The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 12, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The Best Bread on The itarket-It his that Vfi"
i3 characteristic with bread made by the Oregon BT
"like mother used to make." It is sweet as a nut ud . pure as ,
spring water. We know you will stop baking during hot
weather after trying one loaf.
When We Tell You that "Cas is the Cheapest
Fuel for Cooking" We can Prove the Statement
Phone 241 HK( '&5XSZX WAY 328 N. Jackson St.
Two months ago we began supplying six residents of Roseburg
with gas for cooking purposes, today we supply over a hundred
Pplum Effact 8hown j
j. In Lingerie . Frock. !
Jackson street in building formerly occupied by
First National Bank.
Exporting Goods, Guns. Ammunition and Fishing?
Gun Repairing a Specialty
II i
&y w
Jack Wilson returned to his home
at Canyonvllle tills morning after a
couple of days spent In the city.
Attorney Elbert Hormann leaves
for Portland this evening to spend a
day or two In attondanco a't the fes
tival. Best paint on earth load and oil
at $2.00 per gallon. Let's bust the
mixed paint trust. Fisher's paint
tors. tf
Mrs. If. If. Folster, of Cottage
drove, arrived here last evening to
visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. E.
Dr. E. J. Bonner, 01 Medford, the
eye specialist, la In town for a short
time. See blm for export advice.
Pohne 281. tf
William Laugh and F. A. King,
both Inmates of the Oregon Soldiers'
Home, left for Portland this morn
ing to enjoy the carnival.
Nat Bishop, agent for Hydro Car
bon Lighting Systems, la Installing a
number of plants in Roseburg and
vicinity. JIB
Mrs. Serena Adams, and sons,
(loorge and Matthew, loft for Port
land tills morning to attend the roHO
Hormann Mnrsters, the plumber,
la prepared to Instnll gas fittings as
well as pipe houses. He guarantees
atlsfactlon. tf
Homer Simmons and William
Mathlea, both of whom were recent
ly adju'dgod Insane, were taken to
tho stato asylum this morning.
Fresh and delicious sliced ham,
bacon and ,heof none so good at
tho North Sldo Grocery. Phone
324. tf
County Commissioners Jefferson
Wlloy, of Myrtlo Crenfc and M. R.
Ryan, of Drain, returned ;:onio last
ovonlng after attending an adjourn
ed session of the county court In this
James T. Chlnnock and wife, of Sa
lem, who spent a couplo of days in
ltosobiirg visiting ut the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Tliron6 left Inst
evening for Medford.
Mrs. 0. C. Coon and child lert for
Cainaa Valley last evening after
pending a few days In Roseburg
visiting at the homo of tho former's
daughter, Mrs. C. A, Hollows.
The koyB to the county Jail, which
wore stolen from the sheriff's office
In May. 1911, wore found recently
by a laborer employed on the ranch
of Frank Baragar, and situated on
Deer Creek.
H. W. Oliver will tune your piano
and guarantee satisfaction. Phone
39C. tf
A. A. Oulwlts, of Edenbower, left
for Portland this murulng to attend
tho festival.
Mrs. R. Jones left for Portland this
morning to speud a few days enjoy
ing the carnival.
Larkln Richardson, of tho Oregon
Soldiers' Homo, left, for Salem this
morning to visit with relatives, j
II. P. Smith, recently of Mexico,
left for Portland this morning after
a brief visit with his old friend, H. J.
Stone, in thlB city.
Frank Long and wife, of sLos
Angeles, arrived 'hero yesterday to
spend a few days visiting with the
former's brother, Attorney John T.
The buildings now occupying the
ground back of the Churchill Hard
ware store are being torn down pre
paratory to making room for the new
theatre building.
The Oregon Stock Buying Com
pany, successors to Wollenhorg
Bros., are today packing the re
mainder of their stock preparatory
to shipping the same to Salem for
The appraisement of the estate of
James Underwood, deceased, was Hi
ed with the county clerk this morn
ing. Tho total estate left by Mr.
Underwood approximates $10,000.
Including property and outstanding
O. L. Miller, graduate of "The Roy
al Conservatory of Music,' Berlin,
Gormany .offers his services to the
people of Roseburg as piano and pipe
organ Instructor. Advanced pupils
specialty. Will call at your tame.
Address or call at Wm. D. Bell's
piano store. tf
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Littler, who
were married at St. Cloorge's church
last evening, left for Rlddlo this
morning. Later they will travel over
land to tho coast where they contem
plate locating. Following Inst even
ing's wedding, which was perform
ed by Rev. Charles Wilson Bokor,
the guesta were entertained at a
luncheon at the Grand Grill.
Two nice level lots, each 40x100
In Walte'a addition, only S blocks
from high school, 1 new house 24x32,
Now is the Time
For that two-piece hot weather suit. Our
goods and prices will please you. We
make Ladies Suits too. Also do cleaning
and pressing.
W. A. ACKLEY.oTailor .
Ill Cass St.
9 ft. postB, shingled roof; another
house 12x20, 1 wood shed 7xlo, city
water and sewerage, fine well to Irri
gate garden. Price $950, $500 down,
balance on monthly payments of $15
per month, first year, then $10 until
paid, Interest at 6 per cent. Page In
vestment Company 709 N. Jackson
or Phone 242. tf
That sealed proposals will be receiv
ed by the undersigned up to 6:00
o'clock p. m., June 19, 1912, for the
furnishing of labor and materials for
the Installment of new plumbing In
the High School building located on
South Jackson street, Block No. 9,
Walte's Addition to the City of Rose
burg, Oregon, according to the plans
and specifications prepared by Joseph
W. Dow, architect, and filed In the
orilce of the Clerk on the 8th day
of June, 1912. A certified check of
a per cent of the bid made payable
to the Clerk of School Dlst. No. 4,
DouglaB County, Oregon, shall accom
pany each bid.
The plans and specifications may he
seen at the office of the architect,
Joseph W. Dow.,
The Board of Directors of School
Dlst. No. 4 hereby reserves the right
to reject any and all bids and to
wnlve any Informality In the same,
if it Is deemed for the best Interests
of said district to do so.
Done by order of the
Board of
No. 4,
this 8th
Directors of School D 1st.
Douglas County, Oregon,
day of June, 1912.
dJ15 Clerk of School Dlst. No. 4.
Oh how disappointed you are to ice
il. Gray hairs take away that youthful
sppearnnce that you are to anxioul to,
and should keep, for beauty and good
looks depend so much upon natural
colored, thick, glossy and healthy hsir.
Everyone is attracted to the woman
with beautiful hair. Why not have it
get rid ol the gray hairs keep them out
altogether by using
You'll be lurpriied how quickly it will
restore those gray hairs to their natural
color and how well it will keep them so.
It is not a dye but the most satisfactory
and reliable restorer.
St.OO tnd 50c st Drug Stow or direct upon
receipt of price spd deilcr'i oam. Send toe fur
trial boul..-1'hilo Uv Spec. Co., Nowsrk, N. I.
Marsters Drug Co., and Hamilton
Drug Co. sell It for 60o and $1.00,
or from Pullo Hay Spec. Co., New
ark, N. J.
u "
The waist coming below tbe belt Is
now so popular that even the lingerie
frocks for summer are shown with
these basques or elongated bodices.
The frock Illustrated la of cream ba
tiste and Bulgarian embroidery, the
embroidered sections being set between
Insertions of cream fillet lace. Tbe ar
rangement of the embroidered bauds,
finished at the edge wltb ball fringe on
the bodice, la exceedingly graceful..
Wltb these white frocks will be worn
dark bats, but the boots are Invariably
white, high buttoned affairs of wbite
buckskin being the tavored style.
Girls Shunned by Men.
There are many such, and for the
most part tbe fault Ilea with them
selves. Tbe girl who never even exerts her
self to bo agreeable unless she cun
have everything ber own way Is one of
them, for there is not a man alive who
will give way In everything to a girl.
The girl who scolds la another type.
She may be perfectly good tempered,
but she "has contracted the scolding
habit, and so she Is left alone to scold
at ber pi en sure.
Then there Is the girl wltb the haugh
ty manner and cold stare. No man
dares to make love to ber, because
there Is nothing whatever to love Id
So the girl scowls at what she consid
ers his bad taste, utterly Ignoring tbe
fact that ber own foolish conduct Is
i the sole cause of his neglect
j Another girl without a lover Is tbe
-painfully shy maiden. She likes to sie
men at a distance, but the moment
they draw near she drives them brick
wltb ber emburrassniuut. They retire
simply out of pity, seeing her distress
and awkward bnshfnlness.
Lust on the list comes the girt who
always has something to any about
every one she sees, ridiculing people In
order to bo considered clever, little
knowing how men Intensely dislike to
hear her pulling everybody's character
to pieces for tbeir amusement.
The AH Day Bag.
"Even though you never would dream
of carrying a haud bag in America,
you must take one with you to Europe,
where they are considerably more ex
pensive to buy than at home and where
you will need one every time that you
start for a single day's excursion,"
warned an experienced tourist while
advising a friend about to depart for
her first trip across the Atlantic. "This
all day bag need not be weighty, but
It must be sufficiently capacious to
hold extra gloves and a handkerchief,
a very slender folding comb and tooth
brash, a tiny cake of soap, band towel,
self feeding powder puff, rubber san
dals, band mirror, chiffon Tell of good
size, fountain pen, notebook, needle
case and a tiny flask of brandy. Wltb
that sort of equipment a woman can
keep herself looking tidy for a number
of hours, and she la prepared for ai
aicut any emergency likely to arise. N
The Fly as a Haalth Inspector.
You can't bide dirt from a tly. Be
is a literal eye of the Lord, In every
place beholding the evil and the good,
particularly the evlL He has as keen
a nose for tbe odor of filth as a bird
dog baa for quails and will follow a
.scent a quarter of a mile up tbe wind
If necessary to And It: then when he
mis found It he gorges hlmeslf full of
it, ntuenrs himself wltb IL. like a stun 1 1
boy eating pie. clear up to the backs
of bis ears, and proceed to tell the
limale of bis species about It that ah
may go there and dor wit iter 150 eggs.
No race suicide for btui.
Donmartt's Prim. Minister.
The prime minister of Denmark.
Klnrs Hernateln. w&. principal npenker
it banquet given In celebration or
'he fortieth anniversary uf the Dantah
Wnman Suffrnce aoelety at nelslnc-
For Inst month, and In tbe course ot
'its remark aakl that no amendment
o the constitution anntl be given with
Mit including the political suffrage ot
The oldest and most popular of all bevereges
Why? Because it is made from ten of our
best medicinal barKs and roots, comprising
GINGER, HOPS. Try a case it will doyou good
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone '251.
WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE.
Roseburg Phone 201
Up-to-the-Times with
First Class Materials
l"l7l ""' I ..!! I - - '-" " - - """
Rich Wholesome Ice Cream
A couple of spoonfuls of
h'ou of it's exceptional excellence. Made from
pure cream and the very finest of fresh fmitQ
The quality never lowered. Insiston home product
Roseburg - - - . Phone 340.
Phone 245.
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perkins Building ROSBBUBG. OREGON
You Dont' Have to
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
worK of any Kind.
t hare flro or alx honaea I will aall cheap, u I want to naa tha
money in ether bnaslneaa. 8ee .my burglar proof window lock lta
O.K. Seo Pat a ElaaUo roof paint for leaky roofa. W bnlld mora
or repair your house. Basinet balldlnga a specialty. Oyer fortr
Sutherlin Phone 28 1
attention and mechanics
Work Guaranteed
our cream will convinrp
All work flrat-clam
Go to Sea to See
inlsh women."
,,! t I. teas mm u.fcWA.-..vJcwi .