X Supplement to I The evening news CARL D. SHOEMAKER, V Editor ana bole Proprietor. ISSUED DAILY KXCKPT SUNDAY. Subscription Kutcs Duily. ear, by mail $3.00 lonth, delivered 50 Scnil-Weckly. ear $2.00 on sonths ..... 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. TUESDAY, MARCH SO, 1012. 1XR V. S. SENATOR. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the U. S. senate, subject to the will of the people at the republican primaries to be ld April 19th. Pd adv BEN SELLING. v FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for State Senator from Douglas County subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held on April 19, 1912. I favor the direct primary law, Statement No. 1 and the people's choice for U. S. Senator, pd. adv. . p. b. WAITS. CALL FOR ALL COUNTY WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given all persons holding county warrants Issued by Douglas county, Oregon and indors ed "Not Paid for Want of Funds" to present the same to the county treasurer of said county for pay ment, as interest thereon will cease with the date of this notice. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this, REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. F. W. Hunt, dentist, al present occupying offices in the Abraham building, will move to rooms 409-410, fourth floor of the Perkins block, about April 1. All nntmilR lllpnan nnln Ilia change of offices. the 25th day of March, 1912. .J. E. SAWYERS, Treasurer of Douglas County, Oregon. CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS. Notice Is hereiy given all per sons holding General Fund Warrants against the City of Roseburg, Ore Eon, endorsed "not paid for want of funds" prior to and including Sep tember 22nd, 1911, also all special City warrants drawn on the North Roseburg Sewer Fund and endorsed prior to and including January 6th, 1911, to present the same to the City Treasurer for payment, as Interest thereon will cease after the date of this notice. Dated this 18th day of March, 1912. D. S. HOUSER, City Treasurer. Don't forget the place, go to J. O. Rygg for your spring suit. Also cleaning and pressing. Over Perry's millinery. a21 Hermann Mnrsters, the plumber, Is prepared to install gas fittings as well as pipe houses. He guarantees his work to be first-class In every respect. tf Ladles and gentlemen's clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. All work called for and delivered. W. A. Storm, Wollonberg building, Sher idan street. Phone 230-J. tf CHURCH :-: BROTHERS BR - E-A-D It's Good Bread It's Never Sour Pics, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY $ REAL' ESTATE Farm Lands ' . Fruit Tin mis Slock Itnnolies rou It ry Tract t'lty Property Itcntnla Firo insurance LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH U8. K",ar' PuW1 HIMES OLIVER Cnss St., next to Grand Hotel, Phone 387. Roselmrg, Ore. r Let Us Launder jYour Bedcoverings!!! The Milton Nursery Company of Milton, Orepon, luivo sold fruit trees and slirulM In Douglas County for four yours. Hundreds of satisfied customers U tlic tes. timoninl they offer. IJest of stock nt lowest prices. Correspond ence solicited. W. R. PALMERAgt, Cleveland, Ore. Successor to A. M. AIOISTROXG, Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance a Specialty. It s a pretty-heavy task for a woman to launder Blankets and Comfortables properly. Not only that but besides the labor it costs in soap and fuel almost as much as we charge. We are admirably equipped and we guarantee complete satisfaction. Our charge is moderate. We also make a special ty of flat work. Just pick up your phone and say "97" our wagon will call in a short while and we will return your work promptly. BACK TO THE i Roseburg Steam Laundry 1 438 North Jackson St. Telephone 79 Phone 245. All work (Int-rUna Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Propert Perkins Rullding ROSFnURQ, OHEQOS I m i i 4r - -rr: xtk m k. - m i s" " COLONIST FARES fe? O TO AIL POINTS IN OMCQON. DAILY rW V..l , MARCH 1 TO APRIL 18, 1012 I souther"n"pacific -Jl CHICAOO ... $11. fM) 9S w 1 " - oo mif&P jS Cplr1,iKm.lrW:ST.lfll?(fnl,lv,nt V$&''Ji I th.j en h prepaid from n i-iint. If..-i VijAJ TA ' I . 1 ti'k b t!rBrt,bwJ in tax art-M tr- fill . I :H. rri)lnn thon'l--rfjn.(nrBrdla. I '.A T torn v.m, intnrmm v.tmm. mvM C Jf A