ANNOUNCEMENT & g 5 I 5i St as, 5! 1 t1 Jr. We desire to thank all our patrons for their liberal patronage, during the last three years. In our new location in the Maccabee Temple on Cass Street we are better able than ever to give prompt and efficient service in every Drug Line. A clean, new stock of Drugs and Sundries. Perscriptions Compounded S. E. Krohn's Drug Store Maccabee Temple Cass Street ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICE OUTFITTERS FOUNTAIN PENS ' SCHOOL BOOKS TYPEWRITERS NEWS DEALERS HOLIDAY GOODS POST CARDS PENNANTS . ROSEBURG. OREGON v - High Grade Mil! Work Floliih Lumber . Doors, Windows, Frames BcreeoB Made to Order French Plate, Prlim and OmameDtal Glass Fruit and Berry Boxes Crates, Etc. HARGREAVES DOOR AND LUMBER CO. Successors to North Side Planing Mill Co. Cabinet Work, Office Fixtures Brackets and mouldings h Specialty Phone 326 807 N. Jackson 8t, Roseburg, Oregon "They have been Kickin our Houn Aroun" but now we've "Got Goaf He's tied hard and fast by three best lines Hills Bros. Coffee Webfoot Flour Preferred Stock Canned Goods at the Bee Hive Grocery RIVERSDALE TR'ACTS Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate ranch into ten acre tracts suitable forfruit, garden and farm products, located five, miles from Rose burg, on'the North Umpqua River.JJSold on terms The N. CURRY ESTATE, Owners Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon The President of the United States On the Stump In New Jersey l - iiS y yy s ' c Sr. J I Jm, J y r.4fh:n I jy . - vi- ! -. 4 Photo copyright, 1912, by American Press Association. WITH the spectacular tours of New Jersey made by the three principal candidates for the Republican presidential nomination the climax of the pre-election primary campaign was reached. President Tart, like bis two competitors, covered the state. Before he became presi dent be was not a particularly effective public speaker, but during his four years of office be has become accustomed to the platform, his rolce has grown strouper, and he bus now the air of a seasoned campaigner. The photograph here reproduced shows him driving a point home by a characteristic gesture. SOUTH DtiEK CKEKK ITEMS, Mr. and Mrs. John Newman, prom inent farmers of the Willamette val ley are making a visit with their son, R C. Davis. Nelson Palmer, has returned for another short visit among his friends In the neighborhood of Glide. The work on the new Grange hall is progressing nicely. The men of the South Deer Creek Grange will entertain the other. mem bers pf that Boclety with an elaborate program on Saturday evening June 15. The entertainment committee has kept their arrangements a secret. Mr. McAdams, whose hand was badly cut on his wood saw, reporci great improvement. Herbert Bellows has been called to Roseburg on account of the serious illness of his mother. JACK. . LOCAI NEWS. Read The News Best sliced bam ana bacon at Ken drlck & KIng'B. J6 J. N. McConnell will preach at Pine Grove church next Sunday at 3 p. m. i If you want thu teat goods direct from the factory, go to D. P. Fish er's paint store. tf Joseph Pape, who has been spend ing the past ten days In California returned here last evening. D. C. Bruce, an Inmate of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, left for Junc tion City this morning to visli with frUnds The largest, most beautiful and stylish wall paper stock ever seen In Roseburg at D. P. Fisher's paint and paper store, 121 West Oak street. Look for the flag. tf Bungalow stains, pure creosote, no better made at 75c. Don't be fooled In paying 90c to 11.25, but patronize the man who knows. Fish er, the painter. tf Milton Church returned here last evening from San Francrsco and other California points. He made the trip to Ban Francisco on his motorcycle and without a serious mis hap. On his return trip he was com pelled to board the train at Kenneth, Cal., as the result of heavy rains pre vailing In that vicinity. Mr. Church says business Is very good in San Francisco and thst elaborate prepar ations are already being made for the Panama exposition which occurs In 1915. FAM1 IWjSS FETRICG , JMj CENTRAL POINT "llgl&L. ROGUE RIVER R"vfi5T"T" VALLEY S3SllJk. OREGON MtSjjO CORRESPONDENCE ft 3 Mi SOLICITEO j y - ITIiis matter must not be reprinted Willi out special permission. Sundy suits give quick results lu plum trrowth. while the richer uud heavivi noils give size uud yield. In everydny life, as In politics, a fcl low Is quite oftt?n ns nccurutcly jutled by tbe euemlcs as by tbe frieDda be makes. Tbe incubator and brooder have tbb sdvitntuKe over old Biddy numely. Unit cbl-ks bandied In the urtlbclui way are nut su likely to be lufesti'd wltb Iku. Being long without water Is snld by au experienced nurseuitiu to be the cuuso of most cuscs of colic lu hones. The remedy for tbe trouble, if tills ding tiosis Is currecu would seem to be clifu enough to suit the most eco uotuh'iii. Sunshine Is one ot tbe cheapest and best disinfectants known. Not only should tuts ot It be admitted into the dairy barn and poultry house, but tbe rugs, bedding aud clotlilug that ure stored In the closets should bo exposed to It Dow and tben. Poultry manure is one of tbe richest of natural manures and should be ap plied sparingly. It being best mixed witb barnyard manure before beiug put on the lund. If one wants to store buo uiuntire for some time It should be kept as dry as possible. The urging of a better type of agri culture Is uot a whim, but a virtual necessity, for land values have reached sum a level that better methods must be .adopted to give returns that will meet both Interest and taxes aud leave a margin for pro lit When land will not do this the danger line is already crossed. Gcrmsoy, one-flfteentb as large as the Uolted States, produces nearly five times as many potatoes ss we do. Her acreage In potatoes Is twice and a half what It Is Id this con o try and tbe yield per acre about twice as iHrge. Itonglily. one balf tbe crop Is eousunied and tbe other balf used tu tbe manufacture of starcb aud denatured alcobol. For the Dews, read The News. Douglas County Creamery butter la the best on the market. Insist on your grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is always strictly fresh ana guaranteed. Two pound roll, 65 cents. tf LA1IH.K DIIIKtTOUT. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No, 6SS0. meets every second aud fourth Tuesday of every month In the Eagles' hall. Traveling neighbors are cor dially Invited to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; R. Stubbs, clerk. UOOII.MKN op TDK WOULD Oak Camp, No. 135, meets at tuq Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseourg, ever; first and third Monday evenings' Visiting neighbors always wel come, M. IS. Miller C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. L. O, T. M. Ftosebtirg Hive, No. 1 holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other cordially Invited to attend our ro hives visiting Id the city are views. Olive CI roe n. lady com.j Jessie Rnpp. R. K. O. K. S Roseburg Chapter, No. 8. nuius ineir regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. VlBltlng members in good standing are respectfully Invited to attend Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.: Free Johnson, secretary. O. K. Itositmrg Aene. No. 1497, meets scinnd and fourth Montlavs In their hall on Jackson street at P. M, Den North W. P.j B. F. Ooodmnn, sec. WOMNM WnODCKAFT Lllar Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third lionrlav Runnings nf each month in tho I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In (rood standlns are Invited to attend. drncf Pllklngton. Q. N.j Clara Cawlfleld clerk. I. P. O. K Roseburg Lodge, No S2, holds regular communica tions nt their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of enoh month. All members requested to Bttenrt regularly and all visltlns hrothers ure cordially Invited tr attend. 8. 8. JoBephaon, H. R A. F. A. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holds regular meetings on th second and fourth Wed nesdays of each montu Sojourners Invited to attend. N. Rice, W. M.; R. H. Woods, Beo. A T. O. O. F, Phlletarlan Lodge. No 8. meets in Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and Cass streets nn Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good stnndlng are Invited to attend. W H. Eaton N. O.; M. M. Miller, R 8.: L E. Mllledge. F. S. f. O. O. P. Rising Star Lodee No 174, meets In Odd FellowB Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. C H Terclnskl. N. O.: W. 8. Powell, R. 8.; M. Fickle. F. 8. nilOTIIKHIlOOIt OP AMERICAN VKOMEN ML Nebo Lodge No 1828. meets overy second anC fourth Wednesday of enh montl at the ftagloB' hall. Visiting broth era and sisters welcome. K. B Perrlne, F, M.; 8. E. Krohn, Cor MODERN IIHOTHKUUOOI) OF AMERICA Meets In Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. O. L. WrlghL President; Emma McMullcn Secretary. DIt. l.KO. E. IIOUCK, Physician and Burgoon. 41 Office, Review Bldg., Phone SI. 41 Roseburg. Oregon. DIt. D. E. Si:i,L, Osteopathic! Physician. 10-11 Marstors Bldg. 'Phone 119 a Roseburg, Oregon, IF 3'ou want Good Trees at Fair Prices, see A. L. Kitchin Nurseryman Roseburg Or For Sale Sunlight MR. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? Tho Hytiro-l'arrHii. Lighting Hystem U the clit-apvit u1 beat to innUM ana burn. Heo tUti operation In Koaeburg, aud write for prlvi'i ami tUiuato. System! I u .tailed trora $30.00 Up Nat. Bishops Roseburg Box 655 Ore. 8oo Agent for Itotiftiu County DO YOU KNOW? That your shoes are the dressiest article you wear and are the most noticable and by their condition yon are so judged by society. If you are in business or have a pro fession, to be prosperous you must look so. TRUE PROPHECY If your friends' shoes are in a bad condition he or she is either a miser careless or broke, so beware. Our work in the nhoe shining line can not be duplicated. We are masters of that line. Shine on weeK days 10c Sundays and holidays 15c ROSEBURG LADIES' AND CENTS SHOE SHINING PARLORS 145 North JacKson Street Azelea River Valley Lands Richest Section in Southern Oregon . Finest Orchard Homes in the State Improved and Raw Lands Write us for lists of Farm and Orchard Tracts for Sale. Riddle Land Agency. Riddle, - - Oregon I WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH J THE VACUUM CLEANER When we sajr QUARANTKK we mean Just what the word implies. If 3 you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make tbla 4 assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you tbe cleaning ot your carpets. It's easy for you aud the price reasonable j ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. 1 ' Phone 79. Office N. Jackson Rt. 4 According to Our Custom, We are determined to carry over nothing In Millinery and Ladles' Furnishings. Beginning Monday we will offer the following won derful bargains: ladles' and Misses' White Sorgo Suits, sixes SI to 40, 10 to f Iff. Just a few White Serge Costs and Dresses, White Wash Skirts, sizo to 4 0, $1 to 2.ft0. Pure Unen, V.1.S0. lleautlrul Whlto Waists, Just In, to 3.7B. Pongee Waists, (l.rjo. Hplnmlld bargains In White Embroidery and Mnrquettce Dresses At $.1.00 to U.75. Millinery Street Huts, 91.S0 to mt.r,0. t'lilkh-en's Hats at Your own price. In Dress Hats we can give you somo swell new things at wonderful values. THE LEADER