WEATHER FORECAST Roseburg and Vicinity Ruin anil Cooler Tonight, Friday Fulr tF you want to buy or sell some thing, if you have lost or found something use the News want ad column. It will pay you VOL. III. ItOSEIlUKG, DOUGLAS COUNTY OUEUON. THURSDAY, JANXAHY Utf, 1013. No. 78 MtW& JONES FLEECED Bunco Man Secures About $16 in Cold Cash. AN ALLEGED MINING OPERATOR Confidence .Man Sultl He Was Recent ly Klectetl President of the C'uhmim Mining Co., o Nevada. Alleging that he was a wealthy mine oie rater, and was only recent ly elected to the distinguished posi tion of president of the Camas Min ing Company, of Nevada, a shrewd bunco man on Sunday fleeced S. G. Jones, of Josephine county, out of about $16 whllo the latter was en route to Roseburg to apear as de fendant in a divorce action brought by his wife. From the story told by Jones upon his arrival here he met the supposed mining man on the train while en , route to this city. Of genial ap pearance, the confldencoshark soon played a winning hand, aud without arousing suspicion of his new ac quaitance, requested a small loan. In explanation, he said he left Ne vada with several hundred dollars, but had spent most of the sum in liquidating hotel bills, railroad fare and other incidental expenses. Upon his arrival In Roseburg, he said he would be able to present letters of credit and obtain as much money as desired. Having utmost confidence in the gamester, Mr. Jones loaned the fellow a few dollars with the understanding that the same would be returned upon his arrival In this city. Reaching Roseburg, Jones and his chance acquaintance left the train In company; and after partak ing of a meal visited a local hank. Displaying an attitude similar to that of a millionaire, the confidence man approached the wicket, and request ed that the cashier draw a draft In the sum of $5,000 upon a Nevada Institution. With the document exe cuted, the shark then turned to Jones and remarked: "Well, I guess I will have plenty of money In a few days." Following this transaction, the .confidence man made another "touch" which relieved Jones of his entire wealth which consisted of $16. After obtaining the money, the shark disappeared, and since that time has not been seen in Roseburg. Ascertaining that he had fallen prey to the bunco man, Jones appealed to - the officers for assistance, but with out material result. Admitting that he loaned the fellow the money in question, the officers found It im possible to issue a warrant charging the man with a crime. On the con trary they branded the transaction a simple breach of trust. Without funds, Jones visited the sheriff's office late Monday after noon and requested that he be al . lowed to sleep In jail during the night in the event he was unable to obtain assistance at the hand of friends. Always alert to accommo date the public, the sheriff Inform ed Mr. Jones that he could sleep in the jail should he so desire. Later Mr. Jones met friends In the city, and thorugh their assist ance, he was able to secure a room and such other accommodations as were necessary. . Yesterday, Jones returned to hlB home In Josephine county where he Is employed In the mines. He had intended to contest his wife's divorce action during his visit In Roseburg but without fund; he found such procedure Impossible. Mr. Jones brands the stranger who succeeded in securing his money a smooth talker and of most genial ap pearance. In fact, Jones says you would never suspect him of being a crock... 1AJCAL NEWS. J. W. Conn contemplates the open ing of a milk and cream depot In the Hunter building, at the corner of The Store That Serves You Friday Regular $1.00 to $2.00 Cotton Petticoats at 50c Heatherbloom, Sateen and Hydegrade Percaline petticoats. A bargain in skirts that will positively never come again. For 2 days only at special - - - " " " yvJVv Regulars and Stout Suits at Special $9.95 Now is the time to get a very high priced suit at a small cost. These are our regular suits selling to $30.00. To close outjQ QK the lot at special V4CvJ Our New one-half miles of the grade In this Oak and Pine streets during the next few days. Wallace Kelloff, of Camas Valley, spent the day In Roseburg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Miss Muple More, of Wilbur, un derwent an operation at the offices of lrs. Seely, Sether. Steward & Smlck this morning. Dr. Seely was the attending phycisian. Ben Danielle, of Miles City, Mont., Is spending a few days visiting at the homes of U. W. Strong and J. O. Mots. Ho 1b a former county clerk, and Is now looking for a business lo cation In Oregon. Dr. Snell, osteopath physician, has moved from his former offices In the Mar-stern block, on North Jackson street, to room 301, third floor of the Perkins block, where patrons will find him In the future. Frank E. Alley and Shirley Christy left for Portland last evening where they are attending an informal meeting of the state fair board. The meeting is called for the purpose of discussing dates for the coming state fair. It is probable tha the event will occur early in September. As a result of the continual rain of the past two days the local rivers and streams are gradually raising. It is said that the limp qua has ris ed about five feet, while other streams are swelling In proportion. With little snow In the mountains. It is not probable that damage of con sequence will result. The Morrls-Schreck fight pictures are the attraction at the Star theatre this evening, and from Indications, the house will be crowded to Its capacity. The fight was pulled off In Oklahoma and was attended by thousands of enthusiastic- fans who pronounced H one of the best events of the age. I am very gruteful to you for ! brlnglug your company to sing for me. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed It. When you get to Los j Angeles, go aboard my ship, the i "Connecticut," andf tell them you i sang for me. Admiral Evans (Fighting Bob), in command of U. S. 1 battleship fleet around the world. April 15, 1908. Palace "theatre. Wednesday night. January 31st. Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Chapman's Pharmacy next Satur day, January 27th. Bryan Roasts Ohio Executive Not a Progressive. FAILED TO INDORSE LEGISLATION Defeated Many Good Laws Paused By Legislature Italy Insists on The Hague Settling Dis pute With Frajnce. (Special to The Evening News.) LINCOLN, Jan. 25 In an editor ial appearing In the Commoner to day W. J. Bryan expresses hot de nunciation of Gov.- Harmon's candi dacy for presidential honors. The Commoner says that fifty measures, many of them distinctly progressive, failed to become law In Ohio simply because Governor Harmon did not sign them within the period of time required. by the constitution of the state. In the face of this negligence Harmon's campaign managers are en deavoring, through the medium of booklets spread broadcast over the country, to Induce the people to ac cept him as progressive democrat. . Itiiliuns Want Com prom 1hc. ROME. Jan. 25. Still holding the 29 Turkish nurses taken from the French liner a few days ago, treat- Best HOT ON HARMON and Saturday Bargains Spring under direction of MM. Mcinitnc. CHINA "MY GLACI0US1 H0CKEE UP MY DLESS! GETEE ! MOVE ON I" ITALY STARTS Building Railway Line From Tripoli Into Desert. ENGLAND WILL SWALLOW EGYPT Indications Are Tlrnt Great Britain ExiM'cfH Soon To Take Pos peHxioa of Long Covet ed Provinces, (Special to The Evening News.) TRIPOLI, Jan. 25. With the ar rival of the first material for the construction of three railroads which the government Intends to build In Tripoli. Italy has Just Blurt ed fulfilling Its plea of justification ror the seizure of the country, name ly, that it might develop Tripoli ma terially and morally. The three lines will start at Trip oli and end at Aln Zara. Zanus and on the coast at Tagfura. Later the roads will be built further into the desert and will be used by the army first to extend its limit of conquest. They wilt be the first railroads In Tripoli. Construction work will start Immediately. . . - K noon raging tjovcra. ; SAN JOSE, Cal., Jan. 25. "Pay as you spoon benches" have been In stalled In the city parks. You put a nickel In the slot and the bench which folds Is unfolded. It holds only two persons. It locks auto matically when empty. The practi cal park superintendent says the bench was made to discourage loaf ers. (Jreedy Kye On Egypt. . CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 25. Evidence is piling up that Great Britain Is preparing to grab Egypt. The lat est step in this direction is a stern warning to the khedlve that Egypt must be absolutely neutral In the war between Italy and Turkey, des pite the fact that the country Is In Turkish territory. . APPKAIi AXSWKBED. Over 912.1 Is Raised For Dr. Burette and Family. Following the publication of an article In last evening's Issue of The Bvenlng News, in which "the atten- Ing them as prisoners of war, liy maintains her right to search any vessel in the war zone. Instead of releasing the nurses as -stated In vosterday's dispatches, Italy now rends word to France that she Is willing to Bubmit the whole matter to The Hague for decision, and If found wrong will pay such Indemnity as may be adjudged against her. NEW Morris In Spokan Spokesman-Rviw. tlon of the public was called to the alleged destitution of a family resid ing at the corner of Fullerton and Houck streets. In Walte'a Addition, several gentlemen this morning be came Interested In assisting the fam ily. Petitions were prepared, and in less than three hours, the sura of $125 had been raised. The business men were usually generous in their donations, while other of more humble circumstances, contributed their mite in order that the family might obtain those articles necessary In sustaining life. An Investigation following the ap pearance of the appeal for assistance, satisfied the Investigators that the family was worthy, and in dire need of money. 4 . Ben Bullwinkle, owner of the "Roselawn Poultry Farm"' this morning received a pen of beautiful Buff Orpington chickens from Judge W. E. Stanfleld, of Llvermore, Cal. Included In the pen are four pullets and a cock re I. The birds represent a cost of $200 and are among the finest ever seen In this section of the state. Other than these beautiful birds, Mr. Bullwinkle has a large number of White Wyandottes, all of which are said to be prime-winners. At the recent poultry show, he was awarded four out of a possible five prizes. Eminent Nebraskan Debates Question in Depot Rooms. OFFICERS ON TRAIL MURDERERS Chinese Girl and Coin pan Ion Sought Hy police To Climb Mt. Me Kluley OslMrno for Ittxtwvtit, (Special to The Evening News.) ST. LOUIS, aJn. 25. Arlrvlng at the Union depot in this city today, W.' J. Bryan was Informed that his pants needed' pressing, and follow ing this startling bit of Information the Commoner calmly slipped of this very necessary part of his wear apparel, and sent them to a presser. No one In the party being able to supply the distinguished gentlemen with a pair of trousers, and his trunks not being available, Mr. Bryan slipped Into a long ulster over coat and waited return of his pants. During tho Interval he threshed out the presidential tangle with local politicians, among whom were ex Governor Folk. Referring to Col. Roosevelt, Mr. Bryan said that no man should accept a third term. So nlmorbed became the party In the dis YORK Buy Bleached Muslin at 4 Cents WITHOUT PANTS Goods Are I GUARDING YUAN Manchus Thirst for Blood of Imperial Premier. GUARD FIVE THOUSAND STRONG Imperialist Allege Premier Sold Out Country's IntorestN to Hebe! Coimnltteo ReiMu-tH Fav orably Underwood Bill (Special to The Evening News.) PEKIN, Jan. 25. With a general massacre of Chinese In Pekln Immi nent at the hands of Manchus, who again have gained control of the! city, foreign diplomats here today I demanded that the emperor disarm the Imperial guard, and that ball and 1 cartridges bo Issued to the European 1 soldiers guarding the consulates. Ex citement throughout the city Is at white heat. Europeans have been warned not to venture into the city, because danger of attack Is very great. The prime, object of Man chu hate is Premier Yuan, who Is sur rounded" by 5,000 loyal troops ready to defend him from expected, at tempts to take his life. Manchus are spreading reports that Yuan sold out the country o rebel leaders. Favor Underwood Bill. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The House ways and means committee ,rupoiHe(f, favorably on the Under wood mil io revise tue iron ana steel turlff measures. House democrats wilt hold a cacus Saturday In an ef fort to secure adoption of tho meas ure. In reporting for a lower tariff, the committee said that in surveying the iron and steel industry it show ed evidence as having reached such a position of strength as to no long er need government help In compet ing with foreign countries. PASTORS ISSUE STATF.MKX'l Best Of Good Will mid l'VUovslil Exists In Church Work, Owing to the many Inquiries be ing made as to why all five of the Roseburg churches usually found working together are not in on the evangelistic campaign to be opened at the Presbyterian church next Sun day night, the following statement seems fitting. The reason why a union mooting of all the churches was not planned for this winter was that such a meeting would necessitate the erection o a special building In order to make room for tho five churches and their congregations to work together. The pastors felt that It would be unfair to ask the people to put up the mon ey necessary for the erection of this extra building,1 so tho churches he- cussion that tho train for the wont departed leaving Bryan to Becuro hit pants aud make ready for the trip to Lincoln by the next train. On Trull of Murderer. PORTLAND, Jan. 25. Traced from Portland to Dallas, Oregon, and thence to Seattle. Wash., tho po lice are now seurchlng the North west for Sol Sen, a 19-year-old Chin ese girl, and a Chinaman who accom panied her, the two being suspected of murdering Seld Ring, whose body was discovered In a trunk at one of the Soattlo depots yetserday. The parents of tho girl are said to live In San Francisco, and that city Is be ing combed for traces of the pair. Ring had a goodly amount of cash at the time he met his death, and robbery Is supposed to have been the motive for the crime. To (limb Mt. Mi Klnley. SEATTLE, Jan. 25. Professor Parker, of Columbia University, with a party of scientists, left today for Mt. McKinley, where they will at tempt ascent of the mountain. Michigan Governor For Ted, LANSING, Jan. 25. Governor Os borne came out flatly today for Roosevelt, stating that first, last and all the time he was for the Colonel. STORE in connection with Baldwin House Dresses at $1.98 No hooks and eyes, no buttons. Nothing that is to bother you in hay ing a house dress that fits. A paltented dress. Two ways to wear it. A double front. Take a look at this labor saving dress, Easy to wash and iron, and fits any figure. Special atvjj I CCJ Children's Rain Capes at $1.00 Now is when the little one should be kept dry. Comedy f AA and get a regular $2.00 Rain Cape for - - CP 1 Vl Women's $9.50 to $14 Rain To close out line, we offer you Arriving Every Day ,au planning for their own separate iieetlngs. When au effort wag aiade to bring Mr. Chus. Cullon 3 nlth to Roseburg for a meeting It us found that he could not well be brought by oue church alone, o a i- timbiuatlon of churches was formed in order to briug this great evangel- ii- t to us. The basis of selection of the churches to fnruj this group was not such as to cast any reflections oa tho other churches or their pas tors. Tho situation which drew the three churches Into this couibiuatlou and left tho other two out was that these throe churches had not, at the timo when the Smith mooting was thought of, mado any plana for special meetings of their own. Ono of tho other churches was, even then, on the ove of the opening of Its own special evangelistic campaign; and the pastor of the remaining church was at that time so unsettled In his plans for the future as to lnako hi participation in such a plan as the one proposed lmpactic able. So the selections of the three churches now together for the Smith meetlugs was about the only oue poKsiblo at the time. This statement Is mado by the pas tors of the three churches partici pating In the Smith meetings, that there may he no occasion for anyone to think that there is uuy want of fellowship between tho churches that any church was left out from any ill will of those In, or from any selfishness or unkind disposition of those not In tho meeting. W, II. EATON, K. M. MEARS, J. E. BURKHART, AN APPRECIATION. Tho following Is clipped from the Decorah (Iowa) News: Tho special evangelistic meetings which have huen In progress during the past two weeks under the auB plcos of the Congregational and Mothcdlst Episcopal churches are Hearing their close. The last meet ing will he hold Sunday evening at the Marsh hall at 7 o'clock and un less some untoward 'Condition arises tho capacity of the audience room will be tested to Its utmost. EangellHt C. C. Smith and his inKr, Piof. Colli urn have won the hearty respect of nil who have come ' contact, with them, and have en deared themselves to tho commu nity at large by deporting themselves is ambassadors of the King. These ro not our words, but come from alio who hns been closely associat ed In tho meetings, nnd thoroughly express the sentiment that we have NmihI "ii nil sides. Their work nan been dignified, dliect, manly nnd iine and sound doctrine has been the basis of their effort. Their sue- hiiH Ikmmi RriitiryliiK as thoy have reached Hnverul ucoro or people, huth voting nnd old, who hiivo ttlKnltled their aceeptnneo of Chrlnt. Uu iliMihtcdiy tilers would havo heen :nauy others had not tho unpreced ented cold woMthor kept a lart;o nilin Iht from attending tho meetings. Mr. Smith and Mr. Colhurn aro hoth nood hIiiki;!h and when thoy leave Decorah It will ho with a fouling on tho part of our people that their 'oinliiK to our city turn heon ono of i iiohI 1 in ilUIo value, NOTU: HvniitfoHHt Smith will ho X .U Big Clean Coats at special the Choice or these at GIRLS ARE MAD Refuse to Undergo Medical Examination. MAY ATTACK HEALTH MEASURE One Waitress Scores Ivocnl PhyHlclan Says She Will Not Undergo Kxnniinat Jon Neither Will She Quit Job. The local police officers, especially . those in charge of the health and police department, are somewhat chagrined today at the refusal of certain waitresses to undergo a medical examination as provided by the city ordinances. Ono well known young lady visited a physician this morning, and upon boing 'informed thtyt she would necessarily have to ho examined In onlor to eecuro a certificate entitling her to continue at work, flew Into a rnge and "cussed" Mr. Physician In grand style. In response to the physician's demands she averred that Hhe did not intend to undergo an examination, neither would site re sign her position. Other local wait resses have assumed a similar ntti- tude, and present Indications tend to Bhow that trouhle will follow. Whllo not wholly in sympathy with the Bo-called "heatlh" ordin ance, certain officials declare that tho provisions of the measure wilt ho enforced until such, time as the law Is repealed, and that no person employed In the capacity of a wait ress will escape. It 1b said tills afternoon that ar rests will follow In the event tho waitresses refuse to secure certifi cates by tomorrow evening. Other t li ii ii tho waitresses, It 1b also said that a number of local Celotlals en gaged In tho restaurant business re fuse to undergo an oxnmnatlon, and In order to tost tho validity of the law, have employed a well known attorney to defend tholr action. As the matter now Btands, It looks aB though tho city was fast approach ing trouhle, If not litigation. . The so-called "health" ordlnanco was' adopted by the city council, severnl months ago, and provides that all persons employed In restau rants, hotels, bakeries and other plnces In which food Is prepared, must undergo a medical examination, and secure a pormlt entitling them to work. At tlrst the ordinance ap peared suitable to all concerned, nnd the lata outbreak has caused consid erable alarm among city employes. VOV, HHKIUVV. I horeby announce ' my candidacy for tho nomination for sheriff of Douglas county ut the Republican primary election to be hold on April lit. I am tho present Incumbent of the orilce and am serving my first term. pd. adv. OKOROE K. QUINE. KOH COUNTY ASSSKNOIt. I horeby uunounce my candidacy for tho nomination for nssossor of Douglas county at the primary elec tion to be hold on April 19. I am tho present Incumbent of the office and am serving my tlrst term, pd. adv. KKANK L. CALKINS. Tho ciibo of H. O. Crow vs. E. J. Crow and Olive P. Crow Is at tracting the attention of Judge Har ris, of Eugene, In the circuit court today. Tho action Is brought for tho purpose of setting aside a' deed to certain property. It Ib Bald the suit Involves about 800 acres of land, sit uated in Douglas county. The plain tiff Is represented by Attorneys Al bert Abraham and 11. U. Eddy, whllo the defendants nro represented by At torenys 8. I. Ness aud U Uelyeu, of Eiikciio, and O. P. t'oshow, of Ross ini rg. hero at the Presbyterian church for i series of meetings beginning Jan uary 2H. Satisfaction or Your Money Back Up Sale $6.95