THE EVENING NEWS CAICI, I). KIIOKM hi:it ICdilor IKSL'ICI) D.lll.V KXt.'KIT Hll.MMV. riulisrrii(ioii Kuteit Dully. I'cr year, by until 3.00 l'er month, delivered 50 Semi-Weekly. Pnr yonr $2 .00 Six ruoiitlia 1.00 Nntered na Kocond-elHKtt matter Novenilier 5, 1910, lit ItoHeliul'K, Or.)., umlor act of March a, 1871). I liHI.W, JA.M .IIIV H, 11)11. H'll.f, I.KAII 'I'll 10 iti'.VrjtiiicANH 'j ins MM. Tho njieHtlon which 1h npponnoHt In tho mlndH of a largo niimlior of ropulilk-nn voters in, Who will ho nominated nt ChlcaKO to lead tho re-j ptilillnin party? It In a well Bellied fuel and one; which political writers do not doclKO i that President Taft Is very milch in ! disfavor with tho rank and 111m of; tho voters of his own parly. The reasons for this are many. Mr. Taft has been an unwise politician, he lias not played the game of politics with j tlon Is will ho allow his name to he any decree of skill. Ills so-called ; presented to tho convention. lr he blunders have been political In char- does not, Mr. Iloosevult will he tho aetor, and have heaped upon him the nominee, otherwise it will he Mr. denunciation of a law class of tho Taft. I source of trouble to the other can ) (liduttm. Mr. KooKevelt Is not uc J lively ellKUKf-d In seeking tho noml I nation and has said that he would j not uccept It were It given to him Tills statement we may disregard ) for there Ib no man too hfK to refuse I the nouiluntlcn If tendered him 1 There Is no denying the popularity of the ex-presldent, and he would It; all probability be elected If he wore the standard hearer this fall. itonsovoit. enihodieB, more than any nthr man in the county, the ideals and the faith of the people. In their present dilemma tiiey turn to hliu as the one man who can help them. Hut will this sentiment be recognized by the party leaders, who may. In an effort to inve the election, turn upon Taft and cham pion the ex-presldent? It Is doubtful if they will do this and there Is little chance to stampede tho convention for Kooesvelt, The stampede has been tried before with poor results. .Many things may happen before June IKth to make Mr. Taft a more available candidate, and many things may happen to make him sill! more unpopular. Of these mutters we do not wrlle. The fact remains that i a it can oe re-nominated, 'i ne ques- voters In tho republican ranks and the Invective of the opposite politic al loaders. Yet with all his mistakes .Mr. Taft has gone ahead and en-! J rteavored to bring about much con structive legislation. In this ho has been fairly successful. But tho white light of publicity has been played so constantly upon the liliindcrn of the president that the people have failed to give credit where credit Is really duo. and as a rsult the present occupant of the White House Is perhaps tho most unpopular president since the days of .lohiiBon. Tho president not only has a strong opposition In tho democratic parly to overcome, but tins n deter mined an aggressive spilt In bis own party with which to contend. The so-called progressive wing of the republican party Is Irrevocably op posed to tho re-nomlnatlon of Mr. Tnft and has already in tho field as tin active candidate, Senator Hubert 1m Pollelte, of Wlnsconsln. Mr. I,a Kollette did not seek tho candidacy of the Progressive League; n fnct, bo was opposed to being tho cham pion of tho league and Its support ers, lie urged and pleaded with Menator tjutumius, of Iowa, to accept the candidacy, hut to no nvnll. There Is lltllo hope Hint the aspirations of tho La Follotto backers will be real ised. We do not believe that the fighting senator himself thinks that he will be able to capture tho nomi nation at Chicago. With the powerful Influence nt his command, with practically the entire Itepuhllcun National Commit too hack of him and wllh tho pres sure mat can no brought to bear, Mr. Taft can doubtless ro-nonilnnto himself, or belter, bo ro-noinlnaled, In spite of, and In tho faco of, pop ulnr diss pproval. This, Mien, prosenls u curious sit uation. On tho one band Mr. Taft. who from tho average voter's point ,of vlow, should not bo the parly's choice to succeed himself, Is at the present time almost sure of the plum. On the other hand Senator l.a Kol lette, who stands out prominently ns a champion of the people, gaining llllle favor or preference from those whom he so vigorously serveH. Out of this situation grovvH the lioosevelt sentiment. The ex-presldent has said that ho Is not a candi date, lie has not only said It, he i you' nits piiiinsneo ii no lias even ralrly shouted It from the houselops. There Is no doubt that Mr. lioosevelt would make a powerful candidate for tho people that Is tho reason for their Insistence that ho he the nominee. The Itoosevelt champions any that lr Mr. Taft Is nonilualed be will without question go down to defeat and carry wllh him niaay of tho state tickets as well; that Mr. l.a Kollette Is not strong enough In the West or the Hast and without these sections be would also be do fealed should bo bo tho rnndlilale. Ill this dilemma the party must turn to lioosevelt, for whom (hero Is n strong undercurrent of sentiment In the republican ranks, and tor whom a fair proportion of doniorrnlle votes may ho expected to ho polled III fact tho Itoosevelt noiiularltv Pcem For Today I WIIK.V IIKIIK HKI'OKK. When I was on this earth before I bad great wealth and power. Hut soon I heard It's millions roar And lost It In an hour. Hy conquest and oppression's rod I made tho people's fate. 1 worshiped none but niamoirls Uod And got the Devil's 111111. The willow's cry I could not hear Nor o'ho tho orphan's wall, I drank much whiskey, hut no beer, And murdered 011 tho trail. I fought nil progress on tho way And scorned a pleasant slmlc, I tried to make a great display Of all my horrid guile. nut retribution swiftly came, I smelt a horrid smell. Then wilh no honor or no fame I died and went to hell. 1 looked beyond tho yawnins deep. 1 saw n happy band; The useful ones who ceaied to weep upon tne eternal sfand. Hut what wo want la present v.'onl. With present, liscnihless. Imbued with hope and holy zeal l''or each one's happiness L. C. HILL. Judge said: "And now, gentle, men, your verclkt Is?" "Guilty,' nl.l the foreman. A sigh of relief went up rrom the crowded court, and tho Judge remarked: "Correct! We hanged hlin two hours ago." Her Preference. borne years ago there visited Ii 11 rope and America a charming fnpauese actress who possessed tho anvlablo ability to tell her friends -xactly what she thought without In tho least offending them. During. her slay In' Paris she was honored by a request to appear at a private entertainment to be given by 'ho then president of the republic. Ilveryone was delighted with her per formance, and the president himself brought out and presented to her an 'xceisdlngly rare and valuable Sevres vase, The little lady from the Orient was plea ed, but not for that reason lid she Ignore tho practical side of tho question. She gazed at the pres ident with Hint childlike smile, only to be attained by Orientals. "Most sorry," she said In her quaint broken Kngllsh, "most sorry cannot tako vase to Japan. Too far, Oet broken. Take money. Very sorry." St. Louis Heimbllc. LOCAL -NEWS. NOTK'IO TO THE ITHJ.IO I'ndrr tho terms of my nolo of (bis paper to the present owner ull iilirrlptloii clue Hie paper are due ami payable to H10 new owner. AH accoiinlH on tho books prior to De cember llrst Hill lire due mid pay able to Hie new owner. All iicrountN made lctwcvii Dcreuiiier 1st and lllst Inclusive fire flue find pnyablo to the undersigned. ItcNjH'rtfully yours, dswtf It. W. II.ITICS. A. B. Durrlson, of Oakland, was a business! .(alter Jn JKoseburg thin morning. Mrs. J. C. lib liardnoii, of Myrtle Creek, spent the day In Koseburg visiting with friends. "v f .T Snell went to Myrtle Creek (Ills morning to look after profes sional business. W. II. Koso; of Ulxonville, left for Newberg tins morning where he will spend a few days visiting with friends. fj. M. Grant, formerly engnged In the real estate business In Koseburg, arrived here last evening enroute to Medford. Mr. Grant says Marshlleld la enjoylpgi a steady growth, and tho town is destined to become one of the Important coast points. A. I). Bradley, a local real estate dealer, and Kdward Pengra, assistant superintendent of the 8. P. lines, re- j turned here this morning after a few days spent at Junction City hunting ducks. Start this year RIGHT by diiilns nt tli lunrh room whereat you will enjoy the fluent cooking, the choic est meats, poultry, vegetables, fruits, pastry, etc. at popular prices. Particular pnoplo finrl this lunch room a Bpocially good one and also find that our prices are not exorbl taut. Try us. Grand Grill C. aiul G. Eliioii, PropWeiois D. H. MARSTER5' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning' and Heating North JacBson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marb WorEs. Telephone Z5. WorK Done on Short Noticp ROSE BURG, ORF. Laughing Gas rv.-,,' Mrs&tfKetrMi'-sr .w Ancient Koothal). "Who was Leonldas?" "Tho chop who captured the nimriun eleven ine year they gave roraia such a tussle. It wns a great game." Ko (llulton. The Unsuccessful Counsel I'm very sorry I could not do moro for my man." The Prisoner "Don't apologize, old sport, f.'lvo years Is enough." Woman's Wny. "A woman's convent Inn. eh?" What do women know about enthu siasm? Now at the last nntional con vention we men cheered our candi date for ait hour." "That's all right," said his wife. "We I brew kisses at ours for sixtv scveu minutes by the clock." .Test Ice. Hank I Ictus, of Tin Tan. was ac cused of stealing a mule, hut n Tin l an jury brought In a verdict of "not ! guilty". This disgusted tho specln-: lius and the Judge, and the judge voicing Ihe general opinion, said: I "(lenlltnieii of the lurv voit have! is necomiiig alarming to the man-ictreu previously, (jo hack, reeou- ngers of the Taft and l.a h'ollelto the evidence, and see If vou ; cundldurles. It Is a dally news j ''""""1 glo us a verdict In accord- i item In all the lending papers and a nee wllh right and Justice." I shadows recently While House com-1 I'r.'sllallen the Jury retired a sec-! luent. The question naturally arises ond time. They were out about ten I why Is tint name of llttnsevell a minutes. on their return the )Marsters Dru g Co. ION HI'Jc.C'IAIjISTS at tm .'w O'i ' ' 1 ' ' ' -.-"5 IT . ': i A 1 l 1 Wo Wish Yon Prosperity nnd Ilnppl nvss. Churchill Hardware Company Store With (lie Ladles' Rest Room. IUOXMOXGKRS -J Delicacies Store HUB. H. t. COffiH, HISS AtlCE W IS01, Pn PARTICULAR people will find this establishment all that can be desired The best of everything eatable, always fresh and good, for sale. 315 Cass Street H THE ECONOMY MARKET I George Kolillingcn, Prop. .Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market alTonls. All kinds of Stock bought and sold. LOCAL NEWS. gread-grandfather during the Revo- j out of a piece of wood taken from Monroe Castle at Havana during the Spanish-American war. ItltloiiarV War. It. ban-been hnnrioH C. C. Weaver, who has been in 1 down fron one generation to the Portland for the past week, looking i other, and now becomes the nrnnertvi after business affairs, today. returned homo Mrs. J. A. Eldridge. of Orange vllle, Idaho, who has been spending Ihe past lew days at Kiddle visiting wllh William Q. llrown, left for her homo this morning. Thomas Cobb, of lloseburg, and Charles I). Post, of Oconln. Wis., left for the Smith lilver country this morning where they will spend a few days looking over a couple of limber claims. Itldille Tribune: G. II. Howland received a sword from Michigan, yes terday, which had been used by his ' of .Mr. Ilowlnnd's son, John Carver Howland. who Is now 12 years old. A walking eaue was also sent to him from a nephew who had carved it O. C. Sether and wife, of Glendale, returned here this morning after a few day's spent at Portland and oth er northern cities. - ... I Bawnm I i I . .. I r!unc5S - - ' . Roseburd. Oiefinn i" 9 II AP?Le m 1- 'lis fiWffn?i A unr rear a m , ,. , , utv luysilggb Look! Look! 1 . DOZEN !hZ 1 1, 1 Where you can see what you irct and what you want. Make your own selection iroin the immense stock in niv sales vard. Coihl and see tlieni. Nut Trees, Ornament als, Rose Bushes ami Berry Plants A L. KITCHIN, NURSICRYMAN Rosebur Oregon AUTO TRANSFER! ir-MrT:ajr3gs5jME3ggr- m mi mm J. F. C'Er,; i.iS, PrfOP. Gene. ;1 Ti-?nsfer CusineFS Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave yot'r orders at Jos. Sykes G uu Store Hnir Tonic It Grows Hair Accept 110 Substitute For Sale Hy FULLERTCN-RICHARDSON IntKists. II. A. Stowi'U, Agt. ELECTRIC :-: PORTABLES I The finest ever shown in Southern Oregon. A delayed Xmas shipment just arrived. Call and inspect them. ciiurciiilUwarmer CO. "THE ELECTKIC STOKE" About W (lll'ferent designs in car.l nioiiuts that wo are miiiiK to dis continue. Only- a few of each kind. Tills work Is regular 1.110 to Sll.tltt caltliiels, anil they go nt $M0 mt doxen 11s long as they Inst. Our reputation Is back of this, CLARK & CLARK FOTOGRAFEUS Phono !45. Ml work flrt-('l Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 1 itle Piling Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bon Js "of airKin Js Furnished R28 North Jackton rt. lttSHU KO. OKKCO.N North Side Plaining Mill Just North vt 1. Inner Spur, North Jmksou StrtH't, I'liono 320. Orilerg for all kinds of Reasonable Prlcea. Building Material promptly Filled at Mill Work Our Specialty Knilt Itoxr In Any QuitnUty. Hi 1! r.ii r i i Ell - . ) : 1 WHY PAY FOR COUPONS MSitTJBM i For a short time this ad. and 50c Will pay for threecabinet photos at HILL'S STUDIO Bring this in and arrange for your sitting at some convenient time. ::i:;;:::-iii:-::.:;-::-: y ilrawiEi FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable to anyone wishing their so necessary iniuu 10 possess that particular finish to good tas:e in dress. We Do That Class of WorK One Trial will Convince. The Real .Magnet that draws rontrnrt from lmll.lerl ami rnreiitil-s Into our oflire Is that i hluli rlA. aniilitv of the l.mtilkr n ! sell. It It. nlnnys ni to craclr, noil , ! the N-st uitlfaetion to all iur ' ' ' flwwn. We Iwve a full assortment ' of I'tiihlinx at rensonnlile prirt. j " : vr wooiii Page Investment Co. Phone 2 U -y) K . Jackson t , R08EBURG STEAM 0 C. BAKER ... j 0EFICE K3RTH JACKSON ST PHONE 1791 LAUNDRY Proprietor . ty: