The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 06, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Personal Items
v J
1. P. Smith, of CumuB Valley, was
a business visitor In Hosoljurg to
W. Bowers, of Kellogg, Bpeut tli
day In Ilobeburg vlsltlim with
W. A. Smith, of Olldo, was a bnal
ncss visitor In KoseUurg for a few
hours today.
Attorney John T, Long leaves foi
Salem tonight where he has busluoss
needing his attention,
O. W. Gage, of lilllard, spent th
day In HoseburK visiting wit
her son, U. K, Smith.
J. 0. Hlnkle, of Siitherlln, was
among those admitted to Mercy nos
liitul for treatment yeBterduy.
Davo Hunter and wlfo, of Deer
Creek, spent tho day in lioseliurg
looking after business matters,
Attorney Dexter Itlco left for Sa
lem thfH afternoon where he will
appear before tho supremo court
Richard Palmer loft for Portland
this morning on business. Ho ex
pects to bo gone for about ten days
Fred Day. of Oakland, spent th
dnv In Hnseburg attending to bus!
nesa nutters and visiting with
Miss Stella Smith left for. her
homo at Portland this afternoon af
ter a visit with her mother In this
Mrs. Anna McC'urdy, of Drain
yesterday underwent a nasal opera
Hon at the offices of Dra. Beely, Beth
er & Stewart.
William Richards, of Yoncalla
was yesterday admitted to Mercy
hospital whero he will undergo an
Mrs. Krcil Voolkor left for her
home at Grants Pass this morning
after a couple of days spent In Hose
burg visiting with friends.
Fred Pllklngton left for his mines
In the White Hock country this
morning after a few dnyn spout in
ltosohurg visiting with relatives.
Mrs. N. Dean, of Riddle, arrived
hero this afternoon to spend a few
days visiting at the homo of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash
The trustees of tho Roseburg Com
mercial Club met in regular monthly
session last evening. Nothing was
done other than considering routlno
1. R. Smith, manager of tho local
telephono olflce, went to Oakland
this nfternoon wheru he will attend
the regular meeting of the city conn
ell tonight.
O. 11. Robertson, of Portland, Is
Rpendlng a 'couple of dayH in Rose
burg attending to business matters
. and visiting with his old-tlmo friend.
Ktlwurd Pengra.
John French and family, who have
resided In Rosehurg for several
years, left for Bturgis, Mich., last
night whero they Intend to locate
Robert Taylor, who . was recently
called to Montreal, .Canada, by a tele
gram announcing the serious Illness
of his father, relumed here last
Tho V. C. T. II. will meet In (he
parlors of the lluptlst church Wed
nesday afternoon at two o'clock to
finish up tho comfort bags nnd to
send them away. - -
County Commissioner M. It. Uyan,
of Drain, arrived here this morning
. to attend the regular meeting of
tho county court which convenes to
morrow morning.
Commnndent W. V. Elder, of tho
Oregon Soldiers' Homo, left for Sn-
lem this morning where he will
spend a few days looking after busi
ness matters.
Mrs. James Tynan, who has been
spending the jiast few days In Rose
burg visiting with friends anil rela
tives, lefli for Portland last even
ing. Floyd Frcar. sou of Mr. and Mrs.
II. J. Frear. who has been employed
at draftsman In San Franclsi-o for
some time past, has gone to Merced,
Cal., where ho has secured jnore lu
crallve employment with all Irriga
tion company. Prior to leaving
Rowetntrg Mr. Frear was cinptoycd in
the city engineer's ofllce.
Word was received In this clly
today to the effect that Mrs. Phoolie
H. Ilrand. tho divorced wlfo of Chas.
A. Hinncl. was married the middle
of last month to Frank Livingston
at Oregon City. Mr. Livingston was
formerly a resident of this city and
before taking his departure was em
ployed at the Overland Fruit ie-
Buy p
V Prune
Where you can see what yon Ret and net what
you want. Make your own selection
irom the immense slock in my sales yard.
Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament
als, Rose Hushes and Berry Plants
3HIHHOOti(aOtKlHU OiVitri"'11''
EI.KTO.V, Ore., Feb. 6.
While rowing down Smith
river about three miles from
Klk(oi) at noon today, a boat
occupied by three men capslz-
ed, and two of the occupants
perished. The third occupant
of the boat succeeded In reaching
shore and was saved.
One of tho men who was un-
able to reach shore was Henry
Rossman, who. according to
friends. 1b about 28 years of
ago and unmarried. Tho names
of the other two men could not
be determined at a late hour
this afternoon. A number of
men are at present dragging
tho river, and It Is believed
the bodies will be recovered.
Coroner Jewett wqb notified
of tho accident lalo this nfter-
noon, and will leave for the
scene Immediately upon recelv-
Ing word to the effect that the
bodies havo been recovered.
Details of the tragedy could not
be obtained upto the hour of
going to press,
vclopinent Co.'b holdings near Wil
bur. Dr. Hermann, eyeBlght spec
ialist, will be in his ofllce,
217 8. Stephens street, 'from
tho first until the 15th of each
Louie J. Neuner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Neuner. has been trans
ferred from tho Southern Pacific of
fices at Medford to Roseburg. He
will act In the capacity of cashier.
w. H. King, a well known Rose
burg young man, and Fay Attebury,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dutlcr
Attebury, of North Roseburg, were
united 111 marriage at the Baptist
church this afternoon. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. II. Hilton.
I he couple will make their future
homo In Roseburg where they huve
many friends.
i.i.i, .rn;.M)i:i.
(Continued from page 1.)
God's icopJe. Ix;t the people) of
Roseburg throng tho church tonight
nnd tax Its utmost capacity. It
won't bo long until these meetings
will bo over.
Tonight Mr. Smith will answer
three practical questions, "Why.
How, When be a Christian?" No
f minimising linos v.!U be drnwn be
tween saints and sinners. Mr. Smith
will also sing n boIo, "I want to go
There, Don't You?"
At 2:45 p. in. tomorrow Mr. Smith
begins the series of Hiblo talks on
I he Progressive Christian Life".
The "Public Opinion." of Decorah.
own, says, "Without nuestlon this
has been the most practical course
of lllble messages ever given. before
the Christian people of this city. Mr.
Smith has in part brought a Bible
conference to our own doors." The
hurch people of Roseburg especlal-
y are urged to attend. Mr. Rimer's
second talk on "Personal Work" will
follow. ,
Tomorrow (Wednesday) nlirht
.Mr. Smith will draw some less
from tho story of a fool. Potent
things will be said.
I'he service on iliursdav evenillir
will begin promptly at 7 o'clock and
lose at 8: HO In order that the hold
rs iff Reason nickels and ,o Hi era
ay navo an opportunity to take ad
vantage of Oplo Read's great enter
tainment nt tho Palaco theatre.
Farm and Lot Sti rvey
Descriptions and plats
checked for Attorneys
Water power and
Irrigation Work
Plats ami Maps Drawn
Office With
l'lirn:i,n nnm
328 North JacKson St.
Res. Phone 131 Party R.
Oflice Phone 245
1 rees i
Man Charged With Murder is
in Court.
rliirty Two lliilictinelils .Are Return
ed Ity JiiilijiiiaMlis (irand
- Jury Today More Than
10 People Juipllcitted.
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
SAN MATHO. Cnl Feb. 0. The
preliminary hearing of Samuel
who shot and killed James Moore,
i millionaire. In a pistol duel, was
held today before Judge McCornilek.
Mrs. Moore was unable to be pres
ent on account of a nervous prostra
tion. John Hevln snld Mooro told
him a few ml mi ten after the shoot
ing that he shot because ho saw Mrs.
Mooro riding with Chuuffeur. Tim
othy denies this, and contends that
Moore fired tho first shot.
A Sensational Session,
LOS ANG15LES. Cal., Feb. 6.
What promises to he the most sensa
tional sesBlon of tho county grand
Jury ever held In this city was com
menced this afternoon. Rumors nre
to the efrect that McManlgal will be
brought back from Indianapolis to
Thirty-Two IndlHiiientN.
ing conspiracy to violate tho United
Slates laws by transporting explo
sive on passenger trains engaged
in interstate commerce with conceal
ment o their knowledge, thirty-two
Indictments were returned by the
grand Jury this nfternoon. More
than forty persons aro said to bo Im
plicated, and more Indictments are
111 LI S AltIO PAID.
(Continued from page 1.)
.-dand for the "flushing" account, and
conaenucntly decided to allow a sum
sufficient to cover the expense of the
water actually used.
The Hillary Hills.
E. W. Head, special police ... 10.00
Fred Koilt. special police 20.00
II. 11. Roadman,, sjioolul police 10.00
Robert Ashwrirth, spec'l police 12.00
M. B. Clerinond. city engineer 125.00
Floyd Cole, surveying
Jesse Cole, biiiiio
J. Juplll, labor
V. Keudrick, labor
60. 7T,
C. Q, Ambrose, labor
John Doe. labor
K. il. Hormann, salary
D. 8. llouser, Bnlary
II. Woi-thlngton, salary ...
B. Fenton, salary
.1. L. ChamberB, salary
Carl W. Wimberly, recorder ...
Nora Cordon, typewriting
F. E. Raymond, typewriting...
Totul . 71
Other Illlls Allowed.
North Side Planing Mill Co.,
lumber $10.00
J. E. Harper, reit on dump
ground .... 25.00
Orafton Worlhlngton, repairs 7.90
I. II. Kurtz, hauling hose cart 2.50
S. T. Smith, same 2.50
II. S. Kronen, same 2.50
II. R. fitnggs & Son. coal 7.35
W. C. (laddls. repairs 20.05
S. K. Sykes, lights 186.00
I). S. llouser, stamps, etc 4.30
Harry Pearce. supplies '. 4.75
Rosehiii-g Pharmacy, supplies 1.25
(ion. 11. Poole, horse shocrng 8.15
Pago Investment Co., lumber 48.63
W. C. (indding. rennlra 65
Churchill-Warner Co, supplies 3.65
Kilhani Stationery & Print
ing Co., dog tngs
J. F. Barker & Co.. supplies
iiiass A: I'ruilhoinmo Co.,
printing bonds 75.00
Oregon, prisoner's
board 113.10
Carl 10. Wimberly, express
and telegrams 1.30
Nora Cordon, typewriting .... 9.33
F. B. Raymond, same 3.25
Inns Formulated For Series of la
lures During Xc.t I'eiv Weeks.
The Ladies Auxiliary tn tho Rose
burg Commercial Club held n very
Interesting; meeting last night, nt
which time a number of Important
matters were considered at length.
Important among the propositions
considered was that of employing a
liinilsi ape artist to come to Roseburg
and porvlde plans nnd specifications
whereby tho ladies can improve the
appearance of tho town through the
planting vt rose bushes and other
shrubbery suitable to the climatic
conditions of this locality. In order
'o bring about a innterialliatlon of
the undertaking a committee was
appointed to confer with a Portland
gentleman who makes a business pf
this work. In the event his services
can be secured nt a reasonable flg-
1 lire. It is likely that ho will he
brought to Hoseburg at nn early date
this spring. A report of the com-
j mlttee will be forthcoming nt the
next regular meeting of the auxil
iary. The proposition of holding a ser
ies of lectures was also considered
by the Indtes. a committee was ap
pointed to work to that end. The
committee will take the matter up
witn the o. A. c. 111 hope that the j
first event of the series can be sched-
llled at an early date. 1
The resignation or Miss Mabel Al-1
bright, ns secretary of the auxiliary,
was accepted. Bud Mrs. J. 11. Oliver '
was elected to till the vacancy. j
Mrs. Fred Chapman was elected j
vice-president to till the vacancy i
caused by the resignation of Mrs.
Charles Wilson Baker, who resign
ed on account of other duties need
ing her attention.
1 onu:it si rr.
Sue Ti Ittiovrr Ailormy Ftvs In
Hie Sum of 9lWl,
Attorney J. A. Htirhanan this af
lotnonn tlkMl suit In tho rfrvult
rotirt npHtntit lhuobv lYnnant, In
whirh ho tMM'k to recover the mini
of $l.r'.t, hUi'koiI to ! due as (h
nnd nunipy ndv:uu'ed tn tho rne un
Uir rontrnvorsy,
Mr. Umhutiuu atlrni that ho en-
tereil Into a contract with Mrs. Ten-1
nant wherehy he was to receive coin-1
IwdmiIIoii eo,nl to half the value of
property lu th event h able
ft Osteopathic 1'hyuleiun
Chronic diseases a speclLlty.
3 Graduate of the American
School o( Osteopathy Klrksville.
I Mo. Under-foundur of science
Dr. A. T. Still.
Oflice Abraham Bldg.
Phone 101) Roseburg Ore.
to clear the title of her land, which
nad previously been sold for taxes.
tie claims that he succeeded In iter
forming his part of the contract
whereupon Mrs. Tennaut repudiated
iter agreement, and refused to ten
der the fee specllled In the contract.
lhe land is said to be valued
something over $3,000, aud 1b sit
uated near Glendale.
Ten Itensons Why At Tho ruluce
'J'hcnlro Thursday J-Vbrunry 8.
1. I? b, with ona possible ex
ception, tho autnor of more widely-
read books than any other living
American author.
2. Ht is one of the most sough
for and best paid - contributors to
current iieriodlcals.
J. ills name Is familiar to niost
of the lecture-going public of every
town and city.
. 4. He Is easy to advertise.
5. Ho was one of the best draw
lug attractions on many of the larg
est courses tins past season.
6. He not only gets the crowd, he
pleases them.
7. He does not tell old Jokes, or
re-nasn other men s Ideas.
8. Ho appeals with equal fascina
tion to all classes of people.
9. He knows whereof he speaks,
for he has taken many courses In the
university of experience.
10. He Is one celebrity whom you
can depend upon to nil his dates at
the appointed time.
A now supply of U. S. Ooological
Hiirvey maps of tho Roseburg, Rid
dle, O ran Is Pass, Ashland, Crater
Lake, Coos Hay, Port Orford, and
other Oregon quadrangles, 10c, at
tho Rosehurg Book store. dswtf
FOR RUNT Four-room furnished
cottage. Inquire at 547 Mill
street. tfF
FOR HUNT Furnished" room, all
modern conveniences, one block of
Masonic temple. Inquire at Clark's
studio. tf
FOR TRADE Equity In nice li.tle
home for lots close In. This prop
erty earns in rental 16 per cent
on Investment. Inquire News oN
lice, or address K, box 65, city.
FOR TRADE 25 ires good land on
ginveled road, 6 miles west of
Cottage Grove, near academy and
public school. Will trade for Im
proved or unimproved property
In Roseburg. For particulars ad
dress II. W. Ollvor, Yoncalla, Ore
gon, tf
w A x 1 k 1 V.
WANTED An' expcrli need girl to
do house work. Cnll on Mrs. Al
bert Abraham, foot of Washington
street. f8
homes by the day, or accept any
sort of seamstress work. Address
Mrs. W. E. LeFovre and Mrs.
Frank IleHnsa, city. f8
Parties desiring to cut wood by
Btnmpago should call on or ad
dress Clyde Wallaco, Route 1,
Roseburg, or phone Farmers
14XX2. . tf
WANTED To buy one or two
Mares, 1200 1 1400 pounds, not
over 8 years old, well broke, gen
tle nnd kind nnd not adald of
autoa. Address X care of The
News. ' - tfM
opportunity for wood cutters to
cut Hr and plno cord wood or
stovo length, on shares. Inquire
at News office for particulars.
l Olt RENT.
10 REN 1' 5-room unfurnishtd 01
tage. Inquire 547 Mill St dtfF
jiiim iuui menus
that you appreciate them
by sending them n
Hand Painted Valentine
h Grave's Art Emporium j
Testing of eyes is not a mat
ter of guesswork, nor Is It a mnt
ter of trying on pairs of ready
made glasses. It Is a science
governed by principles which
110110 but a person who has
studied the anatomy of the eye
can understand. No guesswork
In our methods of testing the eye.
floods of erery description moved to
any parts of the city. TOxa rriuoa-
1 O t?D n,T",IJ
iii wj. i nuiivii
for man and wife. luquire 736
W. Lane street. tf
FOR RENT Hear of my barber
shop, at the corner of Rose aud
Cass streets. Apply to Alva Mad-
KOR RENT jo suirea of huusekeep
ing rooms. One on ground floor;
one on second floor. Apply 120
North Stephens street. fl2
T H S ij E ATS REN T T w onTcelo ts",
few bearing trees, small neat
house, everything In nice shaps,
only $750. Deal with owner, be
cause you cannot beat it. Inquire
News for particulars. If
FOR RENT The Shambrook hop
yard, containing 20 acres, located
at lrmpqus ferry for rent for one
or more years to responsible party
on very reasonable terms Address
Mrs. It. Shambrook. 427 E Mor
rison street. Portland. Or. fl5
FOR SALE A Homestead relin
quishment. Address P. O. box 66.
Roseburg, Ore. dswtf
FOR SALE Autoniobrre. My three
seated Bufck roadt-ter at a bar
gain. E. H. Rosenbarry. tf
FOR SALE New Klmuuil piano.
Will sell on easy terms. Ad
dress Harmon Anderson, Olalla.
Oregon. tf
FOR BALE New 3-rooni cottage,
closet and pantry, to be dnoved
from lot, $150 cash. Inquire 1324
North Jackson street. - f5
Rocks and Black Minorcas. Lay
ing strains. Only $1 per 15. In-1
quire Wood, News office. tf !
FOR SALE CHEAP Span of good
young horses, light wagon and har-!
ncss. Inquite of Pat for pai ticu- j
tars. 110
residence lots on S. Jackson street,
north of the high school. Terms
to suit. - Inquire nt News office or
call at 615 Cobb street. f6
FCR SALE New eight-room bunga
low on S. Jarkson street; near
high sshool; good view. CaM at
this offllo or addrers A. Palmer,
616 8. Jackson street. Price $2.
1,00. dtf
'OR SALE Choice White Leghorn
cockrels for sale. Inquire of H.
B. Church, North Roseburg, or at
Cass Street Bakery. tf
FOR SALE Oats ai'd Barley, buled
oat nay, and 100 bushels of Early
Rose potatoes. Phone Farmers
104, or address Mrs. A. M. Long,
Cleveland, Ore. tf
Runner ducks, R. I. Reds, Brown
Leghorns, from laying strains.
$1.50 per 15. . L, D. Carl, 128
Flint street.
soil, well located, nil set to choice
apples, just tn bearing, for sale
on very easy terms. Address box
65, city or Inquire at News of
fice. OR. SALE 110 feet fancy fencing
cedar posts. Even you old bach
elors can at least have a nice fence
running around your house. John
W. Tollman, 707 W. Mosher street.
ANOTHER S.NAP Four big lots,
best of garden soil, well situated
and surely a bargain at $275 for
the four. Address J. N., box 55,
oi inquire nt News office. tf
FOR SALh! A BAUUAl.S 111 a lew
pullets-also a few high bred
Single Comb Leghorn cockrels, and
140 size Mnndy Lee (Standard)
incubator nearly new. Eggs for
hatching. J. H. Cummlngs. Suth-
erlln. Or. f6
Very desirable 'mall farm with
fine Improvements and close In
will exchange for desiraule b. iw
real estate, or accept city property
as part payment. Address V. J..
or call at News office. tf
EGGS FOR SALE S. C. White Leg-
norn eggs ror hatching. Your or
ders booked now. for eggs nnd baby
chicks. Address C. v. Bradford,
West Side Poultry Farm, Rose
burg, Ore. dtf
FOR SALE One team of mules.
weight about 2,850; seven years
old, and sound; absolutely gentle.
This tenm cost $700. Will sell
wagon, harness nnd tenm for $600.
Write A. Honrlksen, Glendale, Or.,
or Inquire of Rice & Rice, Rose
burg. Or.
ONE ACRE HOME Ntce little place
just outside city limits, good six
room house, barn, chicken house,
yards, etc., all fenced and In first
class condition, grounds set to
young fruit trees, some In bear
ing, big shnde frees by house, all
for only $1,800. Inrjulre News, tf
lots in North Roseburg, west of
1st street, 3-room house, good
chicken house, all lots fenced.
Good strnwberry patch set out.
Price $1,200, or will trade as part
payment on close In city property.
Address R. Care News. dtf
of unimproved land, good for fruit
of all kinds or grazing. Smnll
house; good spring on place. On
country rond 12 miles from Rose
burg. Several outbuildings, also
somo good timber tracts for sale.
Inquire i.f W. F. Dccts, Roseburg.
Oregon. ,f20
FOR SALE S room house with bnth
ana sewer connections, fair barn
and wood shed, cement wnlks and
paved streets, good location for
rooming and boarding house. Call
at or address 619 Mill street. A
bargain for some one. Lot Is
S1H2 tfll
FARM FOR $l,2li, 160 acres, ten
miles from cltv. on county road,
house. Darn, nan wen, partly lenc
ed. and a desirable place for
sheep, goats and poultry. Excel
lent for turkey raising. Good
roads. Within 2 miles of school,
store nnd church. Plenty of tim
ber. Get busy If you want this
rlnce. Address W. R.. care News
Closi In. ahout six airea, plastered
house of S rooms, baras. water for
IrrlK-HtlnR piped over place, and I
everything, In first-class condition,
a bonanta for market gardening
Nice, lot of be-xrlpe trees anil o
homo that you will be proud of!
and an Income maker. Kor par-'
tlcnlars Innnlre at News office. tf !
MOTS rCK IIOMjC lois Is one rar
Bargain. 2 big lots, small com for- '
labio House, poultry yards, bearins
fruit, sewer assesoment paid, lr
choice rexldenre district, close In
Vacant lots adjoining held at 1600
each. Owner leaving city, and foi
quick sale ofNra It low. Worth
tl.SfO. Inontrt Nwa oftlce. tt
tOK SALE Small farm of 4f acres'
well Improved and nicely situated!
Brock way.
swf9 SALE OR TRADE G jud 8-rooul
house and large lot In desirable
part of the city, price I3.6U0; also
Ave Hue lots, price $1,300. Will
sell or trade for ranch property.
Address "H" care Box 65, Rose
burg. '
;ho money maHers--about 1,300
acres, watered by creeks aud
springs, lots of fine land, plenty of
timber, good comfortable house,
barns, plenty of hay land, on
fount)- road, and a place that will
brinr returns. Only $7 an acre.
I. B. Nichols,
. nANiL Sg
Is iviilly (lie freedom Hint comes
from iiMU'iiciuleiice, mid iiidepeud
ciit'O run only belong to tho thrifty
nnd snviutr. Youiik and old ought
to huvo n biuik account nnd hero is
tho plnee to l:a,o it. Wo welcome
inillvidmil accounts nnd ui-o most ac
commodating to our depositors. We
offer liberal Interest combined with
th:tt security thi.t ticlongs to solid
litMtitiilioiis like ours.
4? Interest on Time Deposits
First Trust and Savings
Reward $10,000,000 Reward
To be paid by Uncle Sam' to his children who raise
We will be glad to furnish you with free literature
on this subject and to have you look over ,
our complete line of feeds ,
lll SIPI fif II IDS
Diamond Chick Food, Diamond Scratch Food,
Diamond Egg Maker, Diamond Beef Scraps
Bone, Shell, Grit, Charcoal
Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Alfalfa Meal, Chopped
Feed of All Kinds, Hay, Straw.
Roseburg's Oldest Industry
We Deliver Everywhere Phone 56
BR- E - A - D
It's Good Bread It's Never Sour
Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds
See California Now!
See ll nMmctJve senslde r.Mirts. fiuiious hotel and resorts.
1 mnciiitlcent scenery, lelislitful rlimnle. OnliliHir sHrts ot all
A kimls of pleasant drives llirouuti miles of orange groves. All
rcuclicd ny the
LOW ROUND TRIP FARES California, in effect
daily, long limit and stopovers going or returning.
Sir.XSTA M.MITKI Pullman cars and observation cars.
I'AI.IKOItMA KM'KKSS Pullman tourist cars. High-class coaches
SA. r-KAXriSCO KXI'KKSS Pullman and tourist cars. High-class
Unexcelled dining car serviceattentive employes
Tall on our nearest S. P. agent
the various resorts, or write to
aoiIJi M. SCOTT, (-. Passenger
Address box 55 or Inquire News
office for particulars tf
WHEAT RANCH 480 acres for
sale or trade; in Eastern Wash- .
Ington wheat belt, all fenced, 2 ,A
houses, barns, machinery houseB,
2 wells, orchard, blacksmith shop,
and practically all under cultiva
tion. Is a mouey-maker. Valued
at $35 per acre. Will sell on lib
eral terms, or accept as part pay
ment deslrablo farm In Umpqua
valley. Advancing years necessi
tates owner's retirement. If you
call at News office Mr. Wood will
give you all particulars of this
splendid wheat ranch. tf
for Interesting literature describing