V iiNcT THE EVENING NEWS TAItli I). 8IIOKMAKKH, Kiliior hiuI fciolo rrfipli'tor. lSSLi:i DAIliV KXCErB Hl'NJMV. HiilstT)Uoii IUUh- Dully. Per year, by mull $3.00 Per mouth, dullvorod co Siini-WiMkly. 'er year $2. CO Bix months 100 Ku tared us Becond-olaBs matter November 5, 1910, lit KoHuburg, Ore., under uet of March 3, 1879, "Tunisia yTXi LAW MICH TAKi: ITS COl'ItKIS. The terrible UniKcdy '(.-muted a few daya ago t CoQulllo when u father took the law into his own hands and nhot ami killed another man who had wronged his daughter Is Mill fresh in the memory ol most of us, if reports of the affair are correct the fa to meted out to the deceiver was about whut ho deserved, for there is no lower specimen of hu manltv than that man who will de liberately and out of the pure desire for lust ensnare a young; Kin auu then ruin her. Hut harsh as are his deserts the law provides a punish ment for such creatures and we must not tolerate another man taking the nositlon of JudKo mid Jury "d pun ishing the wrongdoer upon his own fliulini' We notice expressions In tho col umns of several issues of Coos comi ty ih iters which have a tendency to exonerate the man who lias afm)uu that he Is guilty of the shooting. This Is not right. Our sympathies are with this wronged father. We feel that no punishment would have been loo severe for the desplKuble act of tho dead man. Hut we should not allow our sympathy to run away with our Judgment and common sense. The law may Hoinctlmes be slow: It may sometimes bo appar ently harsh: It may sometimes even work great hardships, but taken all around it Is about ns just and fair as couldj bo devised by Imperfoet Immunity, Tho nubile pn-ss Is the last institution that should eonUm Miro nny Interference with the iid mluistartlon of tho criminal law or make It harder for the state's . at torney to get a fair and Impartial verdict from the sworn Jurors, Any articles which tend to exonerate the nian-klller will have Its Influence on (he minds of the readers, who will Inter be among those drawn to serve as Jurors at the trial of tho self confessed murderer who Ik going to use the unwritten law as his defense for bis net. Iet the law take Hh course unaided and uunsHlstcd by a prejudiced press which has a ten dency to bring about a hostile alti tude to the just administration of tho law. ' The U. A. 8., of hooking Glass will give a box and sand wich social at the hail Friday evening, January 2 6th. The pro ceeds will go toward paying for the new sheds and fence. There will bo' games, and fun for all. I'OIOM von TODAY. A Irfivo Song. f llrowu eyes I say, yet say I blue. I think her mouth Ik a melody. Her bosom ft petal sunned and new. Jier hand Is u passing sigh. Illuo eyes I say, yet somehow brown. Her mouth Is the verge of all re- pose, Her breast a smoothed out viol tone. Her bund Is an early rose. Ho her eyes of blue or brown, in deed; He color or music what she Is, I nothing know, but my life's own need Is tho fancy of her kiss. Trumbull Stick ncy. i,u ;hij ; s. In The f a I'lM' nter Shop. "Life's a hard crlml, tmld the emery w heel. "It's a perfect bore," returned the auger. "It means nothing but hard knocks for me," sighed tho nail. "You haven't so much to go i through as I have," put In the saw.: "1 can barely scrap along," cum-j plained tho plane. "And I am constantly being set upon, added the bench. "Let's strike," sit Id the hummer "Cut It out!" cried tho chisel. "here comes the boss." And all was silence. Hoston Tran script. New On The .lob. "Your wife wants you on the telephone," announced t he hew liny In an of lice where two different phones were tnstalli-il. "Whhh one?" Inquired the boss, t bin king of the two telephones. "Please, sir." said the bay. "I don't know how many you have." Lot At, m:us. 8. I). Kvans. of l'mpiua, was a business b Itnr In Kosehui g for a few hours yet-lei day. Pan! Palmer left for Portland this morning w In ,v Ut coalcnii'lates lo cating permanently, Trunk Walte, of Sulherlln. (.pent the day In Itos.liiug attending to business miitteis and ureetlim friend!. Mrs. A. 1.. Hoache b ft Tor Ku geil( thU mornlnir where stie will spend n lew days vivftinn )tt i iu home of her xon, Al limit be. Mip. Laura nrrhed In Uov spend a few homo of Mrs. V. ('. Smith, of Praln. Iuit-k l;t-t rierilng to i.n vtMttng at the W. Page. .John Whi'iltoril f . ret nr-ed iron) poiniM on me i ai.ipooia riu where he spent the ptsi few utvl. with Irleuds and nlaliett. . Z. Simuionds and family, who have leslded In the Hrockwa) vicin ity for several years, left for Port land this morning where they expect to locate permanently, I. H. Wallace, of the W. C. Hard lug m ud Company, returned here ihls morning after a couple of day rpent In Koschurg vUltlug with friends und looking alter huslue matters. Kendrti'k fc King, the grocers, ex pect to move from their present loca tion on l-ebrnaty 1, and thereafter will occupy the More room at present occupied by Henry Kaston. The Int- ter Is holding a special sale In order to close out hlu stock. James Kwart, who has been III of pneumonia, was able to be about the Jt reels today. Frank 13. Alley left for San Fran clseo yesterday morning "'"here u will sp:i i a few ds JoJt.ug aft business Interests. J. W. Jacohson. of Glnndale, spent the day In Kosehurg attending to various business matters and visiting with friends. X. SelJg returned to Myrtle Creek yesterday afternoon after a couple of days spent in Uoseburg visiting with friends. G. W. Wise, of Voncalla, returned home yesterday afternoon after a few days spent in Uoseinirg visiting wun friends. Mrs. Hassett returned to her home at Drain this morning uftor a few days spent In Koseburg visiting with her sister, Mrs. Kugene Howtis. Mrs. Medley, of Oakland, under went an operation at Mercy hospital yuHterday morning. Dr. Sether was tho attending surgeon. Robert Tnvlor leaves for points In tho Kast Ibis evening In response to ;t telegram announcing the serious Illness of his father. ( 8. i.Jller. of Dlrlde, spent the day In Uoesburg attending to various business Interests and visiting with friends. Miss Kthel Dixon has returned from Sacramento and other Califor nia cities where she spent several months visiting w(th 'friends and relatives. Mrs. Charles Harnard and child left for Kiigeno yesterday aft noon where they will spend a few days visiting with friends and rela tlves. John Fox, special agent for the Homo Life Insurance Company, is spending a couple of days In Kose burg attending to various business interests. Douglas County Creamery buttoi Is tho best on tho market. Insist on your grocer supplying you witn homo product, which Is always strict ly fresh and guaranteed. Two pound roll 85 cents. dswtf Winnie Gaddls, the plumber, Rpent tho day at Itlddle. where he Is look lug oer the Held with a view of advancing proposals for the contem plated sewer Improvements to bo Hindu In that etly during the pres ent ear. Itev. S. A. Douglas, formerly pas tor of tho HoHohurg Haptlst church, but for the past, few years of Al bany, spent yesterday In town greet ing friends. Rev. Douglas Is at pres ent bidding a series of evangelistic services at Oakland. County Commissioner Hynn and County Judge Wonaeott met In in formal session at the court house hist night und formally signed con tracts for the construct Ion of sev eral bridges to be erected In Doug las county during tho present year. 5 Mrs. C. C. Grimes has returned to her home at Springfield after n few days spent In Koseburg visiting at the homo of M is. Kdward Pengra. She was accompanied to Springfield by M rs. Catherine Gray, of Grants Pass. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wiee, of Yoncalla. was brought to Mercy hospital .yesterday afternoon where she will undergo an operation (or appendicitis. She Is being at tended by Dr. George K. llouck, of Koseburg, and Dr. Mortensen, of Yoiieullu. .1. P. K Inert and f'imlly, who hnve resided In the vicinity of Looking Glass tor several years left for their former home at Lincoln. Neb., till morn mi g where t hey w ill probabl locate periuantntly. Mr. Klnert dis posed ol his i a nc a n ii recent ar rhal In this section named Miller. Thomas D. peteh, eug neer for the Oregon Gue Company, left for Med loi d last evening after a few days spent in Koseburg attending to business matters. Mr. Peteh Is di recting the Installation of machinery In the new gits plant, and hopes to have the same In operation at an eai ly date. H. O. Dourte and wife, of Nebras ka, arrived in the city on the early (inln vesterdiiy, and were the guests of M i . mid Mrs. K. J. Dourte. or Md en bower. "I he former gentleman U the votiugesl brother of the hitter, and they had not oeeu each other tot en eais 'I he filing relatives re ; it m d t heir Journey Kast ward this morning. The t hlrty-set oud anniversary of the imiriinge of Mr. mid Mrs. U..M Wood, of North Koseburg, was made i he occasion of a family parly nt 'heh home Tuesday evening. The hour was pa.ed pleasantly In relat- tnu remtue.-M-, iwos of many years ago in the Noithwest. Mr. Wood being a mitiw ol alia Walla, where his par- ettled In 1 SMt. Delicious fruit numb, cake and nuts were served to 'he quests, and also many musical 'elections were re tied red to the great plea-uK (,f nil. It was a late hour when i he purty broke up. all wishing for th host and hostess many re turns of the happy anuhersar. I'JtOFKKKIOXAL CAItDS. M ItS, II. JAV KTONK, Teacher of Piano. ClasHs In Harmony. Studio 717 Hamilton St. Phone 288-R It, M. 3 Room IHCl'MI IKLD, I). I). S. U. C. FINLAV, J. IK S. Dentists. Phone PI0KKIN8 BLDG. 1 OK HALF ; The remainder of the Ander- ! son Uargalu Store, bankrupt 4 stock, aliow cases, counters, and shelving. Splendid oppor- j tunlty for anyone wishing to gg into business. See Mr. Wood i ut the Koseburg Book Store. dtf I GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of evcrj description moved to any parts of the ci'.y. rrlwu p;bud ilile. H. S. FRENCH UUI(IK).V A. KOUV, Vocal Lt;sonn. 4 Studio 437 N. Rose St. Phone 290-R 4 RoReburK ... -Ore. - MltS. II.AII,l:.S II KIN J. I. NIC, Teacher ol IMuno. I ; Studio, 423 Ella Street. 1 Phone 33-R DIt. H. K. IIKRMANN, I'0 Speclalliit. - 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. lR. I. K. 8NHI,!,. OHtcopathic l'liynliiiin. 10-11 Mnraterg Rldg. 'Phonell9 Roaoburg, Oregon. 3; ,1 i iiluy. and In iileasure, not rk, to the boy. All that In needed in out-or-doors, a group ol do'h, a competent leader. SomethliiK to do. something; to Hnk about, and something to en- t with a view always to character lldlng. for manhood, not scholar- c !, Is the Mist aim or eaucaiion. Community uluc. The nromotlon of the boy scout -.trikmnnt hfio hfif'tl ruffllf It i.Cll SH U mnillnlty asset. It Is the commu ty's opportunity to reach the boy good citizenship. The organl- Ilon of the local council and the tigress of Its activities, as related i scouting, Is evidence to the boy, to knows the scout program, that b community is Interested in him; t only Interested in his educatiou ly compelling him to uttend the jbllc school In order that he may nrnnerlv trained for bis citizen- p duties later on), but Interested his play also,, when that play olesoinely and happily contributes, It does' In the s-.oiit program, to physical, mental, and moral de- ' OpIIHMlt. I Tlie local council through scouting , IH'IIMCATIO.V Ol.' HL'MMOXS. 1 H .1,1 iifui..t .i .U.a JiniH Ikunn 1 RUGS I AND MATTING 1 T VkAkacL Do yu know that we have a ldUieS BASEMENT DEPARTMENT To make it , worth while to visit it, we make you the follvving Special Prices on Crey GRANITE WARE FOR 7 these are taken buck Into the sys tem. In the treatment of such cases, we strongly recommend Rexall Liver Salts because of the e iccoss so many people have experienc- d in using this preparation. Rexull Liver Salts r re manufactur ed In two sizes, 25c and 60c. and we have the exclusive a; ency. WIJ.KKTO.N' & ItK'HAItliSOX. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Doug- Ins. Myrllo C. Proston, Plaintiff, vs. n. A. Preston, IJofondant. I'o R. A. Preston, defendant: In tho naniu of the state of Oreunn Vou are hereby required to appear anil answer tho complaint tiled JgalnsU you In the above entitled suit on or before the Brut ilnv r the February term of the above enti tled court 1912, to-wlt, the 19tli dny of Kcrluinrv A. n 1 fii 9 ...i it , lull so to answer, for won't thureof the ! 8 pininiiir win apply to the court fori the relief demanded In her com-i plaint, to-wlt. a decree of divorce Irom defendant and that you bo di vested of all right In the N. N. ! See. 32 Tp. 33 S. R. 6 W. of W M l und for her costs and dlslniranineniK : heroin. This publication of sum-! mons Is by virtue of and order of he Judge of the above entitled court uipdo on the (ith day of January A. inij. ordering same nub shed : on co a week for six weeks: unio or tirst nub cat on. Decem ber (ith, 1912. ALBERT ABRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff. M7 LH.Rhoades Company 2nd Store GOLD RINGS -AND- Other Rings "Til " 'a'JWBMIMBt 0BM sLoulci know now. ton't j it it off for a , I x)ok up your pol :ies. If you are insured in tl e Hartford Fire Issu ance Company, of Hartford, Conn, you need not worry. For 100 years it has promptly paid every honest loss. The "Hartford" insures all classes of property. It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard ' against the dangers of fire. It has published a book on the subject,with separate chapters for householders, merchants, and manufacturers that will be sent free to those who apply for it. ; If vou are not now insured in the "Hartford," sec to it when next you insure that you get a "Hartford policy. MMk aima&JiMiv.' - ..CSfXlZ I . aatt- hi""' '"iikJJi.! 4bVj!- -w- a M ,M-- suit you better. And there are others. Don't Forget to Look at the Freless Cookers Churchill Hardware Company "IRONMONGERS" D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP, Dumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning " and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marb WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. Delicacies Store i U. I (Mt ril'V XVAItUAMX Nutlr' if littvlM uit't att por?ons tiolitliiK (Ifiit-rnl Kitntl WarrtuitH imiliit !ho City tif lu-olnrc. Oro on, oinltirxcii "Nut 1'itiii tor want uf ruiulH" irtur to ami lm-tmtlus July 11th. t;!l. (i) iT.-Mtit thf ttittuo to ttio lly trt',isnnr ftir !yimiit, n; InitTost thtn-un IH cast nfirr the 'talc u( tliis iiollri. hitti-d Hi In 17th (lay of Jmiuarv !). 8. iiorsru. IMS. H.t, COfflH. MISS AUCt WIISOX. ftt PARTICULAR people will A find this eatablthntent alt that can b desired The best of everything eatable, always fresh and good, for sale. 315 Cass Street AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS, PilOP. General Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave your orders at Jos. Sykes Gun Store Start this year K10HT by dining at tlie lunch room whereat you will enjoy tho finest cooking, the choic est meats, poultry, vegetables, fruits, imstry, etc. at popular prices. Particular people find this lunch room a specially good one and also tlml that our prices aro not exorbi tant. Try us. Grand Grill C. and G. Eliiott, Proprietors We know that there has been a great deal of trouble with Electric Laundry Irons, but it was before the G. E. was on the market or because you did not use them. G. E. stands for General Electric; also guaranteed ever. The Electric Store Churchill-Warner Co. H THE ECONOMY MARKET George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Htitcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and sold. Phone 5S Roseburg, Oregon Oregon Hair Tonic It Grows Hair Accept no Substitute For Sulo lly FULLERT0N-ROARDS0N It. A. Stiraell, Agt. North Side Plaining Mill Jut Xnrth ot l.lnnry Spur, North Jiu-knon Ntivet, Phone 3SO. Onlora for all kinds Ol Heojionable Trices, Building Material promptly Filled at Mill Work Our Specialty . PruU ltotra in Any Quantity. PHOTOS 50c Per Dozen 50c We are making special prices on photos from 50c per dozen up. HILL'S STUDIO Corner Lane and Pine Sts. Roseburg, Or. iarriiilHiiiiCirtM DraiiimgTtde V. 1 -ri'-1 The Real .Magnet that ilrnw nmtrnrt.4 from builder and rnrnrnttT into our office is that hilill rlitsa quality of tlie Lumber vr fv. It 1 alnaya up to irraih, anil Kivea the beat intlifaction to al pur rliawr. We liave full awortment of bulliliiiR niatrrinl at rvaaonahlc prlf-rw. fo.vr woon Phone 245. All work firat-clasa Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 1 itle Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished S'JJt North Jackson at. ROSFIllHa. OREGON Page Investment Co. I 19 N. Jacksonl Phone 2U FOR SALE Town Lots- and R, 1). o. Itailroad. one while thry arc Cheap. Choice Acreage at Green, the New Tunnstte, at the intersection of 8. T. Town Lota 00x123 at 473.00. Get In S and 10 acre tracts unliable for fruit, berries, grapes. Poultry Rais- Choice Lands Ing and truck gardening. L. 0. Maddux fc S. Main SC Itoscbnrg, Orrgnn it