The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 16, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    Personal Items
E. J. Miller, of Albany, was a
business visitor lu How-burg today.
Preston Lake, of Kiddie, was a
business visitor In Itoseburg for a
few hours today.
A. W. Marshall and wife, of Till
er, woro visitors In Itoseburg for a
few hours today.
Junior choir under Instructions of
Mrs. Ilclnline at Christian church,
Tuosdny, February 20.
- Purdy Wilson, of Kiddle, was n
I usluess visitor in Roscburg for
few hours today.
Mrs. 0. P. Coshow and mother,
Mrs. Thomas Kay, arrived hero this
morning from Portland.
Frank H. Waltc, of Buthorlln,
spent the day In Itoseburg attending
to various business Interests.
J. 11, Householder, of Toledo. Ore.,
spent the day In Itoseburg attending
to various business Interests.
Mrs. Frank Newland has returned
hero after a few days spent at Port
land where she received medical
Deputy Camo and Fish Warden
Wilson, of Yoncalla, returned here
this morning after a few duys spent
at points in Southern Dauglns coun
J. H. Tompkins, nn Inmate, of the
Oregon Soldiers' Homo, left for
Grants Puss this morning where he
will enjoy a few day's visit with
County Assessor Frank I., f'alk
Ins huB returned from Sulem wher
ho spent n few days lu attendance Hi
the annual meeting of the state tax
County Commissioner Jefferson
Wlloy returned to his homo at Myrtle
Crook this morning after a few clays
spent III Koseburg looking after
business matters connected with his
official duties.
Luther Page left tor Portland lust
evening where he will purchase fix
tures for his cigar and magazine
Btand, which ho contemplates open
ing within the next ten dayH. Mr.
Pago has lousol the front of the
Maddlx barber shop, at (be corner
of Koso and Cass streets.
II. O. Wilson, Indian land agent
with head(uarters In KoHohtirg, left
for Whlto Salmon, WuhIi., Mils morn
ing where ho goes to confer with a
tribe of Indians relative to a sum of
money ulleged to be due them from
the government. Knroute home Mr.
Wilson will spend a few days at
Portland attending tun annual meet
ing of the irrigation congress.
iJouglas County creamery butter
Is the best on the market. Insist on
your grocer supplying you with a
home product, which Is always strict
ly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound
roll SO cents. dswtf
Kthcl Palmer waB given an ova-
ion when she appeared with the
Iowa Military Hand. F.xpectaucy
was pitched to Its height, as Ibis was
I he Hi st opportunity Fort IJodgo had
of hearing the New York pianist. Her
exhibition of technic was wonderful
ly lino. Withal, she Infused Into
her numbers much muslcanly tem
perament und thus proved herself
the possessor of the essential quali
ties for a successful pianist. M
senger. Fort Dodge, Iowa. tli
Laura Thomas Gunnell charms
her audiences with her artistic work.
Karely is a reader beard who Is so
worthy and attractive. She Is a gift
ed intepreter, possessing unusual
qualities of mind and persouallly
She has a full, rousouant flexlbl.
voice, capable of expressing a world
of emotion. Her work Is so
thoroughly natural and true to life
I hat you lire Irresistibly carried
along with It. Her voice, poise, ges
tures and general apearanco are
perfect. A more fesclnatliiKly force
ful reader it has never been my
Wife in the country ?
All alone in the house?
Caught in the rain last night?
Trousers look like a gunny-sack this morning?
I don't care.
An ironing hoard, a damp cloth and a turn
of the electric -switch and in 5 minutes my
trousers look like new.
And when my wife comes hack I am going
to get her an Klectric Percolator, an Electric
Samovar, an Klectric Range, an Klectric Toaster
and an Klectric I lot Water Cup.
I have heen told all about these things for
years. Now I have actually used an Klectric
Flatiron and I know all the electric comforts that
I have been missing. ,
Churchill Warner Co.
For over 20 years the Old Reliable Store of
Has prospered because of its honest and fair dealing with the
public. Always giving the most in value and the best in
quality, has enabled us to retain the patronage of our custom
ers and constantly gain new ones. There is a
and good feeling between our old customers and ojrselves,
and it is to this
and a willingness to push ihe good news along that we at
tribute our success.
These Two Specials
four No.
wood Rockers
value at
one tt a
to deal-
Sixtv of
No. '22,
Chairs, worth $1.75 at 8t.l!5. Kxactly
like the cut but has a leather seat. Only
six to a customer.
pleasure to heap. Kelly Smith, Ph.
D., -Cllntoii College, Cllutou, Ken
tucky. fU
Alra. J. J, Sharp, of West Itose
burg, entertained the Jadlea of her
immediate uelghbohood at a "quilt
1 11 K " Thursday, February 10. The
ludlfH ull gathered about 10 o'clock
.md were taken ui atairs where a
large iillt was awaiting them. Mrs.
Sharp Informed them lie did not
rare how much work they did, as her
object in getting them together was
to make them better acquainted with
one anol her and to have a "Jolly
good tlmv", and from all indications
Iter object was fully accomplished.
At noon kIio Invited them down Into
tho dining room where a large table
wan spread with roant chicken, dress
ing and all HorU of good tilings. To
Miy they enjoyed this part of the
entertainment Is putting It ni lid. Af
ter dinner a short time was sjtent In
social converse, after which they
again mounted the stairs and resum
I'lii the tank of quilting until the
evening hours began to draw nigh,
when t hey returned home to look
after their neglected husbands, all
agreeing that they had sjent a very
pleasant day.
HOLMES- To Mr. and Mrs. Hert
Holmes, of Itoseliurg, on Friday,
February , 1!12. a girl.
Consider the .
Body Brussels
This rug is the best
wearing rug marie. Do
not compare thee rugs
with Tapestry Brussels,
so often sold. This rug
is becoming very popular.
B. W. Strong
Tin. l-'iimHiiro .Mini.
(Continued from page 1.)
of the
at the
Palace Theatre
8 P. M.
the case may he or may have been
elsewhere, Ohio has furnlshd no such
example, even before the executive
was given a voice lu the making of
her laws.
"I do not mean that we have bad
no bad legislation and no unworthy
representatives; but these have been
too rare to discredit the magnificent
history of more than a hundred
years. Our citizens have never en
forced higher standards lu the pub
lic service than they are doing now.
So some other reason must be found
to Justify a change in our system
which would throw off the checks
and precautions u gain. -it hasty and
unwise legislation, which have been
so carefully provided and make the
iturup the seat of government.
WnnlN Trial lu Cities.
"However, 1 believe that. In act
ual practice, this change would not
fully Justify either thu fears of Its
opponents or the hope of its advo
cates. If It will work well any
where it ought to do to In our mu
nicipalities. So, to add to dlscuft--lon
of It, the argument of a test by
our own citizens. I approved a bill
it the last session to authorize It
to them, though I am told It has not
been resorted to anywhere.
"For myself. I think we should
await the result of a fair trial In
our cities and villages before mak
ing state-wide tho operation of so
radical a change In our methods.
Hut if the convention should de
cide to submit the question to the
people, as 1 understand many mem
bers wish to do, it should be done
separately. The provision should
be guarded so us to prevent its be
ing lightly Invoked. The very heavy
expense of social (flections should
be avoided, except in cases of un
usually wide-spread and general de
mand. And, in view of its exeri
nieiital character, resubmission to
the people should he provided for at
the end of a reasonable period, with
out formalities and delay generally
required for amendments of the constitution."
New Axminster
These rugs have arriv
ed at Strongs.
The Axminster nap is
the largest of American
made rugs. Come and
see them.
I'AY YOllt srilSCItll'TlOX In
wood, if win desire. Tho News of
fice tall us,1 a iiial)lity of block
wooil. llriug in a load and got
your receipt, ef
I'lllt SALK.
t'Oll SAl.K AiitoiimliHi. Sly three
seateil llulck roadster at a bar
gain. K II. Itosenborry. tf
jjvv v. . p - ;' .1 1 1
l'Olt SAl.K. - Cottage lu North Kosi'
ImrK with lintli, hot and cold wa
ter; all conveniences at yonr own
terms Call Clark's Sitnlio. cl-tf
ltnntier ducks. H. I. Reds, Urown
I. ei; horns, from hiving strains.
$l..".i per 15. 1.. I). Carl. 12S
Flint street.
KOH SAl.K -Team. Iiiiukv. lieiler.
canned truit and household Koods.
cheap. W iite or call. Geo. J. Post.
Kdellliower. f-3
:t',i;S l't)H 11 ATCIUNC.- Plymouth
Itoiks and Hlack Mll.orcas. l,ay
iui; strains, truly $1 per l.'i. In
quire Wood. Nes ollice. tf
Admission Free to
all who purchase
25c worth of Social
ist Literature.
KOK SAl.K. Pure bred H I'. Ilucks.
It ii IT Orpington and Am-ona eggs.
$1 tui ..t setting of l.'i. 1.. K. .lc
Toy. WVst Koseburg. I' hone JUu
.'or pai'tlculars. K---
SOK SALK llond tl-room house and
2 lots, Stt leet front on Pltzor
street. l'a enient paid. Price
$ U,."iM0. Inquire at h 2 H IMtzer
soil, well located. Jilt set to choice
apples. Just in Ifaring, for sale
on very easy terms. Address box
city or inquire at News oT-
A HviMK O.N TKUMS To lots, small
house, close in and near high
school, owner will sell at price be
low adjacent vacant lots,
cash. Now get busy quick,
dress Owner care News.
sell or trade for ranch property.
Address 'H" care liux 65, Kote-burg.
FOR SALE. One pure bred Jersey
bull, t years old. Looney strain.
Dam lias record of 16 pounds but
ter jer week. Grand sire won
second prize at Lewis & Clark ex
position. Address B. F. Nichols,
Kidile, Oregon. tf.
CHOICE FA KM 30 acres, good new
house and barn, outbuildings, 20
acres bearing orchard commercial
varieties. Water right goes with
place. $21)0 per acre. Kiddle Land
Agency. Hlddle, Ore. tf
KOK SALE Improved and unim
proved residence property, close
In good houses nud lots will be
sold very reasonable, terms. Ad
dress A, care News, or call at this
I'HIS ii EATS HE N'T Two nice lots,
few bearing treea, Bmall neat
house, everything In nice snaps,
only $7EJ0. Deal with owner, be
cause you cannot beat It. Inquir-i
News for particulars. tf
land Ueds, White Orpingtons and
White Leghorns. The very best
of .stock and prices reasonable.
Address II. Ii. Church.. Koseburg.
Oregon. tf
FOR SALE One team of mules,
weight about 2,850; seven years
old, and sound; absolutely if en tie.
This team cost 1 700. Will sell
wagon, harness and team for $600.
Write A. Henrlksen, Glendale. Or.,
or inquire of Kite & Kite, Rose
burg. Or.
WHEAT RANCH 4S0 acres for
sale or trade; in Eastern Wash
ington wheat belt, ail fenced, 2
houses, barns, machinery houses,
2 wells, orchard, blacksmith shop,
and practically all under cultiva
tion. Is a money-maker. Valued
at $35 per avt-s. Will sell on lib
eral terms, or accept as part pay
ment desirable farm in Umpqua
valley. Advancing years necessi
tates owner's retirement. If you
call at News office Mr. Wood will
giva you all particulars of this
splendid wheat ranch- tf
STOCK ItEETS or carrots want
ed. F. J. Robson, dairyman, West
Itoseburg. nil
WANTED Reliable colored, man
wants work by day doing house
cleaning, porter work, window
washing, etc. Call News office.
FOR SALE Complete poultry plant.
Sixteen thoroughbred, prize-win-nfni;
White Mlnorca-s; Petaluma
incubator, chicken house and port
able fencing. Will sell very cheap.
Look Into this it will pay you.
Inquire News office. 117
SEE THIS PLACE 25 acres 1
miles from Riddle, new modern
i -room nouse, zu acres cuuiiau-u.
and set to fruit of choice, variety,!
stock and Implements. Nothing1
better for the price, $5,1100. Rid-j
die Land Agency, Riddle, Ore-
goii. tfi
WANTED E.xpei ienced girl to do
general housework. Address box
716, Koseburg. tf
FOR SALE Nice properly in Cot
tage Grove; 8-rooni cottage, good
well, lot 200 feet deep, fronting
!i0 feet on First street and 120
feet on another street, 3 blocks
from depot. Dirt cheap at $2,000,
terms. Address L. box 55, Rose
burg, or Inquire News office, ml 5
ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place
Just outside city limits, good s'x
rooru house, barn, chicken house,
yards, etc., all fenced and in first
class ' condition, grounds set to
young fruit trees, so mo In bear
ing, big shade trees by house, all
for only $1,800. Inquire News, tf
opportunity for wood cutters to
cut fir and pine cord wood or
stovp length, on shares. Inquire
at News office for particulars.
WANTED To buy one or two
.Mares, 1 200 to 1400 pounds, not
over S years old, well broke, gen
tle and kind and not afraid of
autos. Address X care of The
News. tfM
WANTED TO RENT. A farm of 10
or more acres within five miles of
Roseburg. Must be suitable for
gardening. Address M. Delos Liv
ingston, Itoseburg, Ore. M-14
TO KENT 5-room unfurnished cot
tage, inquire 547 Mill St dti'F
KOK KENT Pour-room furnished
cottage. Inquire at 547 Mill
street. tfF
FOR SALE 8 room house with bath
and sewer connections, fair barn
and wood shed, cement walks and
paved streets, good location for
rooming and boarding house. Call
at or address 519 Mill street. A
bargain for some one. Lot is
8uxi02 trn
FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 20 acres
of unimproved land, good for fruit
of all kinds or grazing. Small
bo ise; good spring on place. On
country road 12 miles from Rose
bin g. Several outbuildings, also
some good timber tracts for sale.
Inquire of W. F. Deets, Koseburg,
Oregon, df20
FARM FOR $1.260--160 acres, ten
miles from citv. on county road,
house. Darn, ana wen, partly ienc
ed, and a desirable place for
sheep, goats and poultry, Excel
lent for turkey raising. Good
roads. Within 2 miles of school,
store nud church. Plenty of tim
ber. Get busy ii you want this
place. Address W. R., care News
-Furnished rooms for
Call 503 North Main
111 14
FOR KENT -Furnished room, all
modern conveniences, one block of
.Masonic temple. Inquire afc Clark's
studio. tf
FOR KENT Good 2 story building,
one block from depot, suitable for
business place or rooming house.
Address Perrine & Walker, Cass
street, Itoseburg, Or. tf
Closo In, about six anres, plastered
house of 8 rooms, haras, water for
irrigating piped over place, and
everything In first-class condition,
a bonanza for market gardening.
Nice lot of bearing tiees arid a
home that you will ho proud of
and an Income maker. For par
ticulars Inquire at News office. tf
VNOTHER SNAP- -Four big lots,
best of garden soil, well situated
and surely a bargain at $275 for
tho four. Address J. N., box 55.
or Inquire at News office. tf
FINE I1UY 60 acres, 2 miles from
town, set of good improvements,
7 acres orchard, 3 acres of which
is bearing, balance year-old trees.
Five acres for hay and garden,
balance pasture and timber. Price
$2.5uo: $1,500 cash, terms on bal
ance. Kiddle Land Agency, Rid
dle. Oregon. tf
Y K S I c an f ti r n i s Ii y o u with 1 or
50.OU0 clean, healthy, well rooted
apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry,
prune, ornamental or shade trees;
also shrubs and vines or any var
iety. Call on or address R. G.
Mound. 5 19 Mill street, Itoseburg.
Oregon. Agent for the old reliable
Washington Nursery. tf
FOR KENT. Partly furnished 8
room house, two toilets, bath and
dressing room, electric lights
large grounds. Cull Phone 240-L
for particulars. M-tf
FOR KENT Tho Shambrook hop
yard, containing 20 acres, located
at Umpqua ferry for rent for one
or more years to responsible party
on very reasonable terms Address
Mrs. L. fihainhrook, 427 E Mor
rison street. Portland, Or. f 1 5
FOR TRADE Equity lu nice little
home for lots close In. This prop
erty earns in rental 16 per cent
on investment. Inquire News ot
llco, or address K, box 55, city.
Very desirable :iuall fjrm with
fine Improvements and close I'l
will exchange for desirable t wn
real estate, or accept city property
as part payment. Address V. J.,
or call at News office. tf
FOR KENT 100 acres, 37 acres of
wheat, lu acres oats, 20 acres for
hay, horses, cows, sheep and hogs,
alM wagon goes with ranch, in
cluding farming implements, poul
try. Close to school and postof
fice. For particulars Inquire
News office. tf.
LOST In Presbyterian church
Thursday night, an umbrella. W.
Thomas stamped on handle. Re
turn to 22S S. Flint street. df!6
LOST -Large Indian arrow head
with gold bands on Jackson street
between Cass and Douglas. Suit
able reward if returned to News
office. dtf
LADIES NOTICE Any wishing the
Spirella Corset should call at 240
S. Rose, or phone S2-J. nildsw
A. Trial Will Prove
Plllt SAl.K rtiolco White Leghorn
cockrels for sale. Inquire of 11.
H. Church, North Itoseburg. or at
t'ass Street Hakery. tf
Put us to the test on the I
prices and quality of the
We are here for busi
ness ami we know you
take interest in House
hold Economy, so, with
t hese t w o t h i n .s i n v i e w ,
let us work tor the bet
terment of our condition
Phone Your Orders, Send or Call in
Strikers and their!
families will be ad-j
jmitted without pay-'
: i
L ... j ,.'.: j
'OU SM.K Oats mill hurley, baled'
cut lia. ami l." bushels of Karly
liose potatoes Phone Fanners I
lei. or ail.lress Mrs. A. M. Long, j
t'leielan.l. Ore. tf j
KOK SALK -New eight-room bunga- !
low on S. Jarkson street: near,
high sshool; good view. Call at i
this offlle or aililress A. Talmer.
t!5 S. Jackson street. Prlr $2.,
100. dtf i
SA1.H OK TltAtlK tlinul Sroom
house and large lot In desirable I
part of the citv, price J.1.600; also I
Cv flu lots, prlc f 1.300. Will
Phone 195
Perkins Bldg.