The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 18, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    A $40,000,000.00 bachelor fell victim to
eupid's dart. But Dame Gossip has it that
the pocket book was hit instead.
flTV 1KKIAL I'Al'Kil
Carl i, blMM-ouiker
hditor md 1'ruprielor
TlbelRoseburo Evening Bews
The most inspiring feature of the carnival
"was the children's parade, on Thursday.
Nearly one thousand school hoys and girls
participated in this demonstration of Kose
burg's school strength. They were an order
ly group and made a splendid impression on
the visitors and all who saw them. In the
school children of this country rests the hope
of the future of our nation. They are tin
men and women of tomorrow. In their
training and education the safety and per
petuity of our institutions is lodged. And
after viewing them in parade and otherwise
and knowing that the same kind of training
and influences prevail throughout the coun
try one must feel that they will guard well
the trust that will soon he reposed in them.
A diamond dealer committed suicide over
business worries. We would too if we had
to care for many diamonds.
Kgypt has started a ltaek-to-the-farm
movement. She must have heard about Ore
gon. I
The only people that we know of that did
not get to see or enjoy the carnival were the
newspaper men. They had to stay in their
plants all day long and see that the paper
was made ready and the news delivered to
the readers.
We always thought that we would like to
have a motorcycle till we saw the races this
afternoon. But no more for us. We wouldn't
take any chances of holding to the handle
Tonight will be turned over to fun. No
one with a serious thought or purpose will
be permitted on the streets. Kven such staid
individuals as the city "dads" will put away
their burdens of looking after the city and
will join in the festivity and joy. There
will be hundreds of people on the streets
bent on innocent mischief. It is understood
that the entire police force of the city have
been advised to keep hands off except where
a breach of the peace has been committed.
Ju any event those who keep themselves
within the hounds and do not go to any ex
treme will not he molested in their enjoy
ing the last night of tlie carnival. Jlorns
will add to the din of voices, confetti will
make over the streets and mirth and merri
ment will reign supreme. Everyone is ex
peeted to have a good time. If any one does
not he has no one to blame but himself.
The Idler's Corner
A Candid Judge.
Yesterday the Orange, by a vote of 90 to 5,
adopted a resolution scoring Single Tax and
taking a slap at U'Uen, the father of the
idea in this state. When the resolution was
presented it came up for open discussion
and U'lien himself demanded the floor. lie
Rpoke for twenty minutes and then as speak
ers were limited to five minutes each he beg
ged for more time. It was granted him and
be spoke for twenty minutes more. After
bis talk the resolution was finally adopted
as introduced by the vote recorded above.
This should have been sufficient for this
self-imposed law-maker and law-giver and
savior of the state of Oregon. But in keep
ing with his usual dishonorable tactics he
waited till three o'clock this morning, w hen
most of the delegates that had voted on the
resolution had dispersed, ami then he went
out and got a number of delegates to come
in and a motion was made expunging from
tin; resolution such things as were the ex
pression of the Orange on their disapproval
of U'Keii. This motion was carried by a
vote of 'J7 to !. There ought not to be much
consolation to l"Ken in this vote, but to
such an unscrupulous man as he it means
exoneration. Hut to the O rangers whom he
fooled and played with it spells hostility.
.Ami the Grangers will remember it this fall
when they arc called upon to vote on
U'lv'ell's pet theory Single Tax. Let every'
Granger beware of the Single Tax. It is
the most pernicious piece of h poei itical
legislation that has r Keen initiated in
Oregon. It is dangerous to ecrv man orj
woman in the state of Oregon, lie he hank
er, farmer, laborer, merchant or otherwise.
"Beware of the Single Tax and ote against
it whenever it appears.
A Dover lawyer tells a story in which tig
ures the lion. II. L. Dawes, who. it seems,
in his younger days was an indifferent
speaker. Shortly after his admission to the
bar he had a case which was tried before a
North Adams justice of the peace, and
Dawes was opposed by a lawyer whose elo-I
(iience attracted a large crowd. The jus-!
tiee was perspiring in the crowded room and ! 4
eviuenuy last losing ins icyipei. rin.uiv lie
drew off his coat and. in the midst of the
eloquent address, burst out:
"Mr. Attorney, supposing that yui lake a
seat and let Dr. Dawes speak. I want to
thin out this crowd." Lippincott's.
f'leverton (who has hired a taxamctcr cab
to propose in) Say "yes", darling.
Miss Calumet Give me time to think.
"Heavens! But not in here! Consider the
On The Jump.
"Is it really only ten minutes' walk to the
station from vour house?'' asked Citinian.
"What a ridiculous question!" exclaimed
Suburbs. "Nobody in lovely Swamphurst
ever 'walks' to the station. I may say. how
ever, that it's only about eight and a half
minutes' run." Catholic Standard and
Grand Introductory Sale
The only American Piano to win grand prize. The
largest factories in the world. Established 1862.
Capital over $3,000,000. Sold direct from factory to
purchaser on easy terms or for cash.
Call and be convinced
Local Dealer Roseburg, Ore.
J. T. Scott, Factory Representative
Roseburg. Oregon
L. H. Rhoades Co. Store.
Domestic Economy.
Mollie, the Irish domestic in tile service nf
a Wilmington household, was one afternoon
doing certain odd bits of work about the
place when her mistress found asioii to
rebuke her for one piece of carelessness.
"Ymi haven't wound the clock. Mollis."
said she. "I watched you closely, and you
gave it only a wind or two. Why didn't you
complete the job f"
"Sure. mum. ye haven't forgot that I'm
lea viu" toniorrer, have ye ' asked Mollis. " I
ain't goin' to be doin' any of the new gyurl 's
wulrk !" 1 larper's Weekly.
"So you actually wen to church last Sun
day f" '
"I really did."
"I-Aeiise me if I seeiu skeptical. What
was the text t"
" A ha. I have vou t here. The text w as I le
iriveth His beloved sleep.' "
" ' i- 1. 1 vork. And w ho w ere t here ? '
"All flic beloved, it Set Hied to tile."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
We insist that the K'osebiiru' 'oiimn ivial i 'al-
I 'II bet you a kiss on the Athletics.
I'll U'o.Voll. We'll let .lack hold tile
I 'hilade phia Record.
Club Band is ei it it led to nunc than i.rdmarv
mention and credit for their participation m
the festivities of the week. The bovs have
made a most creditable showing and should
be encouraged financially, so that weekly
baud concerts uiAv be the rule this summer.
Mother -"Tommy always eats m
when we have friends at dinner."
Visitor--" Why is that. Tommy !"
Tommy-" 'Cos we don't have no pie in
.ither time."
Alabama Minstrek Fef urinK c, Hi!ly Young and imfim
mavailia I'lllIUUCia makers in the best thing in the wav of a
minstrel and jubilee singers that has ever been carried by any Carnival Co.
Ouren's Gla Rlovpr; And sPviners- Here they blow RiaSs
WUICIia VJICUS OlUWeiJ) lnto neckties dressesnnd all kinds of
figures where they give each visitor a free present. See them.
Amvana The Show Beautiful is one of the features and is something I!
j u uov.i uuu iii inj xjmji. uiuw ui crow ds.
Dog and Pony Circus aZd
Buster Brown liilVXZL?'orld- He unsold
The Jungleland Lcuonat
The Fun Factorv Is where -vou l?l,Kh- The funniest show
X 11 1 uil 1 CltlVJl v you ever saw. Don't miss it.
The Free Attraction are Henry Kerns in his High Dive.
Major Don
The Balloon Ascension yr
The Arnold Amusement Company have a fine show and
display this season and are all nice people.
News Want Ads Pay