YONCALLA NEWS. Interesting Iteuu Uuthered By Lire Correspondent. Wm. Helliwell and wife visited with relatives at Cottage Drove a tew days this week. "Tobe" Huffman, of California. Is here for a few days' visit with rel atives and friends. Messrs. James and Audry Apple gate, of Chlco, Cal., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Airs. Thomas Ap plegate, at this place. Mrs. Leslie Miller and babies came up from the Willamette Valley a few days ago and are enjoying life on the Hayhearst farm. Mrs. P. L. Beard returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives and friends at Roseburg and vicinity. Mr. Cllngenpeel and family left for the first of the week for Roseburg where they will visit a few days with relatives after which they will go to Boise, Idaho, to reside. Rev. Oliver has moved with his family to Roseburg where they will t reside indefinitely. Mrs. Winnie Applegate. of Wash is visiting relatives here this week. W. O. Bridges and family of Oak land, visited at the home of Mrs, Laura Applegate . a few days this week. Mr. Albert Helliwell, of Cottage Grove, was looking after personal Interests here the first of the week The Cannon Brothers have their sawmill In operation and we are told the jungles of Billy Creek once more resound with the whistle of the tire less horse. Of late some unscrupulous person has had the audacity to put out pois on in open violation of the law and at the Jeopardy of the community. So far as reported two dogs have died as a result of being poisoned. Doubt less the owners of the dogs feel very grateful to the liberal Individual who is responsible for the dogs' death. Saturday, February 16 Is the day set for voting on the new school house proposition. From indications the affair promises to be lively and interesting, as many expressions pro and con are heard from all sides. It You Will Always Find in Our Store The Best Goods Advertised in the great national magazines. That's why we are known as the Most Satisfactory Store in Town Whenever you see an interesting advertisement in a maga zine, particularly if you see it in Good Housekeeping Magazine, call us up on the 'phone for full information. We are always "right up front" in the best and newest goods in our une at rigtit prices. A. S. Huey Co. Roseburg's Leading Jewelers ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Booksellers and Stationers Carry a complete stock of JLAMC ROOKS ' BfHOOTi BOOKS TYPEWRITER PAPER OFFICIO SUPPIJliS DRAWING MATERIAL i RoseburgiBook Co. Roseburg, Ore. j LIBERTY'S LIGHT ' JBATjp' - : -1. ittpjll Is really the freedom that comes from Independence, and Indrprnil enro ran only belong" to the thrifty niul saving. Young and old ought to hnvo a bank account and here Is the place to have It. We welcome individual accounts and oro most ac commodating to our depositors. We offer lilcral Interest combined with Hint security that belongs to solid Inst it ill ions like ours. 4 Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank i A L. KITCHIN, Is generally believed, however, that the measure will carry and that Yon- calla will be the proud possessor of a new 116.000 or $20,000 brick school building before old Santa comes again. The move is In the right direction. Keep the progres sive spirit in the ascendency. John Osterlag, an old and highly respected pioneer passed away at the home of his step-daughter, Mrs. S. H. Baldwin, in this city, Tues day, February 13, 1912. Death was due to inflrmaties attendent to old age. Mr. Osterlag was born in Wurt unberg. Germany, March 17, 1821. He eullsted In the armies of King William I at the age of 20 years, serving in the capacity of a soldier for the terra of 2 years and 2 months. He came to America In 1848, landing' at New York, from where he went to Omaha, Mo., and thence to California, on board the first steam train in the year 1869. In 1850 Mr. Osterlag was united in marriage to Miss Maryanue Myhaver, of Utlca, N. Y., who preceded him to the great beyond many years ago. In the year 1904 Mr. Osterlag wns married to Mrs. u. J. Emmett, at Drain, where they resided until last fall when they moved to Yoncalla where they have since resided. The funeral was held at Drain Wednes day afternoon, February 14th. Mr. Osterlag held membership in a Swedenborglnn church at Portland and was considered a strict Christian by all who knew him. Having rounded out an honorable and praise worthy career, Mr. Osterlag passed on to claim the sreat reward which is promised thos? who fulfill the Mas ter's will. Deceased was 90 years. 10 months and 25 days of age. Aside from his widow no relatives survive him in this county. MRS McGINTY. FOll COUXTY TREASl'HER. To the voters of Douglas County: I h'reby announce myself a can didate for re-nomination for County Treasurer, subject to approval by the republican voters at primary nominating election to be held April 19, 1912. J. E. SAWYERS, pd. adV. dswtf EXCURSION TRIP, The Ladles of the Maccabees will give an excursion to Ash laud Wednesday, March 6th. Tickets good for 7 days, fare t5. 80. Anyone wishing to take this trip, whether Maccabbea or not, can do so. Kindly see the Commander or Record Keeper, that required number of tickets can be secured. OLIVE GREEN, Com. tf JESSIE RAPP. R. K. DRAMATIC CLVU. Those interested in a Roseburg Dramatic Club see Mrs. B. L. Kriel, a Chicago elocutionist. This course will Include private Instructions and a special rate will be given the char ter members. MRS. E. L. KRIEL, 135 N. Stephens street, Roseburg, Oregon. 117 LOCAL NEWS. Dr. Hermann, eyesight specialist, will bo in his office. 217 S. Stephens street, from the first until the 15th of each month. A new supply of U. S. Geological Survey maps of the Roseburg, Rid dle, Grains Pass, Ashland, Crater Lake, Coos Day, Port Orford, and other Oregon quadrangles, 10c, at the Roseburg Book store. dswtf Boys may be had and sometimes girls. The older onos at ordinary wages and other to be schooled and cared for In return for slight services FOIt COUNTY ASSSESOH. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for assessor oi Douglas county at the republican pri mary election to bo held on Apri' 19. I am the present incumbent of the office aud am serving my first term. pd. adv. FRANK L. CALKINS. - FOIt COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce my candid y for tlio nomination for assessor t.f Douglas county subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election to be held on April Huh. 1912. I huve never before been a enndidute for an elective office, pd adv ED. S. COCK KL RE ASIC. FOll SCHOOL SIPUHIXTEXDUNT. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Doug las. Myrtle C. Preston, Plaintiff, vs. R. A. Preston, Defondnnt. To R. A. Preston, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon ou aro Hereby required to appear nd nnswor the complaint filed gainst you In the above entitled uit on or before the first day of the February term of tho above enti tled court 1912, to-wlt, the 19th day Ferbuary A. D. 1912; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her com- luint. to-wit, a decree of divorce from defendant and that yon be di vested of all right In the N. V4 N. hi Sec. 32 Tp. 33 S. R. 6 W. of W. M. nd for her costs and disbursements herein. This publication of sum mons Is by virtue of and order of the judge of the above entitled court Hindu on the 6th day of January A. 1). 1912. ordering same published once a week for six weeks. Date of first publication, Decem ber 6th, 1912. ALBERT ABRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff. rendered. For particulars address W. T. Gardner, Supt. Hoys' aud GIrlu' Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Ore. tf We Pick Up Things t THE MERRY WIDOWS. t (Formerly The Antlers) MRS CALLAND, Prop. Modern Apartments with bath, and hot and cold water In each room. We Guarantee to please parti- cular People. 112 Brockway St. Phone 281 Near High School. hat are not exactly pre sentable, and very soon put them in shape again. Linen sometimes gets roughly handled-especially when a man is collard and cuffed, but we smoothen things out again, give him a clean bill ot lieaith'j and restore his linen to i!s original beaut'. Why don't you give us a trial, and find out this for your own satisfaction. . To the voters of Douglas county: As a candidate for the nomination for tile office of county school super intendent, I respectfully nuiko tile announcement subject to your ap proval at the republican primarle at the republican primaries ou April IU. 1912. pd aav O. C. BROWN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. it FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the voters cf Douglas county I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-nomination for County Commissioner, subject to approval of the republican voters at primary nominating election to be held April 19, 1912. pd adv M. R. RYAN. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. I hereby desire lo announce to the public that I have consented to tile urgent request of my muny friends throughout the county to becoino candidate for the nomination for the office of sheriff, subject to the dein ocratic primaries to bo held April 19 1912. pd adv R. T. ASIIWOKTII. FOIt SHERIFF. Buy Trees I y Prone J Where you can see what you get and get what you want. Make your own selection from the immense stock in my saies yard. Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament als, Rose Bushes and lierry Plants I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for sheriff of Douglas county at the !l(mblican primary election to bo hold on Apr! 19. I am the present incumbent or the office and am serving my first term. pd. adv. GEORGE K. QUI NR. KOK 1 1 K I 1 1 1S K X T. T I V K. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for representa tive of Douglas County subject to th will of the republican voters at the primary election to be hHd on April 19, 1912. I have never before been a candidate for an elective office, and If elected, I will support the peo ple's choice for U. 9. Senator. H, K NICHOLS .tt Tnnnnr f A XT Roseburg Uregon a Crex Rugs are Very Reasonable AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS. PSOP. General Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave 3'our orders at Jos. Sykes Gun Store ANOTHER big oar of that good, screened Rock Springs Coal free from slate, alack and dirt. When desired, delivery will be made In bags, and boards furnished to pro tect lawns and walks. We also sell DRY OAK FIR woon KIXDLIXQ as well as a full stock of HAY GRAIN FEED Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co Winchester and JackBon Street, Phone 103. S Sealshipt Oysters Among cheaper rugs the crex holds an import ant place for dining rooms, dens and porches. Small crex rug are good for any part of the house. B. W. Strong, Tho Furniture Man. Solid Measure No Water Handled 111 Most Sitnltnry Manner, nntl Giinrnntccd Absolutely l-'reo From Preservatives. $1.00 Quart 50c Pint. 25c Half Pint Cass Street Market North Side Plaining Mill Just North of ICinncy Spur, North " Jnckson Street, Phone 820. Orders for nil kinds ot Building Material promptly Filled at Reasonable Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty Fruit Iloxcs in Any Quantity. M. RRCMIiEI.P, I). 1. O. v. l'l.VLAV, I). Demists. I). 8. Room 215 Phono 358 PERKINS ULDQ. Hit .SI. ASIITOX Chiropractic Physician Spinnlogist. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg. I MRS. H. JAY STONE, Teacher of Piano. Classes In Harmony. Studio 717 Hamilton St. tf :f Phono 288-R a DR. D. tf. BXELL. ! Osteopathic Physician. "Hoot-Mori Turning dnm invo daylight Is rough ou old (owl) fogies, but enterprising, gut-nlieau, people want llr'it. as alders In light supplying light that really lights softly, continuously lights wo claim to bo pro-eminent In that we furnish everything you may require for the electric lighting of your home, store or shop. AKk us, L. Prior Jnckson Street, between Wash ington niul Donulns. t R lLAll ESTATE t Farm Ijnnds r'rult Tjnmls Stock Ranches Poultry Tract City Property Rentals Firo Insurance Notary Public M ST YOUR PROPERTY WITH UB. HIMES OLIVER Cass St., next to Grand Hotel, Phone 387. RoseluirR, Ore. Phone 245. All work fimt-clH-s Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished ai!H North Jackson rt. ROSKIUUIO, OREGON 1 0-1 Marsters Bldg. 'Phonem Roseburg, Oregon. . CHAPMAN, l. I lent 1st II. S. Iks k worstelP ;t oriio :t 1 7 Perkins lliillilliig. KoHfhiirir, Ore, Plume Res. 1 11-11 Hours U to II!; I to ft New Axminster RUGS at Strong's These rugs have arriv ed at Strongs. The Axminster nap is the largest of American made rugs. Come and see them. UUItHON A. KORV, 4 Vocal Lessons. Studio 4 37 N. Rose St. Phone 290-R Roseburg - -Ore. MRS. f'll Alil.KS HKIMiINK, Teaehcr of Piano, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS Farm and Lot Surveys Descriptions and plats checked for Attorneys Water power and Irrigation Work Plats and Maps Drawn Office With CHURCH :-: BROTHERS B -R -E - A-D It's Good Bread It's Never Sour Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY atniltn 45S F.lla Street 3 ' Phone 33-R jj i lR. II. K. II HUM A V.N. I'm HrieHall't- 217 South Stephens Street. ! Ro-eliurg, Oregon. 328 North JacKson St. Dpi Phnne 131 Party R. ?! Office Phone 245 LUNCH GOODS Nice, Fresh and Crisp in t , MlM)V Nwt bitr I-. 4 ipfi GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of erery description mored Ui i eny partJ of the city. frTn-s reaana-1 .lv H. S. FRENCH An assortment that will plense the most fastidious and satisfy the cravings of the "Inner Man" In every particular. For a quick, smart and appetizing meal take a supply of tho fol lowing home for your emergency cupboard: Chilli Con Came Oysters and Hhrlmp Delirious Canned Salmon Heinz ('elchrutcd IWmn Sardines ami Minced .Meats lolled Haul and Tongue Lilly's Apple Jelly Choice Applo lluttcr Allele from this eictllent line of "cold goods" for your lunch w ran supply you with all delicacies ot the land In the wav "f flue pastry not exactly like mother used to mak Just a I'tlio better for mother never had the modern methods of -isstry making at her command. A trial will convince of this All kinds of candles, nuts. etc.. In a great assortment. Umpqua BaKery H. GUEST, Proprietor fcx, cc&9