WHAT 1'ItKSS AXI) I'KOI'LE SAY. Preston Times, January 29, 1902: VMrs. Bessie Laytlie ScoveU, presl--nt of Minnesota's Woman's Chrls lma Teniuenmce Union, will make a tour through the 22nd district which Includes Fllmore and Houston counties, beginning January 20th. She la the youngest state president, pleasing in manner aud winning many by ii-'asant earnestness of purpose, jliiandles the different phases of me work In a masterly manner, always keeping In view tho main object namely, the banishment of the liquor traffic. When sho speaks on "Purity" we forget to criticise, thinking only of the vast need of the work, along this special line." Do not fail to hear Mrs. The Gossard Corset Front laced, tliey are easy to adjust, Tlieir wlmlelouo stayes will never rusl. For perfect lines lliey nre nonpariel, In health nnd beauty they excell. Como join our steadily Increasing hand, And wear the best Corset In the land. If you're stout or thin, or short or hill, You're fitted tree filvo us a call. The Leader WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM ft'hen we oay '.'UAIIANTICH we mean Just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not make this assertion unleBs'we were positive of giving good service. When you get leady to clean house let us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your enrpeta. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURO STEAM LAUNDRY o. o. Phone 79. BAKEIt, Reward $10,000,000 Reward To be paid by Uncle Sam'to his children who raise POULTRY We will be glad to furnish you with free literature on this subject and to have you look over T ' our complete line of feeds n Diamond Chick Food, Diamond Scratch Food, Diamond Egg Maker, Diamond Beef Scraps Bone; Shell, Grit, Charcoal Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Alfalfa Meal, Chopped Feed of All Kinds, Hay, Straw ROSEBURG FLOUR MILLS Roseburg's Oldest Industry We Deliver Ever3rwhere Phone 56 North Side . Plaining Mill Just North of Kinney Spur, North Jackson Street, Phone 820. Orders for all kinds 01 Building Material promptly Filled at Reasonable Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty Fruit lloies in Any Quantity. Buy Apple Pear Cherry Peach Prune Where you can see what you get and get what you want. Make your own selection from the immense stock in my sales yard. Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament- yy-als, Rose Bushes and Beiry Plants A L. KITCHIN, Roseburg J ATI rnor i7AT A A.T ft IN UIVOEilV I fS&& 43E.e-5? ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Booksellers and Stationers Carry a complete stock of 1LANK IWOKS Sf-HOOI, BOOKS TYI'KWltlTKU PAPER OFFICE SUPPLIES DRAWING MATERIAL Roseburg Book Co. ScoveU at the Presbyterian church, Friday, Juuuary 26. Jl llll.KK SINUKHS I'OMIXU. The famous Williams' Jubilee .Singers will appear In Koseburg for one nignt only, Wednesday, January 31st. These singers have been on , the road for many years and are ; Known the world over, having ap peared before audiences composed of our nation's most distinguished men ; and have .also sung before many of uie crowneu neaus of Europe. The seat salo begins next Saturday, I January 27th at the Chapman I'hur I tuacy. ! George Crane, of Brockway, is spending a couple of days iu Rose- nnrg visiting wilh friends. ' t ...Sole Agents... CLEANER Proprietor. Office N. Jackson St. $ Trees ! Oregon 31 Roseburg, Ore. ffi flllGfll YOIWU I'KOI'I.E'S llllAXC-ll ok w. r. t. r, ixsTiTCTE. Conducted by Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovllle, National Colelge Branch sec retary, aud Mrs. Eva C. Wheeler. State Y. P. B. secretary, at Roseburg January 2B, 1912, at Preseytemn church. Program iu. A. M. Call to Order Mrs. Eva C. Wheeler Devotions Mrs. Percy Daw Organisation aud appointment of lommlttees. "The Mission of the Young People's Branch" Mrs. Fenn. of Canyonvllle Discussion: "What can the Y. P. B. do In this Community Discussion: "Co-operation with oth er Young People's Societies" Mrs. E. H. Kosenberry Mrs. Eva C. Wheeer Discussion N'oontlde Prayer. Lunch served at the church. Afternoon Session, 1:80 P. M. Devotions Mrs. B. L. Eddy "The Loyal Temperance Legion" Miss I.ole Smith, state sec. L. T. L. "The College of the Y. P. B." Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovelle Discussion. "The Need of Purity Work for Young Women and What We Can Do".... Mis. Eva C. Wheeler Discussion. "The Double Stnndard" Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovllle Discussion. Question box. Kvenlng. Mrs. Wheeler presiding. Oevo(lons....Mra. Lawrence Goodburn Reading Mrs. Wheeler Address....Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovllle XOTICK TO WOOD CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given .that bids will be received by the county clerk up to one o'clock P. M. February 10th, 1912, for furnishing 150 tiers f oak wood, cut from old growth timber, and delivered at the Court House In Roseburg, Oregon, on or before October 1st, 1912, said wood to be 16 Inches in length and not less than 3 Inches or more than 8 In diameter. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 12th day of January A. D. 1912. By order of the County Court In session at the regular Jauuary term. 1912. E. H. LENOX, bounty Clerk of Douglas County. Oregon. f8 There is a great treat in store for 'he people of Roseburg on 'Friday, lanuary 20. Mrs. BeBste Lathe Sco veU, of Minnesota, will speak at the nstltute In the Prtsbyterian church, nd in the evening will address the jeople on "Life and Its Value." Rev. H. V. Giver, pastor of the M. E. ;hurch, Redwood Falls, in speaking if Mrs. Scovell's addrsss on this sub ject said "It Is the best address 1 3ver beard a woman give." The Wo nan's Christian Temperance Union v 1 1 1 hold an all-day's Institute in the 'nterest of the young people at the Presbyterian church Friday, January J6. Several noted speakers of state tnd national reputation will be in at endnnce. You are urged to be pres ent at each session. . ' PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State f Oregon for the County of Doug las. dyrtle C. Preston, Plnintlff, va. ft. A. Preston, Defendant. To R. A. Preston, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed igainsh you In the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the February term of the above enti tled court 1912, to-wit, the 19th day of Ferbuary A. D. 1912; and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the rellof demanded In her com plaint, to-wlt, a decree of divorce from defendant and that you be di vested of all right in the N. H N. Sec. 32 Tp. 33 S. R. 6 W. of W. M. uid for her costs and disbursements herein. This publication of sum mons is by virtue of and order of the judge of the above entitled court made on the 6th day of January A. D. 1912, ordering same published ance a week for six weeks. Date of first publication, Decem ber 6th, 1912. ALBERT ABRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff. fl7 I'ROFKSSIONAIi CARDS. MRS. II. JAY STONE, Tvnchcr of Piano. Classes In Harmony. S Studio 717 Hamilton St. i Phone 288-R ! 3 S R. M. BRUM FIELD, D. D. S. 3 . C. FIN LAY. I). I. S. ! Dentist. S Room 215 Phono 358 PERKINS BLDO. . CURDOX A. FO.UY, Vocal Lessons. " Studio 437 N. Rose St. Phone 290-R Roseburg - - - -Ore. MRS. CHARLES HEINLINR, Teacher of Piano. Studio, 423 Ella Street. Phone 13-R DR. IT. K. HERMANN, 8 Kye Specialist, 0 217 South Stephen! Street, O Roseburg, Oregon. 4 DR. T. ft. SNELL, Osteopathic Physician. 10-11 Marstert Bid. 'Phonellt Koseburg, Oregon. SSIHKII ADVERTISEMENTS. .Oaf W. U. Wells, poiiiuastor at Olalla. Or., lost on the streeta of Koseburg, Monday, a promissory note In the sum of $200.00. The note was payable to the order of O. H. Flook. Fluder will please return to the above and receive reward. WOOD CUTTERS STUMPAOB Parties desiring to cut wood by stumpage should call on or ad dress Clyde Wallace, Route 1, Koseburg, or phone Furmors 14XX2. tt FOR TRADE Equity in nice little borne for lots closo in. This pro erty earns In rental 16 per cent on Investment. Inquire News of fice, or address K, box 65, city. tf FOR TRADE 25 ires good land on graveled road, 6 miles west of Cottage Grove, near academy and public school. Will trade for Im proved or unimproved property In Roseburg. For particulars ad dress H. W. Oliver, Yoncalla, Ore gon, tf TAKEN UP Light bay mare, about 10 years old, weight about 1,000, star In forehead. Owner can have same by paying for this advertise ment and expenses of feed and keep. Inquire at News office Tor partlculars. Vtf 0 WHOM iK'TUUUalEb-I have bad 25 years of mining and Binelt ing experience In (he following etatcs: Mirsouri, Kansas, Colo rado, Utah, Oiegon, Washington, New Mexico, and Canada. Would like to sigu up with some good man or men for the purpose of prospecting the mountains adacent to Roseburg. Ore. For terms of contract apply to Geo. W. Peters, Mauette, Wash., box 117. WANTED. WANTED Work on raucn by young man and wife. Address P. O. box 322 Roseburg. f5 FOR TRADE 3 lots in East Port land to exchange for good work team. For particulars address R, care News, Roseburg, Or. tf WANTED Position as housekeeper by woman who Is capable and ex perienced; baa little daughter 8 years old, AddresB D, care News office J22 WANTED At Mercy hospital, to discover name of owner of pack age of muslin aud fruit left at the Institution Xmas night. Owner please notify ulsters, tf WANTED Reliable colored man wants work by day doing house cfcanlng, porter work, window washing, etc. Call News office. Mdtf WANTED Man experienced In or chard) work to Hake charge of young bearing orchard and vine yard for share of crop. Apply at runch, or write W. P. Jolliff, Mel rose, Ore. f4 FOR KKN'I fO RENT 5-room unfurnished cot- tnge. Inquire 547 Mill St dtfF FURNISHED ROOMS With or without board. Inquire at 627 Court street, corner Ella. Otf FOR KENT Stor,) building at Northeast cornor of Cass and Rose streets. Inquire of Roseburg Nat ional Bank for particulars. fl TO RENT 2 modern housekeeping rooms, hot an dcold water. Apply 126 Kane street or phono 270-R. dtf BUNGALOW FOR RENT Nice, new five-room place with bath, electric lights, aud modern throughout. In quire News office. Ctf HIS BEATS RENT Two nice lots, few bearing trees, small neat house, everything In nice sbaps. only $750. Deal with owner, be cause you cannot beat It, InqulrM News for particulars. tf FOR RENT 8-room furnished house with bath, 2 toilets, electric lights, bath, 2 toilets, electric lights, large grounds with fruit and poultry runs. For particulars In quire 410 West Douglas St. tf FOR SALE p'OR SALE Lot 60x100 feet at cor ner North Jackson and First Ave. North. For particulars apply at 322 North Jackson atreet. n TOR SALE $325 Price & Teeplo pi ano. Used a year and a half. Will soil for $250. Call at this office. flL FOR SALE Two pair of computing scales, both nearly new and in line condition. Apply at Easton's gro cery. J24 'OR SALE Pure bred Jersey bull calf, 8 months old. Inquire of R. T. Ashworth, East Washington St., Roseburg. fl SALE OR TRADE Good 8-room house and laige lot In desirable part of the city, price $3,600; also flie fine lots, nrlce $1,300. Will sell or trade for ranch property Address "H" care Box 65, Rose burg. WHEAT RANCH 480 acres for sale or trade; In Eastern Wash ington wheat belt, all fenced, 2 houses, barns, machinery houseB, 2 wells, orchnrd, lilucksmlth shop, and uractlcally all under culttva tlon. Is a money-maker. Valued at $35 per acre. Will sell on lib eral terms, or accept as part pay ment desirable farm In Umpqua valley. Advancing years necessi tates owner's retirement. If you call at News office Mr. Wood will give you all particulars of this splendid wheat ranch. tf ANOTHER big car of that good, screened Rock Springs Coal free from slate, slack and dirt. When desired, delivery will be made In bags, and boards furnished to pro tect lawns and walks. We also sell DRY OAK KIR WOOD KIXDL1NO as well as a full stock' of HAY GRAIN FEED : Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co Winchester and Jackson Street Phone 1(1. FOR SALE Black mare, weight about 1,00 lbs, 10 years old. Price $50. Inquire News office. tf EGGS FOR SALE 8. C. Wlilto Leg horn eggs for hatching. Your or ders booked now for eggs and baby chicks. Address C. W. Bradford, West Side Poultry Farm, Rose- burg, Ore. dtl FOR SALE A number of thorough bred bronze turkey gobblera foi breeding purposes. Inquire of Geo J. Langeuherg, city dj2t FOR SALE Choice White Leghori cockrels for salo. Inquire of 11 11. Church, North Roseburg, or al Cass Street Bakery. tl OR SALE uuo gooa, heavy roac" cart and a new set of doublo bug- . gy harness. E. II. Kosenberry. city. tl FOR SALE Driving and riding pony gentle for children rig and harness, all for $90. Inquire or address E. Jenny, J deubewer. FOR SALE A choice lot of pure Buff Plymouth Rock cockrels and two doxen hens. Also agent for Angle lamps. Address G. E. Alkins, Riddle, Or-). tt 10 ACRES, $1850 All fenced and on publlo road, close In. Nice place for gardening and orchard or poultry. Inquire at NeWB of fice, tf FOR SALE 8A Jumbo grub and stump puller, with snares and 200 feet of cable. Will exchange for stumps pulled on ranch. Win. A. Sussmilch, Wilbur. Or. dtf ANOTHER SNAP Four big lota. best of garden soil, well situated and surely a bargain at $275 tor tho four. Address J. N., box 56. or Inquire at News office. tf FOR SALE New eight-room bunga low on S. Jurkson street; near high sshool; good view. Call at this offlle or address A. Pnliner, 615 S. Jackson street. Price $2, 100. dtf FARM OR CITY PROPERTY Very desirable imall furin with fine Improvements nnd cloBe lu will exchange for desirable ti.wn renl estate, or accept city property as part payment. Address V. J., or call at News office. tl FINE HOME 8ITE FOR SALE 6 lots on hill slope, best of deep soil, nice lot of 3-yeur-old choice varieties of fruit treos, small fruit, etc., all fenced, at less than others ask for unimproved proporty, in quire News, FOR SALE 8 room house with buth and sewer connections, fair barn aud wood shed, cement walks and paed streets, good location for rooming and boarding house. Call at or addresB 519 Mill street. A bargain for some one. t6 0.-.ii ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, otc, all fenced and In first class condition, grounds Bet to young fruit trees, some In bear ing, big shnde trees by house, all for only $1,800. Innulre News, tl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-T-Flvt lots In North Roseburg, west ol 1st street, 3-rooui holme, good chicken house, all lots fenced. Oood strawborry patch set out. Price $1,200, or will trude as part payment on close In city proporty. AddreBs R. Care News. dtf FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acres of unimproved land, good for fruit of all kinds or graxlug. Small house; good spring on place. On country roud 12 miles from Rose burg. Several outbuildings, nlso some good timber tracts for sale. Inquire of W. F. Deots, Roseburg, Oregon. df20 FARM FOR $1,260 160 acres, ten miles from citv, on county roaa, houso, barn, and won, partly fenc ed, aud a desirable placo for shoep, goats und poultry. Excel lent for turkey raising. Good roads. Within 2 mlloa of Bchool, store nnd church. Plenty "Of tim ber. Get busy If you want thb place. Address W. R., care News COUNTRY HOME FOR 3 ALE Closo In, about six a-.ros, piasterod bouse of 8 rooms, barns, water for Irrigating piped over place, and everything In first-class condition, a bonanza for mnrkot gardening Nice lot of bearing tioos and a homo that -you will be proud ol and an Incomo mnker. For par ticulars Inquire at News office. tl STOCK RANCH FOR SALE One ol the money makers -abort 1,300 aciea, watered by crooks and springs, lots of fino land, plenty ol timber, good comfortable houHe barns, plenty of hay land, on bounty road, and a placo that will brlnp- returns. Only $7 an aero Address box 65 or Inquire Newt office for particulars. tf $1076 FOR HOME This 1b one rare bargain, 2 big lots, small comfor tablo house, poultry yardR, bearing fruit, sewer assessment paid, Id choice residence district, closo in Vacant lots adjoining held at $600 each. Owner leaving city, and foi quick salo ofNrs It low. Worth $1,600. Inquire News office. tl "HootMon" Turning dark Into Daylight Is rough on old (owl) fogies, but enterprising, gut-ahead, people want llrht. as alders In light supplying light that really lights softly, continuously lights we claim to be pre-eminent in that we furnish everything you may require for tho electric lighting of your home, store or shop. Ask us. C L. Prior Jackwm Street, botwen Wah ,nirtrn and llrmrlan fggpK SUPPUE57 t REAL- 3HSTATE t Farm Lands Fruit Lands Stuck Hunches Poultry Tracts City Property Itcntul. Fire Insurance Notary Public LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. HIMES v OLIVER Cass St., next to Grand Hotel, Phone 387. Hosoburir, Ore. RUGS Our Spring stock is now ready for your inspection. ; They will please you L. H. RHOADES & CO. 2nd C7 Store CHURCH :-: B - R - It's Good Bread Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 jpjflml Mow .fl ' DOUGLAS COUNTY has the Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE Seam in large or small nuantities. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone 340. LUNCH GOODS Nice, Fresh and Crisp An assortment that will plcnso tho moot funtldloua and satlBfy tho cravings of the "Inner Mau" In every particular. For a quick, smart aud appetizing meal take a supply of the fol lowing home for your emergency cupboard: Chilli Con Curne UyiHtern mid Hhrlnip Delicious Canned Hulnutn HHnz Celebrated ItentiM Hard I lien nnd Allured Meat JloMed Hum nnd Tunuue IJIIy'a Apple Jelly Choi co Apple I In Iter Aside from this excellent lino of "cold good' for your lunch w.can supply you with all delicacies of tho land In tho way of A no pastry not exactly llko mother used to make Just a I'UIo bolter for mother novor had tho modern methods of -)HBtry making at her command, A trial will convince of this fact. All kinds of candles, nuts, etc., lu a groat assortment. fact. Ill All kinds of candles, nuts, etc., lu a groat assortment. Ill Umpqua BaKery H. GUEST, Proprietor if Sealshipt Oysters Handled In Most SanitAry Manner, and (iiinranUNl Free From IrcsrrraUvvs. f, 1.00 Quart 50c Cass Street Market BROTHERS E - A - D It's Never Sour DELIVERY Tni:itr, s NO HKCItKT nbout otir nyatom of Loumlerlng Un it n. Wo take tntlulto pains with each individual ordor, employ th bout nuithoda and tho moat experlimcfld and computpiit holp, and wo aro prompt lu delivery as wo aro In cnl lcctinK bundles. We never Injure tlio most delicate fabric, and prices are,' have ulwaya been, reasonable. y CREAMERY i'r ! I Solid Measure No Water Absolutely Pint 25c Half Pint