The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 02, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    ZTbelRosebuvo JEvenfno Iflews
t'lTV OKI'K.'IAIi I'Al'KIt
Carl V. Hliwmukur
iviliior and Proprietor
Twentieth century methods are finding
favor in China. The new government is
trying to negotiate a $300,000,000 loan.
The Oregon state treasury contains $1,
600,000 in cash, with only $200,000 of un
paid debts. Pretty good showing, this.
Seattle has six women on her police force.
Most of their work is devoted to juvenile
and rescue euort. '1 hat is a good move.
An ungrateful thief stole a watch from a
plain clothes man on duty in Washington,
). C. A man who would take such an ad
vantage of an officer ought to be in jail.
Bright sunshine today following a week
f wet weather makes the Granger smile
expressively as he. contemplates the pros
pects for a stupendous crop this fall. There
are no recorded failures of crops in Oregon.
Governor West's effort to curtail
Tienses at the State Denitentiary will
ceivo1 tne endorsement or me .taxpayers.
IVrhans the nruniuir niitrlit be applied to
other institutions with profit to the people
ing to return to England. Tie probably does
not find America congenial, although he ap
parently does not care to drown his feelings.
Farmers and taxpayers in the, district af
fected by the Port of Umpqua election that
will be held next Saturday are doubtless in
terested in anj' information that concerns
them. In that event all such individuals
will doubtless be glad to know what Farmer
Engle thinks of the matter, Read his letter
on the subject, found in this issue. It may!
help you to vote right. !
Ileartlessness of a bartender was exem-
plified at Vancouver, last night. Burglars
broke into the bar-room and appropriated ,
what they thought was ten-year-old whis-j
key, but after they had carried it several
blocks were driven to the verge of despair
on discovering that the stuff was only cold
tea, kept on the bar for display. The agony
accompanying the thirst of the burglars ;
must have been terrible when the deception
of the barkeep was learned. Such heart-1
lessness in infrequent.
Fvervbodv who rides or driver over Win
chester' Street is clad that the paving of
that thoroughfare will soon be undertaken.
There is not a street in the city in greater
need o permanent improvement, nor is
there a roadway into town so extensively
used by the traveling public.
J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the
White Star Steamship Co., and survivor of
the Titanic wieck. sailed for England today
on the Adriatic. Only an hour before the
steamer left Tsmav declared he was not g-
Tlie general conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church is in session at Minneap
olis. A feature ot the conference is the
stand taken by committee in a report sub
mitted to the delegate!- in which the church
is call upon to take its action squarely in
fa vor of tlie laboring class. The report calls
for abolition of child labor, reduction of
working hours to the lowest practicable
point, safeguarding conditions of toil for j
women, equitable division of profits of in-j
dustry, and protection of workers from the:
risks of enforced emplovinent. Adoption;
of this report bv the conference will dis-!M
prove the frequent assertion that the church
is not in sympathy with laborers. The re
sult of the discussion sure to follow and final
action bv the conference will be watched
with eager interest by all classes of laborers
in this country and the world.
Will brighten up your home. Will freshen
up your home. Will make a more attrac
tive home. Walls coated with Alabastine
won't harbor bugs or'germs. Is absolutely
sanitary. Is not expensive. Is easily pre'
pared and applied,
shades and colors. Is
aealed packages only,
you to make your
Is put up in many
sold in 5 pound
A full stock for
selections from at
Itulph Qulne wont to Wilbur tills
artornoon to servo civil papain.
S. D. EvuiiH, of llnipqim. spent tlio
day In UnnolmrK attending to var
ious business Intorests.
George Dlmmlck, of Satomls
upending a few days In lloesburB
looking after business Intorosts.
Attorney Mi-Knight, of Oakland,
spent tlie day In Hotwburg attending
to various business Interests. j
Pr. George 13. llouek was called
to Cleveland tills morning to attend
Charles Pearce. who Is said to be
qulto ill.
M. CI. Lawrence, recently of Ash
land, arrived hero this morning to
spend a couplo of days with D. 11.
Grant, a local renl estate dealer.
Mrs. R M. Klllnger left for her
home at Portland this afternoon af
ter a few days apont at Winstons vis
iting with hor brother, L. 11. Mlnot.
II. A. llunsaker and J. M. Ledger
wood, both residents of Myrtle Creek,
spent last evening In Rosebnrg at
tending to business mntterB and Inci
dentally visiting with friends.
Hlrhard Morris, traveling engin
eer for the Southern Pacltlo Com
pany, left for Portland this after
noon after a couplo of dayB spent
In ltoseburg.
Blind Hudson, an old Boldler, who
naa been In Southern California for
the past few months enjoying himself
at the winter resorts there, return
ed to this city last night, and today
reported at the Soldiers' Homo,
D. M. flrnnt leaves Rosebnrg to
morrow for point. In California
whore he will attend the annual con
vention of 8hriners which will be
hold at Los Angeles. From there he
rocs to New Mexico and New Orleans
whore ho has business matters need
ing hia attention, llo expects to be
gone for about six weeks.
Modorn Apartments with bath,
hot and cold water
In ench room.
Corner Jnckson and Brockway
Slrcetn; near High School.
Rata, td Per Week.
remains following in
the Masonic
fascinating Ji.vm l-ou women".;
It's Easy To Have Natural Colored,
Luxuriant and Radiant Hair.
Churchill Hardware Co.
A delightful hour was spent at the
homo of Miss Francis AUirtt h, n
Edenhower, last evening:, when nhmit
25 of hor you it k friends asticuiMcd to
assist 111 celebrating her sixteenth
birthday. (James, music itml social
converse coin prised the entertain
nient feiitureH, followed by a dainty
luncheon served Into In the evening
Mrs. Nanna Shewey, aged 31
years, died at her home In Eden
hower last night after an illness of
several weeks. Death was the re
sult of a severe attack of lagrlppe.
which Inter developed Into pneu
monia. The funeral will be held
at the fnnilly home tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, Interment of the
D. E. J. Bonner, of Medfnrd, the
eye specliillst, 1b In town f r a short
time. So lilm for e:i'?rt ndvlce.
Phono 281. tf
The West Side Social Circle gnvo a
musical at tho "West Side Poultry
Farm," homo of Mrs. Amata Brad
ford, Tuesday afternoon, April I!0.
Although the day was very stormy,
qulto a number loyal members brav
ed tlie storm. This meeting was a
little out of tho ordinary, as the
hostess Invited all the gentlemen of
her immediate neighborhood to ac
company their wives and each one
accepted the invitation and honored
tho ladles with tholr presence The
program conslstod of readings, reci
tations, choruses, solos, duets and
conundrums after which dainty re
freshments were sorved. Mrs. Wil
son presented the hostess with a
beautiful boquet of lilacs.' Mrs.
Bradford's bed of mamoth cala lilies
was the admiration of all. . There
wee 36 full lilies, some of which
were 4 feet In height, and any
amount of buds. This bed will pro
duce about five hundred lilies dur
ing the season. About 5 o'clock they
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Dlttle,
In May.
The hard times social held at
Labor hall last night was well at
tended, In fact the hall was scarce
ly able to accommodate the crowd
that assembled to enjoy the occasion!
and partake of beans and coffee. Two
long tables extending about 100 feet I
doVn the room were loaded with!
hard times products beans, bread
and butter, and coffee, and everybody j
feasted like the legendary sons of -toll.
A mil Hi nil and literary pro- j
gram helped to delight the audience,;
and especial mention Is made of the
solos by Mrs. Ollphant, of the Palace
theatre. Another feature that de
lighted everybody was the "Court of
Injustice" which fined all victims
brought in. John Ferguson was fln-;
ed for wanting to run for sheriff on
the Rinlallut ttrket, and many others
had to dig up for being In existence.
Harry Williams took first prixe for
let sustained male character, while
0. W. Bradford received second. Miss .
Wva I.nmbert was awarded first prise
for best sustained lady character.
and Mrs. Williams won second. Two';
weeks from yesterday a second social i
will bo given.
j Announcement , j
So many women have gray and
faded hair that makes them appear
Im"" u,uc' ' " i l&W, IUU,V'M!J JJ! m II I HI V'i JJ,!'i" '! IP ! H1 i-J m mym H ' WPJIIPIM
They are not using HAYS hair ' fcV,fryfctrStrtiirt
If your hair Is
gray or faded: if
your hair Is full
of dandruff; if
your scalp Itches
get a bottle of
ilton Drug Co., or
the Marsters Drug Co., today; use It
regularly r.nd you'll be surprised at
tho results ,
teed tc give satisfaction or money
U. S. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Oregon, 2-1 hours ending
5 a. m. May 2, 1912.
Precipitation In Inches and hun
dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 52
Lowest temperature last night 40
Precipitation, last 24 hours 26
Total preclp. since 1st of month 1.4S
Normal preclp for this month 2.05
Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1911,
to date 29.22
Average precip. from Septem
ber 1, 1877 ....30.74
Total deficiency from Sep.' 1,
1911 1.5S
Average precipitation for 34
wet seasons (Sep. to May
Inclusive) ' 32.36
' BY
District Organizer
At 7:30 p. m.
Riversdale Tracts
Subdivision of the N. Curry Estate Ranch. This
well known Ranch has been subdivided and plac
ed upon the market in Ten Acre Tracts.
Riversdale Tracts
are located 5 miles from Roseburg, Oregon, on
the North Umpqua River.
Riversdale Tracts
are adapted to the raising of Fruits, Vegetables
and Farm Products.
N. Curry Estate, Owners
Riversdale Tracts :
Office Masonic Building