The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 08, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    IjOCAL nkws.
Kdward Rose and wife spent yes
torday at Oakland vlltlng with
It you want the seat goods direct
from the factory, go to D. P. Fish
er'! paint store. tf
ev. J. r. MeConnell spout yes
terday afternoon at Wilbur where he
hold bis usual services.
lira. J. P. Starr and daughter
went to Oakland this morning to
look after busineHS interests. '
Prices talk so does quality. You
can get both at Fisher's paint store
, undor the old stars and stripes. tf
Mrs. h. R. Elmore returned here
laat evening after spending some
Umo at Marcola visiting with her
slater. t
Beat caint on earth lead and oil
at $2.00 per gallon. Let's bust the
mixed paint trust. Fisher s paint
tore. tf
Miss Mamie Northcraft left for
her home at Olalla yeBtorday after a
few days spent In Koseburg visiting
with her friend, Miss Etta Dillard.
The largest, most beautiful and
stylish wall paper Btock ever Been In
Roseburg at D. P. Fisher's paint and
paper store. 121 West Oak street
H. II. Davis and wife left for
fiolr homo at Prihevillu this morn
Ing after several days' spent In Rose
burg visiting with Mr. Davis' sister,
lira. James McKay.
The cat came back but the spots
never do In the clothes cleaned by
Bloper & Son. Ladies' and -gents'
work, Oloves, felt and panama hats.
Work called for and delivered. Phone
47. tf
Mrs. M. C. Morgar and two daugh
ters, Mrs. J. H. Anderson and Mrs.
William Crnne left for tliolr home at
Austin, Minn., this morning after
spending some time in Roseburg vis
iting at the homo of Mrs. fc.. W. Mor
gan, In North Roseburg.
It. E. Mclth, of tho Portlnnd Bridge
A Iron Works, loft for Ms homo ut
Portland yesterday after a few duys
Bpent In Roseburg. Mr. Meitli wns
rocontly awarded tbo contracts for
erecting a number of new bridges
In Douglas county during tho pres
on t Biimmor.
MIhs Mabel Smith, of Keillnmls,
Cal., la spending a few days In Rose
burg vlbltlug nt the home of Mr. nnc'
C. C. Christie. Miss Smith l on
roulo to polntH In Miiluo nml NVw
York where sho oxikh'Is to spend
sovoral weeks and Is nrcomiHinloil
by Mr. and Mrs. itudy llruckmau, of
Ban Dardlno, Cal.
John S. iaylor, of Los Angolos,
Cal,, Ih spending a few duvs In Kose
burg vlBltlng with his father, John
Shannon Taylor. Mr. Tn.vlor Is well
known In Roseburg whoro he resid
ed for a long time prior to about
seven years ego when bo moved to
California, lie Is now enroiito to
Portland to attend tile F.Iks' conven
tion. If you are contemplating build
ing a house, barn or other buildings.
I will be glad to furnish you with
estimates. I havo only skilled me
chanics In my employ and they are
II Insured by mo under tho Work
man's Compensation act. DliorcfDro,
whon I do building for you you tnke
no chance of being sued for damages
r ny Injury that may befall any
employee while working on your
Modern Apartments with bath,
hot and cold water
In each room.
Corner Jackson and Brockway
Streets; near High School.
Rate, 6 Per Week.
building. B. 8. Nichols, contractor
and builder, 181 N, Jackson street,
Roseburg, Ore. Phone 327-Y. tf
Miss Vernon, of Oakland, spent a
couple of days in Roseburg visiting
with Vera Buckingham Inst week.
Dr. E. J. Bonner, ot Medlord, the
eye specialist, 1b In town for a short
time. See him for expert advice.
Pohne 281. tf
Mrs. Clark Bargar and Mrs. C. H.
N, Oronvold leave for Portland Tues
day evening where they will attend
the Blks' convention.
Hormann Marsters, ttie plumber,
Is prepared to Install gas fittings as
well as pipe bouses. He guarantees
satisfaction. tf
Eva and Elbert Lenox left for
points In Eastern Oregon and Idaho
yesterday wnoro they will upend sev
eral weeks visiting with friends and
O. L. Miller, graduate of "The Roy
al Conservatory of Music," Berlin,
Germany .offers his services to the
people of Roseburg as piano and pipe
organ Instructor, Advanced pupils
specialty. Will call at your )ome.
Address or call at Wm. D. Bell's
plnno store. tf
Tho Richardson Art Embroidery
Club met at Mrs. Tolley's home last
Wednesday and elected the following
officers for the next 6 months: Mrs.
Viola Adams, president; Mrs. Snow
Williams, vice-president; Mrs. Min
nie Lewis, recording secretary; Mrs.
Clayton Negloy, treasurer; Mrs. Eu
gone Bowers, moderator. After the
order of business Ico cream and cake
i in?
, OS
Vi K
H V?
( I
i fit
Now is the Time
For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our
goods and prices will please you. We
make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning
and pressing.
W. A. ACKLEY, Tailor
111 Cass St.
its ti-.rvtiH and a very pleasuut twut
had by all present.
i W. A. Burr, tho Deer Creek farm-
er, spent Saturday in Roseburg at
tending to business matterB.
You can rent the latest novels at
the Fiction Library,, Up-stalrs In the
Parrott Building. Over fifteen hun
dred volumes to select from. a4
Pen Bullwlnkle. the Riddle hard
ware merchant, arrived here Sativ-
Ijy afternoon to spend Sunday w'.Oi
his parents.
Patrick Hunt, of the Oregon Sol
dlerB' Home, left for points In Cali
fornia this morning where he will
.-tpend several weeks visiting with
County Commissioner M. R. Ryan
left for his home at Drain yesterday
after a few days spent in Roseburg
attending the monthly meeting of
the county court.
Mrs. A. C. Lute and daughter, Car
rie, left for their home In Nebraska
this morning after several weeks
Bpent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Quinn, who resides a short
distance in the country.
County Commissioner Jefferson
Wiley left for his home In Myrtls
Creek Saturday evening after attend
ing tho regular monthly meeting of
tho county court In this city.
Mrs. Clarence Hess and child re
turned nere last evening after a visit
with relatives at Eugene. Mrs. Hess
wns accompanied home by her moth
er who will spend a week or ten days
in Roseburg.
Joseph Shrum and wife, who live
near the northern limits of the city
came n'ar meeting with a serltiis ac
cident while enroute to town Satur
day aftr-rnoon. While defending
Winchester street the horse they were
dr'vlnq became unmanageable and
st u tt-1 to kirk. Unable to .jiiiot the
arlninl tho front portion ot the vj-
h!Uo wfiti practically demolished, mid
Mr. Shrum wns thrown from Ms scat
to tic ground. In the me'e?, the
hci-ae dragged the wagon to ,i nearby
tele, .n,i pole where It became Mull
ed. .Mrs. Shrum escaped Ininrv.
i r l pvi.Hr
' 1 'A
mi v
Maosulty in Naw Vork World.
Mrs. Davi. Who Caused '
Roosovolt Outburst at Chicago. j
i IP?
by American Press Association.
Mrs. W. A. DtivU U enjoylne the i
populurity nttendlu her recent exchvd
rush fur ftuue uii (he Door of the Cbl
Qixiio tuition a I cuuvcuttou.
Thin Impulsive lady caused the dele
gult'H to cheer for twenty minutes by
wnvliiK a Inre tmnner benriiiK Colonel
Itoortevelt'H portrait. Mra. Dnvls ex
plaliiH the bappenlnc In the following
"While 1 was sitting there I saw a
handsome large picture of Hooserelt
lying on a man's lop. I said. 'Ob.
pive me that, won't you? I did not
wait for him to answer, but snatched
It nwny from blin. I was so excit
ed. They were cheering wildly, you
know, for some one else, and I've nl
ways been a' strong admirer of Rouse
velt. I grabbed the picture and waved
it wildly. I hardly knew what 1 was
doing. 1 guess I'm rather excitable by
"I hurdly realized what they were
doing when they took me down. I
was too excited to be afraid. I felt
perfectly nt home, for some reason,
although 1 never have appeared in pub
lie before."
The Useful Rose.
More in number Thau the count of Its
petals are the present day uses for thi
silky rose croc-beted In baby Irish style
out of the heavy mercerized cotton or
twisted sillc of white or cream color.
The bags un which It Is the elmsen
trimming are the very newest design
to be seen In the shops that mnUe n
specialty of "the latest thiug." but a
use still more novel Is as the trim
ming for one's new girdle.
As ban been often Raid, ttie tctmck of
crocheting them once learned (s inval
uable. And In this heavy thread there
Is not the eye strain to be guarded
against which makes the ttiuT work
rather trying to those with sensitive
vision. Once started, the little box or
bag of single roses soon begins to
(111 up.
Progressive Orientals.
Mrs. Chapman Cult, president of the
International Woman Suffrage alliance,
writing from Kgypt. says: "I And a
khedlvlal princess who is a pronounced
suffragist and has written some ex
cellent papers to prove that the Koran
is not opposed to ItlnTty for women.
A Moslem woman has lectured nt the
newly founded Kgypt Inn university on
women's rights, and a Syrian girl
has studied law and Is employed in a
law Lenders nre thus coming
forward, snd a woman's movement
has surely begun. In the constitu
tional agitation of the past few years
the women have taken a keen Interest,
and representative government tins be
come n popular theme of discussion In
tho harems.''
Dented Furniture.
When furniture becomes dented and
not broken the marks may easily be
made to dlsnppeur. Trent It In this
Wet the bruised spot with water.
Double a piece of brown paer five or
six times and soak It In warm water.
Place It upon the bruise and apply a
warm (not hot) flatlron till the mols
ture has evnpornted.
If the dent has not disappeared rfr
peat tho treatment.
To Remove Ink Spots,
If an ink spot gets on the carpet slip
a pan under it immediately, pour cold
water through it and then cover it
with a little heap of salt. When the
nlt has become dark with Ink remove
It and put a fresh layer In Its place.
n ink stain Is less likely to be spread
by inuring water through It than by
dipping It into hot water.
Qiv Hr th Right Tool.
A woman ran't drive n null.
Thore has bwn too much plundering
f women. A wumnn mar not be able
to drive a nail with a brimmer, but
v ii give her a hairbrush and the can
drive a nail an well as anybody.
Th. Latt.t Davalopmant.
Knnwin City ts to hare band con
fcrt with wche on auffrair In the
tntermltMlona on tne programme.
X5 I
Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate
ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden
and farm products, located five miles from Rose
burg, on the North Umpqua River. Soldon terms
Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon
Elk's Gtand Lodge Reunion
JULY 8 To 13, 1912
Via The
From all points
on Main Line
and Branches
The "'Rose City" will be a scene of gaiety and splendor to welcome
"Best People On Earth"
and will offer to her visitors an entertainment and pageant that none
but ELKS can give.
For more detailed information as to Special Trains, fares from any
station, sale dates, or booklet giving full information about the con
vention, call on any Southern PacifieAgentor write to
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Lots in this Addition Sold on Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments
Extra Large in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys
Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots
: : : HIMES and OLIVER
George Kchllirn, T:cp.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The test the market
afford. All kinds of Stock bought and soM.
Thone 5S .... Rosebuig, Oreccn
Phone 245. All work first-ctai
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bondsf allKinds Furnished
Money toLoan on Improved Farm Property
Perklna Building ROSKBURa. OREGON
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worlf, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street,
WorK Done on Short Notice
Roseburg Pbone 201
Up-to-the-Times with
First Class Materials
Sale dates
8 to 10
adjoining Peoples Marble
Telephone 251.
Sutherlin Phone 28
attention and mechanics m
Work Guaranteed
'ir ntSrM7'7iiiai'i
Wmmmm i aji ijn n pa njin m i, u wm-m -.WHUM-muyj