The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, January 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Alitor nrt I'roiwifftor.
ttubrrlptloii lute Hull;.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per mofith, delivered 50
Per year $2.00
Sir mnntha 1.00
Kntered aa fecond-chiKs manor
Novemter 6, 1910, at Itoeburg, Ore.,
tinder act of Murvh 3, 1879.
8h Wouldn't Aviat.
"Solomon gay rk-hea have wUikh."
You've heard that often, no doubt
but, at a matter of fart, Bolomon
never uaid anything of the kind. Thii
In what ho did Bay; "Kor rJrhi cer
tainly make theniHelves wiiiRa; they
fly awny na an oatfle toward heav
en." Jt'a In Proverb 2.J-5. There
are many other misquoted; even the
JV1anter himself misquoted the MoHalc
"Ye have hoard that It hath been
paid, an eye for an eye, and a tooth
for a tooth; but J nay unto yon,
(hat yon resist not evil." Matthew
5:, IS. Thin Is the has Is for the quo
tation: "An eye for an eye, a tooth
for a tooth." Levltlrn 24:20 given
the law: "Breach for breach, eye for
eye, tooth for tooth; aa he hath caus
ed a blemltth In a man, ao shall It
be done to b I in again."
In Proverbs 23:31-32 Is another
well known quotation: "I.ook not
nn the wine while It Ik red," which
reada aa follows: "Ixnk not thou
upon the wine when it Is red, when
It glveth Its color In the cup, when It
movoth Itttelf aright. At the laat if
blleth like a Rerpent and stlngeth
like an adder."
"Wine in his own conceit" In an
other one often heard. Who knows
how It Is lined? Here It Is: "Answer
n fool according to his folly, lest he
he wine In bis own conceit," Porverbg
2:6. And again In the same chap
tor, 12th verso, "Bet thou a man
wise In hta own conceit, there Is
more hope of n fool than of him."
And the ldth Verne: "The sluggard '
i wiser In his own conceit than I
goven men that can render a reason
"Well, Aunt Emma, when are yon
coming for a rip lu my aeroplane'"
'My dear boy, I'd no more think of
doing iliac (ban I'd tululc of dying."
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hamilton are
sending a few days at Portland
visiting with friends.
H. Anderson and wife, of Olalla
spent the day In Roseburg visiting
with friends.
Mrs. J, h. Callawar. who has been
spending a few days at Portland la
expected home this evening.
fsreal Ketch, a local timber cruis
er, la spending a few days at Port
land attending to business matters.
Al Dear, of Oakland, spent the
day In Roseburg visiting with friend
and looking after business matters.
Mrs. Howard Hass left for Cottage
Grove this morning where she will
upend a few days visiting with her
Well the HlKh-.Hnk and the recep
tion to the Latlrtimle visitors are
over nnd wo can setile down to hard
work ngiiln. It was a big week for
Hennlor Cummins of Iowa has an
nounced that lie Is a candidate for
the presidency on tbo Republican
ticket. When will tbo Colonel make
bin debut.
Mrs. W. J. I.alwux and child left
for their home at Portland this mora
ing after a few days spent in Rose
burg visiting at the home of the
former's father, W. B. Harnmltto.
Teacher of Pluno,
Classes in Harmony.
Studio 717 Humllton St.
Phone 288-K
: II. M. Illtl MKIKf l). I) I) R it
"4 l. V.. HV11V li a r-
When? February 8. X
Where? At the Armory.
Who will go? Everybody.
i'f Room
No Hongs In Winter.
Tbo sky Is gray as gray may bo;
There Is no bird upon the hough;
There Is no leaf on vino or tree.
In the Neponset marshes now
Willow stems, rosy In the wind,
Hhlvor with hidden senso of snow!
In, too, 'tis winter In my mind
No light winged fancy comes and
A season churlish and unkind!
Blow creep the hours; alow creep
the days, -The
black ink crusts upon the pen.
Walt till tbu bluebirds and the Jays
And golden orioles come again!
Thomas llalley Aldrlch.
lUllslug the Hoys.
In the ditys when nearly everybody
was on the farm pretty nearly every
boy was raised with n hoe, nn ax
and saw at the woodpile, a curry
comb lu the barn, a pull for day
light Journeys lu) the well, und.
nlont once a year, If limes were
good, n ticket to the circus at the
nearest towli. Nowadays we raise
'em with, in, yachts, flying
machines, bicycles Ion the scale
down) and the I lien l re parties once
n week, with high-priced supper af
terward, orchestras making big mu
sic and all that. New York Press.
A denies Who Works,
Ruber! W. Chambers, the novelist. I
was called tl genius the other day at
the Century Club in New York,
Hut Mr. Chambers, with his wont
ed, charming modesty, denied that
he was n genius.
"I'nlesB, Indeed." lie milled, "we
accept I In. ib llilllloii l h si genius !
one per cent Innplrnt Ion unit im )t.r
' ' perspiration." - iiuhlMKloo
local m:ws.
Krank lliilin.
vas lu the el!)
or near
yef,tenlii .
.1. II. Mniein, i.r Ashland visited
J. Junes, of thin illy, today.
A motion was tiled In the circuit
court yesleidnv uskliiK for the ills
missal ot tln divorce action of l.ura
Huxley vs. I), c. Ilo-iley.
Ulntllct Minrucv Ceorrco t llrown
left for I'orlliind todnv where be
will appear lu the federal court on
.lanuiiv ;M and ercne a motion up
holiltl.g llouk'liis and Coos coiintle
la an attempt u, ,1Vnhl lieluu inn, I,
defend, ms in mi iip,llriillon i nt
ly hied l,v the govei n inenl aualnst
the .Southern tlreumi Compuuv.
While ailcmllen; to his dutley
about the luiii!liA Nation, i Hnuk
bullillng yesteriluv atteruotiii, some
unknown is'rson or pero-ns entered
the rear hall and appiopi l.ue, until
emus articles from tbt, i oat ot K,l
ward Singleton, the Janitor. AnmnK
lie- niioien lumen iit nil' Ill,e (
rertllbate of demslt for $ 1 nil. made
finable to Mr. Singleton nnd Indors
ed by the Douglas National Hank.
Attorney H. L. Kdily leaves for
Portland Monday evening where he
will assist IHstrlct Attorney Ccorgc
M. llrown in suhmlitlng arauiuents
In the ease of the llovernment vs. The
Siiethern Oregon Company. Th lat
ter company Insists upon making
Douglas and voos couulles ilefeli.l
nuts to ths government 'a suit, and
to tills the district attorney has til
ed objections. The argument, will ,
be heard In th federal rotirt on I
Robert Whlttaker. until recently
In the employ of the Southern Pacific
Company, went to Portland last
night to spend a few days with
friends. t
Mrs. Nela Lloyd, wife of a clerk
at the Roseburg hotel, was admitted
to Mercy hospital yesterday where
ahe will probably undergo an operation.
f.lghth grnde examinations were
held in all sections of the county on
January 18 and 19. The attendance
was excellent, according to Supervis
or John Kernan who Is assisting In
grnuing the papers.
Claude Riddle, of Canyonvllle,
underwent an operation at Mercy
hospital yesterday. The child Is said
to be much Improved this morning
and III n attending physician anticl
pates a complete recovery.
T. R. Rherldan, of the Douglas
National Itank. who spent some
lime at flan Pranclseo and other
southern cities Is now spending a
few days nf Marshflcld nnd vicinity.
Ho will probably arrive home In a
few days.
Mrs. Llxzle Morse and Miss I.u-
clnda Morse, who have been visiting
with their relatives. R. T. Ashwortb
nnd family, departed on tho morn
ing train for thelrdiomo In llerkeley,
Cal. Mr. Ashwortb accompanied
them as far as Medford.
A miner who recently came to
Itosi'burg from Cow Creek whore he
has resided for many years, dted at
Mercy hospital last evening of tuber
culosis. The funeral was held today.
Nothing Is known of tho mnii In this
oily, oilier than he Is single nnd has
no relatives on the coast.
Prank II. Wnltc, of Bulherlln, re
turned home this morning after a
few days spent In Roseburg. Mr.
Walte has nothing to say regarding
the rallrond situation ni Bulherlln
other than (he prospects are such ns
to make the avenme c t 7.011 look
ahead lo a most prosperous future.
W. K Winston, w ho has been Bi
nding Hie so-called short course at
the Corvullls Agrlculliiral College re
turnod here this morning. He says
thai i,iile a number of Douulas
county farmers are attending: the
.oiiege Ibis winter nnd that much
good will result. .
H. 1 1. Taylor and K. R. I.uinlie, k.
of Denver. Colo., arrived In llose
liiirg yesterday to spend a few ,1,,,-s
looking over the ri untry. The gen
tlemen represent five or six Colorado
families -who contemplate locating
In the t'mpciuii Valley early lu the
Hiring. Suffice In say ,lha the
seutleuieu are much pleased with
their visit Id thlB locality.
Attorney and Mrs. o p. Coshow
'iilerliilueil the members of the
Maptlst chdlr. at their li.-iiu 1 1 r 11 1
home on lOast Ijine street, lust
evening A feature of the eveninu
was a bounteous dinner prepared and
"erved by Mrs. Coshow. Pidlowlng
the repast the party Indulged in
heir practice, and suitlce to say that
Hie occasion was much enoyed.
Among those- present wore Misses
l.ucv llililgcs. Nellie Whipple. Hslhor
McKay. Klsle Woodruff. Jessie
I'" kens, and Messrs. It. I,. Whipple
I! I., tllle and Johns.
Gl ltlK).V A. VOHY.
Vocal Lraaoa.
Studio 437 Rou St.
Roseburg ... -or
Trarhrr t ruoh.
i studio. ;i e:: st.-rx. e
fw ll-R e
Eya Specialist.
217 South Stephens Street.
Roseburg. Oregon. -
Kit. II. K. M.HI'JI.ij,
Osteopathic Physician.
10-11 Marsteri Bldg. 'PhonellS
Roseburg, Oregon.
IKS fi IKIffi!
Farm and Lot Survey
Descriptions and plats
checked for Attorneys
Water power and
Irrigation Work
Plats and Maps Drawn
Office With
328 North JacHson St.
Res. Phone 131 Party R.
Office Phone 245
In the Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon for the County of Doug
las. Myrtle C. Preston, Plaintiff,
fl. A, Preston, Defendant.
To R. A. Preston, defendant?
In tho name of the Btate ot Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint Hied
agalnsq you In the above entitled
suit on or before tho first day of
tho February term of tho abovo enti
tled court 1912, to-wlt. the 19th dav
of Korbunry A. I). 1912; and If you
fall so to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
tho relief demanded In her com
plaint, to-wlt, a decree of divorce
from defendant and that yon be di
rected of all right In the N. H N. y,
Vi It). 33 S. R. 6 W. of W M
and for her cosU nnd disbursements
Herein. This publication of sum
mons Is by virtue of and order of
the Judge of the above entitled court
lundo on tho 6th day of January A.
D. 1912, ordering anmo published
once a week for Blx weeks.
Dnte of first ntlbllcntlnn. Decem
ber litll. 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
f 17 I
No Soot, Little Ash
$9 Per Ton
WASH :-:-: DAY
Is not dreaded nearly as much if you know that
you have a good machine to help lighten the
work. We would like to interest you in such,
we have'them, running in price from $5 to $20
The latter is the very best water motor machine
on the market, being both Gearless and Spring
less. Then we have another pattern for $15.00
that is a good motor machine, as good as you
will find outside the $20.00 machine.
Is a hand machine that is very popular at $12.
The Big "3", The Steel King, The Acme, and,
but just come in and look them over. We are sure we
can interest you, even though you have most of your
washing done at a laundry. Just think of turning out a
tub of clothes in the time it takes to rub one or two articles
by hand, and with no more labor. Remember that
the modern machine does good work and you will not
find it necessary to use the board for finishing but very
seldom, and then but for a waist band or a neckband.
. Prove us by using a machine, you will not regret it.
Churchill Hardware
Ininiedinto Delivery Anywhere.
Phone 56
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marb
WorKs. Telephone Z51.
WorK Done on Short Notic
The local branch of System
Federation of Harrlman Lines
will Klve their first monthly
benefit ball at the armory on
Tuesday, January 23. The Rose-
biirc Orchestra will furnish the
music. Tho boys are working
hard to keep up their reptita-
tion of giving a good social
Mrs. Ella Thomas and child arriv
ed here last evening from Albany to
spend a few days visiting with
friends. 4.
Delicacies Store
um. h. t. coffin, mas At turm.t
PARTICULAR people will
x find (his fstabluhmcnt all
bat can be dciircd The but
of everything eatable, always
freah and good, for tale.
315 Cass Street
General Transfer Business
Prompt attention given
to phone orders. Phone
70 or leave your orders
al Jos. Sykes Gun Store
We know that there has been a great deal of
trouble with Electric Laundry Irons, but it was
before the G. E. was on the market or because
you did not use them. G. E. stands for General
Electric; also guaranteed ever.
The Electric Store
Churchill-Warner Co.
llavlnc illaiaiseil of the slock ol
BoimIs of the Novellv Store, to Mr. I,
li. Kii.uni TtloLI. of ihe 6, 10, anil 15
cent store. Cubs street, and also no
copted a iiokIIIoii with him 1 lake
hub in. '111(111 ot idling lev
iiieiHis snow where
In Hie f.ilure.
)'l MI1S F
nay be found
George Kohlhagen, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Hulcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and sold.
Plume 58
Roseburg, Oregon
8tart this year KIOHT by dining
at tho lunch room whereat you will
enjoy tho finest cooking, tho cholc
?at meats, poultry, vegetables, fruits,
pastry, etc. at popular prlcos.
Particular people find this lunch
oom a specially good one and also
find that our prices are not eorbl
tnnt. Try us.
Grand Grill
C. and G. Eliiott, Proprietors
5Uc Fer Dozen 50c
We are making special prices on
photos from 50c per dozen up.
Corner Lane and Pine Sts.
Roseburg, Or.
I. vTsn
The remainder of the Amler-
son li.irc.itn Hlore. bankriiol
show canes. counter..
v ami sneiunK. HplendM opeor- 4
t li ti It - for aiiMme winning lo go
Into business. Hee Mr. Wood
at the Kosetmrg Hook tttore 4
North' Side Plaining Mill
Just North of Kinney Spur, North
Jarkaon HUvrt, Phone 820.
Ordera for all kinds ol
Itcaaonablo Prices,
Building Material promptly Filled at
Mill Work Our Specialty
Pratt lloiea ta Any Quantity.
f. . :A
The Real Magnet
tliat draws eonlnuts from builders
anil rerpcntrTs into our ofttro Is tlut
high dnsa quality of the lumber we
sell. It la always up to araile, and j
- .--- iw.."iiMiiin io an pur
rluurrs. Wo liavo a full assortment !
of bullillng material at reasonable ',
'oir WOOD j
Page Investment Co J
Phone 24i ?09 N Jackson
Phone 245.
All work first-class
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title
Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
82H North Jackson at..
I flWfl T Pit C C1""r AcrKe Gre. ' New
.inn . r5.lST""n'''- - - -on ol S. P.
. ... . luuimou. Town Lota SOxl23
u wnue tney are Cheap.
at $73.00. Get
B and 10 acre IracU suitable fop
frnlt, berrlesL annm n i. .
Choice Lands;:
lng and truck gardening.
L 0. Maddux
tt 8. Mala St.
Koeebart, Oregon