WEATHER FORECAST -Roseburg and Vicinity , f Fair Tonight With Heavy Frost; Saturday Fair and Warmer. JF you want to buy or sell some thing, if 'you have lost or found something use the News want ad column. It will pay you vou m. ltOSKHUltQ, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OKKGOJf. . FHI1UV, MAIU'H 20, 1012. No. 123 I Street Committee Returns From Portland. MANY PAVEMENTS INSPECTED Conercto Material Is Excellent For Sloping Streets, According To Councilman Strong West. rumlto n "I'Yost". The members of the street Im provement committee of the city council, composed of Councilmen B. W. Strong, Fred Chapman and J. D. Zurcher, and City Engineer M. B. Germond returned here this morn ing after thre9 days spent at Salem and Portland where they Inspected the different kinds of pavement in use in those cities. ' '' When interviewed this morning by a News representative, Council man Strong said the committee made a very thorough inspection of the severul pavements in both Portland and Salem. In the former city Mr, Strong said there but three standard pavements, Including the asphalt, bitutithlc and concrete. In the lat ter city only blthullthic and concrete are used in, surfacing the streets. , Willie not in a position to make public the findings of the committee or the nature of the report to be sub mitted to the council on Monday ever nlng. Councilman Strong snys there are but three pavements to be con sidered, Including the bltiilithlc, as phalt and concrete. The two former paveni, nts are now In use In Ros& burg, and In a measure, have proven satisfactory. The concrete pavement is little known In this city, and fur this reason, the committee was sent to Portland and Salem to Inspect it In actual use, and If possible deter mine Its wearing qualities. Coun cilman Strong says considerable con crete material is being laid In Portr land and Salem, and according to the engineers of those cities, has proven satisfactory to the taxpayers, The material Is much cheaper than .either bitullthlc or asphalt and Is considered equally as durable. "Concrete pavement Is excellent material for sloping streets," said Councilman Strong this morning, having a rough surface which assists horses in gaining a foothold." While nt Portland the committee also Insiiectod several blocks of Wcstrumito pavement. This mater ial Ir unsatisfactory, according to Councilman Strong, "and will not be considered by the committee in making itc report." The members of the committee are high In praise or the treatment ac corded them in the several cities visited, both at the hands of the city officials and citizens. IS KVKXT. Program For Ilrotlicihooil Meeting At lroslylerlnn Cliiii'eh. The program of the Brotherhood Club tonight Is unusually attractive. This organization is only a few years old. but is a very popular one and has an extensive mc.ubershlp tnronghout this county. At their monthly meetings speakers are pro vided who discuss topics of current Interest. Mr. O. C. Brown has given the single tax much study anil will lie very "eagerly listened to. as this sub ject is frequently heard of but Is llttki understood. Mr. Jus. Mulehay's Interpretation of the long and short haul clause of the Interstate conimerrj law will be no less Interesting since this matter reaches every individual who buys anything that mines to Roseburg by railway fielg'-t. Mr. MnlcV.ay is as sistant general freight agent of the S. P. and It goes without saying that he knows his subject. The Brotherhood Club while under the auspices of the Presbyterian church Is by no means confined to church members, but embraces all the men of the congregation. Its percepts are merely educational and has fitted In so well with other clubs of Roseburg that Its growth of mem bershlii has been steady since Its nreanlzation date only a few months back. Plenty of talent Is available for the programs. In fact. Hon. Ben Selling assumes that he will be present at the next monthly meet ing, along with other equally Inter esting sneakers, so that the mem bers feel that an educational ad vancement will emanate from the Brotherhood Club. Tho Rnsebure Cleaning & Press- in Parinrs. owned and conducted ny George Sloper and pltuated on North Jackson street, will be thel TOMAKEREPOR We Are Smiling; You're Knocking And first building In Roseburg to be light ed with gas. The lights in this building will be turned on tonight. Thomas Lawson, deputy sheriff with headquarters at Glendale, left for his home this morning after a tew days spent In Roseburg looking after business matters. Strong handles the Sealy Mattress, the Free Sewing Machine, the Mon arch Malleable Range, The Wonder Washing Machine, and many other popular things. Come and see them. tf Another Important real estate deal was closed in Roseburg this morning when A. L. Kitchin, the nurseryman purchased the P. Benedick proerty, situated at the corner of Stephens and Oak streets. The property is considered very valuable, and is at present occupied by a small mill and the building formerly occupied by W. B. Hammltte, the undertaker. While not able to make a definite statement as to what disposition will be made of the proerty at present. the new owner intimates that he will utilize a portion of it In conducting his nursery business. The consider ation is not made public. LEU FOR DEAD Crazed Prospector Found in Mojave Desert. STORY OF MURDER AND ROBBERY Demented Muti Attacked Rescuers Willi Ax Deputy Sherirf lyeaves For Sceno Of Crime. (Special to The Evening News.) SAN BERNARDINO, March 29. Attucked by robbers In the Mojave dessert, Lee Smith was killed and his companion, Claud Anderson, was left for dead. Anderson, who was rescued, Is on the verge of mental collapse, ' but he told a harrowing story to hospital attendants on his arrival here. Both nten lived at Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, and left there three months ago for San Ber nardino expecting to prospect in Southern California and Arizona. Ac cording to the story related by An derson. Smith was killed and the body burled In the sand, and he war left for dead. Some Santa Fe train men found the wounded man lying on his Stomach, with an ax in his hand, closely guarding a squirrel hole, and seeing the railroad men approaching he savagely attacker" them, but owing to his weakenet1 condition was easily overpowered. Deputy Sheriff Todd has gone intf the desert In search of Smith's body Would Chloroform Girl. SAN FRANCISCO. March 29. William .omellne, son of a wealthy druggist in tins cuy. was Kne.-.o-e ,natcd and elected, I prom today on the charge of trying tc c give all parties a fair and hon M,inrnfr,rm Mia Mnrv Williams ill id niliilst rat ion, and will seo that order to successfully burglarize thr Williams home. Police say that Lnincline lost out In tho attempt n was discovered and over-powered by men in tho house. A NOTOltlOl S .HUNT. Should Hove Immediate Attention of The ItoHchurg Officers, , Decorated wttn a conspmou pia-; card. transient rooms", and operat- .15 a c.'inniusite ior tne nomination t Ing under tho disguise of a lK"l-the ofllce of county nchool super-' mate lodging house, the city of RoHO- ndent, I resectriitly make the , , . ouncernent subject to your np-, burg is now sporting a joint, equal. at ,he republican primaries; If not far more notorious than the, ho republican primaries on April: celebrated Mnin street abode. Ap parently having no fear of the lw. or the city officers to whom tho citi zens look for protection, this joint heby anonunco my candidacy . , , , . jfl,.,A rtue nomination for Justico of the is oierated openly and In defiance of; - . , ho those who may object. In fact. It is located on Sheridan Btreet, and lt passed dally by hundreds of women and children who are probably un aware of Its being. Persons going to and from the trains are also com pelled to pass this building, and to accost the Inmates who are ordin ary creatures of the underworld. As stated above, this Joint in "It erated under the guise of a legiti mate rooming house, and by day the cunningness displayed by the inmates serves to elude suspicion of the pub lic. At Tilght, however, the resort comes Into Its own, and resembles many of the houses In the Jungle dis trict of the larger and more Import ant cities. Only a few nights ago. a danker, revel occurred in this palace of iniquity and only ended BISHOP COMING Rev. Charles Scaduing to Visit St. George's Church. SPEND SUNDAY IN ROSEBURG Will Administer The Itlte of Confir mation on Sunday Kvening Will Also Deliver An Able Sermon. The Rt. Rev. Charles Scaddlug. Bishop of Oregon, will visit St. George's church to administer the rite of confirmation on Sunday even ing at 7:30. The Bishop wilt be at Oakland Sunday morning to celebrate the Holy Eucharist In St. Clement's Church. From there he will go to Sutherlln where he will hold a ser vice of benediction In the new Church of the Holy Spirit, the mission al Sutherlln has just been organized and have just finished lui parish building, 30x(i.ri feet. This building Is the first in the group plan, which will eventually consist of the parish house, the church and the rectory, sufficient grounds having been secur ed to provide for the future growth of the mission. The parish building contains a chapel 20x30 reet which It separated from the large parish room 30x30 feet, hy rolling wooden parti tions, which muko it possible to usr the parish room for an overflow congregation. Besido these twe rooms there Is a kitchen with large pantry and closet, a vesting room and toilet. The chapel Is fully fur nished with beautiful and cliurchly furniture, und the entire building I, fully equipped. The chapel will br "blessed" at 3:00 o'clock on Sun day afternoon and a large class ot adults confirmed at the same ser .ire. ltosebnrg people could uttclK' 'he service, leaving here at l:4o anr" returning at ",:20, the regular fnrr 's 90 cents, but if nt least 15 people will signify to the rector that, they will go we can obtain a rate of GO puis. A cordial invitation Is ex tended to all. Tne bishop will conn to Hoseliurg Ihe nomination for assessor of lias county subject to the will of republican voters at the primary Jon to be held on Apsll 19th, I have nevar before been a Bdate for an elective office. lv ED. S. COCKELRBASE. IAXDIDATE l Olt SHKIMFF. hereby desire to announce to the Ic that I have consented to the hit request of my many friends Lghout the county to become a pdute for the nomination for the of sheriff, subject to the dem- ic primaries to be held April 19, lv R. T. ASHWOKTII. FOB SHERIFF. hereby ask for. t lie nomination lie republican ticket nt the prl- . ni...n.. a ....n 10th r,,,. t h1 ? ' ,.',' .,,. law is enforced. dv D. .1. MAIIV1S. l'oit coiw'TY A.sssKffon. ""hereby annoum e my candidacy the nomination for assessor ol gins county at the republican prl y election to be held on April I nm the present Incumbent of offlxe and am serving my llrst adv. FRANK h. CALKINS. s nooii si pi:i;inthmh:nt. the voters of DouRlas county: 1912. O. C. UROWN. Oil .IISTK K OF TIIK PKACi:. j id conliim ;i c:i?v Iter at 7 :::. To this servk dially invited. and preach all are cor with the dawn of the following day. That liquor is freely ho Id In this ahode iy the statement of persona who allege to he in touch with the nightly program. It Ik also claimed that no !' than firr- creatures of the underworld reMde In this "palace", apparently without fear of molestation. The officers "of Ro-eburg should take togniitnee of this "Joint", and wiie it from existence. Its aiMllish ment will nt least be appreciated by those who are coin led to contend with the nfuhtly brawls which of late are becoming quite frequent. FAT UKTS CONTRACT. At a late hour this afternoon the Roseburg school board awarded the contract of build- 4 iug tho new school building, tu 4 4 North Roseburg, to F. F. Pat- 4 4 terson. Mr. Patterson's bid in- 4 4 eludes both the general con- 4 4 strurtlon of the building and 4 4 the plumbing, nnd totaU $28,- 4 4 075.00. Mr. Gaddia, a local 4 4 plumber, wjib awarded the con- 4 4 tract for Installing the heating 4 4 system at n cost ot $3,0681. 4 4 The structure will cost the 4 4 school district $31, 144. .00, ex- 4 4 elusive of extras, or $1,114 in 4 4 excess of tho original estimate 4 4 of $30,000. Mr. Patterson stat- 4 4 ed this afternoon that actual 4 4 work on the structure woiild be 4 i- commenced early next week. 4 4 4 444444444444 44444 Indian 1-and Agent H, Q. Wilson went to Myrtle Creek this morning to spend a day looking after business matters connected with his official duties. Government May Attempt to Adjust Differences. FEDERATION SEES NO HOPE Two Thousand West Virginia Miners Slop Work Believed Slriko Will Become (enenil By Sunday. (Special to Tho Evening News.) CLEVELAND, March 29. Inter vention by tho government to pre vent a general strike In the bitumin ous, and probably tho anthracite, coal regions Is now almost a certain ty. This seemed apparent because of the presence here of United States Labor Commissioner Charles H. O'NIel, who, although ho claims to STRIKE COMING Oregon, as Bill Hanley Bays, and do Blst from sending a rich aristocrat whose interests lie In eastern states to assist In making laws for Oregon.' "The people have a splendid oppor tunity to elect a man who will repre sent Oregon and the Oregon system for Ben Selling aided materially In outlining and passing every law that gives the power of government direct ly to the people In this state." "0 UTLOO K"T0RSELLI N G Editor H. L. St. Clair Comes Out Strong and Predicts Success. The GreRham Outlook, edited by H. U St. Clair, one of the strong country papers of the state, has en dorsed the candidacy of Ben Selling for United States senator in no un mistakable language. Here Ih what the Outlook editorially has to say: "The candidacy of Hen Sell ing for the nomination us United Slates senator, to tnke the ptec occupied by Jonathan Hourne, Jr., Is formally announced. Mr. Selling has been getting ready for this announcement for some time and he has been encourag ed by thousands of friends. Mr. Selling Is a man of practical af fairs, not theories. lie is a good clean Republican, not a politician. lie is a thorough Orngonian and stands for the best in the Oregon system. We look for him to make a sweep- ( Ing campaign and not only se cure the nomination on April 19, but the election in the fall. ".Mr. Selling telU In his de claration what h will stand for and try to accomplish if elected: " 'If I am nominated and elect ed, I will, during my term of of fice, uphold the Oregon system: Hiinnort tariff revision with jus tice to labor, producer and con- be In Cleveland simply to arrange for an agreement with railroad n giiieeis, is believed to be watohlng for an opportunity for Intervening in the coal war. Trouble AlmoM Kun. WASHINGTON, March 29- Of ficial statements from tho. American Federation of Labor are to effect that present Indication point to a general suspension ' roai mining in both bituminous and anthracite mines. All efforts so far have failed to adjust On difference between op erators and employes.. Wot Virginia Miner Hlrtke, WIIKKMNO, March 29 Two thousand coal miners here struck to day, and a general strike Is ahtlcl- ACTION DELAYED School Building: Bids Con sidered Excessive. CONTEMPLATE 'A FEW CHANGES lllitckboiinlN n ml (Vmeiit Walks Will bo Hllinhintori. lom Original IMans Patterson Ia Milder. Although previously announcing that the, contract for tho new school building, In North Roseburg, would be awarded at a special meet Ins of the Roseburg school bourd hold last night, no action was taken by the board, other than deciding that the several bids were excessivo and that a few minor changes would be necessary In order to erect tho build lug at a cost not to exceed tho esti mate of $30,000. Among the changes thus far decid ed upon by the bourd are the elim ination of tho blackboards and the content wnlks, now Included In the plans and specifications. In making these alterations In the original plans, the members of the board be lieve that the building can bo erect ed for about $30,000, or the amount placed at their disposal through the sale of bonds authorized by tho vot ers of the school district nt a recent election. In considering the bids last night. It wuh practically agreed that F. P. Puttcrsou,, a local contractor, sub mitted the most reasonable propositi. It was also determined, however, that Mr. Patterson's bid was based upon the erection of the building and the plumbing, und was not In accordance with the advertisement as puhlltdied by the hoard at the time of solicit ing, bids. This variation on the part of Mr. Patterson may result in the elimination of his bid. The board will hold another meet ing In a few days, at which time the several contemplated changes In the original pi tins will -be worked out, lyjiter tho contract for the work will bo awarded, DIYOKCK IS ASK Kl. houghiM t'oiinly Woman WaiitNl lcrco. K u gene Guard: If the allegations ron tallied In tho divorce complaint Hied In the circuit court today by Mrs, Telitha Nottage against her hus band, Abram II. Nottage, aro true, the defendant Is n hruto of the low est order. Mrs. Nottago says they were mar ried in Douglas county. May 2 1 . till I. She alleges that three dnyr lifter their miirrlago he proposed to her that ho would arrange that hIic might have Intercourse with other men for money and when she refused to make such arrangement, he New Into a rage and tailed her nil manner of vflu and indecent names, she siiys. She further alleges that he rndeuvored to induce her to commit viiilous unnatural crimes and has nt different times beaten her and cursed Iiim. a plying vile and profane epi thets to Wr when she refused lo do the terrible tilings he iiskcd her to d. . Mrs. Nottage asks to be decreed a third third owner of certain properly fn Florence and seeks to obtain $ 1 , 'I'lii alimony. C. J. Mahoney Is her tiorney in tho case. HON. .1. W. MORTON FOR rXJTFO HTATF.8 HF.KATOIt. Resident of Oregon '.id years. Kx mernber of Oregon legislature. Mr. Morton Is now conducting a law of fice iu Snlein, Oregon. He lit a rela tive of the late Oliver Perry Morton, war governor of Indiana, and Ills grandfather Morton, ot Illinois, was a ciiptaln In the regular army In the war or I HI 2. Vote for a man It road ml titled enough to know that alt the people of Oergou must he equally represent ed, wit bout reference to any parti cular section of the state. I will favor: Progressive repub lican Mtllces, vh reels post, direct election of U. S. senators, govern ment control of trusts. Income tax. paled when the present wage scale agreement with owners expires next Sunday. Hold ImjiH'Mt. ROCK ISLAND, March 29. An inquest was held today over the body of Frank Kellogg, the man who was shot down In the battle between riot ers and otlce two days ago. Two hundred militia stood guard at the Inquest, as further violence was fear ed. A special grand Jury was con vened today to Investigate the riots. Boosting The New commission tu pass upon valuo of corporate stock, exclusion of Asiatic Cool io labor. Indorsed by Oregon Statu Grange, P. of II. (See report, page 59.) ld av J. W. MORTON. C. C. Dyer, of Roberts Creek, was a business visitor hi Roseburg for a Tew hours today. Ladies and gentlemen's clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. All work called for and delivered. W. A. Storm, Wollenberg building, Sher idan Btreet. Phono 230-J. tf Canyonvlllo Call: L, N. Emmer son passed through Monday from Tiller on his way to remimo devel opment work on tho Tom creek pros pect, situated on Canyon mountain at the head of St. Johns creek, one of the tributaries of tho west fork ,)f Canyon creek. A tunuol hao been run on .this property for somo dis tance and Mr. Kmmerson will be en gaged there tho greater part of the summer, extending It. Mr. lCmmer- 3oii had auother bunch of varmint scalps and hides which ho was tak ing to tho county seat to securo boun ties. TO SEND RIFLES To American Residents of Mexico's Capital City MADERO'S RULE IS TOTTERINC American ltesldeuiN AVH1 Ho Supplied W'UU Ai'inn For Self Protec tion In The Fvcut Neces sity Uemamls. (Special to Tho Kveuing News.) WASHINGTON, March, 29. One million rounds of smokeless cart ridges and a lot of rifles were ship ped today to Amerlciiu Ambassador Wilson at Mexico Clly, and will nr rlve at Vera Cruz next Friday, where they will be supplied to American residents at a nominal cost, and where parties are unable to buy the weapotiH they will ho loaned. Al though presidential orders wero re cently Issued rorhiddlng the ship ment of anus Into Mexico Troiii the United States, the president has Just issued a spLM-iiil dispensation In 'I'der to make this shipment legal. The situation Is of the gravest na ure and the rifles are for protoe lon fif Americans In case ol need ?oiiiiuiiulcatlons received from Mexi co City confirm runion: that have rru pievalent tuv Kev'Tiil ' days vlihh liidlc tli:tt Mail'Mo's ad 'ilnf trillion in tottering, and It Is lech) red lluit the revolutionists are ;iin lo triumph in Ihe near future ml uelze the capttnt. Ponih For T. It. and HIM. HKXVKH, Mart h 2!). Ilefore Y;i vl ug tni Miin Francisco today, Waller Homer, campaign manager i'nr La Fol let to, threw n lionib Into the Roosevelt camp by charging that Hie United Hliilen Steel Corporation u hacking (!, e-pre tideiifs caiu i. Imi Tor pi'' itUU utial nomination, (e a'so a.-eried I tint the same Inler M war back of Tuft, to that really 'here was little chotci) b.'tweefi the v.o sp'iiiil interest, candidates. STILL l TIIK GAM K, Young, l.'i YrjiiM Old, m Aide T Filch t: Good Hull. (Hi' to Thr, Kvenlni; News. I HUSTON. .M.'ijm., Mtili-h 2!l.- Port) 'Iv yenrii old mill Ktlll lilile lo pltr!' hull 1 1 j to the Mi; L'UL'lie Ktiinil;!!'!! the reum kalili! rm.iil of "C'y" Voutic. who l-i umIiMmk In tin- Mouth .villi tlie Itoslou N'fitloiialx In prepnr :illon for hi twenty-i-econd hiiisiiii up l prolVshloiril phver. Yinilig wan liorn In the town or (lllmoie, Ohio, forty-live yeitrn iimi loilay. After a ikoii or two with cIiiIih in cltlei near IiIh home he went to Cleveland where hi) played from K!HI l.i 1!I9. fter leaving Cleveland ho wa with St. l,ontK two war, and went to llos lon In l!inn. when the American league placed a clnh In that city. He !icici Moy.toll to Will itlO A IllOt' Ic.'l 11 league and world's champlonshlpi. and remained them until IImiii. when he wuh (llspoHed of to Ihe Cleveland clllll lu the lilltei part of la "anon Yoiiiii; returned to lloston to play with the National leat-'iie eluh In thai city and tun been sinned with the 1'nnie oi Kiuilzation for thin year. Hermann Mnrnters. the plumber, la prepared lo Install riis lutings as well lis pipe houses, lie guarantees his work to he Ilr:t-clasH in every resuect. tf STORY DOUBTED Chas. Humphrey's Confession Branded Untrue. DAMROSE WAS NOT MURDERED IMi-iI n Nutuml Dentil Arconllng to Ycmnillil Citizens Chun. Hum. plirya Ilriiiuled Ail Uii merciful Line. (Soelnl to Tho Evonlng News.) YOftf'Al.LA, Or., March 29. That doorse Humphrys, Belt-confessed murderer of Mrs. Griffith, did not murder CoorRO Dainroso as stated uy Charles Huinphrys In his confes sion Ib now qulto evident. Investi gation reveals the fact that George Humnhryg did not sit up with Mr. Unmroso at any time during the lat- ter's Illness, and therefore could not have commuted the deed attributed to him hy his half-witted brother. Mr. Dntnroao passed away at his home In lluyhurat Valley some time during the forenoon, It being broad dayllKht; some members of the fam ily and a neighbor or two being prosent at tho tltuo. It Is not unlikely that George Humphrys may havo spoken to his brother concerning Damroso's death und that Charles fulled to grasp his meunlng and took It for granted that George knew something relative to tho cause. Those 111 touch with Mr. Damrose say that he died probably from strangulation ennsed by a dropsical condition. Tills may be what led Charles Iliimphys to Infer that Ills brother had strangled Dam rose, as he (Charles HumphryB) is a numb-skull that It would be diffl- ii 1 1 for him to understand anything which was not made very clear to him. We must therefore conclude thut Charles Humphrys either mis understood Ills brother's niouthings relative to the affair, or that George or Churlea, or both, have deliberate ly lied, as It lias been vouched for by sevortil . reliable .. people - that George Humphrys did not at any time sit up with Mr. Dainroso. UlCAl, NEWS. W. A. Kook, nged 72 years, and for a long time a resident of ItoBe hurg, died at tho Nevada rooming Uouse early today of paralysis. Ho vus a native of Indiana nnd for the 'itist year lived nt tho home of George Uapp, the veteran Sheridan Btreet roceryninn. The funeral will be lield some time tomorrow. Ho lenves i brother and Bister, who reside In Morguntown county, Indiana. Mr. '.ook onte owned tho property now iccupled by Happ's store and was inltB well known lu this vicinity. Itoehurg Is to have an ideal shoo dilnliiK parlur. Mr. Kdward W. ''iagnn, of Medford, Oregon, has loan ed the .front space of tho A. Ja .Inilillx barber shop, at tho corner if Hose and Cuss slreelB, and .will niitall one of tho finest shining pnr nrs In tho West. Ho will also car y a full line of novelties, lino art votk. cigars and soft drinks. Mr. lingua has been In this business for '( past 18 years and will be wel- onied by the cIllellB of Hoseliurg; r.' will open for business on or bout April 1. Kiddle Tribune: Tho Dully nnd ' lee-a-Weck News addresses an op n letter to County Clerk Hd. Lenox, sklng that tho printing of the prl ary ballots be let to the lowest ildiler. This ought to ho a fair way I disposing of the matter. There Is 'nother way of doing this, nnd that, vould he to let. every priming ol 1ce In Ihe rounty, that Is lii n posi tion to handle tho work, hav nlli portion of the work. This wuy. while costing more, would help tho iinnller ofllco to get a littlo of the omit y money, which as a matter of fact, all goes to the Hoseburg papers. J. W. Morton, of Salem, candidate for l ulled Stales senator, subect to the will of Hie republican voters at the pilmary election to be bold in April, spent tho day lu Hnseburg con ferring with Influential republicans relative lo his cntidldacy. In speak ing of his candidacy tills morning Mr. Morton said he favored progres sive republican policies, the parcels post, direct election of I' lilted States senators, government control of the trusts, Income tux, commission to iiass upon value of corporate stock, .i mt the exclusion of Asiatic labor. Mr. Morton has lived In Oregon for :io years, and for two yent-B was a member of the Oregon legislature. York Store