' : I Personal Items I J. F, Bretzke,' who resides on a 1 O. Chambers ad family, of farm ou Deer Creek, was quite icr- J"lh. Oregon, are among tho peo Airs. Martha M. Wheeler, of Port land, arrived here last evening to spend about ten days visiting at the home of friends. ple from a distance wno am oirou- ling a few days in Roseburg. the premature dUcharge of a dyna !r. Smirk uncut the morning at mite cap. Ho was brought to Rose burg following the accident and tak en to offices of Drs. Seuly, Suther & Stewart where his Injuries were ex amined. According to the attend ing physicians a part of the explo sive entered the right eye with ser ious effects. Dr. Seely. who Is at tending the patient, believes he will be able to save the eye In the event of no unforeseen complications. Hound Prairie attending to prufus- ulonal buHineaif. William Sagaberd, of HcotUburg. 1b upending a few days In ft owe burg looking after business matter. the things you want when you need them most "3p" Henry Itirhardsou and wife have returned from Portland where they spent a few days visiting with friends. fTTTORM ', the questions you ask When you arc thinking of buying clotJu'S arc: WIhtg will my money buy the ijiohI? Where will I find what I want? Hoth are niiHwered by Murth'B TogBcry Bnltn at $15.00 To et (he HarlliB Toggery price and the Harth'a Toggery qunllty you mtiHt come to Ilnrth's Toggery. The best to be had at the price Kvery Bult ki-pt preHsed free for you. See some of these Sill tu In our window. , Harth's Toggery A ohanii l.'AIMJU. (Continued from pngo 1 ) practice of rollur BkiiLIng on t he uldf wulks within tho city limits uIko fur nlHiied food for connhlernblo disciix Blon. The ordinance had hardly been read by the recorder, when Council man Krolin, nlleed father Of the nieaatiro. Jumped to IiIh feet, and moved that it ho ho amended as to prohibit Bkntlng only In tho IhihIiickk district.. Councilman SlroiiK Bald be was opposed to tho ordluaui-o In Its pres ent form, and thought It should be so amended as to prohibit skating In the kusiuess district, and not on the rosidence streets whero traffic was ordinarily Unlit, Councilman Zurchcr said he thoiiRht the paasai,' of such an ordln- I X NOTICK. Dr. 0. J. nachcr, who has conducted dental offices In the Abraham building for a lung lone dissenting vote. Would Cut Hmvn Ntreet. (1. W. Morris, of North ItoseburK, nplieured before thci councl lust nliibt and In a brief address, suld the citizens residing on C'oniiuerclal period, will movo to his new avenue, between Klrst and Jackson (inarters In tho Perkins block streets were desirous of rultlnii on or about April 1. Patrons will please note tho change. anco was unnecessary anil that the problem could bo hnnilled by the po lice officers with lllllo difficulty. Councilman Mullen, who Is at all times a friend of (he "young Ameri can", said he was opposed to I he or dinance, considering that It would In torforo with the pleasure or the young people. "I can't see whv we sllould puss this ordinance," declar ed Mullen, "Just because we are getting old we should not sit her.' nnd pass laws restricting tho happi ness of the younger generation. Kose hurg Is renowned for lis pretty girls, and now wo would pass an onlluan -i-denying them the privilege of iievel oplng their 'physical organism'. For Hod's suke. let them skate and grow to strong and healthy men and women: I am opposed to "blue laws" and will oppose this ordinance to Ihe hitler end." Without further comment the or dinance was laid on the table, where It will probably meet a slow, yet ef fective death. following dlspiisltlnn of Ihe sub ject at Issue, .Marshal Kenton was Instructed to warn Ihe children fr skating on Jackson street, between Douglas and l.ane streets: Cass sheet between Main anil Sheridan slreets, and Sheridan street, between Cass and Mother streets. Aflcr Tobacco I'hc.vers. The so-called expectorating nlill- I down the street from Its present : width of 11)0 feet to r.O feet, follow : eel by renter paving In a width of j t feet. Mr. Morris said the sheet was much too wide, and that In I vacation of 2.1 feet on either side there would be plenty of room lort Mr. Morris said the' citizens resid ing on the block In question were also opposed to Ihe center parking scheme, and would oppose any move to pave Ihe thoroughfare in the manner lieri'lufnre proscribed. lie 'aid the citizens on the street de nied I hat the thoroughfare lie cut down r.O feet, and paved to a width of :!', feet in the center of the stret-l Al Creasou said he did not desire to oppose the' wishes of the abutting property owners, but did not think It wImo to cut down one block, and Mrs. P. R. Dodge left for her home at 1)1 Hard last evening after a brief visit with friends In Rose au rg. Basil, Clifford and Clayton Bowen, all of Camas Valley, ure spending tho day In Roseburg vlHitlng with friends. j fZWS, Remember', Dr. Hermann five fuifplnlfttt 'a muni m t ... , , from the first to tho fifteenth ol each month. Homo olflce 217 S. Stephens street. tf Dave Roberts, a striking shopman, left for Spokane, Wash., last even ing In response to a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his mother. George Kohlhagen has purchased a "Case" automobile, and the same will probably arrive here In a few days. The Case automobile Is said to be modern In every particular and compares well with those of other manufacture and, owned In this city. The Hoseburg Cleaning and Press ing Works have Installed the latest Improved machinery and are now prepared to do all kinds of ladles', a well as gents' work, Latest meth ods of French dry cleaning a spec ially. Phone us, 47. We will call and deliver. m29 Bon Ami Electric Iron fr " ' -iT-v III) IW'ft U' ll (ell ht-iivlilo. n . I. ,,,. , , . . , j leave the remainder of the street I Op ..il,, lit'iniiii l Ml V 1 1 1 1(1 IK splitting (Ml the sidewalks or the city was passed over the objection of Councilman Mullen. "This ordinance cannot be enforc ed." declared Councilman Mullen, "especially In view nf the fact that we have but one policeman. I be lieve Hh nrdlnancK l vml one, hut I am not in favor of incumbering our records with a lot of measures! which cannot, mid will not be en forced." I'pon being placed In a vole. Councilman .Mullen registered the council must cut leet wide. "The down t lie entire street or tuuie at all." said Mr. Creasou, "otherwise i will oppose the Improvement." At this jn net ure of the proceed -Iiikh. I. I! Ktiauihrook. one of (lit j petitioners for a narrower street re : marked ; "It will have to be cut ; down, or we'll se- that the street I won't be paved." Other Mutters. A pt'HHon asking that Itnrke sin-ci be paved, between Stephens and Mil! hI reels was read and referred to the street improvement committee. A bill for blank bonds, presented by the Pacific Stationery Company, of Portland. In the sum of $I(i;t.lO was pruned $10. The reduction va caused1 through the failure of the printing fir in to number the bonds a required under the terms of the contract. Councilman Clark said he had no ticed many dogs running at targe without t he necessary license tags and thought it was time to renew col lect ions. Mayor Mlcclll responded In stating that he was looking after the dogs and that all licenses would lie paid In due time. An ordinance dedicating the "dead end" of Commercial avenue, in North Hoseburg, was placed on Its first and second readings. Prior to coming up for final passage at the next meetlni: of the council it will be investigated My the members of the street rum nit tee. The petition responsible for ihe onli nance was presented b I" rant Wilcox and B. F. Call. i-oit ltrcxT. Front of Maddlx barber sho;.. at cornet of Cass and flose 4 streets. Ideal locution for cl- 4 gar. newspair iwl sl:oe shin- lug stand. 70-tf The Ihm( iron on the nuirket. Will consiinio vsh power will hold heat longer than any other iron in exist- anee. This iron is tilARAXTKED for TWO VKAItK. Don't le misled. Don't pay more for an inferior iron. trial will convince you. Roseburi Forn tcrc Co The Third Anniversary Sale Continues New York Store It's Easy To Kail an imli'iilli nlioiit I lie quality of SIiIiikIch or IjJdi. Tlio pvmil Is in the practical use of tliem. Our reiu tation for keeping the iRt qualities phkscuii'tions dri;us mkdicinios toilet aiiticlk8 MANICntK GOODf nursiiES CO M IIS MIItKOISS nuhsickv m:i:us STATIONKItY HOOKS PAIN'TS OILS GLASS Phone your orders Phone 7 Hamilton Drug Company 241 N. Jackson This drug store Is a complete drug store, a store of departments that include everything allied with the drug business. If it Is to be had in any drug store, we have It. There fore you can save time', trouble, and possible disappointment by coming here first. All our goods are "qual ity perfect". This we know; thin we assure you. For this finest grade we charge you the lowest consistent price. You can shop in person, by mall, or by telephone. Every re quest receives a personal care that makes trading here a pleasure. I Get One Now While They Last For ten days we will sell the wonderful Durham Du plex Demonstrator Razor for 35c. The best razor in vJZtj; Marsters Drug Store ki-eps our imtrons constantly with us. We sell to contrttclors, builders, carix'iiters mid owners of property. but we seldom have a complaint lc- cause wo protect our customers with a guarantee as ti. qunlitv. Page Investment Co. Phone 242 709 N. Jackson St ONE HUNDRED MEN WANTED to come and look over my goods for an up-to-date Spring and Summer Suit. Special Prices This Week $40.00 Suit for $30.00 ' $35.00 Suit for $25.00 ' ' Perfect tit and workmanship guaranteed J. 0. RYGG Merchant Tailor Over Perry's Millinery- Satisfaction or Your Money Back The Store That Serves You Best SUITS, COATS. WAISTS, PETTICOATS. UNDERWEAR. RIBBONS, NOTIONS, CLOVES, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERY, wk'hk ci:i.i:nu iim; with thk most iTiit,i.: s wixti i: kt (uniM vi:.it. i-oit tiik PAST TWO HAYS THK MUST TWO HAYS III-' Tills SAI.K THIS STOKU HAS ItKION l ll.l.KH W"" 1 'V Pi:iPI,K, T K I Ml All AM'Aia: Ol THK MINY KI'I.KMMIt OITKItl;s. TO. Moitiiow w il l, hi: wo rm it hi sv n.tniMK n swi:i.i. thk happy thkomj oi fl.KA.sKlt I'l iK H si:ks. tii:i vol i: shaiik ok thi sk IIIISK MOST ll :sl It A 111 SPItlNti AM) SIMMKU M Kill II A MUSK HAIt(;AIS AMI I'lTKtT A SIMM: ON KVKItY PI lt( II ASK NEW THINGS SPECIALLY PRICEO: DRESS COODS. SILKS, GINGHAMS, WHITE COODS, TABLE LINENS: Mrs. Overstreet, of Portland, is here with a $25,000.00 StocK of HAIR GOODS Mr.. Oven.,r.H., !, UI, j,,,, ,.,. ,,..r lr tilwU S(, , , ,r, .,ll,(t .,,,.,.,.,., tMk , . it . blK vi,.K ,"r " "" """" V "" fn"" "", ,,,",,w, 1 rr -l.v,i.. Fine Hair Goods, Convent Cut Hair, French & CermanHair Rwll.lMV. rn.m 10 ... :.ll lii.l,. In l,,.,l,. ,V,B,. Tmnsf,,,,,,,.,!.,,,., ,s ,, ,Vi..r,r,l Kn.n ,.ie, fer el.lerl, l.li, VII ,l,e K.HKI. nh. ..f Knr.in,.,-,l r..l ,, l,lr. If ,,.r l.lr I. . ,l.,rl. ,.l, l.,le ... m.. h, Mr.. Ovrr..r.. Um , ln-r .....Ulr ltrlrrdN hta. l.lie w. a ..n ,! k,. T.,e lrK k . Kr. B-M ., ,,. P.eln. r.w... r,.fr, mm. J..V. ul Kwllrlm fn.m fl.T.1 (,. TS.m(. K,.r -k t.i.ly Kt THK MAY YOIIK SIX.HK. For Heating For Cooking For Lighting FOR WATER HEATING FOR EVERY PURPOSE WHERE A Clean, Quick, Efficient, Safe heat is desired, is now Ready to be supplied to the people of Roseburg in any quantities We have a varied stock of Ranges Water Heaters House Heaters and Gas Lamps now in stock at our office on North Jackson street, which we will be glad to explain to anyone interested. Very Sincerely Yours The Oregon Cas & Electric Co. Prices of Ranges set up in kitchen, ready for use, vary from $21.00 to $52.00. i '.