ANNOUNCEMENT 8 5? 1 2? '4' We desire to thank all our patrons for their liberal patronage during the last three years. In our new location in the Maccabee Temple on Cass Streetwe are better able than ever to give prompt and efficient service in every Drug Line. A clean, new stock of Drugs .and Sundries. Perscriptions Compounded S. E. Krohn's Drug, Store Maccabee Temple Cass Street OURS IS WITH OUT QUESTION The Best Bread on The Market. It haa that goodness about it which is characteristic with bread made by the Oregon Bakery It's' "like mother used to make." It is sweet as a nut and pure as spring water. We know you will stop baking during hot weather after trying one loaf. THE :-: OREGON :: BAKERY Phone 241 HECK c llllOf'KWAY Proprietors 328 N. Jackson St. J Rich Wholesome Ice Cream A couple of spoonfuls of our cream will convince you of it's exceptional excellence. Made from pure cream and the very finest of fresh fruits. The quality never lowered. Insist on home product DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY, Roseburg - - - - Phone 340. $ WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER S When we say GUARAXTEW we mean Just what the word Implies. It you are not satisfied there will he no charge. Wo could not make this X assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house lot us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ! ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. 2 Phone 79. Office N. Jackson St. J. H. SYKES GUN STORE Jackson street in building; formerly occupied by First National Bank. Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. Gun Repairing a Specialty "They have b een Kickin The Bridal Party at the Recent Leslie-Ide Weddintf our oun Aroun" but now we've "Got Goaf He's tied hard and fast by three best lines Hills Bros. Coffee VVebfoot Flour Preferred Stock Canned Goods if at the Bee Hive Grocery r fHilf" 3 r Ufa Of.. r I 1M s" ri "ii i ii ji nil....'; liOlXGiE DIRECTOR. Photo by American Press Association. A WEDDING of International Interest was that of Miss Marjorle Ide and Shane Leslie, which was solemnized recently nt the home of W. llourke Cockrnn at Port Washington. N. V The bride is the daugh " ter of Henry C. Ide. minister to Spain, and the b-irtecrooiu. who Is the son of Colonel and Mrs. John Leslie of Loudon, la well known In this country tbrouL'b his work for the Gaelic league. Mrs. Cockran, the bride's sister, who was her only attendaut. Is seen In the pliotograpb at her right. Her father stands on the steps In the background. The ushers were Representative Nich olas Longwoith, Peter Flnley Dunne ("Mr. Dooley"l, Frank J. Grlswold and J. Norman de R. Whltehouse. Mrs. Leslie's veil was of Carrlckuiacross lace, a gift from the brothers of be bridegroom. THE THINNING OF FRUIT. Those who am engaged in the fruit growing business In n serious way for profit rather than pastime con iU'er the thinning of fruit ns essen tial a part of the enterprise as prun ug, spraying and cultivation, lu tiuies past, when In many an apple orchard :he fruit was shaken off the tree or tuocked off with a rake or pole, the points of quullty and size of fruit j JERSKYS. First Class, Well HrI Cream And llutter Jerseys For Sale. I yet have the best of those excellent light or dark colored Jerseys for sale. See me at Grand hotel, Roseburg, Oregod. were not so important, and the thlu- j . nine of It wus tht.refnrn ill lit Riniir- .nous. But lu these Inter days, with wrIte or come to tho Knglowood box fruit retailing nt from $1.50 to ! Ranch, Kellogg, Oregon. M per box, quality Is of prime con ilderatlon, und thinning Is made noces iury. The thinning process not only results In a larger and more uniform size of fruit, hut makes It possible to eliminate In the process fruit that Is lefectlre or Injured, lies Ides this. It relieves the trees of nu overload and makes It easier to get them into the animal bearing habit The work of thinning should be done when the op lies nre about flu inch hi diameter, mil they should not be left on the trees nearer than seven Incites apart This will seem pretty thin just after the job .s done, but when the apples lire full grown the trees will have all they slion'1 hour. It Is quite natural the lirst time the job Is done to re move only about half of the fruit that needs throwing on the ground, with the neuesslty arising later of doing the job again when the apples tire balf grown. What Is said above of lpplcs applies with equal force to peaches and pears, with the exception that the latter fruits need thinning to but from four to six Inches, depend ing somewhat upon the size of the variety. THE BORDEAUX MIXTURE. No spray has proved so satisfactory for checking potato blight as the bor deaux mixture. This Is made by slaking corefully. so it wilt not bake and lump, five, ten or tnoro pounds of fresh stone lime. The equivalent of five pounds of the lime In Its original form should then be diluted so ns to Tinke half a barrel of Mmewater. Next llfisolve Ave pounds of blue vitriol lu four or live gallons of water, and after Ijllullug the amount dissolved In alrout twenty-lire gallons of water add slow ly to the lime solution, stirring care fully the while. It Is well In fact. ie.i'ssary to have the lime In excels in the solution so that It will not burn .he folhmc of (he plants. To determine this t:Ue half a tint of the solution is made after thorough stirring and ;idd a few drops of prusslnte of t ih (a deadly poison), which will throw 1 chocolate browu precipitate If the lime Is not In excess. If this fthould p the case enough more lime solution should be mlded so that this precipi tate will not txj formed. If It Is de--dred to hit the potato bugs at the same priying commercial arsenate of lead di'und l added to the solution at the mte of two and n half fxainds to fifty fnllmis. 1 Miring the spraying operation solution should be kept stirred every few minutes. tf J. M. ENGLB. The Royal Typewriter Company says "Wo guaranteed that the Royal Standard typewriter will do work of the REST quality for a greater length of time at less expense for up keep than any other typewriter, re gardless of price.' The Roseburg book Co., are agents for Douglas county. awif WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERR1AM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every fiold of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 0000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Lot us toll you about this most remarkable single volume ', ' , 1 1 . Wrlto for simple 50? , j---n-i-.T,YT, .': PWM. Par f Y'J? fSk !! n! YflpT' XvAA wo wl" V fyfi? jft. vAy"?) ,ea frcr IS. igJ&G.&C.MerriMiCo. f NOTICF. ANT ONE DESIRING a hnmentend NDTH'H. NOTICK 13 HEItKHY GIVEN that tho untlurHlgnnd as expculor of the estato of Cyrtia Hcdflon, deceased, haa fllfd hi final account ilh the etiunty cii k r? Piuglae County. Ore Krm. and the Honorable O. W. Wona colt, county judge of nald county, has fixed Saturday, the 3rd day of Auk uit, 1012, at the hour of tn o'clock In the forenoon aa the time and the I county court room in tho court houae at Ilosehurg, Oregon, aa the place for MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 6330, meeti every second and fourth Tuesday of every month In the Eagles' hall. Traveling neighbors are cor dially Invited to visit out camp Prank Clements, consul; R Stubbs. clerk. WOODMKV OF THK WORM) Oai Camp, No. 126, meets at the Odt Fellows' Hall In Koseourg, ever first and third Monday eveningt Visiting neighbors always wo! come. M. M. Miller C. C.j J A. Buchanan, clerk. L. O. T. M Roseburg flive. No. i holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In thi Maccabee hall. Slaters of othei cordially Invited to attend our re hives visiting In the city an viewa. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Rapp. R. K. O. K. S. Roseburg Chapter. No. 8 holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W M.i Free Johnson, secretary. J. I". O. K Roseburg Lodge, No 326, holds regular communlca Hons at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. Alt members requester IP attend regularly and all vlsitin brothers are cordially invited t attend. S. s. Josephson. B. R A. F. At A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holdi regular meetings on thi second and fourth Wed uosduys of each montu Sojourners invited to attend. N Rice, W. M.i R. H. Woods, See. P. O. E. hosenurg Aont, No. 149? meets second and fourth Monday In their hall on JackBon street at 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.; B. F Goodman, sec. VO.MKN .OK WOODCRAFT Lilai Circle, No. '49, meets on first an third Monday eenlngs of eacl month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Via King members In good standing are Invited to attend. Grao Pllkington, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld clerk. . O. O. F Phlletarlan Lodge. No 8, meotB in Odd Fellows Temple cornor of Jackson aud Cass streeu on Saturday evening of each week MemberB of the order In good standing aro Invited to attend, W II. Eaton N. G. ; M. M. Miller, K 8.; L E. Mllledge. F. S. I. O. O. F. Klslni? Star LodKe No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. C. H Terclnskl, N. 0.: W. S. Powell R. S.: M. Fickle. F. 0. UKOTIIKKHOOI) OF AMKI(1CA YKO.MUX ML Nebo Lodge No 1828, meets every second anr" fourth Wednesday of eah montl at the irngles' hall. Visiting broth ers and ststerB welcome, E. B ' Perrino, F. M.; S. E. Krohn, Cor MODHKN llHOTllEitHOOl) Or AMKIIICA Meets In Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMullen Secretary. IMrltOVKI) OltllKIl OF ItlOK.MKN Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meetB every first and third Monday of each month at tho Eagles' 'hall. Vialt King chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown, Sachem; K. M. Moars, C. of R. UK, liKII. K. HUIJUH, V I'liyslcian and Burgeon. Office, Review Bldg., Phone 81. Roseburic. Oregon. f DR. I). E. SNEf.L, Osteopntliie l'lirslclan. . 10-11 Marstors Bldg. 'Phone 119 . i Roseburg, Oregon. For Sale Sunlight MB. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? Tho Hyttro-Carbou UnhtlDg Bvtm li the clH'npiru itutl beat In iUHtftll aud burn. 8te it In operation In Koaeuurg, mnd writ tor pilem aud ttti mates. Syitttnit Itittallod rom $30.00 Up Nat. Bishops Roseburg Box 655 Ore. tio.e Agent tor Douglai County . Herford Bulls Some choice yearlings and two year olds, from registered herd. Apply Mont Alto Ranch, Glide, Oregon Is a Clean Cutter 1k compenMting an and cutter bar ra alrgrurgj cic-vxo are lucxcwful etamplea d (It wonderful invrndve (rruun ol Mi. JaavpU Diri. Hie Nn an ao inmintad in teUiion ta cadi other that prtfcci uuance and true meah are pntnanrnuV inaum) and the crank ahaft retacved of aU end thruM. preventing tott mobori. rrduona draft and mukinrvina cutting power. IImI w why the Dun Mowar rum U)ritry and cut whera otnen laa. It .ia rive only mower you can realign, ytwr ,tti, right in the held with your wrancK True practical adpiatment (of rnainUinint the cutter bar in line with the pitman, tncana added efficiency and yean of cure acrvioa. ,- ) A RmI Vertical lift Notice- the apado handle on the lever. Eaty ''to grasp, nq twiaong. One movement of one lever raieca the bar, knifa thrawa in and out of fnu autmubullv a bar ia I TV uhhtA HrnlXi aniniT Aaaia'lhfl outer bar. doea practically all the work in lifting with the foot at coracra and help in raiting the bar wrbcally. . Conaultthe ttnareel John Deera dealer; leant' aO about thie great cat of all Mowera, and about the entire line of Dain rlav Took, Loader, Side Delivery Ralea, Stackera, Sweep Kakoi, Prcaaea; CTctv one lle brat oi itt kind, ' Uain makea the beat hay took They have been apecukira en than fot over a, quarter of canrury. cFOSF.BURG FEED and FUEL CO. RAILROAD SPUR H. ROSEBURG m Am A Amw (k am 5 Fern UhnA firenhntKe 9 S Mrs. F. D. OweD, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9F12 Cut l-'liiivorn, Potlrd l'lanfa, Funeral lIcalKnn, Wedding Ho iliii'ls, etc. All kinds of I'lnntK for V'crnndii and Win dow Hoxiw and Hoddlng out. On Snlo at The Rose Confectionery We Owe Our Growth to You The conBtnnt Rrowth In tho volume of buslnena done by this bnnk nnd tho continued Increase In tho nutnuor of Its pat rons lias been larsely due to the friendly reference to It by Its depositors. We link tl olr further Interest and pledgo our bent efforts to deserve th fl favor. ; THE UMPQUA VALLEY BANK Officers and Directors v . I". roMllllW, l' ,, M. Tlltlll.VK, Cn.hlnr II. W. l'lt(IN7, Vlre-I'rralilenl .1. AIKKN. Vlm-l'riKlilent II. J, HIKAK A. .1 .1IIKI.I.OWM 1 1. II. Ml I A M II HOC I It Perkins B1J. Roseburg, Oregon loratlnn will do well to rommunl-1 .i.,i. . ,.M hear nz oblect ons. If anv. to sa tl rate with E. Haefuer at Dlllard. flna, KO1t fQr uM m 0r"on' '""J11 JOHN HEDDRN. Executor of said Estate. A ood new piano for rent. Phone I 2SS-R. H. Jay Stone. " WlJJL ROSEBURG BOOK CO. Of Fieri OUTF1TTUHS FOUNTAIN f'US'S school hooks TYi'ti WKt'nih'S NEWS DF.ALllKS nor ADA Y GOODS POST CARDS I'llNNANTS ROSEBURG. OREGON