THE EVENING NEWS CAUL I). BHOKMAKKIt, I 1 ttor mul Sli Proprietor. ISSl Kl DAILY EXCEVT SUMAV, tiubfuriiiiloii ItnU'tt Daily. Per year, by nmll $3.00 Per niuntli. delivered &0 Hfinl-Wcekly. Per yuar $2.00 Six mouths 1-00 Kntured as seeond-claaa matter November 6, 1910, at Koseburg, Ore. under act of March A, is a. - J1IJ;HS TIIK I'AKIvOKK! One of our excliaiig'.n uaya there nro no more tiarlora. That Jh a nils- Lakeu Wo never owned one, and never wanted on about the home hliue we buKun kuepliiff house. Iur Intr the nast 20 yeara a great many fanilllea have abolished parlors lor the very pood reason that they have mine to the conrluKlon mat me new room In the house la none too good lor thorn to use every day. In the old dnya the best carpet, the best furnUuro. tho best nlctnrea, the urottlest enrtalnB. and the liaiidMJin- out household ornaments were all In tho imrlnr, and the family, aa a fam ily, never enjoyed them. Only when comimny came was the tmrlor used and even then the family did not feel at homo In it. And there aro many hiic.1i parlors (still In existence. Aa we look at the mutter now, par lors aro nofded only in homes where aro girls in the family. A par lor with a big fireplace and a com fortable nofa built for two is ex tremely enjoyable when there 1b an attractive young woman In charge of it. We remember one of that kind and tho momory of It has entirely changed the drift of thin paragraph We intended to condemn the parlor ns an Institution, without reserve, but when tho memories of one particular parlor cam back we found wo could not do it. God blew tho parlor! The .Standard Oil Company haa just been fined a paltry Ii&,o00.OQ. Come on and let's all pay a penny more a gallon for oil and get the thing off our mind. IOFM I'Olt TODAY. My Ideal. My love l not divinely tall, Nor yet divinely fair. I,lko VetiiiM, .Mum Hobo and All nil don t heantlea were; Her hair Ik not like Minuet gold. Nor yet like stars her uvea; lint O, what blKcultH abe can mould, How toothsome are tier pies.- Upon her brow no diamonds gleam, No silks enfold her waist; Yet makes she things of eggs and cream Delicious to the taste. And although she beam no titled v name, Nor ere has written book; Bho well deserves undying fame- Clod bless her, she can rook, J, 13. WATtl). Easily Suited. ijsr " '8 a ver nice room!- I'll hire ltl I don't mind tho rata. I have delirium tremens any way!" I,utlge Bluttcr. .ornry, thinking possibly he had got nixed it ji and taken the wrong aide, fua much perplexed, and tlnally el- Hwed his colleague to a corner and lesperately asked him, "Which aide )f this case aro we on? I 11 bo dd f i know." KIG1ITH CJItAlJK KXAMIXATIOX. i,.r;iu(. (j ah. Forgot Money Value. The wife and the daughter of an American diplomatist have lived so long abroad that they have forgotten about the coinage of their native country, at least Hint Is the way the mother explained ft to the hotel clerk when hIiu got puzzled over how many quarters make a half dollar. The daughter made some com ment. "I'm ho worse than you are!" re torted tho mother. "You tried to pay for an ico cream soda the other dav with a firty dollar hill."-New York Hun. Too Much ('nnimtigiiliig. After tho close of u poll Mail catu palmi In North Carolina, a llrm of al to nnM who had hoih been In the thick of political activity during the campaign were engaged by the prose cution in a case of cruelly to animals. One of them, glancing over the war rent, saw nt a glance that It railed to charge any crime, and began to feel of his adversary as follows: "If ft should bo deemed necessary to amend this warrant, wo would be glad to have It done now." His col league quickly scrambled to him, and wrlsjie-rcd ory nudiblv in his ear. "V don't want this warrant amended, do we?" At this the nt- Foi-ty Kucccsstiil Out Of Total of J 13 Applicants. Following aro tho names of the tupllti throughout tho county who vero succtssful In the examination jeld on tho above date. The follow ing report Include? only those whose manuscripts have reached tho super- utendent h office to this date. A few outlying districts havo not up to thb; time, been heard from and their reunite will be announced late. Dint. No, 4, F. C. Fitzpatrick, teacher lOva Hessett, Veva Huick, , Carl Ulnck, Ilertrum Hates, Mollla Cobb, Harry Campbell, Laura Davis, 10 1 hoi Dcltoss, Gertrude Dlll'ird. Sybil Farnsworth, Itoy Frey, Charley (ii'luun, Merle Hamilton, Frank Holmes, Claud Jonts, Gladys Kej-'ter, Helen .Ianison, Ada Lovell, Nannie McNoel, Ulna Olmstead, Mildred Parks, Hiiluff aPtterson, Madge Pat terson, (Jolda Hosh, Velma Spencer. Krma Hhoemakrr, Frank Shields. Hist. No. Hi, Geo. A. C ran n, teach- Mary Hrowil, ltaymond Bteph- m. IHst. No. R2, Chester Cook, tench- Myrtle Giosh, Clarenco Hodges, Hazel Corneilsnn. Diet. No. 17. C. W. Hoyle, tench - Nellie Decker. Dlst. No. 74, Adahello McCord, teacher Kovy liOvelare. Dlst. No. 15. Mrs. G. M. Sander, teacher Sari But her Mn. Dlst. No. 84, Melvln T. Solve, acl'cr Myrtle Powell. Dlst. No. 21, Wallace Kcllog,', teacher Hazel (tin hour, .lako Croy, 101 hoi Klrkendall, I trace Murray. i;i;sow iio.ns of condodk.nci Hefolutlnns ndopted by, Uoseburg Hive No. 1 I , Ladles of the Maccabees of tho World: No one hours the door that opens When they pass beyond our call; Deft as loosened leaves of roses, One by ono our loved ones fall. WIIKItKAS. Tho niiRol of death has again visited our Hive, and taken from out number our beloved sister. Nellie lloyd; and It Is the desire of this Hive to record n fitting tribute to her memory; therefore be it K108O! VKD, That while we bow to the will of tho Almighty, yet we none tho less mourn the loss of our dster; rnd bo it ItlOSOI.VIOD. That In the death of Sister l! )d this Hive has lost a loyal mi'inlKT ft ticl tho family one whoso KooditoHH mikI cheerful disposition has made hot untimely death deeply re gretted; itlso bo It liUSOI.VFD, That our charter he draped tor !t0 d-iys, and a copy of thoKO levolullous he vpr-'ad upon the record of our Hive, and a copy be sent to each of the city papers. Fralei nally submitted, N I'M. 1,1 10 PAKKS MAY PATRICK, JKSSIIO It A PP, An audience of more than twelve peoplo greeted William. Jubilee Slum rs at the 'hi' Temple Satur day evenhiK. and from the great ap plause i-1. r.vonc was delighted. The (r Konlru. PerHiind. Oregon. Palace Ttieai re Wedeecday ninM, January ;Ust. Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Chapman's Pharmacy next Saturday Jimuary 27th. A STRONG ROOM in a hunk, in who iv (be spe-elo and se iiniilct nre kept. Ours It piunf jigahist tire ur Imrgl u-s, mid yntir Valuable vtill Im safe If entrusted to tlx. We m-e known as u conservatlvo 1 I 1I - f d Where YourVoluMbiM ar wilVj niid reliable liistlintinn, and we enjoy the confidence mul tho iu count of the 1mh( mul mot prominent ritleti, Ue an Nollcldng new iicnimls from reMiiillde ihtkoiim. At Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings BanR A. S. Huey, tho Jeweler, spent the day at Kiddie attending to buainess matters. IXCAIi NEWS. 4 WHAT XKXT'.' OP1I5 1CKA1). i- When? February 8. Where? At the Armory. F. B. Walte, of Sutherlln. was a Who will go? Everybody. ; business visitor In Hose bum for a I few hours today. A. Y. Darker left for Orants Pass this morning where he will spend a few days with relatives, i Mrs. W. O. Houuer returned here' last evening after two weeks spent i at Cottage Grove where she visited , with her parents. Mrs. H. F. Gilbert loft for Wood land, Cal., this morning where she will spend: several weeks visiting with her mother. j Mrs, J. E. Knger and Mrs. E. B. ! I Peugra left for Portland tills morn-' lag where they will spend a few days: visiting with friends. ' ' AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS, PrtOP. Ceneral Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave your orders at Jos. SykesGun Store . m THE ECONOMY MARKET H " George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and sold. Phone 58 Roseburg, Oregon Delicacies Store UKS.H.L. COfflft, UlBS At ICt W'll Ch; fro PARTICULAR people will A find this establish me nt all that can be desired The best of everything eatable, alwayi fresh and good, forgsale. 315 Cass Street All This Week 1 0 W Post Cards 75c Per Dozen 0 Clark & Clark o Photografers MM The First Week in February TOyg The 5?OXoC Store Will be in the New Perkins Building The Milton Nursery Company nf Milton, OtVK)ii, lntvo sold fruit trees and nhrulw til Douglas County for four yearn. Huiulntls of wntislied eustomern Is tho tes thnoiifnl they tiffer. Itest of slock at lowest priees. Correspond euro Molh itetl, W. R. PALMER, Agt., Cleveland, Ore. HnrisHor to A. M, AlUISTUOXtS, Faiinera Mutual Fire Insurance n SiMH'inlty. Let Us Launder Your Bedcoverings!!! It's a ptvttv heavy task for a woman to launder Blankets and Comfortables properly. Not only that but besides the labor it costs in soap and fuel almost os much as we charge. We are admirably equipped and we guarantee complete satisfaction. Our charge is moderate. We also make a special ty of flat work. Just pick up your phone and say "97" -.uir wagon will call in a short while and we will return your work promptly. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 North Jackson St. Telephone 97 WASH DAY Is not dreaded nearly as much if you know that you have a good machine to help lighten the work. We would like to interest you in such, we have them, running in price from $5 to $20 The latter is the very best water motor machine on the market, being both Gearless and Spring less. Then we have another pattern for $15.00 that is a good motor machine, as good as you will find outside the $20.00 machine. -THE- NEW HOME WASHER Is a hand machine that is very popular at $12. The Big "3", The Steel King, The Acme, and, but just come in and look them over. We are sure we can interest you, even though you have most of your washing done at a laundry. Just think of turning out a tub of clothes in the time it takes to rub one or two articles by hand, and with no more labor. Remember that the modern machine does good work and you will not find it necessary to use the board for finishing but very seldom, and then but for a waist band or a neckband. Prove us by using a machine, you vill not regret it. Churchill Hardware Co. "IRONMONGERS"........ . m, , evening, January 27, at 7:45. The C. J. Warrenton. of Portland, is in The big chorus for the coming re- pvhulHkMp ainr win ho In pimrfrp the city lfmkiug over the advantages vfval meets for preliminary rehearsal Every singer of the churches parti- i mo rrenmivnuu uuurcii oiuuruuy cfpating is urged to be present. J27 of this section with a view of locat ing here. For Sale 4 , I Berkshire pigs, Bronze turkeys, Pekin ducks, Toulouse geese, Drown Leghorn cockrels, won 25 prizes and two silver cups at our big Poultry Show, turkeys scoring as high aB 97 points, geese 96, ducks, Pckhis 95, Indian Runners 96&, chickens 95 etc. E. A. Kruse Roseburg Oregon We know that there has been a great deal of trouble with Electric Laundry Irons, but. it was before the G. E. was on the market or because you did not use them. G. E. stands for General Electric; also guaranteed ever. The Electric Store Churchill-Warner Co. Start tills year HIOHT by dining at the lunch room whereat you will enjoy the finest cooking, tho choic est meals, poultry, vegetables, fruits, paltry, etc. at populnr prices. Particular people And this lunch room a specially good one and also Hnd that our prices are not exorbi tant. Try us. Grand Grill C. and G. Eliiott, Proprietors III DraidngTrade fEwlders ' The Real Magnet that lrnw contracts from builder and CHriM'ntor Into our office U tluil hiKli Hum nunlity of the Lumber we sell. It Is !) up to irraik, and elves the best untisfnction to all pur. rhawr. We liave a full assortment of building material at reasonable prices, "O.U WOOD rage Investment Co. i Phone 2 1 "09 N. Jirksonjj Phone 245. All work flrst-clasa Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished 828 North Jackson rt. ROSFIIURG, OHEOO.V FOR SALE TViWfi T rf C C,10,co Al'rcago at Green, the New J. UWI1 LUlb Tonnslte, nt the Intersection of S. P. and K. 1. & o. Itailrond. one while they aro Cheap. Choice Lands dcnlng. L. 0. Maddux and It, 1. & o. Itailrond. Town IaiIs (10x123 nt ?7B.OO. Get one while they aro Clienp. In 5 and 10 acre tracts suitable for fruit, berries. s hiiu trucK gardening. 220 S. Main St. lEosobnrg, Oregon U. n. flARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning' and Heating1 , North JacKson Street, adjoining" Peoples Marb .1 WorKs. Telephone 251. j WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE. V