OUR KUKXHOWER MiTTKIl. A 5-Mile Fenco Clilckeu Tlileves Two Deaths At Indigent Home Will Klect Freciuct Offkvrs 4 . The Xewa Auureciaird. A 6-mlle rabbit proof feiioe has been contracted to be built around the tract of land owned by the Ed enbower Land Company, and is ex pected to be completed in the early spring. The road meeting resulted In the election of Perdue as road supervis or and the defeat of additional taxes for road purposes. The vote poll ed for Perdue was 24, the unani mous vote of the meeting. There was chicken and other thefts perpetrated at this place Christmas eve. Thirty-four chick ens were taken from Mr. Thacher, and 28 chickens, 18 pounds of fresh meat, and a caBO of canned oysters from the home of Fred Verrell. There is no clue to the thieves, but H is evident that the parties who Sre guilty of the crime were well acomjlutsj with the premises, as they niaaTno bobble In their work and nioved 'about the premises In the dark with the ease and certainty of one fully acquainted thereabouts, and which would have been an im possibility on the part of strangers. W. H. Pankey has secured a fresh stock of old birds, and will engage In turkey and chicken raising an other year. He will occupy a more open range for the second venture, and doubtloBB meet with greater suc cess. John Botcher Is putting In a new stork of goods in anticipation of a brisk trade to open with the com ing New Year. Thomas P. Lee, aged 68 years, died at the indigent home, of pneu nionia on the 26th Inst. He was well ' 'known in Edenbower, where he was universally respected. J. A. McDonald, of Myrtle Creek, was a visitor In Edenbower this week, seeking land to purchase. He is in Roseburg at present, the guest of Mrs. Cazarth and husband, pend ing the recovery of his wife, who is undergoing -medical treatment at Mercy hospital. Edward Fawcett died at the in digent home the 27th Inst., of pneu monia, at the age of 39 years, and was burled at the cem etert set aside for the home on that date. Ho ac H THE ECONOMY MARKET George Koblhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and sold. Phone 58 Look! Look! 0 PER CFO $Z DOZEN $Z About 25 different designs in enrd mounts that we are going to dis continue. Only a few of each k Intl. Tills work lit regular $3.0 to 0.00 ruliiiiets, and they o at $2.00 per dozen as long us tliey List. Our n-putatJon is hack of this. CLARK & CL ARK FOTOGRAFERS As tho New Year draws near and we look back over the pros perous year, wo realize that you, our customers, by your good will and patronage, have made that prosperity possible. We wish to express of this We are constantly tiding to nnd Improving our many lines of' mrrcliandise and striving to make yoi the bent possible prices, and we trust we shall be mutually helpful in the year to come. Wishing you a Happy New Year, wo remain, t. H. RHOADES & CO. 2nd EST Store quired the disease while engaged at work on the railroad some time icn, and got out too soon and suffered a relapse, which proved fatal. There is nothing known of his history. Lane Mnrtuv tat.!,!,.,, ... Myrtle Creek, is home spending the holidays with his relatives. Now that Edenbower is to be a precinct by Itself and primaries will be held next April the question Is being agitated already whom we will nomlnafn nnri 1m., ... n. peace, and constable. E. E. Spelch- er IS 11111)11 nifltlV tnnCIIM fnw o Inn Of the neaiA nllft la a nanahla n. ,. for the position, and for constable. ueorge sprague is mentioned. The pcLiy miBvvi; mai at nines occurs, Dr. H.E. Hermann Eye-Sight Specialist Home Office 217 S. Stephens St. Roseburg Hours 0 A. SI. to 5 P. M. Eery Friday and Suturdur. Roseburg, Oregon our appreciation fact. Oregon Hair Tonic It Grows Hair Accept no Substitute SON I mbmhI For Sale lly FULLERTON-RICHARDSGN Druggists, It. A. Stoivell, Agt. y leads everybody' to seek a remdey against their occurrence, hence it is that the election of precinct officers seems now very vital as a means of protection. The electric company turned on the electricity in John Botcher's store Thursday and the service gives complete satisfaction. The weekly meeting of the ladles' New Idea Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Ttiruell next Thurs day afternoon. All will attend. The News, enntuinlug the decision of the supreme court relative to the building of a spur at Edenbower Thursday was a much-sought-after newspaper, and gave general satisfac tion. The News Is gaining in cir culation very rapidly here and is gen erally regarded as the leading news paper of Douglas county.. JASPER. LOCAL NEWS. Evangelsts Smith and Roper will reach Roseburg about the 25th of January and will begin the religious campaign on Sunday, January 28th In the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Presbyterian, Baptist and South Methodist churches. Evangelist Smith is a very forceful speaker and come to Rose- "burg highly recommended. Let's bear in mind the date. Sunday, Jan uary 28th. Sutherlin Sun: While returning from the smoker given at the home of J. F. Luse Tuesday night, a buggy containing J. C. Freydig and A. P. Slack, went off the road a short dis tance down the hill and tipped over, throwing both gentlemen to the ground. Mr. Slack escaped uninjur ed but Mr. Freydig was badly cut about tile head aud severely bruised. Dr. Denman found It necessary to put in four stitches in order to close a severe cut on the forehead. Oakland Advance: Last Friday afternoon S. P. Shnckleford assaulted Mr. Watson, one of the teachers In the public school, claiming his son Earl was improperly punished by the teacher. The same evening Mr. Shackleford and E. W. Wallace each plead guilty before Justice Dearling and were fined $10 and costs. Mr. Shnckleford filed a counter complaint against Mr. Watson, and Inter with drew the complaint. Monday the di rectors made an Investigation and expelled young Shackleford from school for wilful disobedience and defying the authority of the teacher. This is an unfortunate piece of news. However, It is hoped some other boys will learn a lesson If tempted to wilfully disobey their teacher. GURDOX A. FOHY, Vocul Lessons. Studio 437 N. Rose St. Phone 290-R Rosebure - - - -Ore. DR. FINLAK. ftcntirt. Room E. Bell Sisters Building MRS. CHARLES HEINLINE, Teacher of Piano. Studio, 423 Ella Street. Phone 33-R DR. n. K. HERMANN, Kye Specialist. 217 South Stephens Street, Ropeburg, Oregon. AUTO TRANSFER J. F. CLEMENTS, PnOP. General Transfer Business Prompt attention given to phone orders. Phone 70 or leave your orders at Jos. SykesGun Store Turning dam into doyllgnt Is Mvh nn nM Inwll fncie. but enterprising, get-ahead, people want llrht. as alders In light supply-In light that really lights softly, continuously ngnii we claim to be pre-eminent In that we furnish everything you may require for the electric lighting of your home, store or shop. Ask ns. G. L. Prior Jackson Street, between Wash ington and Douelas "Hoot--Mon" IBS SSlKll:i AIIVKltTISKMKNTS. TO REST Five-room cottage to rent, $11.00 per month, 6 tiers of wood for sale. Inquire No. 102 N. Parrott street. Ptf WAXTKIt. ROOM AND BOARD Good place In private family. Apply 117 S. Flint street. Railroad man preferred. J6 FOR TRADE 3 lots in East Port land to exchange for good work team. For particulars address R, care News, Roseburg, Or. tf ELEGLASSES LOST Pair rimless eyeglasses with short piece of gold . chain attached. Finder please leave at this office and delight aged lady. J 6 WANTftD Salesmen tor excluslvi territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Completi line Yakima Valley grown trull shade and ornamental stock. Cat:, weekly. Outfit free. Toppenisl) Nursery Company, Topenlsh Wash, dswtl FOll REM Fl'RXlSHED ROOMS W 1th or without board. Inquire at 627 Court street, corner Ella. Oif BUNGALOW FOR RENT Now, five rooms, bath, electric lights, mod em. Inquire or uddrcss C. C, care of News. d30 TO RENT 2 modern housekeeping roouiB, hot an dcold water. Apply 126 Kane Btreet or phone 270-R. dtf BUNGALOW FOR KENT Nice, new five-room place with bath, electrio lights, and modern throughout. In quire News office. Ctf rHIS BEATS RENT Two nico lots, few bearing trees, small neat house, everything in nice shaps. only $750. Deal with owner, -bo' cause you cannot beat it. lnquli- News for particulars. tf FOR KAI.K FOR SALE Ouo good wagon with box. Price $20. Inquire Rose burg Flour Mills. dtf FOR SALE A number of thorough bred bronze turkey gobblers for breeding purposes. Inquire of Geo. J. Langenberg, city djliS FOR SALE OR TRADE One O. I. C. brood sow aud pigs. Will ex change for good grade ewes, Cotts wold or Shropshlros preforred. Phono Farmers 195. swtfL FCR SALE One good, heavy road cart nnd a new set of double bug gy harness. E. H. Roseuborry, clty. tf FOR SALR Household furniture of five rooms. Will sell all together or separately. W, W. Wallace, Prospect Btreet, or address box 221. dtf 10 ACHES, $1850 All fenced nnd on public road, close in. . Nice place for gardening and orchard or poultry. Inqrhj at News of fice. . tf FOR SALE 3A Jumbo grub and Btump pullor, with snares nnd 200 feet of cublo. Will exchange for stumps pulled J rrnch. Wm. A. SuBsmllch, Wilbur, Or. dtf FOR SALE One lot close to North Jackson street, 50x140, price $400. For patrlculars and terms Inquire of Mrs. L. W..lngelB, 720 Wliir cheater street. t ANOTHER SNAP Four big lots, best of garden soil, well situated and surely a bnrgaln at $275 for tho four. AddresB J. N., box 55, or Inquire at NewB office. tf FOR SALE New eight-room bunga low on S. JnrkBon street: near high sshool; good view. Call at this offile or address A. Palmer, 615 S. Jackson street. Prlco $2. 100. dtf FOR SALE Shetmnrt pony, broke to drive or ;lde, fuuey drlvor aud gentle. Also pony rubber tired buggy with top and harness. Ad dress Pony, care of News, Rose burg, or ca'l at office. dawtf FOR SALE One stool range cook stove and hot water tank, almost new, for less than half price. Other furniture and some dry onk wood, cheap. Call at 402, Fullertnn i street. d30 : FARM OR CITY PROPERTY Very desirable imnll furm with i fine Improvements and close 11 will exchange for desirable ti wn real cstuto, or accept city property as port payment. Address V. J., or call at NewB office. tf FOR SALE 247 acres, 1 3-4 miles from Riddle, 100 acrea under plow, more available. Orchard, tinnan. hnrn. Pi Icq $50 ner ncre ! as a whole, or will divide to suit : purchiHer at right prices. Ad- i i dress H. J. Wilson, Riddle, Or. J FOR SALE House and lot on Mill street. 10 rooms, Including all the furniture. Good location. Price $1,500. Now bringing good rent. Address Mrs. K. A. Sbuey, Wilbur, Oregon, or call at this of fice. dswjlO FOR SALE 147"acres on"the South Umpqua river, 3 miles from Rid dle, 80 acres good plow land, half of which la river bottom, fair house, good barn. Price $7,000. balf cash, balance In 3 years, 7 per cent. Inquire H. J. Wilson, Riddle. Ore. 11 ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six-; room house, barn, chicken house, . yards, etc., all fenced and In first class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News. tr : PIXB HOME bITE FOR 8 ALE 6 lota on hill slope, best of deep , soli, nice lot of 3-year-old choice varieties of fruit trees, small fruit. ; eto., all fenced, at lens than other : ask for unimproved property. 0-; quire News. TTJhtTVon 10 acresoho mile. from center of city. . Good Im provements, nearly all cultivated, nice garden soil. Address II. P. Hansen, Roseburg, Or., or Inquire News office. 115 M075 FOR HOME This Is one rare bargain. 2 big lots, small comfor table house, poultry yards, bearing fruit, sewer assessment paid, ir, choice residence district, close In Varant lots adjoining held at $0b each. Owner leivlng city, and fot quick sale offirs It low. Worth $1,600. Inquire News office. tf FoiTHALE-OlOiXCilANOE Five lots In North Roseburg, west of 1st street, 3-room house, good chicken bouse, all lots fenced. Good strawberry patch set out. Price $1,200, or will trade as part payment on closo In city property. FOll SALE -Driving and riding pony gentle for children rig aud harness, all for $90. Inquire or address E. Jenny, f deubewer. FOR "SALE In loYaT6BUlL 100 Btock sheep and 150 itigh grade Nnnnlo goats. AJdress J. H. Huw ley Divide Ore. w 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE One large span of mules, seven years old, weight 2.650 pounds, sound and free of blemishes. .Vill trade fur span of good mares. Address The Evening News or A Henderson, Glendale. tf COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE Close In, about six aires, plastered house of 8 rooms, barns, water for irrigating piped over place, and everything iu first-class condition, a bonauia for market gardening. Nice lot of bearing trees aud a home that you will be proud of and an iucoine maker. For par ticulars Inquire at Nows office. tf FARM FOR $1,250--160 acres, ten miles from citv. on county road, houso, barn, and wen, partly tenc ed, aud n desirable place for Bhoep, goats nnd poultry. Excel lent for turkey raising. Good roads. Wlthlu 2 miles of school, store nnd church. Plenty of tim ber. Get busy If you want thlf place. Address W. R., care Newt STOCK RANCH FOll SALE Ono ol the money makersabout 1.800 acres, watered by creeks and springs, lots of fine Innd, plenty ol tlmhor, good comfortable houso barnB, plenty'-of hay laud, on county roud, and a placo that will bring returns. Only $7 all ncre Address' box 55 or Inquire Ncwf offlco for particulars. tf FOll SALE 80 acres rich soil, about one-hnlf In cultivation. Ten acres In young orchard, apples, pears, cherries, peachca and .walnuts. Enough wood and pasture for do mestic uso. Good corn land: front tug on river nnd Pacific highway, 3 miles to center of city, 1 mile to It. H stnllnn, within 1 mllo to new town nlto. Prlco $80 per ucro. Apply at News office. J1 ANOTHER big car of that good, screened Rock Springs Coal free from slate, slack and dirt. Whon desired, delivery will be mndo In bags, and boards furnished to pro tect lawns nnd walks. Wo nlBo sell DRY OAK Fill WOOD KIXDLIXO as well as a full Btock of HAY CHAIN FKHI Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co Winchester and Jackson Street. . Phone 163. 24 Patterns of Picture Mould ing Reduced OneTliird A chance to get your Xmas picture framed cheaply & well. Ready made frames on hand. Tu '1m4 out 21 pnltcriiH ttt ptrlliro mmiliHnK He Iiiivm riMlm-cri tin'in In tin trfr HotiM' of tnw )a( IcriiH nm '-xiTlIcfit, un kmmI nn any In stork. havi- I.Vt oilier moulrihiK in I In liit t iiil (I'm iiml im'o .(huh, Our prlrit Jin most rviiMiimhlr. I nil no your f 'hrMmnn pfl'tlili'H IIOlV. llllVI 1'H44 to do nt lliin tfini of ynr tluin ny oIImt. Mutt J uhy i- mil do It i'Innijht. Wr tiumlli hIuhh of nil hinds nnd Hk to . ht rent P-m limn rity prtfi-t. 8.1 The Furniture Man KOH SALE A homestead relin quishment. Address P. O. box G6. Hoseburtf, Ore. dswtf To Qur Friends And Wo thank you for your many fav ors and nut ron age during the past year, and hope to merit a larger share of your business during the year to come; during which time we Bhill strive mure than ever to raise the Htundard of our goods aud uer vlco. We will give you the highest QUALITY aud the HEST SBUV1CK at tho lowest PRICK consistent with a small NlflT PROFIT for ouraelvea. While we must of necessity work for and gut a small net return on the money our stockholders havo in vested, our greatest object and ex cuse for existence ns an Institution is to keep the cost of living as low as tho conditions we live under will permit, ami to gain and hold the.con fldjMice of tho entire people for SQUARE AND HONEST dealing in every respect. During 1912 'we will continue our policy of 1011 of KNTIHB SATIS FACTION TO OUR CUSTOiMERS OK MONEY. RETURNED, Wo extend to ench of you our slncero wish for a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Roseburg Rochdale Co, We would like to serve you and will do it well Klectrlc Rail Iron, host made. Ktct'trlc Warming Pju1h,'101 miles ahead of a water bottle, Klectrlc Hot Plates. Got coffco iniulo nnd eggs cooked quickly. Klectrlc Stoves, good 'for any cooking. Klectrlc Toaster, makos finest you over ate. Klectiit; Water Hcatem, warms baby's milk at any time. Klcrlrlc curling Irons, no smoke or soot. Klectrlc ('hailing IHnIich, yum, yum. KltM'trie Portables, for reading tables. Klectrlc Percolators, solid pleasure. Any Toaxtor Imught bctwH'ii now nnd Ofirlstmna for cash will entitle you to u credit memoranda good for 1.00 In trade lit any time, CHURCHILL" WARNER CO. ('ft It now, so she can nuiko up (Iiono Christmas prcHCitts easier. ' Phone 245. Commercial Abstracts of 1 itle Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished K2H IS'nrlli Jarkaon t. ROSttllUnO, OHEGON DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best ButtermaRer in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE in larye or small quantities. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone 340. D. H. MARSTERS' Plumbing, Sheet and North JacKson Street, Worbs. WorH Done on Short Noticp ROSEBURG, ORE. i A A. A AAA 4A AAA Sealshipt Oysters llnnillcil In Mint HnuUnry Munnrr, mill OunriinKTd Alnnlntol)' l-'ree J-'nnn Irprrntlvr, $1.00 Quart 50c I'inr 25c Half Pint Cass Street Market FOR SALE Thre beautiful Black Minorca cock re Is. inquire Wood. News office. AU work flnt-cla-s ' Abstract Co We make i ice cream PLUMBING SHOP, i Metal WorK, Tinning Heating adjoining Peoples Marb Telephone 251. AAAAMAAMAAAAAAAAAa jj a Iki Solid Measure No Water I t s I t Address R. Care News. dtf