THE EVENING NEWS CARL D. SHOE.MAK-EK, Editor ana sole Proprietor. IH8UKD DAILY KXCKI'T HUNDAy! Bubscrlitlon ItoUsn Dally. Per year, by malt $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Semi-Weekly. Per year 2.00 Six months 1.00 Entered as second-clasB matter November 6, 1910, at Roaeburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. XIKSJUY, MAIU Ji 1MI, 1012. DAILY WEATHER RKPORT. U, S. Weather Dureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 bourn ending 6 a. m., March 20, 1912. Precipitation in Inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 02 Lowest temperature laut night 30 Precipitation, mat 24 hours ... 0 Total prcclp. since 1st of month 3.G6 Normal preclp for this month 3.98 Total preclp, from Sep. 1, 1911, to date 24.50 Average preclp. from Septem ber 1, 1877 ,...27.76 Total deficiency from Sep. 1, 1911 3.21 Average preclp. for 34 wet seasons (Sep. to May Inclu sive) 32.30 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. KV8 IIURKATH A NO TII10 NKWHPAI'I HOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with batb, hot and cold water In each room. MRS. CALLAND. Prop. 112 li rock way St. Phone 281 Near High School Every school, every college, every corporation, every politician, every city and town, every news gather ing organization, every pernon, cor poration, Institution or organization that wants or does not want some proposed legislation maintains news bureau or publicity department and furnishes free of charge editor ial and nows matter for tlio nae of the newspapers to which the matter Is sent. Some of this matter 1b legit imate and has a rightful place In the news columns of a newspaper. II til the greater percentage of the "stuff" Is "tulntcd" and sent out with the Idea of woihlng up a sentiment for or ugalnut a given proposition. The reader of tho paper which publishes this matter docs not know tho source which Inspired the article and there fore reads It and Is often Influenced by the suhtlo trickery of words Into a boltef that Is contrary to his other wise good judgment. We do not enro to be misunder stood. Muny worthy organizations are compelled to resort to the news columns of tho newspapers In order to work up and maintain a sentiment for their support. Wo got In our mall every day a largo quantity of such matter. We do not use all of It. We try to discriminate against that matter which has an unworthy or unnecessary motive back of Its Inception, On the other hand wo aim to glvo Bpaco to all needy and merit orious causes. All these trgnuizeilons. Institu tions, persons, etc., which send out this matter have In charge of their publicity department men trained In newspaper work who are skilled In writing copy which npHars on the surface to bo real news matter, but which has for Its real purpose creat ing a sympathy for the real object to bo attained. We have for the pant few days kept (Intact all such communica tions. The list Is Interesting and entortalnlng. It gives one a true im pression of tho vast a mount of mon ey that Is annually spout In postage for such purposes when ono takes in to consideration that nearly all the 25,000 papers In the United States gets this' matter from day to day. The first thing that wo pick up In our effort to write Oils article Is u letter sent out front the Kiual Suf frage headquarters at Portland. It la written on yellow paper and It. headed "Kqtitil Suffrage Hi-Monthly News Service." After stating that the prospects look very bright foi woman suffrage being carried hi Oregon this full the article pays Iti respects to Senator llalley. of Tex as. In the following choice language: "Senator llalley has come out against woman's suffrage. We ex peeled this of ltiilley. It nas tin thing for Hailey to do. We'd have dolio it ourselves If wo hud been In Bulley't place. lie couldn't hope to make women smell violets when It was coll oil, Neither could we Ralley could put on a fleece, run about bleating and make tlio men mistake him for a sheep. Hut women would spot him for a gout even 111110." Tho next that greets our eye Is i' typewritten shoot dated at the I'ul vorslty of Oregon, at Kugeue. stat ing thnt ulliletlr relations had been re-established between that Institu tion nad tho Oregon Agt Icultura1 College. Tho next Is a pamphlet en tit hid "The Vnlwrslty of Ore-gun Press Ilulletlu." It contains five ar tides as follows: A prediction b the president of tho 1'ulverslty thai Oregon will lead the states in en llghteument and social righteousness that Carlton Spencer, a Cot tag Grove boy, will represent tho I'nl vorslty In tho debating contest) soon to be heard, that thorn Is high scholarship at the university that p vigorous campaign Is being made In the university to Induce tho teach ere of Oregon not to spend their vaca tions at the seaside and other placet of amusement or rest, but to induce them to spend tho vacation at the university at the summer school and better equip them for their profes sion of teaching, and last that tho university students are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the referen dum suit which is now In the su preme court. The State Agricultural Kxperl ment Station located at Pullman, Wash., sends out weekly a bulletin.. The subject discussed this week Is "Diseased Hood Potatoes; The Oregon Agricultural College sends out every few days Hems In dicating the trend of that university. "Teaching economy in the home", "Fertilizing Yamhill Prunes", nn ar ticle stating that young horticultur allsts are In great demand; another thnt tho orchard bulletin recently published Is about out of print; that strawberries can bo successfully grown In and around the Hood River district and that pears are grown In large quantities In America are some of the things that enterprising press agent Bends out free to the news papers of the state. A two-page typewritten article by B. M. Ii. Owen, who describes him self as Newspaper Correspondent, on tho beet sugar Industry. The article Is highly entertaining and after one has read It the query comes up how docs this man make his living as a newspaper correspondent when ho sends his Articles out free or charge. The answer Is contained In the articles itself. It Is an attack upon the sugar refiners and the mon opoly they have created In that field, licet sugar. If produced on an exten sive scale will have a tendency to break down that monopoly and the cano sugar refluent will be unable to dictate prices. 'i no American Economic League with headquarters nt Cincinnati, Ohio, sen da out complete articles fav oring many of tho radical reforms propagated by certain politicians and fostered by an unthinking people From tho tenor of some of the ar ticles one would believe that some nenr-soclallHtu wero paying the postage. These are Just a few of the many that, come every day. They Illus trate In a general way what a news paper has to contend with In getting up fair and unbiased copy for Its readers. And It also Is an explana tion of why, oven though the greatest pains are taken, matter of this kind frequently gets In without being blue-ponctled. tigi'IRRKL POIBO.V. Every kernel of Bolduan's Poisou drain contains a deadly dose of powerful, quick-acting poison, "set" In the grain by a patented process. JtuJn, snow, dew or damp ground does not wash out this poison. It Is the only poison which Is as good bIx mouths after us the first day It Is put out In the fields. The best poison you've ever used, or your money back. M AKSTFRS DRUG CO., R. A. Booth, of Eugene, Is spend-1 lug a few days at Yoncalla. In res ponse to a message from Mr. Booth , to the effect that the coyotes were killing large numbers of sheep in that locality, Edward Singleton this morning shipped his two thorough bred dogs to Yoncalla, where they will be used In running down the coyotes. v ! j rern island breenhouse (ji Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone Sub. 97 C Riddle Land Agency Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Ho quels, etc. All kinds of Plants for Verandu and Win dow lloxeg mid Redding out. On Kulo ut The Rose Confectionery AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS, PHOP. General Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave your orders at Jos. SykesGun Store RIDDLE OREGON Choice Country Homes In the AZKI.KY HIVKIC VA 1,1,1': V, known as COW CltlOI.K COUNTltV. and In the SOUTH UMPQUA VAI, l.KV the heat part of D(r(iI,AS COIWTV. KO A( ItH OltCHAKH I'LACH Ono of the finest In Oregon, beautiful for sit uation, ONIA' $200 I'KK ACKK. A large list of farm lands, orchard places and stock ranches open to inspection of homeseukcrs. Prices are right. Correspondence solicited. You must have them a little later and need them now. We mean Such as Lawn Mowers, Grass Hooks, Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers etc. etc. FOR SALE:- 15 choice 1 tarred Plymouth Itock cock rein (I trad ley Ilros. strain), $1.50 to $.1.00 each; also a few An conns (Coimilitle strain) and White Wyandotte coekrcls. Kkk for batch Ink for nsle about February 15. G. W. Kruse & Sons i:UOlt.l I'OULTKY FA KM, KoKchiiru, Oregon. ANOTHER big car of that good, screened Rock Springs Coal free from slato, slack and dirt. When desired, delivery will he made In hags, and boards furnished to pro tect lawns and walks. We also soil DUY OAK Flit WOOD KINDLING na well as a full stock of HAY . (iltAI.V FKEI) Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co Winchester nnd Jackson Street. Phone 163. CLARINDA MOWERS Cut higher grass Run lighter Take better care of the grass Have higher wheels Have More traction power Cut closer to trees and walks Are more simple in constitution Are stronger Divided reel. Only mower having it. TRY ONE $7.00 TO $12.00 Garden Hose, Rubber or Cotton. Cotton very best Grades obtainable and cheap, quality considered 10 to 14 cents per foot. Rubber, the "VVearso." A heavy rubber tube over which a strong cotton cover is woven, followed with a coat of rubber and then another of cotton and lastly a moulded rubber covering made especially to withstand wear. This makes a non kinking, long life piece of goods that will fully justify you in paying a price of 20 cents per foct. Grass Hooks of several kinds, among them a new pattern, The perfection an A. A. A. tool. These are good things at 50 cents. Others down to 25 cents each. Lawn Sprinklers great variety at as many prices ruuing from 25 cents up into the dollar marks. We shall be pleased to have you call and see them, examine goods, learn of their individual merit. Churchill Hardware Co., Ironmongers Don't forget Lawn Mowers, Grass Hooks, Hose and Sprinklers. William Powell, the "second-hand" man, spent tho nay at Kuinemn looking after various business Inter ests. Take Care j of Your Eyes Don't rifRlcct the ilixlitrtt rye- I trouble little cye-tlisordrra become bin oiici before you realiie it. Go Bf to your doctor before it is loo late 0 nd bruit )treicriition lor gUstes to ut. Our icrvice lor jif imiplncit and accuracy it absolutely umur j pined, H We atio carry In hand complete Itr lection of frames for jtUiici. B We Uo hive a wide line of Q IJrwclry at well optical goods, of m high quality at reasonable prices. I We hum lie the kind you see nation- I ally advertised, and guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Magatine. We B guarantee you complete satis faction, J I A. S. Huey j Company j j Jewelers j I a,u' I Opticians g Millinery and Ladies' Toggery SccIji Attention (J I veil to DeslnliiK and Order Work The Leader lair and Scalp Treatment Hair Dressing and Hair Goods l-'rom Hat to Hose (Inclusive.) Facial Massage Manicuring l ' " : Hill's Sturio Is the place to get those nice photos with your new Easter costume. All work guaran teed first -class. t: WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" , Rosebud Phone 201 Sutlierlin Phone 28 IKS i 11 CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS Fann'and Lot Surveys Descriptions and plats checked for Attorneys Water power and Irrigation Work Plats and Maps Drawn Office With 328 North JacKsonlSt. Res. Phone 131 Party R. Ofllce Phone 245 Up-to-the-Tiines with attention and mechanics First Class Materials Work Guaranteed The People's Meat Market Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Poultry and Fish llest of Scrvico nml Prompt Delivery. METIV1ER & DIMM1CK Proprietors. PHONE 1.5 HAYHES BIDC. Xui-th Jackson Street. 3: ROSE SPRA Y Spray solution for the destruction of lire and aphis on rose husho nntl oilier plants :-: :-: :-: Marsters Drug Co. The Hat of the Hour N without doubt tho Tailored Hat. TrimimMl with the smartest ef Trench Novelty 1'enthetn. Tlits I our KM-iulty In fact we pride ounM'lvm on the diversity of silica at such small prli es. Stv what we are offering at these prleoa, James A. Perry, The Original Milliner)' and Ladies Toggery Sevlnl Attention tiivvn to Order by MUn Ivy llenderwn WASH DAY DELIGHT Clean White Clothes No Work The Peerless Steam Washer does it nil. Positively no rub bliij;. Your linen comes out absolutely pure and spotless. Hold your order for a washer ii ii 1 1 1 you have seen tho Peer less salesman. Kvery machine guaranteed, and demonstra tions given to back all claims. PEERLESS STEAM WASHER The wonder of the aje For particulars soo or address Baxter Robinson Sde agent, lloseburK, Oregon. DINNER SUGGESTIONS Just ask over the telephone what you ought to have for dinner and we'll suggest something that you may want. We have every sort of meat that cau be found on the market. Hams and bacon, per lb. 16c. Pure lard in 3, 5 and 10 lb. pails, per lb. 12c. Lard in 51 lb. cans, per lb. 11c. ss Street Market Why do Ships Carry Anchors in Fair Weather? Why Should You Carry Insurance? Iipcnuse It Is better to have It and not use It than to want It and not ve It. MORAL Insure with Abstract and Trust Co. Phone 87 ANNOUNCEMENT OREGON HAIR TONIC W ilt lirow tUtr. Stop ide Hair from r'uMnjf Out. It lvslrt 1Nn,lniff. It ti iwntniiiemlrtl by letting H. A. STOW KM Soil AtiKMT For ale ry VuMi3in A Hie hrtloa UlUUUUUUu t IIP ii! I! I The Douglas i I I L-UfflJI I' will i tZM atClar fewT : tO BO I II Jt IWICUUI 5 -mm 3 MM I wish to Himmmri" to tlio puliHe thnt I have 0M'nnI a first-i'Ib-sm tailor shop In your city, and wish anylioily in need of Spring Clothes to roine and look ovT my stork and sjiinpls. fit and ivorkiuaiiship KuurnnttiMl. J. O. RYGG, Tailor Over Perry's Milliner: 137 Jackson Street GET THE BEST- more than cost you no k & Clark's i i elsewhere and eet work. For a short time Post Cards $ 1 .00 per dozen. at