r 1 ' f . " A UAIUJAtt. Two ntco IbvoI lots, each 40x100 tn Walte'B addition, only 3 blocks trora high school, 1 new house 24x32, ft poatB, ihlngled roof; another kouso 12x20, 1 wood shod 7x15, city water and sewerage, fine well to Irrt-1 Kte garden. Price $950, $500 down,'! balance on monthly payments of $16 j jer mouth, flret year, then $10 until j ' ji.-tld, Interest ut C per cent. Page In-1 -mtnient Company, 709 N. Jackson,; '' Ji Phone 242. tf . . TUo llnuuir Tlml In Dllferoul. Uv tte lail'ia of tnu M. K. Church South Place- Masonic, building. Timo of .nlng: Monday evening, May 27. ALWAYS ASK FOR THE Gold Medal Cot FROM ST R O N G The Furniture Man MODISH STRIPES. Charming Frock With Modified Pannier Effect. Will have for sale homo cooking, randks, tewing, groceries and furm tire. M-26 WE GUARANTEE ALL THE VACUUM CLEANER uuh wuku uuwt wiin When we say 'JlMltANTKK we mean lust what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will he no charge. Wo could not make this assertion unless we were poslllre of giving good Bervlce. When you get ready to clean bouse let us do the womt part for you the cleaning of your carpeta. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURC STEAM LAUNDRY o. c. Phone 79. li.lKER, Proprietor. Office N. Jackson Ht. LAUNDRY REMOVED The hundreds of patrons of the Lone Star Laundry are notified that we are now located in our new quarters at the corner of Pine and Woodard streets. Our facilities are now better than ever for handlingpur constantly increasing business. Phone all your orders to 380. Delivery. Lone Star Laundry ROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK .f-'rr id t I? V v I : 1 i i ' v fl : ' ' r- y BUHHEO COSTUME OF STitll'ED BILK. Htrlped silk Is charmingly used In this costume. The titled skirt ruffle shows the material In vertical lines; ulso the modified pannier effect Is car ried out in this fuuhlou. Scant mflies of plain silk trim the pannier, outline the collnr on the bod ice nnd adorn the turn back cuffs ou the sleeves. This disposition of stripes requires in artist's band to successfully manipulate CALL FOB SPECIAL CITY WARRANTS. HLI.NDNESS PItKVKNTKIJ. TO WHOM IT MAY CON- t CBIt.V: Having suffered the past three years with nervous- nesa and pain in my head and eyes, with my vision gradually getting dimmer, and always see- 4 ing two objects, I became very much alarmed that I would lone my mind, hearing and Bight, having tried the best oculists 4 and opticians I could And, with no relief or comfort In nothing that they would seem to do tor t me. At last I was advised to consult Dr. E. J. Bonner, the eye specialist from Medford. 4 which I did, and am happy to say he has made me see single, stopped the pain and hurting In my head and eyes, and my ner- vousuess is getting better, with my general health much lmprov- ed. I will recommend him to anyone, as an honest upright man, and one who understands 4 his business. I live at 433 Porth Rose street, and will be pleased to have any one call or write me. MRS. I. FINDLEY. 4) Notice Is hereby given all persons holding North Roesburg sewer war rants to present the same to the city treasurer for payment, as interest thereon will cease after the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Ore., May, 15, 1912. D. S. HOUSER, ' m23 City Treasurer. illllfal LOCAL NEW 8. Best sliced ham and bacon at Ken New Work For Women. MIbs Lena Asliwiill, Miss Gertrude Kingston, Miss LHliin McCarthy nnd Miss Burnt) Brook tiro London women who munngo theaters. MIsb Ashwell was the first to take up 8Uch work and ruther antagonized tho other munagerH by giving away programs instead of selling ttiein and by abolishing the cloakroom tip. She was finally obliged to relinquish these efforts nt reform because of opposition. Miss Catherine D. CJroth Is a young woman who nets as advance agent for Krltzl Scheff with a great deal of success. She is a grad uate of a I'aiis university nnd has taken her M, A. degree at Columbia, New York, a proof that college women nre growing broader in their choice of work. drlck & King's. t REAL ESTATE t I'Uilil ljmilx Fruit Lnwta KMK-k Rmieliei Poultry TrncU t'lly Property ; Keiitjilff ' . I'lro Insurance Notary Public Cass St., LIST VOI'lt PROPERTY' WITH US, HIAAES OLIVER" nent to (irand Hotel, Phono 387. ItoschurR, Ore. ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to nniiumicd to llio public Hint I have np.-ncl a first ins tiillor nliop 111 your lly, nnd wish anybody In nooil of Spring Cliillu' to come nnd look out iny slock mill sumpli-s. JVrfcct lit ami workmanship guarauteetl. J. O. RYGG, Tailor Over lYrr.v's Millinery 1:17 Jackson Street New Teaching Method. Miss Henrietta Itoilmnn of New York says that many high school girls nre martyrs of u system of education which requires them to "puss" in mathemat ics and Greek nnd Latin, which they may ha to and yet have remarkable ability In other directions. Sho has a plan of educntlou to suggest to high school teachers which she 1ms tried in her own school. One of the girls sits at the desk, and sho sits among the pupils. The girl teaches for a day nnd. needless to say, hns her own lessons that day. Then Miss Hodman encour ages the girls to study themselves nnd. If they cannot learn Greek and Latin, to llud out In what way they can excel. M THE ECONOMY MARKET H " George Kohl!ui;j:!, Prop. Women In Japan. The tenth anniversary of the found ing of tho Japanese Women's univer sity, the only one of its kind In Asia, was observed last year. Marquis Ito and tho empress of Japan have taken Croat Interest In It from the beeInning. While In India the percoutiiKe of Kli'ls attending school Is seven out of every thousand, In Japan it is ulnety-ouo out of every hundred, and undoubtedly tho i-oHckp has hnd much to do with the leslre for education on the pnrt -of t;lrls. Children may enter the khuler partens at tho ape' of three years. There aro about twenty papers In Ja pan devoted to the Interests of women, and some women contribute to them. Bridge & Deacn ranges have triple grates. Quality ranges. Bwm Bridge & Beach rarges and stoves always satisfactory. Tliey are the quality goods. swm Hermann Marsters, the plumber, is prepared to install gas fittlngB as well as pipe houses. He guarantees Farjiers 18X9 tf Special prices during the demon stration week on Wear-Ever Alumin um wart at Churchill Hardward Com pany's. dm20 Fresh and delicious sliced ham, bacon and beef none so good at the North Side Grocery. Phone 324. tf Ca'.l at the Urn pn.ua Bakery and get a Hygenic telephone disc and protect yourself against all germ dis ease They are free. tf Douglas County Creamery buttel Is the best on the market. Insist on your grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is alwayt strictly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound roll, 65 cents. tl We are. the only house In Doug las county that has the proper ma chinery for proper French Dry Cleaning. Ladles, gents' and chil dren's clothes. To be convinced try us. Sloper & Son. Phone us 47. We call and deliver. tf H. W. Oliver, of 1137 N. Jackson street, will tune and regulate youi piano, or clean ana repair your or gan ana guarantee satisfaction. Phone 396. Patronize home indus try, tf WAGONS r 1 The Weber Wagon Leads All Others Follow For sixty-five years the highest grade material, the finest workmanship and tho light running qualities of the Weber wagon Lave endeared it to tho hearts of Weber users. AVe have the exclusive agency for the Weber wagon, and if you will call, wo will explain exactly why the Weber is the King of all farm wagons. Step in. If we cannot interest you in tho wagon proposition, we will not figure the time lost. Koseburg jMour Mills jVhone 56 IV reed, Fuel and Implements XOTU 1 l ou inns l ou si; i:u COXSTKIXTIOX Wholesale ami Retail Huteher. Thebostjtlie market alYonlii. All kinds of Stoek bought and so1-!. Phone 58 Rosclnng. Oregon A Clevar )da. A t'li'vor idea Tor stowing nwny lints, furs, lilonsi's, on., was evolved by a wvitimn who lived in a tiny apartment. Slii had a whltf sliolf eroctetl ueross one end of Iter bedroom, a turn t a foot and a half below the celling:. Then she bought six or Keren hat boxes amleov ered them with wall paper In a rose design that harme-nixed with the rose eolor of her room. These formed n kind of frieze ueross one wall, nnd without detracting from tho peueral apve.iraneo made a little storeroom easily Accessible. On tho outside of her cupboard dor was kept n list showing what waa in box No. 1. box No. li. etc. fl Thaw W. .Vi A ROSEBURG BOOK STORE r Booksellers and Stationers Cany a complete stock of iiaxK hooks smnoi, noons TVPKWItlTKK IMI'KH OIHi K 81 1TI.1KS IMt.WVINd MATKItlAL fj Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Ore. A String Belt. A lelt ttinde of colored string Is n novel accessory to milady's toilet. It is made by crocheting the string, using plain stitch. Into the shape of a belt, having the two fronts narrower thnu the back. For light colored wash dresses natural colored string Is used, but If It be a dark gown or you wist) to match the color of your tie In the belt make It of a fine wrapping cord that can 1 bought in almost any desir ed shade. Fasten It In front with plain metal or pearl buckle. Sealed proposals wll be received by the undersigned at his office In the City Hall in the City of Roseburg. Oregon, up to G o'clock P. M. Monday, May 27th, 1912. for the construction of a sewer in what Is known as the Rust Avenue Sewei Pistrirt In the City of Roseburg, Ore gon, In the manner provided by Ord inance No. 4 4t of said City. All bids must be submitted on blank forms, which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and must bo accompanied by a cer tified check payable to the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid. to be forfeited to the City of Roseburg in case the success ful bidder shall fall to enter Into c contract and bond with said City. The time stated in the projiosals for completing tho work will bo consid ered In awarding the contract. The Council reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. By order of the Council. Dated this 20th day of May. 1912. CARL E. WIMRERLY, m-27 Recorder of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. . r "J .it : V 1 (By 0 curtesy Clark & Clark.) DO you o;vn your home or a business building? Did you have the title examined? Next in im- portance to your deed is your fire insurance policy. Would you be able to stand a loss by lire? If not you had better let us attend to your insurance for you at once, as the dry season is coming on and the fire hazard is increasing a hundred fold. THE DOUGLAS ABSTRACT TRUST CO. Sl'KCTACLE FllAJIKS Must be as carefully fitted as your lenses. We not only have made a study of eyes but also franio fittini!. . A. S. HUEY. OPTOMETRIST. RIVERSDALE TRACTS Sub-division of the well known N. Curry Estate ranch into ten acre tracts suitable for fruit, garden and farm products, located five miles from Rose burg, on the North Umpqua River. Sold on terms The N. CURRY ESTATE, Owners Masonic Building Roseburg, Oregon Milady's Bonnat. My bonnol 11m ovr th ocean. Mjr bonnet Km ovr thft &. For. you If the Uteet creation. And han't yt nm (ram Taree. Vudor shades are handled only by Strong The Furniture Man They are the kind see everywhere you Your New Bank THE UMPQUA VALLEY BANK STRONG, SAFE, CONSERVATIVE Capital $50,000 Officers and Directors O. r. OOSHOW. President J. M. THRONE, Cahier B. W. STHONli, Vire-ITmldeat J. C. AIKEN, Vlre-I-resl.Ient H. J. FHKAR A. J. BELLOWS D. R. SIIAMBROOK Perkins Bldg. Roseburf, Oregon