THE EVENING NEWS ' CAUL V. SHOUMAKEH, Editor ana hole Iropr.etor. 188UKU DAILY KXCKPT SUNDAY? Hutwcrlptlon Kate Daily, Per year, by mall $?.00 Per month, delivered BO Bemi-Wcckly. Per year 12.00 Blx months 1.00 Entered as second-clans matter November 6, 1910, at Koaeburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. MtllAV, Al7tlli 12, 1012. DAILY WRATH KH KKPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours endlug 5 a. m., April 12, 1912. Precipitation In Inches and bun- dredths: HigheHt temperature yesterday 45 Low en t temjteratiire last night 40 Precipitation, last 24 hours G5 Total preclp. since 1st of month .85 Normal proclp. for this. month 2.48 Total proclp, from Sep. 1, 1911, to duto 25.80 Average preclp. from Septem ber 1, 1877 29.37 Total deficiency from Sep. 1, 1911 ... 4.03 Average preclp. for 34 wet seasons (Sep. to May Inclu sive) 32.36 WILLIAM JELL, Observor. One woek from today the voters will put their Ht n in jt of approvul on one out of every group of office nv.vk era. Those who are not thus ununit ed will come forth and tell uh why It happened. It reminds one a good do til of a "post-mortuni" nfter u poker hand has been hiIUmI. Of course, we do not spetik from ex perience. We have heard It said only. LuFolletto ts coming to Itosohurg. He Is an ablo and force-fill1 speaker and will no doubt be appreciated by all those who will hear him. While we are supporting Taft and cannot fully agree with Mr. LuKollotto's program every one muHt admire hi in for his absolute sincerity of purpouc and the manner In which he has con ducted his campaign In the face of groat u (Ivor ho clrcuniHtunces. Bvery one should turn out to heor Dr. HIM, the eloquent orator who will bo In Hoseburg some time next week. Dr. Hill is an orator of the old stylo. There are not many of them left In this country. Hut In Dr. Illll we find the Daniel Webster type, dignified, culm, deliberate, fas cinating and with a message for his listeners. Tho date will bo an nounced through tho columns of The News Monday. LOCAL NKWA. Dr. PoBoy, specialist for eye, ear, nose and throat diseases, ICyos fitted with glasses. Parrott building. Frank McDonald, of tho Mt. Alto ranch, Is upending a few days In Jtoesburg attending to various btinl nesti I nte rents and vMltlng with friends. Mrs. M. II. Hyn.i returned to her home at Drain this afternoon after a few days sent In HoKvl nrg vIhU.Iiik at the homo of he1 nephew, B. K. Ryan. Riddle Tribune: The Rlddlo piwt offtce has been designated as a pos tal savings office and will be open for business May 1. i'OHtnwttttor (i L. Grant has received all tho neces sary palters and instruettona. S. E. Krohn expects to open his new drug store. In the Maccuhce building on Cobs street, next Mon day, lie will occupy the rnntntt formerly In possesion of Mrs. Davles, the milliner, and Mr. Motesworth, the real estate agent. Canyonvllle Call: Postmaster d. L, Grant, of Riddle, states that sev eral Indications point toward tho es tablishment of a postal savings bank at Klddlo. While ho has received no direct Information from the de partment regarding It, he bus receiv ed communications from a bonding concern saying that they understand the office Is to be made a banking office and the Riddle State Hanks has also received coiTeHMndcnce In regard to being made a 1. S. deposi tory for tho postal bank. Canyonvllle Call: Days Creek Is a mighty busy place. The saw mill Is running with a full crew, sawing the timbers for the new bridge across tho South Cmpiiuu. Armlston Htoh. are running their mill with a full bead of steam. Wallace Havtnoml has his chopper running on the high Fpeed, and the road supervisor, .1. IV Sullivan, has u force of men out on the road. II. U. (ildney. our mer chant. Is a pretty busy man. too There Is not an Idle man on 0ys Creek. Rlddlo Tribune: The Irrigation meeting called tor Saturday evening was quite well attended. It was call ed for the purpose o organUtng. but It was found that nothing could be done until something of a definite nature could bo had from the South ern Pacific Company In regard to the dam. The committee to get signa tures of the farmers as to the num ber of acres they would subscribe have about 600 acres subscribed. This Is only half of tho required amount to Insure the building of the ditch but It Is said that over 1200 ' BOARD AND KOOMtt. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water In each room. MRS. CALL AND, Prop. Corner Javkson und Brockway Streetu; near High School. 4 Kate, $0 Per Week. acres will be subscrllted as soon as everything Is ready to organize. Will In in Van 11 in en left for his home at Portland this afternoon af ter a few days spent In Roseburg and vicinity looking after business mat tors. Mrs. K. U. Pengra left for Eugene this afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. John O'llrien, who dlod at that city yesterday. Mrs. O'llrien Is survived by a husband and one daughter. Mrs. Hurry Stapleton, of Roseburg. Douglas County Creamery uutter Is the best on the market. Insist od your grocer supplying you with a home product, which Is always strict ly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound roll 75 cents. dawtf The Grand Grill yesterday Install ed gas lights and the same were In service for the first time lant even ing. Tho fixtures are very artistic mid are sn arranged that tho entire room can be Illuminated to tho H)it Is rael Ion of the owners and patrons at very small expense. Cottage Grove Leader: One of the finest pieces of roads In this sec- Lion of the state Is being made out at the road from Divide to Anlauf, In road district No. 21, Douglas -nunty. This ploce of road has been selected as part of tho Pacific high way and the taxpayers of that dis trict huve become so enthusiastic that they have lovled tuxes aggre gating $5,000, which will be used In Improvements. There are five mud holes In this strotch of roud which will be filled with rock. Three crews of men and 10 teams are nt work on the highway. About eight miles of road will bo Immediately g- OREGON HAIR TONIC -JJ Will Orow Hair. Slop the Hair (ruin I'allliiK Out. It jx'xlroyi Iniilniff. It 1b rt'L-iHiinicn-letl by Icitfiitf ill)HlUlttUH. It. A. KTOWEIiL HOl.K AHKNT For ibIl- by fullertou A Ulchnnlmi STRONG'S STORE NEWS Danger in the Sulky Go-Cart. MAV III 111 IIII.DS HACK IN I'ASNIXd OVKIt lll'MI'S A Nl'I.KY Willi SI-ltlNCS AT HTKOMi'S Tho iliuiKcr from tho ounsliiht use r I lio Sulky Curt Is Unit a i-hlld'a liai-k limy ho injured hy tho Jura anil humi'B. Tn I'voivomo Hits. II. W. Strong has a sulky cart with Hplrnl prln kii. Tills cart ulrtn has a folding hauillo. ui that tho oart may oaslly ho takon iiuilor (ho arm nn a train or stroot ar or In n Iuihk.v. Exact Copy Of Dec laration of Inde pendence. I KAMI-: AMI i.ASS WOltTII ALL ASKKII I'Olt HV TIIK ll)M IIINATIOV .n exaci copy uf 1 no Peclaralhm or IhdcptMideiice to the last Ion i l.-h cm Inbn lliiiittx-k's name ami t'ven tn the sl.i of (bo dnctiment In on sale at the price of $;. The frame, a wide 2 -Inch one. and the gl.iss Is wort h tho price. Itlslng Sun Stove Polish may be bought from H. W. Strong, the fur tilt in e man. This polish Is one of the old etsabllsbed brand:;. It comew in 1 0 cvnt packapefi. I carr lace curtain stretchers." ;iM H. V. St roup, the furniture man 'They have new Improvements." B. W. Strong The Furniture Man AtMA) Hc St route' YitllMiHr, made iMtiHfihle for automobiles. Other piece, uf read connecting with this strotch are also being Improv ed and a number of bills are being cut down. Deputy Hherlff It. L. Whipple left for -fa lorn this afternoon wllh Wesley Ferguson and Ernest n'ells, who wore yentorday committed to the re form school by County Judge Wona cott. Ferguson and Wells are the youngsters who recently hired a couple of saddle horses at Smith's livery stable and were arrested south of Canyonvllle. The boys say they escaped from Frazler's detention home, at Portland, two weeks ago and prior to their arrest had visited a number of the more Important towns along the line of the South ern Pacific railroad. CAM, FOH CTTV WAWtAXTH. Notice Is hereby given all persons holding General Fund Warrants against tho City of Roseburg, Ore gon, endorsed "Not paid for want of funds" prior to and Including Jan uary 3rd, 1912, to present the same to the city treasurer for payment as Interest thereon will cease after date of this notice. Dated this 12th day of April. 1912. I). 8. HOI'SER, City Treasurer. i()-CAKTS. Many Improvements nro noted In tho Perambulators and Oo-Carts this prlng. They are big and roomy, with soft upholstering, tho collapsible 'arts have good springs, a necessity to baby's comrort which hus here tofore been lucking, and ample pro visions for stormy weather have been made In the wind and rain Bhlolds which can be adjusted to form a per fect protection. Tho styles are unusually hand some, and the prices very moderate. HICK & RICH The Ilotiso Furnishers. WHO GETS THE DOUGHNUT? Now don't be pessimistic because you think its droll, For tho optimist gets tho doughnut and the pessimist gets the hole. liutyou can't bo optimistic when your stomach isn't right, Nor you cant be blythe and cheery when Dyspepsia you must light. Hut if you OKI KR CROCKRIES from a store that's up to date, You'll have always the I5HST living, and escape an awful fate. Now WK'VK EVERYTHING THATS COOI) TO EAT, No stock that's old and dry, Wo know that we can please you, If our store you'll only try. BeeljHive Tolophone 01. Do you want the very lates' in Suits Splendid smart styles in all shades from $12.50 $25 00. DRESSES I 'Jesuit Sci'sif Drosses 5 to $15. Lingerie. Linen and l'ettie in line assort ment. WAISTS Silk, Net and Lingerie, Dutch or high necks. NECKWEAR in immense assortment. NECKWEAR Many new thinks; See our new Mannish Tics, NEW THINGS in Hand Dags, Hair Ornaments and Xeveltios. GOSSARD CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. The Leader Don't Be Gulled Get your fotograf work done where you get the best and done in a workman like manner. CLARK and CLARK Up-To-Date Fotografers I you want I L Good Trees at Fair I Prices, see I A. L. Kitchin Nurseryman Roseburg Or. Dry I Wood! Any quality Oak, Fur and Pine, Lo w Bt prices in the city. Ptompt deliv er to any part of town. Phones A. S. Wallace 27F3 N. Brevier 266-L The People's Meal Market Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Poultry and Fish Host of Service and Prompt Delivery. METIVIER &DIMM1CK Proprietors. PHONE 175 HAYNES 8LD0. North Jackson Street. Grocery Churchill Hardware Co. KNCK'K-l'KOOF & SHOCK-tWOOF. The trunks we sell were made to give constant satisfaction and with the full knowledge that baggage men and trainmen are husky. The beat trunks we have are trade marked "O. & S. Noverbreok Trunks." You will find this trade mark on tle top near the lock. Every trunk bears a registration number and on the inside of the lid a post card which you All in with your name and ad dress, detach and mall to the mak ers, who will permanently register the trunk against loss free. This is only one of the many strong features Little Gem Restaurant ('nil on tho Little Cicm RotttAu rant. Cheapest meal la tho city accompanied by the best cup of coffiM) In Iloscburg. George Staples Opposite Depot "Bill is here" f Fern Island Greenhouse 1 g Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop, if Roseburg, Ore. Phone !F12 Cut Khmer, rotted I'Uuils, Funeral Designs, Wedding Ro quets, etc All kinds of Plants for Veranila and Win dow Itoxoa and Bedding out. On Sale nt The Rose Confectionery Are you house cleaning and yard cleaning and putting things to rights? If so you have doubtless found that several things were needed, but none more so than a good GARBAGE CAN, the kind we carry in stock. THE REGULAR CANS ARE MADE OF: Good heavy well galvanized steel. Are corrugated. Have seamless cover fitting over outside. . Have drop side handles. Are just what you need at your back door. Are reasonable in price running in price from 51-75 to $4.50 according to capacity. THE "JUST RITE SANITARY" PATENTED CANS ARE: Made of good heavy galvanized steel. Have a foot lever by which cover can be raised without touching with the hands. Closes automatically when foot is removed. Foot lever serves as a haudle to cany it by. One size only and priced at $2.50. You need one and they are good first class goods, buy now. of "G. & E. NEVERBREAK TRUNKS." Call and let us explain the others. Utnioat value at the price Plan Your Vacation Now I To The East Seashore or Mountains Tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal cities of tho East, going or returning through California, or via Portland with going limit 15 days. Final return limit October 31st. SALE April 26-26-27. May, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14 16-17-18-24-29. June, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-1S-19-20-21-24-25-27-28-29. Sept., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30. Impcrinl Council Mystic Slirlno, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4tb Newport Yaquina Bay Offers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all the delights of the seashore. The New P. R. 3 N. Beaches Tillamook. Garibaldi (Bayocean), Brighton, Manhattan and Rock away, Lake Lytle. Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach and Bay City will open a new Held for a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares from all points In Oregon. Call on our nearest Agent for full Information as to East Bound Excursion Fares, routes, stopovers, etc., or write to JOHN' M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Kat California Italsins. ltaisin Day April 30th. Notice to "American Our first order for two hundred and eighty dozen White Leg horn Chicks was forwarded to the hatchery a month ago, but the demand on Mr. Blhn Is so much greater than the supply that he could not schedule tho shipment until the Inter part of this (April) month. The Dlhn Hatchery turns out 165.000 chicks every three weeks, but it is necessary to book orders far In advance. All subscribers will be notlllod by postal shortly before their chicks are shipped. Patrons wishing one doien or more White Leghorn Chicks can get them by subscribing to "The American Weekly" for three years or on the basis of one doien for every three dollars, express prepaid to their destination. The American Weehly San Francisco California v is IS you wish to pay. RICE & RICE, The Houbo Furnishers. DATES July, 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26-29-30-31. August, 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31. Weekly" Subscribers MM