared in uniform." said Mar- I
tflH. t
"It h.ts been worth my while to come 1
so far. since I have recovered the treas- j
ire yon possessed yourself of wheu you i
murdered the traveler you waylaid ou j
tta road to Sorrento." j
A pair of bracelets were slipped on j
the captive, and he was taken to ship j
that sailed the sam day tor Naples.
Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate
ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden
and farm products, located five miles from Rose
burg, on the North Umpqua River. Sold on terms
Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon
ll. urliidil from Dry (iumli Kcononilnt. June 22, 1012
It in but the statement of simple fact to say thaOhe corset buyer
whojhas the opportunity to buy GOSSARD CORSETS and does not
take full advantagi) of the splendid offerings for Fall, fails in the duty to
employer and public which that buyer desires to serve.
It should be remembeaed that all merchants are not privileged to
buy GOSSARD CORSETS, which further emphasizes the responsi
bility of those entrusted with their distribution.
Figure imperfections which have developed only recently by wear
ing corsets of injudicious selection have been accurately anticipated and
provided for with that unerring decision and nicety of execution for
which the Gossard organization is so eminently qualified.
Those who sell GOSSARD CORSETS this coming Fall will be
months in advance of competition. The samples tell the whole story.
The W. H. Gossard Company, Chicago. III.
Outings in Oregon
To the Beaches
Springs and
fW 'sunset m
If you are looking for an ideal place to spend a portion of the
summer, where you can find rest, health and recreation, the outing re
sorts reached by the Southern Pacific are par excellence,
Newport Yaquina Bay, Tilamook County Beaches, Crater Lake,
Colestin Springs, Shasta Springs, Cascadia Breitenbush Hot Springs, arid
mauy other springs of more or less note.
With long limits on saledsily to the above resorts. Our booklet, "Vaca
catinn Days in Oregon" describing these and other outing places can be
obtained from any Agent, who will cheerfully furnish information as
to fares, trains or postal to the undersigned will receive prompt attention.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
the economy market 14""
George Kohlhagen, Prep.
Wholesale and, Retail Butcher. The best the market
afforda. All kinds of Stockbought and soM.
Phone 58
Phone 215. u wrk first-cla.
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perklna Building ROSKBURO, OREGON
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street,
WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE X
I Roseburg Phone 201
Up-to-the-Times with
first uass Materials
Excellent Trains
Service and Low
Round Trip Fares
Rosefcing, Oreccn
adjoining Peoples Marble
Telephone 15.
Sutherlin Phone 28
attention and mechanics
Work Guaranteed iV,