ANNOUNCEMENT. Having disposed of the stock of goods of the Novelty Store, to Mr. L. D. Summarflold, of the 6, 10, and 16 cent store, Cbbs street, and ulso ac cepted a position with blm. 1 take THE ECONOMY MARKET George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale arid Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stoek bought and sold. Phone 58 Delicacies Store IMS. H. t, COfflN, MISS AL lit V It II In PARTICULAR people will find Ibis tHtablikhmcnt all that can be dttired The best of everything eatable, always fresh aod good, for sale NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK via the AND Pacific 1 1 & Navigation Co. I.v. Portland 7; an A. M. l.v. Hlllxlxiro A. M. Ar. Hem-li Polnlit 1:20 1 M. Ar. liny City 2:0-1 I'. M. Ar. Tillamook 2:2H V. M. I.v. TlllnniiHik 7:In A. M. l.v. Hay City 8: in A. M. I.v. Uracil Points ):0(l A. M. Ar. Ilillshoro 1:2b 1". M. Ar. I'oiiliiiiil 4:io I. M. Through tickets on sale at any fi. 1. ticket ol tlx-, to nil points on tlio I'. It. & N. Further particulars from nearest ti. P. ticket agent or JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon 0 O 0 gM4 All 0 Wml 0 mm 00000000000000 A STRONG In a bunk In whoro tho KHM'le nud so riirifh'N aro ki'pc. Ours I pitof iiKuiiiHt Hrt ur hurulnr, ami your valuahh'N Hill 1m hhU If cnlruMi'il to iih. aiv knouu ii u conservative t .r. Where Your Valuably arc and ri'V"1'!.' liiMliniloii. and we enjoy the commence mill tl, nrrouiiiK f the Ih-m unit most prominent cIIIiciik. We nrc- niiIcMiiu n., ai'i-iiiints from rtviiiiuvtih, H'roiiH. AX Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings BanK this method of letting my many Iricnds know whoro 1 may bo found jSl MH8. li. L. WATSON, .iliDiild call ill B. Hose, or phone Roseburg. Oregon 315 Cass Street This Week 1 0 0 Post Cards! 0 75c Per Dozen 0 0 0 Clark & Clark l'hotografcrs ROOM I ; i j ; i I- a ; 1f i f j I i 1 ITALY HUMBLE Releases Turkish Nurses and Apologizes to France. BRITISH ROYALTY AT MALTA Kiirouto Homo KIiik and Queen Hlop To Itecelve Homage of Fo iilnco Greeted Ily Thousands. (Special to The Evening News.) ROME, Jan. 24. Fearing war with France the Italian government today ordered the! .release of the 28 Turkish nurses captured when the French merchantman liner Man ouha was seized. It was officially announced here that the note to the French government explaining the position of Italy In the matter, and stating that release of the detained nurses has occurred has been for warded. The note states that the order was made "as an act of homage to France without prejudicing the points In dispute. It is possible France may feel Inclined to ask Btiil further apology for the afront. Subjects ircct King. MALTA, Jan. 24. King George and Queen Mary, homeward bound from India arrived here today on tne Itoyal snip Medina. As a com pensation for not having visited Malta on the way to the Jiurbar they stopped off to permit their subjects nere to see them. Tho picturesque harbor of La Valletta, the most easterly bulwark of Christendom In the Mediterranean was gaily bcflagged. Warships un der command of Admiral Sir Edmund Poo fired the royal salute as the pnrty landed and were given a state welcome. The king and queen held a recep tion for officials and noblemen at tho government house. SCHMITZ TRIAL Court Orders Alleged Grafter Case Before Tribunal, BELIEVES INTERVENTION SURE Chinese KoIicIh I'ourliig Into Nanking Trainmen Held HeNpoiiNlble for Death of liaihvay Ofllclals. (Spoclnl to The Evening News.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. Ex Mnyor Sctimitz was unexnectedlv ordered to immediate trial today by Imlgo l.awler on the long pending grurt charges, and a jury Is being ielicted. Tho defense was taken by uirprlso. Schmltz Is charged with acting In collision with Abe Ituof, who Is now serving sentence for brib ery. Intervention Koon. BiiANlillAl, Jan. 24. Rebel re inforcements ure pouring into Nnn king and elaborate preparations are being made for renewnl of hostilities. Relations between President Sun and Dr. Wu are still strained. Wu says peace would alrcndy havo become a fact bait the revolutionists acted wisely. Ho feels certain foreign in tervention will soon follow. Ititllroail Itliimeless. CIIICAIIO, Jan. 24. Holding Conductor llrnlnerd and Flagman liroecker of train No. 3, and En gineer Htunrt, or train No. 3 res ponsible for tho Kingmundy wreck. In which Jus. Hnrnhan and three oth er railroad ofllclals wore killed, the board of Inquiry reported Its findings today. The railroad company Is nb solved from nil blame. Not Making KMM-clie. NEW "VOltK. Jan. 24. When In vited to address the gentlemen com posing the St. Louis Million Popula tion Club at that city on February 2Z. at which time thero will be a hnn- quot hellttlng the occasion, Col. Roosevelt today said "I am not mak ing any public speeches now," declin ing the Invitation. MKW TODAY. W. S. Hownrd, of Wilbur, was over to Rosehurg this morning to look af ter business matters here. FOR SALE New Kimball piano. Will sell on easy terms. Ad dress Harmon Anderson, Olalln. Oregon. tf FOI'ND On rond Just east of city, a man's rubber and shoe, both In excelleut condition. Owner may get same at this office by paying for this ad. niOFKSSlOXAIj CARDS. ATTORXKY8. mum N X KIlllV, Atiirneys at Ijiw. Masonic Temple. Itiwcborg, Or r.ftAr MV'.S Okf. v. JOHN T. UtN Attorney. Ai-IjiT. Rooms 7 aud 8, Douglas Co. 4 Uauk Uulldlng. t Roseburg. Oregon. It. W. MAItSTKKS Attoroey-At-IjiiT. Notary Public Rooms I and 7, Manners Building. j O Koseburg, Oregon. t Fl'l.l.KHTOM OltflTT, ft Attoriteya-at-Law. 0 it Will practice In all 8late and O Federal Courts. Office Rooms S, O 4 and 6. Douglas National 41 S Dank Uulldlng. Roseburg Or. 4 OBCOON HAIR TONIC $0 Will Grow flair. Hlop (he IUIr Iroin Fal Iuk Out. It l:N(royfl sOaudruB, It ) rerommen'led by lead lug piiyalciam. It.A.STOWEM. HOLJt AUKNT For sale by rulleHon fc Itfcbnrtlson rtUUUiUUUK Out From OlWurity, Jones had had a leg up In th world and was mighty proud of hi new position. Not long since he met a man who fn his submerged duys had been his chum, but who bud re mained in tho old rut. "Hello, Brown!" said JoneB, smirking at his friend. "You haven't been to see my new house yet. Can you come on Friday?" lirown expressed pleasure, at the thought. 'Yes," continued Jones, "we're having a small party. Er my daughter's coming out, you know." Drown scratched his head medita tively. Ills mind wavered, A stab of Btidden recollection came to him. 'I've just remembered, old Chap," said he. "Our Jim's coming out on Friday, lie s had fifteen days. Jones looked pained. "Hut," added his old friend, "how long's your daughter had?" Douglas County Creamery butter Is the best on the market. Insist oo your grocer supplying you witn a home product, which is always strict y fresh and guaranteed. Two pound roll 85 cents. dswtf TIIK MliHHY WIDOWS. (Kormerly The Antlers) MRS CALLAND, Prop. 4 Modern Apartments with bath, and hot and cold water In each room. 4 Wo Guarantee to please pnrtl- 4 citlnr People. 4 112 Brorkwny St. Phone 281 4 Near High School. 4 For Sale Berkshire pigs, Bronze turkeys, Pekln ducks, Toulouse geese, Drown Ijeghoru cockrels, won 25 prizes and two silver cups at our big Poultry Show, turkeys scoring ar high as 97 points, geeso 96, ducks. Pekins 9.1, Indian Runners 9G. chickens 95 54, etc. E. A. Kruse Roseburg Oregon TOK V 2 k y ENSES m mmmm It used to bo truo that blfocnl glasses were troublesome and "old" looklug and trying to tho eyes. It is NOT TRUE of Kryptoks, the now bifocals that look and wear like plain glasses but give perfect near-and-far vision. Come In and let us demonstrate their superiority. A S. HUEY OPTOMETRIST ANOTHER l.ig car of that good, screened Rock Springs Coal free from Blate, slack and dirt. When desired, delivery will be made In bago, and boards furnished to pro tect lawns and walks. -Wo also sell IUY OAK Kill WOOD KIXPLINO as well as a full stock ot HAT GHAIV KEKI Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co Winchester and Jackson 8trtet Phoas 1(S. n CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS Farm and Lot Survey Descriptions and plats checked for Attorneys Water power and Irrigation Work Plats and Maps Drawn Office With COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT 328 North JacHson St. Res. Phone 131 Party R. Office Phone 245 MENDOTA COAL No Soot, Little Ash $9 Per Ton Immediate De livery Anywhere. 08. WOOD ROSEBURG FLOUR MILLS Phone 56 GOLD RINGS And Other Rings We sell you the kind that ore guaranteed. Transient dealers usually work off a plated article on the inexperienced purchaser. Now Just take a close look nt your ring, If you bought It recent ly nt special sale. Is It SOLID COI.D? Sure? Will it stand test? Now don't get mad about it, but drop Id and let lis show you some real GOLD RINGS that will Bland test. They are the only kind we sell as such, and they are backed by a guarantee that Is good. Clingenpeel "The Jeweler" ROSEBUROATIONAl BANK BLDO. Riddle Land Agency Slock Iimit-hcs, Knilt Hunches, Poultry Farms and Hearing Orchards are our SXTlnlty. We handle the South Umpqua and Cow Creek Valley Lands- as Rood or better than the best In Oregon. The soil Is a KKEK SANDY LOAM, farms easy, retains moisture and produces results. Climate Here Unsurpassed Write us for Information J. S. Cherriiigton ? Manager Riddle, Gregon every honest loss. The "Hartford" insures all classes of property. It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard against the dangers of fire. It has published a book on the subjectwith separate chapters for householders, merchants, and . manufacturers, that will be sent free to those who apply for it. "f you are not now insure! in the "Hartford," see to it when next ; ou insure that you get a "Hartford" policy. THE DOUGLAS ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY RESIDENT AGENTS r I Buy Apple Pear rx. ream jrane i! Wrhere you can see what you'get and get what you want. Make your own selection from the immense stock iu my sales yard. Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament als, Rose Bushes and Berry Plants A L. KITCHIN, S NURSERYMAN The First Week in February Will be in the New The Milton Nursery Company of Milton, Oregon, liavo sold fruit trees and slirulw In Douglas County for four years. Hundreds of tuifistle.1 cnn.ra i ..... tlmoniar they offer, ltest o( stmk ence solicited. W. R. PALMER, Agt, Cleveland, Ore. Successor to A. M. AILMSTltOXO, Parmer. Mutunl Fire Insurnnco ROSEBURG Booksellers and Stationers Carry a complete stock of 1I.AXK BOOKS TYI'KWUITKIl P.APKR IHtAWIXG Roseburg Book Co. Let Us Launder our Bedcoverings!!! It s a pretty heavy task for a woman to launder blankets and Comfortables properly. Not only that but besides the labor it costs in soap and fuel almost os much as we charge. We are admirably equipped and we guarantee complete satisfaction Our charge is moderate. We also make a special ty of tlat work. Just pick up your phone and say 9 our wagon will call in a short while and we will return your work promptly. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 North Jackson St. . While Ringing the Alarm is no time to wonder if your insurance is all right You should know now. Lont pi t it oir tor a day. Look up your policies. If you are insured in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, , of Hartford, Conn., you need not worry. For 100 years it has promptly paid M rees Roseburg Oregon Sfora M""-"WTFI Perkins Building nt lowest prices. Corresooml. BOOK STORE sntonr. OFFICE SI PI'IJKS MATKKIAL Roseburg, Ore. H Telephone 97 -