THE EVENING NEWS BYB.W. HATKrt. MHVBU IMltV KXCKI'T SUNDAY. Hubscriptlou Hutes Dully. Per year, by mall 13.00 Per month, delivered ............ .60 HiVnil-Wcekiy. fer year $2.00 Bit months 1-00 fcJntort;d secund-cluBtt matter November 6, 1010, at ttoaeburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. HAYriUAVrDI' TWO VAVKKH AND PLANT SOU). LOCAIj NEWS. With this ittsuo of The Pally News and Umpqua Valley Newa the preudnt owner and editor severs his connec tion with the two papers, the entire jilimt having been purchased by Mr. Carl D. Shoemaker, of Columbus. Ohio, who tukcH completo control of the businoBB on January 1, 1912. In Introducing tho now editor to the many friend uud patrons of thin paper and its thousand of readers wo wish to unsure thein there will be no material change In the policy of The Newa a impor for the people first, Just and all the time. Mr. Shoemaker takes tho reins without a single handicap uud will be free to express his views when the oc casion demands for Lho greatest good to the groat oh t number. His (tuuliflcatlons for tho duties before him are unsurptimted and ho will not be found neglectful In giving to the people of Kosehurg and Douglas county a paper they will tuko more than the ordinary pride In support ing. We bespeak for him the volume of patronage that has been a con spicuous feature in making tho two editions Issued from The News of fice such a pronounced success from every standpoint and recognized by all as tite leading publications of the county. in taking over tho business the now proprietor makes no change in tho- present efficient corps of em ployes now with Tho News, each and every one being retained at his or her regular post of duty. Tho retiring management wishes at this tlmo to thank his many staunch friends and supporters for thoir good will, loyalty and patron age during his six years In the news paper hnslnesB In this city. To them Is due much credit for the success of The Nows. Whether or not our ef forts in conducting tho two papers havo met with general approval it Is not for us to say, the public may he tho Judge. From a financial n( mid point, however, tho present editor hus no complaint to make and re tires from one of tho best paying newspaper plants in tho state. Though we regret to leave tho news paper field u continuous service of twenty-live years In tho harness In quite sufficient for lho ordinary per son and In disposing of tho two news papers we fool wo havo placod them lit the keeping of saTo hands. Some enemies have lieen made, but the numbor of closo and substantial "friends fur outnumber them. Mis takes, in some Instances, havo been recorded, but all In all it has been our aim to "deliver the goods" uud In a great many Instances wo have "cut the mustard." To our rrlomls and enemies alike wo make our final how and retire, for the present, from uetlvo news paper work. Douglas county strawberries were nerved- at one of Koseburg's lead ing hotels for breakfast today, De cember 30. 1911. Hervlng this lus ,Iouh fruit In niid-wlnhT u featuro that, cannot bo surpassed byj any other section of the state.' Douglas county against the world for climate uud cream, too. Andy Bestut returned here this morning after a few days spent at Portluud visiting with friends. J. ti, Kurtz and wife left for Salem this morning where they will spend a few days visiting with friends. Isadora Rice returned to his home at Isadora this morning after a few days spent in Rose burg attending to business mutton. At tho regular meeting of Rising Star Lodge, held last evening J. A. JJuchauan was elected trustee for a term of three years. Mrs. A, T, Thompson left for Port land last evening where she will spend New Years visiting with friends uud relatives. W, iH. Cooper returned to his home at Cottage Grovo this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg attending to business matters, Harry Phillips left for points In the northern part of the state this morning ufter a few days sjKjnt in Roseburg visiting with his parents. Mrs. Camp, of Ashland, arrived in Roseburg last evening to spend a few days visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Willlum Hu lurid Kay Manvllle left for his home at 10 u go no this morning after a few days spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of Master Rertrum Rates. Davo Hunter uud wife, who roslde on Deor Creek, returned here last evening after a few days spent at Corvullis where thew visited with their children. Al Veatch, a local Southern Pa cific conductor, und daughter return ed hero last night after a few days spent at Bun Francisco and other California cities. C. C. Weaver, a local Southern Pacific wiper, left for Portland last night where ho will spend a few days attending to business mutters and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Portland, arrived In Uoseburg this morning to spend New Years visiting nt tho home of tho hitter s parents, Mr. und Mrs. Spolchor, in Edenbowor, Mrs, O, A. Housor and children left for Riddlo this morning where they will join thoir husband and father who recently purchased a blacksmith shop ut that city. Mr. nud Mrs. Frank Hadley left for their home at lialsey this morn ing after a few days spent In Rose burg visiting at the home of the hit ler's sister, Mrs. Charles Roberts. j R. H. Paxson, of Central Point,1 Is upending a few days In Roseburg In uttendunco at tho local poultry show. Mr. Paxson Is a well known hlcken fancier and has some prize birds on exhibit. Zopher Agee left for Oakland this morning where ho spent the day looking after business matters. Me will return to Wilbur this evening where he will spend New Years vis iting with relatives. SKNATOK GAYIOIl ( AT THE PAIiACE. ! Win field R. Gaylor, a noted ! lecturer, and also state senator from Wisconsin, will speak at the Palace theatre Tuesday, January 2, at 8 p m. Ills sub ject will be "Socialism and the Political Issues." This Is a trout that should not be missed. Admission 2G cents. Do not forget the date, (130 ford later on, giving his name as E. R. Mitchell, and advices from the Cottage Grove bunk, on which he drew checks state that he only had 5 cents left to his credit there. The officers are still searching for the rascal. County Commissioner M. R. Ryan, of Drain, spent the day In Roseburg attending to various business mat ters and visiting with friends. "Roseburg certainly has an Ideal climate," .said O. F. Metzger, of Cleveland, Ohio, this morning. Mr. Metzger arrived here a few days ago from the Eastern city and has since spent considerable time In looking over the country this vicinity. Other than praising the climate the gentleman also has considerable to say regarding the hospitality display ed in this locality. "Your people are a big-hearted class," said Mr. Metzger, "and the stranger Is ut all times made to feel at home." Mr. Metzger leaves for Cleveland to morrow where ho will spend a few days arranging business matters so as to return to Roseburg. He will be accompanied here by his wife. Buy Apple Pear Cherry Peach Prune Trees Where you can see what you get and get what you want. Make your own selection from the immense stock in my saies yard. Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament als, Rose Bushes and Berry Plants A L. KITCHIN, NURSERYMAN Roseburg Oregon Tho Dally and Twico-a-Week News wishes its many readers n happy, prosperous and Joyfur New Year. R. J. Patterson, of Goiiugur Luke, Ohio, arrived In Roseburg a few dayB ago und hus since been look ing over tho country. Mi Putter son Is pleased with Roseburg mid Douglas county, nnd It tuny ho pos sible thnt he will decide to locate here perm ii n n 1 1 y . Hiilhorliu Sun: Attorney Curl K. Wlinborly, city recorder of Roseburg, nnd Attorney 11. L, Kddy, of tho luw firm of llrown & Kddy, of Roseburg, spent Wednesday in Sulherlln ns at torneys In un action brought by The Suthei'lln Hardware Co., against .1. (0. l-'rost, M r. Kddy appearing for (ho defendant and Mr. Wlmberly for the plaintiff. The case was heard before City Recorder Will ,1. liayuer and a Jury, and resulted In a verdict for tho plaintiff. Gtomlnlo News: A smooth forger visited (lleiulalo last week, and took advantage of the Christmas holiday closing of the hunk to pass some bogus paper. He Is said to have forged the name of one of our prom inent citizens to a check, and ho also bought some gooilH of one of our merchants giving his personal check on the Cottage (Jrovo hank, signing his name as Logan, and It was later found that he had no money In this hunk. The same follow worked Med- NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK via the l's'uNsrr I lObDf H A 5KAS1A I AND Pacific R. R. & Navigation Co. I.v. I'V. Ar. Ar. Ar. I.v. I.v. lv. Ar. Ar. rnrlltmil 7:1!0 Hill-lion. S:BO lloiiih I'olnls 1 :20 I'M t'lly 2:01 Tltiiilnot I 2: Tillamook 7:55 Il iy t Ity H: 1.1 lU-n- Ii I'olnm "MM IIIIMiorn I :25 I'tirlliinil . .'. 1 : 10 Tlirnuuli ttrkeln mi stili ut miv (ltket iiMIi-c. to nil iMiiiits on t l(. .v .. I'lirthiT imrfli-m.-irN ni'itri'Mt H. 1'. Iliket nueiit or M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. I 1". Olll JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon You will always have good healthful bread, pie and cake, if you'use White River Flour It is Not Bleached Bleached flour is injurious to nealth. Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter Ms. A. C. Kidd & Son Agents iirrr. Delicacies Store WAS. tf.i. COffIN, MISS ALICE WIISON, Prop, PARTICULAR people will find this establishment all that can be desired. The beat of everything eatable, always fiesh and good, for sale. 315 Cass Street New Year Bargains At The Red Ribbon Grocery Hrfurv liliyhiK your New Yours Cnnillra and Nuts wo nsk you to coino In irul I 'tuin Willi us. Wo know our prices will plciiso you nnd tho liinlity wo miorsnitce. All klmls o f Ciiiulliw, Nuts, Diitcs, nnd l'i(s nt IH'Icts iK'vtr lirfora given you III 11 nseburg, Follow lug is a prico list good for 'Mi days only: North Side Plaining Mill luMt Vorth f lilniitx Spur, North Orders for nil kinds 01 Building M Me rial promptly Killed at Reasonable Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty Krult limes In An Quantity. OAN'NKO GOODS Jl'ST ARK1VK1) ICXTItA STANDAUDS. llhio UHiuou Tonuitnes 10c llluo 11 blion Corn ) llluo Itltilmn lleuns Hc llluo million Pons 12!4c Imported Sardines Homes le Surdlnrs for ir Ono llnttlo of Ammonia T6c One llottlo of Dittoing THc Yellow linn Milk !t for iiflc Qmikor Ouls, Silt pkg. for S.V Koreo. wlille they Inst 2 for Bile l.Miby Pure Milk !"- Rmnll slio Be Onrnntlon, luro He Cnrnntlun, Binull c Try our Ynkima Flour. Kvery mok Kimrniitivd to you tlio best hard wheat flour you run liuy 111 Oregon. Strietly linrd wheat. Per sack, for SO days only Jl.flO lied mhbon Flour, per nnck....Vl.nii Ollt KiIko hard wheat 1.40 I'erfeelUm. soft wheat tl.Wl Corn Meal, while nnd yellow !.V Honilnv, per sack JOc Imperial Q. Lats. 1 . Ih saek 4.V !lnlk Crenm Oats, per pound 0c Wheat Flake, por pound 7c AVo imvo some line linrnnlns In fututv Tea; nil KuarantiHHl under the pure fmid law Jut cnm-tetl. fOrTKKS AND TKAS. Dur Country Club, per lb 2.V 1. K. 1'rlniroso 8.V Kuby Caraeol CofftM) Iioe i lbs Steel Cut Vacuum Pack I'lenso All Coffee ft. 00 Che only House In Itosehuric sell iiK you !l iHinmls StiHl Cut Vacu urn Packed Coffee for fl.OO. SpiH'Inl dun Powder Tea, per lb 40c Kxtra Fired, por lb - 4.V 1'ncolored jApsn, wr lb 4.V Spider l.oR, per lb 4.V Family Olonis. fency, pr lb BOc Kxtra Fancy, hand picked Eugltsh Urenkfast, ier lb (lOc AKMOVH FANCY l.ASTERN S1EATS Picnic Mams, por lb lfic Fancy Shield Hams, per lb aoc Fancy Breakfast llacon .... 22Hc Armour Fancy llacon, backs, ii). 10c Armour Fancy Suit Pork 17c Armour Compound Lard, 10 lb I'"'1 S1.3T. Ami ninny other articles all cut down to you for rush. Save all cou pons Kiven with cnsli orders, and trot yourself n lienutlful set of China dlshe,, 41 pleies In sets. All Kiiar nnleed enamel w: re tvcu.awny free by trading with us. 101b box Oloss Slarch 43c Pure Castile Soap, per lb aoc I.argo pks. Gold Dust '.'.'.'Mr 30 bars (f Arrr;jr Soap ...$l.oo 28 bars Hammer Soap $1.00 21 bars of any kind of white '"-l - SI.00 4 dot. Clothes Pins f r lOc .1 No. 2 Lamp Chimneys 2,-o 2 No. 1 Lamp Chlmuov .. 15c 4 dm. Wire Clothes Pins 2.V 7 pks. Hard Wood Toothpicks 83c APPLES. We have bought 000 bushels of Fancy (inno Apples. Every apple Ituarantec to you nt 91.10 and lOc Mr box. Krlnkle Corn Flnkea .... 8 for 2.V Violet Oats a for 2.V- Quaker Corn Flukes 10c KelloR Corn Fl.ikes 10c Corn Slarch 3 for -J.V Arm nnd Hammer Soda 3 for 2.V 25 iw. K. c. Daklust Powder 20e 1(! o. ;ev, '..ind llaklne; Powder 4.V 16 o. ShiU'iix Unklnn Powder 4.V Royal r.-.Iau;; Powder 4,v SO oi. K. C. HaklnK Powder 7.V 50 oi. K. C. Baking Powder 4.Tc Try us once and be convinced that wo ate selling you groceries for cash cheaper tlwtn any ottuv house In the city. Yours for further business. Stubbs & Ward Successors to R. Stubbs. 1 Wo Wish i'ou Prosperity and Happiness. ,Y&-2W' SIM; ? c .-Ml Churchill Hardware Company Store With tho Ladles Rest Room, IRONMONGERS LOCAL NEWS. Edward Singleton bpent the after noon at Sutherlin where he served a number of civil. papers. A. U. Cote, O. V. Hall and R. E. George, all residents of Wilbur, spent the day in Roseburg attend ing to business matters and visiting with friends. Henry Richardson and wife re turned here this morning after two weeks spent nt Portland and other northern cities. Mr. Richardson nays the fixtures for the new Fuller ton & Richardson store. In the Per kins building, are nearly completed, nnd will arrive here In a few days. The firm will move Into their new quarters as soon as the fixtures can be installed. The colored "Jubilee Singers" held forth at the Palace theatre last evening under the auspices of the Roseburg Ministerial Association. The concert was one of the best ever given in this city, and the Be vera 1 numbers wore liberally applauded. The attendance was large, and ail speak In high praise of the produc tion. H. M. Haskell and wife, who have resided in Edenbower for the past two years, leave for their former home In Maine tomorrow evening where they will remain permanently. i Cabinet Photos We have a few dozen Cabinet Mounts left from our Christmas work which we will close out at only $2.75 per dozen. HILL'S STUDIO Corner Idtno nnd Pine. Roseburg, Oregon. MENDOTA COAL No Soot, Llttlo Ash $9 Per Ton Immetllnto Delivery Anywhere. S&. WOOD ROSEBURG FLOUR MILLS Phone 56 BiuMTrade fBmlders f. X.A The Real Magnet tlMt tltnws contracts from builders and carpenter Into our office Is that j hih flits quality of the Lumber we! in II. It in always up to grade, and Klve (he best satisfaction to all pur-' chasers. We have a full assortment I of building material at reasonable j prices, i roar wood Page Id vestment Co. Phone 24 n,)9 N. Jackson1 Next Door to P. O. Rear R.JL. Stephens Shoe Store Price List PROGRESS SHOE SHOP Price List Men's Hnlf Soles $ .75 Men's Heels 35 Men s Full Soles and Heels 1.25 Boys' Half Solos 50 & .05 Boys' Heels 25 Ladles' Half Soles 50 Ladles' Heels 20 Rubber Heels 50 Heel Braces 15 Heel Plates 10 Nails ,20 Shoes made to order All work and material guaranteed to be first class. ) Marsters Drug Co. ialmmi-UKATEU PHJSCHU'l'ION SPECIALISTS Howard's Shoe Hospital " 'M II II llll J. I2J CASS STREET, NEXT 0001 TO IICS RICE SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT LADIES AND GENTLEMENS SHOES SH1NED Every piece of work that leaves our shop is guaranteed in every particular. If you want first-class workmanship and quick service, leave vour orders here.